public IActionResult PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response; using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConString)) using (var com = new SqlCommand()) { com.Connection = con; con.Open(); var tran = con.BeginTransaction(); com.Transaction = tran; try { com.CommandText = "exec PromoteStudents @studies, @semester "; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("studies", request.Studies); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("semester", request.Semester); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); response = new PromoteStudentResponse() { Name = request.Studies, Semester = request.Semester + 1 }; return(Ok(response)); }catch (SqlException exc) { return(BadRequest("nie dziala")); } } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { var study = _context.Studies.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == request.Name); if (study == null) { throw new Exception("There is no such study"); } var idStudy = _context.Studies.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == request.Name).IdStudy; var enrollment = _context.Enrollment.FirstOrDefault(en => en.Semester == request.Semester && en.IdStudy == idStudy); if (enrollment == null) { throw new Exception("there are no students to promote"); } var res = _context.Enrollment.Where(enr => enr.Semester == request.Semester).ToList(); res.ForEach(e => { e.Semester = request.Semester + 1; }); var response = new PromoteStudentResponse() { Semester = request.Semester + 1, Name = request.Name }; _context.SaveChanges(); return(response); }
public IActionResult PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentResponse response) { PromoteStudentResponse result = new PromoteStudentResponse(); using (var con = new SqlConnection("[Data Source=db-mssql;Initial Catalog=s19183;Integrated Security=True]")) { using (var com = new SqlCommand()) { com.Connection = con; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semester", response.Semester); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Studies", response.Studies); com.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Enrollment e JOIN Studies s ON e.IdStudy=s.IdStudy WHERE e.Semester = @Semester AND s.Name=@Studies; "; con.Open(); var transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); com.Transaction = transaction; var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); com.CommandText = "MyProcedure"; com.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.ExecuteNonQuery(); result.Studies = response.Studies; result.Semester = response.Semester + 1; return(Ok(result)); } else { return(BadRequest("Error")); } } } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = null; using (var con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=db-mssql;Initial Catalog=s18963;Integrated Security=True")) { using (SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand()) { com.Connection = con; con.Open(); com.CommandText = "PromoteStudent"; com.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", request.Name); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semester", request.Semester); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); request.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); request.Semester = (int)dr["Semester"]; dr = com.ExecuteReader(); dr.Read(); response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); response.Name = dr["Name"].ToString(); response.Semester = (int)dr["Semester"]; dr.Close(); } } return(response); } }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { _service.PromoteStudents(request); var response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); return(Ok(response)); }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest preq) { PromoteStudentResponse pres = new PromoteStudentResponse(); pres = _dbService.PromoteStudent(preq); return(Created("promote", pres)); }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentRequest request) { var enroll = db.Studies.Join(db.Enrollment, s => s.IdStudy, en => en.IdStudy, (s, e) => new { e, s.Name, s.IdStudy }) .Where(t => t.Name == request.Studies && t.e.Semester == request.Semester).First(); if (enroll != null) { var tmp = db.Enrollment.Where(e => e.IdStudy == enroll.IdStudy && e.Semester == enroll.e.Semester); foreach (var t in tmp) { t.Semester = t.Semester + 1; } db.SaveChanges(); PromoteStudentResponse response = new PromoteStudentResponse { IdEnrollment = enroll.e.IdEnrollment, Semester = enroll.e.Semester, Study = enroll.Name, StartDate = enroll.e.StartDate }; return(response); } else { return(null); } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); List <Student> stud = new List <Student>(); var studies = _dbContext.Studies .Where(s => s.Name.Equals(request.Studies)) .Single(); var OldEnrollment = _dbContext.Enrollment .Where(e => e.IdStudy == studies.IdStudy && e.Semester == request.Semester) .Single(); var enrollment = _dbContext.Enrollment .Where(e => e.IdStudy == studies.IdStudy && e.Semester == request.Semester + 1) .SingleOrDefault(); int idEnrollment; if (enrollment == null) { idEnrollment = _dbContext.Enrollment.Count() + 1; var e = new Enrollment { IdEnrollment = idEnrollment, Semester = request.Semester + 1, IdStudy = studies.IdStudy, StartDate = DateTime.Now }; _dbContext.Enrollment.Add(e); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); } else { idEnrollment = enrollment.IdEnrollment; } var students = _dbContext.Student .Where(s => s.IdEnrollment == OldEnrollment.IdEnrollment) .ToList(); foreach (Student s in students) { s.IdEnrollment = idEnrollment; _dbContext.SaveChanges(); var s1 = new Student { IndexNumber = s.IndexNumber, FirstName = s.FirstName, LastName = s.LastName, BirthDate = s.BirthDate, IdEnrollment = idEnrollment, }; stud.Add(s1); } response.students = stud; return(response); }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); using (SqlConnection connectionSql = new SqlConnection(ConString)) using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("PromoteStudents", connectionSql)) { sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Studies", request.Studies); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@semester", request.Semester); connectionSql.Open(); sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); connectionSql.Close(); response.dtoResponse = "Done"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.Connection = connectionSql; connectionSql.Open(); int newSemester = request.Semester + 1; command.CommandText = "SELECT IdStudy FROM Studies where Name=@name"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", request.Studies); var idStudies = command.ExecuteReader(); if (!idStudies.Read()) { response.dtoResponse = "Podanych studia nie istnieją"; return(response); } int idstudies = (int)idStudies["IdStudy"]; idStudies.Close(); Enrollment enrollment = new Enrollment(); command.CommandText = "SELECT idEnrollment,idStudy,Semester,StartDate FROM Enrollment WHERE idStudy=@idStudy AND Semester=@Semester"; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idStudy", idstudies); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semester", newSemester); var newEnrollSemester = command.ExecuteReader(); if (newEnrollSemester.Read()) { enrollment.IdEnrollment = (int)newEnrollSemester["IdEnrollment"]; enrollment.IdStudy = (int)newEnrollSemester["IdStudy"]; enrollment.Semester = (int)newEnrollSemester["Semester"]; enrollment.StartDate = (String)newEnrollSemester["StartDate"]; } newEnrollSemester.Close(); response.enrollment = enrollment; return(response); } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentRequest promotion) { using (var connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=db-mssql;Initial Catalog=s18589;Integrated Security=true")) using (var command = new SqlCommand()) { connection.Open(); command.Connection = connection; var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); command.Transaction = transaction; Console.WriteLine(promotion.Studies); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", promotion.Studies); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("semester", promotion.Semester); command.CommandText = "select * from enrollment inner join studies on enrollment.idstudy = studies.idstudy where = @name and enrollment.semester = @semester"; var dr = command.ExecuteReader(); command.Parameters.Clear(); if (!dr.HasRows) { dr.Close(); transaction.Rollback(); throw new Exception("query failed"); } dr.Close(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", promotion.Studies); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("semester", promotion.Semester); command.CommandText = "exec promotion @name,@semester"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "select * from enrollment inner join studies on enrollment.idstudy = studies.idstudy where = @name and enrollment.semester = @semester+1"; dr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (!dr.HasRows) { dr.Close(); transaction.Rollback(); throw new Exception("no promoted students"); } dr.Read(); PromoteStudentResponse response = new PromoteStudentResponse { IdEnrollment = int.Parse(dr["IdEnrollment"].ToString()), Semester = int.Parse(dr["Semester"].ToString()), IdStudy = int.Parse(dr["IdStudy"].ToString()), StartDate = DateTime.Parse(dr["StartDate"].ToString()) }; dr.Close(); transaction.Commit(); return(response); } }
public IActionResult AddRecept(ReceptRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse result = _service.AddRecept(request); if (result != null) { return(Ok(result)); } return(BadRequest(400)); }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest promoteStudentRequest) { PromoteStudentResponse promoteStudentResponse = _db.PromoteStudents(promoteStudentRequest); if (promoteStudentResponse == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(this.StatusCode(201, promoteStudentResponse)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest promoteStudentRequest) { PromoteStudentResponse promoteStudentResponse = await _db.PromoteStudentsAsync(promoteStudentRequest); if (promoteStudentResponse == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(this.StatusCode(201, promoteStudentResponse)); }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse promoteResp = dbService.PromoteStudents(request); if (promoteResp == null) { return(BadRequest()); } return(this.StatusCode(201, promoteResp)); }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = null; try { response = studentDbService.PromoteStudents(request); } catch (SqlException ex) {} return(Created("PromoteStudent", response)); }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { var response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); DateTime date = DateTime.Today; int success; const string ConString = "Data Source=db-mssql;Initial Catalog=s18985;Integrated Security=True"; using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConString)) using (var com = new SqlCommand()) { com.Connection = con; con.Open(); var tran = con.BeginTransaction(); com.CommandText = "execute PromoteStudent @study, @semester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("study", request.Studies); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("semester", request.Semester); com.Transaction = tran; success = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); var nextSemestr = request.Semester + 1; com.CommandText = "select IdEnrollment from enrollment where semester = @nextSemester and idstudy = (select idstudy from studies where name = @study)"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("nextSemester", nextSemestr); com.Transaction = tran; var dr = com.ExecuteScalar(); response.IdEnrollment = (int)dr; com.CommandText = "select StartDate from enrollment where semester = @nextSemester and idstudy = (select idstudy from studies where name = @study)"; com.Transaction = tran; dr = com.ExecuteScalar(); response.StartDate = (DateTime)dr; tran.Commit(); response.Studies = request.Studies; response.Semester = request.Semester + 1; if (success > 0) { return(response); return(response); } else { return(null); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { await _dbService.PromoteStudents(request); var response = new PromoteStudentResponse() { Semester = Convert.ToInt32(request.Semester) + 1, StudiesName = request.StudiesName }; return(Ok(response)); }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest promoteStudentRequest) { using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connString)) { conn.Open(); var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction(); using (var comm = new SqlCommand()) { comm.CommandText = @"select * from Enrollment a inner join Studies b On a.IdStudy=b.IdStudy And b.Name=@Name AND a.Semester=@Semester"; comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", promoteStudentRequest.Studies); comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Semester", promoteStudentRequest.Semester); comm.Connection = conn; comm.Transaction = transaction; using (var reader = comm.ExecuteReader()) { if (!reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); transaction.Rollback(); return(null); } } } using (var comm1 = new SqlCommand("promoteStudent", conn)) { comm1.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; comm1.CommandText = "PromoteStudent"; comm1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@studiesGiven", promoteStudentRequest.Studies); comm1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@semesterGiven", promoteStudentRequest.Semester); comm1.Connection = conn; comm1.Transaction = transaction; using (var reader = comm1.ExecuteReader()) { reader.Read(); PromoteStudentResponse promoteStudentResponse = new PromoteStudentResponse { IdEnrollment = int.Parse(reader["IdEnrollment"].ToString()), Semester = int.Parse(reader["Semester"].ToString()), IdStudy = int.Parse(reader["IdStudy"].ToString()), StartDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["StartDate"].ToString()) }; reader.Close(); transaction.Commit(); return(promoteStudentResponse); } } } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(int semester, string studies) { PromoteStudentResponse promote = new PromoteStudentResponse(); promote.Studies = studies; promote.Semester = semester; using (var con = new SqlConnection(sqlConnection)) using (var com = new SqlCommand()) { com.Connection = con; con.Open(); var tran = con.BeginTransaction(); com.Transaction = tran; //Czy wpisy sa poprawne com.CommandText = "select * from Enrollment INNER JOIN Studies ON Enrollment.IdStudy=Studies.IdStudy where Enrollment.Semester=@semester OR Studies.Name=@name"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("semester", semester); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", studies); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (!dr.Read()) { promote.Info = "400 Wpisz prawidlowa nazwe studiow"; dr.Close(); tran.Rollback(); } int idStudy = (int)dr["IdStudy"]; int nrSemester = (int)dr["semester"]; int newSemester = nrSemester + 1; dr.Close(); //Jezeli wpisy poprawne, aktualizuj semestr studentow try { com.CommandText = "update Enrollment set Semester=@newSemester where IdStudy=@idStudy and Semester=@nrSemester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("newSemester", newSemester); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("nrSemester", nrSemester); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("idStudy", idStudy); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); tran.Commit(); promote.Info = "201 Semestr zmieniony"; } catch (SqlException e) { promote.Info = "400 Blad podczad aktualizacji semestru" + e; tran.Rollback(); } } return(promote); }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = _service.PromoteStudent(request); if (response == null) { return(StatusCode(401, BadRequest("blad 401"))); } else { return(StatusCode(201, response)); } }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = dbService.PromoteStudent(request); if (response == null) { return(NotFound("Wrong data was passed")); } else { return(StatusCode(201, response)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest req) { PromoteStudentResponse resp = await _service.PromoteStudents(req); if (resp == null) { return(BadRequest()); } else { return(this.StatusCode(201, resp)); } }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { PromoteStudentResponse response = null; try { response = _studentDbService.PromoteStudents(request); } catch (SqlException sqlex) { WriteLine(sqlex.Message); } return(Created("PromoteStudent", response)); }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(int semester, string studies) { using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction()) { int idStudy = _dbContext.Studies .Where(st => st.Name == studies) .Select(st => st.IdStudy).SingleOrDefault(); PartialModels.Enrollment enrollment = _dbContext.Enrollment.FirstOrDefault(e => e.IdStudy == idStudy && e.Semester == semester); if (enrollment == null) { return(null); } int oldIdEnrollment = enrollment.IdEnrollment; enrollment = _dbContext.Enrollment.FirstOrDefault(e => e.IdStudy == idStudy && e.Semester == semester + 1); if (enrollment == null) { int maxId = _dbContext.Enrollment.Max(e => e.IdEnrollment); enrollment = new PartialModels.Enrollment(); enrollment.IdEnrollment = maxId + 1; enrollment.Semester = semester + 1; enrollment.IdStudy = idStudy; enrollment.StartDate = DateTime.Now; _dbContext.Enrollment.Add(enrollment); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); } var students = _dbContext.Student.Where(s => s.IdEnrollment == oldIdEnrollment).ToList(); foreach (Student student in students) { student.IdEnrollment = enrollment.IdEnrollment; } _dbContext.SaveChanges(); transaction.Commit(); var response = new PromoteStudentResponse() { Study = studies, NewIdStudy = enrollment.IdStudy, NewSemester = enrollment.Semester }; return(response); } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { var response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); using var con = new SqlConnection(SetConnection.GetConnection()); using var com = new SqlCommand(); con.Open(); com.Connection = con; var transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); com.Transaction = transaction; com.CommandText = "SELECT enr.IdEnrollment from Enrollment enr INNER JOIN Studies st on enr.IdStudy = st.IdStudy WHERE st.Name = @Name and enr.Semester = @Semester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", request.Name); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semester", request.Semester); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (!dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); throw new Exception("Nie znalezono semestru i/lub studiów"); } else { dr.Close(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(SetConnection.GetConnection())) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("PromoteStudents", conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Name", request.Name)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Semester", request.Semester)); cmd.ExecuteReader(); conn.Close(); } response.Semester = request.Semester + 1; response.StartDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"); response.StudiesName = request.Name; transaction.Commit(); } return(response); }
public IEnumerable <PromoteStudentResponse> PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentRequest promoteStudentRequest) { var responsesList = new List <PromoteStudentResponse>(); //SELECTY //Kierunek o podanym skrócie var study = _context.Studies.Single(s => s.Name == promoteStudentRequest.Name); //Wpis dla podanego kierunku na konkretny semstr var enrollment = _context.Enrollment.Single(e => e.Semester == promoteStudentRequest.Semester && e.IdStudy == study.IdStudy); //Wpis dla podanego kierunku na następny semestr var newEnrollment = _context.Enrollment.Single(e => e.Semester == promoteStudentRequest.Semester + 1 && e.IdStudy == study.IdStudy); //Ostatnie ID + 1 var newIdEnrollment = _context.Enrollment.Max(e => e.IdEnrollment) + 1; if (newEnrollment == null) { _context.Enrollment.Add(new Enrollment { IdEnrollment = newIdEnrollment, Semester = promoteStudentRequest.Semester + 1, IdStudy = study.IdStudy, StartDate = DateTime.Now }); newEnrollment = _context.Enrollment.Single(e => e.Semester == promoteStudentRequest.Semester + 1 && e.IdStudy == study.IdStudy); } var students = _context.Student.Where(student => student.IdEnrollment == enrollment.IdEnrollment).ToList(); foreach (var student in students) { student.IdEnrollment = newEnrollment.IdEnrollment; } var promoteStudentResponse = new PromoteStudentResponse { IdEnrollment = newEnrollment.IdEnrollment, Semester = promoteStudentRequest.Semester + 1, IdStudy = study.IdStudy, StartDate = DateTime.Now }; responsesList.Add(promoteStudentResponse); return(responsesList); }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentRequest request) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConString)) using (SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand()) { try { com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "select * from Enrollment inner join Studies on Enrollment.IdStudy=Study.IdStudy where Name=@StudyName and Semester=@Semester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StudiesName", request.Studies); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Semester", request.Semester); con.Open(); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (!dr.Read()) { return(null); } dr.Close(); com.Parameters.Clear(); com.CommandText = "PromoteStudents"; com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Studies", request.Studies); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Semester", request.Semester); dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { PromoteStudentResponse response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); response.IdEnrollment = int.Parse(dr["IdEnrollment"].ToString()); response.Semester = int.Parse(dr["Semester"].ToString()); response.Studies = dr["Name"].ToString(); response.StartDate = DateTime.Parse(dr["StartDate"].ToString()); dr.Close(); return(response); } else { return(null); } } catch (SqlException ex) { return(null); } } }
public PromoteStudentResponse PromoteStudent(PromoteStudentRequest psrequest) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source = db - mssql; Initial Catalog = s18793; Integrated Security = True")) using (SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand()) using (var tran = con.BeginTransaction()) { PromoteStudentResponse response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); con.Open(); com.Connection = con; com.Transaction = tran; try { com.CommandText = "exec PromoteStudents @name, @semester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("semester", psrequest.Semester); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", psrequest.Name); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Enrollment e INNER JOIN Studies stud ON stud.idstudy = e.idstudy WHERE e.semester = Semest AND = stName"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("stName", psrequest.Name); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semest", psrequest.Semester); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); if (!dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); tran.Rollback(); } else { response.IdEnrollment = (int)dr["IdEnrollment"]; response.IdStudy = dr["IdStudy"].ToString(); response.Semester = dr["Semester"].ToString(); response.StartDate = (DateTime)dr["StartDate"]; } } catch (SqlException e) { tran.Rollback(); } return(response); } }
public void PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentRequest request) { string connstring = "Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=s18588;User ID=apbds18588;Password=admin"; var response = new PromoteStudentResponse(); var cl = new HttpClient(); cl.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://*****:*****@Studies and Semester = @Semester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Studies", IdStudies); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semester", request.Semester); var dr = com.ExecuteReader(); com.Parameters.Clear(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); com.CommandText = "update Enrollment set Semester = @SemesterNo where IdStudy = @Studies and Semester = @Semester"; com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Studies", IdStudies); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("Semester", (int)request.Semester); com.Parameters.AddWithValue("SemesterNo", request.Semester + 1); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); response.Studies = request.Studies; response.Semester = request.Semester + 1; Console.WriteLine("Ok"); } } }
public IActionResult PromoteStudents(PromoteStudentsRequest request) { int changedEnrollment = 0; var promoteStudnetResponse = new PromoteStudentResponse(); using (var connection = new SqlConnection( "Data;Initial Catalog=s18711;Integrated Security=True")) using (var command = new SqlCommand("dbo.Promote", connection)) using (var command2 = new SqlCommand()) { command2.Connection = connection; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add("@StudiesName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); command.Parameters.Add("@Semester", SqlDbType.Int); command.Parameters.Add("@myOut", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; command.Parameters["@StudiesName"].Value = request.Studies; command.Parameters["@Semester"].Value = request.Semester; connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); changedEnrollment = Convert.ToInt32(command.Parameters["@myOut"].Value); command2.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Enrollment WHERE IdEnrollment = @IdE"; command2.Parameters.AddWithValue("IdE", changedEnrollment); var dataReader = command2.ExecuteReader(); if (dataReader.Read()) { promoteStudnetResponse.IdEnrollment = int.Parse(dataReader["IdEnrollment"].ToString()); promoteStudnetResponse.IdStudies = int.Parse(dataReader["IdStudy"].ToString()); promoteStudnetResponse.Semester = int.Parse(dataReader["Semester"].ToString()); } } return(CreatedAtAction("PromoteStudents", promoteStudnetResponse)); }