public void SetPromotionalSale()
			SetPromotionalSaleCall api = new SetPromotionalSaleCall(this.apiContext);
			api.Site = SiteCodeType.US;
			PromotionalSaleType promoSaleType = new PromotionalSaleType();
			promoSaleType.DiscountType = DiscountCodeType.Price;
			promoSaleType.DiscountValue = 123.45;
			promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleStartTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3);
			promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleEndTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
			promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleID = 1234567890;
			promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleName = "Promo Sale";
				PromotionalSaleStatusCodeType resp = api.SetPromotionalSale(ModifyActionCodeType.Add, promoSaleType);
				Console.WriteLine("T_360_SetPromotionalSaleLibrary: " + resp.ToString());
			catch(ApiException apie) 
				Console.WriteLine("ApiException: " + apie.Message);
			catch(SdkException sdke) 
				Assert.Fail("SdkException: " + sdke.Message);
        public void SetPromotionalSale()
            SetPromotionalSaleCall api = new SetPromotionalSaleCall(this.apiContext);

            api.Site = SiteCodeType.US;
            PromotionalSaleType promoSaleType = new PromotionalSaleType();

            promoSaleType.DiscountType             = DiscountCodeType.Price;
            promoSaleType.DiscountValue            = 123.45;
            promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleStartTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3);
            promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleEndTime   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
            promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleID        = 1234567890;
            promoSaleType.PromotionalSaleName      = "Promo Sale";
                PromotionalSaleStatusCodeType resp = api.SetPromotionalSale(ModifyActionCodeType.Add, promoSaleType);
                Console.WriteLine("T_360_SetPromotionalSaleLibrary: " + resp.ToString());
            catch (ApiException apie)
                Console.WriteLine("ApiException: " + apie.Message);
            catch (SdkException sdke)
                Assert.Fail("SdkException: " + sdke.Message);
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates or modifies a promotional sale. Promotional sales enable sellers
		/// to apply discounts and/or free shipping across many listings.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Action">
		/// The seller must include this field and set it to 'Add' to create a new 
		/// promotional sale, or set it to 'Update' to modify an existing promotional sale, 
		/// or set it to 'Delete' to delete a promotional sale.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="PromotionalSaleDetails">
		/// This container must be included in each <b>SetPromotionalSale</b> call. 
		/// The fields of this container that will be used will depend on whether the seller is 
		/// adding a new promotional sale, updating an existing promotional sale, or deleting an 
		/// existing promotional sale.
		/// </param>
		public PromotionalSaleStatusCodeType SetPromotionalSale(ModifyActionCodeType Action, PromotionalSaleType PromotionalSaleDetails)
			this.Action = Action;
			this.PromotionalSaleDetails = PromotionalSaleDetails;

			return ApiResponse.Status;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or modifies a promotional sale. Promotional sales enable sellers
        /// to apply discounts and/or free shipping across many listings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Action">
        /// The seller must include this field and set it to 'Add' to create a new
        /// promotional sale, or set it to 'Update' to modify an existing promotional sale,
        /// or set it to 'Delete' to delete a promotional sale.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="PromotionalSaleDetails">
        /// This container must be included in each <b>SetPromotionalSale</b> call.
        /// The fields of this container that will be used will depend on whether the seller is
        /// adding a new promotional sale, updating an existing promotional sale, or deleting an
        /// existing promotional sale.
        /// </param>
        public PromotionalSaleStatusCodeType SetPromotionalSale(ModifyActionCodeType Action, PromotionalSaleType PromotionalSaleDetails)
            this.Action = Action;
            this.PromotionalSaleDetails = PromotionalSaleDetails;
