private bool SearchForPropRoot() { // search all PropRoot scripts and put in to array PropRoot[] _propRoots = GetComponentsInChildren <PropRoot>(); if (_propRoots != null) { foreach (var item in _propRoots) { // search array for right hand prop and left hand prop if ( == "LeftHandSlot") { leftHandPropRoot = item; } else if ( == "RightHandSlot") { rightHandPropRoot = item; } else { Debug.LogError("There is no correct named slot, please check proproot obj's name"); } } return(true); } else { // if there are no proproot scrip to put weapon then get error Debug.LogError("There is no proproot in this obj or child objs"); } return(false); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { GUI.changed = false; if (!Application.isPlaying) { GUI.color = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin? pro: free; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); replace = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Replace Character Model", replace, typeof(GameObject), true); if (replace != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("Replace")) { PropRoot propRoot = script.propRoot; Vector3 localPosition = propRoot.transform.localPosition; Quaternion localRotation = propRoot.transform.localRotation; propRoot.transform.parent = null; CharacterPuppetInspector.ReplacePuppetModel(script as CharacterThirdPerson, replace); Animator animator = script.characterAnimation.GetComponent <Animator>(); PuppetMaster puppetMaster = script.transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <PuppetMaster>(); propRoot.transform.parent = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightHand); propRoot.transform.localPosition = localPosition; propRoot.transform.localRotation = localRotation; propRoot.puppetMaster = puppetMaster; propRoot.connectTo = GetRigidbody(puppetMaster, animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm)); Debug.Log("You probably need to adjust the localPosition and localRotation of the Prop Root to match this character's hand."); UserControlAI[] userControls = (UserControlAI[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <UserControlAI>(); foreach (UserControlAI ai in userControls) { if (ai.moveTarget == null) { ai.moveTarget = script.transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <PuppetMaster>().muscles[0].joint.transform; } } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.color = Color.white; } DrawDefaultInspector(); if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(script); } }
protected override void OnPickUp(PropRoot propRoot) { // Called when the prop has been picked up and connected to a PropRoot. capsuleCollider.radius = defaultColliderRadius; r.mass = defaultMass; capsuleCollider.enabled = true; boxCollider.enabled = false; StopAllCoroutines(); }
private bool CheckPropEmptyAndWeapon(PropRoot _pr) { if (_pr == null) { return(false); } Prop _p = _pr.currentProp; if (_p != null && _p.gameObject.tag == "Weapon") { // enable the script BS_animeEvent.enabled = true; // put weapon slot 1 for right hand manager BS_animeEvent.Weapon1MarkerManger = rightHandPropRoot.currentProp.GetComponentInChildren <BS_Marker_Manager>(); // set right hand weapon as default weapon BS_animeEvent.MarkerManager = BS_animeEvent.Weapon1MarkerManger; return(true); } return(false); }
private void DropItem() { PropRoot _dorpProp = new PropRoot(); // By setting the prop root's currentProp to null, the prop connected to it will be dropped. if (rightHandPropRoot != null) // if right hand has occupied then drop right hand first { _dorpProp = rightHandPropRoot; } else if (leftHandPropRoot != null) // if right hand is empty but left hand has occupied then dorp left hand obj { _dorpProp = leftHandPropRoot; } if (_dorpProp.currentProp != null) { // turn on tigger collider _dorpProp.currentProp.gameObject.GetComponent<SphereCollider>().enabled = true; _dorpProp.currentProp.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<BS_Marker_Manager>()._markersAreEnabled = true; // drop item on hand _dorpProp.currentProp = null; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { propLeft = GetComponent <Player_Attack_Behavior>().PropRootLeft; propRight = GetComponent <Player_Attack_Behavior>().PropRootRight; }