Esempio n. 1
 static void Postfix(ProjectileDefense __instance, ref int __result)
         Cell cell = World.inst.GetCellData(__instance.transform.position);
         if (cell != null)
             CellMark mark = ElevationManager.GetCellMark(cell);
             if (mark != null)
                 __result += mark.elevationTier;
     catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 2
    public void Preload(KCModHelper _helper)
        helper = _helper;
        String modpath = helper.modPath;

        assetBundle = KCModHelper.LoadAssetBundle(modpath + "\\AssetBundle", "cannonbundle");

        if (assetBundle != null)
            cannonPrefab     = assetBundle.LoadAsset("assets/workspace/Cannon.prefab") as GameObject;
            cannonBallPrefab = assetBundle.LoadAsset("assets/workspace/CannonBall.prefab") as GameObject;

            if (cannonPrefab == null)
                helper.Log("Cannon Prefab Could Not Be Loaded");
            if (cannonBallPrefab == null)
                helper.Log("CannonBall Prefab Could Not Be Loaded");

            Projectile cannonP = cannonBallPrefab.AddComponent <Projectile>();
            cannonP.attackDamage = 85f;
            cannonP.hitRadius    = 1f;

            Building          cannonB   = cannonPrefab.AddComponent <Building>();
            ProjectileDefense cannonPD  = cannonPrefab.AddComponent <ProjectileDefense>();
            MaxRangeDisplay   cannonMRD = cannonPrefab.AddComponent <MaxRangeDisplay>();
            BuildingCollider  cannonCOL = cannonPrefab.transform.Find("Offset").Find("cannon").gameObject.AddComponent <BuildingCollider>();
            Cannon            cannon    = cannonPrefab.AddComponent <Cannon>();

            cannon.b                        = cannonB;
            cannon.pd                       = cannonPD;
            cannon.flag                     = cannonPrefab.transform.Find("Offset").Find("cannon").Find("flag").gameObject;
            cannon.veteranDecor             = cannonPrefab.transform.Find("Offset").Find("cannon").Find("cannon_veteran");
            cannon.RotateParent             = cannonPrefab.transform.Find("Offset").Find("cannon").Find("cannon_top");
            cannonPD.b                      = cannonB;
            cannonPD.projectilePrefab       = cannonP;
            cannonPD.AttackTime             = 10f;
            cannonPD.AttackRange            = 5f;
            cannonPD.TrackingRange          = 7f;
            cannonPD.rangeIncreasePerHeight = 3f;
            cannonCOL.Building              = cannonB;

            BuildingInfo cannonInfo = new BuildingInfo(cannonPrefab, "cannon");
            cannonInfo.building                       = cannonB;
            cannonInfo.customName                     = "Cannon";
            cannonInfo.descOverride                   = "Cannon that goes boom boom...";
            cannonInfo.workersForFullYield            = 4;
            cannonInfo.buildAllowedWorkers            = 6;
            cannonInfo.placementSounds                = new string[] { "castleplacement" };
            cannonInfo.selectionSounds                = new string[] { "BuildingSelectCastleGate" };
            cannonInfo.skillUsed                      = "Ballisteer";
            cannonInfo.jobCategory                    = JobCategory.Ballista;
            cannonInfo.categoryName                   = "projectiletopper";
            cannonInfo.ignoreRoadCoverageForPlacement = true;

            ResourceAmount cannonResourceAmount = default(ResourceAmount);
            cannonResourceAmount.Add(ResourceAmount.Make(FreeResourceType.Tree, 45));
            cannonResourceAmount.Add(ResourceAmount.Make(FreeResourceType.Stone, 10));
            cannonResourceAmount.Add(ResourceAmount.Make(FreeResourceType.Gold, 35));
            cannonResourceAmount.Add(ResourceAmount.Make(FreeResourceType.IronOre, 10));

            cannonInfo.buildingCost    = cannonResourceAmount;
            cannonInfo.personPositions = new Transform[4];
            cannonInfo.preqBuilding    = "chamberofwar";
            cannonInfo.tabCategory     = "Castle";

            Transform   cannon_offset          = cannonPrefab.transform.Find("Offset");
            Transform[] cannon_peepo_positions = new Transform[4];
            for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                Transform peep = cannon_offset.Find(("p" + i.ToString()));
                cannon_peepo_positions[i - 1] = peep;

            cannonInfo.personPositions = cannon_peepo_positions;


            // Initalizing Harmony Patches
            var harmony = HarmonyInstance.Create("harmony");
            helper.Log("Bundle Not Loaded");
        // Takes into account if move target is a Transport Ship. Since Transport Ship is not IProjectileHitable, this
        // returns the ShipBase, which is IProjectileHitable.
        private static System.Object GetAttackTarget(UnitSystem.Army army, ArcherGeneral archerGeneral)
            if (army.locked && army.moveTarget != null)
                System.Object moveTarget = army.moveTarget;
                Vector3       targetPos;

                // Refer to ProjectileDefense::GetTarget for getting target position.
                if (moveTarget is TroopTransportShip)
                    // Prevents friendly fire.
                    if (((TroopTransportShip)moveTarget).TeamID() != 0)
                        ShipBase shipBase = ((TroopTransportShip)moveTarget).shipBase;
                        moveTarget = shipBase;
                        targetPos  = shipBase.GetPos();
                else if (moveTarget is SiegeMonster)
                    SiegeMonster ogre = (SiegeMonster)moveTarget;
                    if (ogre.IsInvalid())
                        // Ogre died or got on a ship, stop tracking.
                        army.moveTarget = null;
                    targetPos = ogre.GetPos();
                else if (moveTarget is IProjectileHitable)
                    if (moveTarget is UnitSystem.Army && ((UnitSystem.Army)moveTarget).IsInvalid())
                        // Army died or got on a ship, stop tracking.
                        army.moveTarget = null;
                    targetPos = ((IProjectileHitable)moveTarget).GetPosition();

                // If moveTarget is not in range, returning null will make archer seek another target until moveTarget
                // is in range. This is because moveTarget will not change until it is dead, or the player clicked on a
                // different target.
                // Refer to ArcherGeneral::Update and ProjectileDefense::GetTarget for range calculation.
                Vector3 archerPos   = army.GetPos();
                float   attackRange = archerGeneral.FullRange(archerGeneral.attackRange) + 1f;
                if (!ProjectileDefense.TestRange(targetPos, archerPos, attackRange))
                // If not on ship, don't change the behavior.