//@todo move this
    public static List <DeploymentContext> CreateDeploymentContext(ProjectParams Params, bool InDedicatedServer, bool DoCleanStage = false)
        ParamList <string> ListToProcess = InDedicatedServer && (Params.Cook || Params.CookOnTheFly) ? Params.ServerCookedTargets : Params.ClientCookedTargets;
        var ConfigsToProcess             = InDedicatedServer && (Params.Cook || Params.CookOnTheFly) ? Params.ServerConfigsToBuild : Params.ClientConfigsToBuild;

        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> PlatformsToStage = Params.ClientTargetPlatforms;

        if (InDedicatedServer && (Params.Cook || Params.CookOnTheFly))
            PlatformsToStage = Params.ServerTargetPlatforms;

        bool prefixArchiveDir = false;

        if (PlatformsToStage.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32) && PlatformsToStage.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))
            prefixArchiveDir = true;

        List <DeploymentContext> DeploymentContexts = new List <DeploymentContext>();

        foreach (var StagePlatform in PlatformsToStage)
            // Get the platform to get cooked data from, may differ from the stage platform
            UnrealTargetPlatform CookedDataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForClientTarget(StagePlatform);

            if (InDedicatedServer && (Params.Cook || Params.CookOnTheFly))
                CookedDataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForServerTarget(StagePlatform);

            List <string> ExecutablesToStage = new List <string>();

            string PlatformName = StagePlatform.ToString();
            foreach (var Target in ListToProcess)
                foreach (var Config in ConfigsToProcess)
                    string Exe = Target;
                    if (Config != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development)
                        Exe = Target + "-" + PlatformName + "-" + Config.ToString();

            string StageDirectory   = (Params.Stage || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Params.StageDirectoryParam)) ? Params.BaseStageDirectory : "";
            string ArchiveDirectory = (Params.Archive || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Params.ArchiveDirectoryParam)) ? Params.BaseArchiveDirectory : "";
            if (prefixArchiveDir && (StagePlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 || StagePlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64))
                if (Params.Stage)
                    StageDirectory = CombinePaths(Params.BaseStageDirectory, StagePlatform.ToString());
                if (Params.Archive)
                    ArchiveDirectory = CombinePaths(Params.BaseArchiveDirectory, StagePlatform.ToString());

            //@todo should pull StageExecutables from somewhere else if not cooked
            var SC = new DeploymentContext(Params.RawProjectPath, CmdEnv.LocalRoot,
                                           Params.Cook || Params.CookOnTheFly,
                                           Params.CrashReporter && (StagePlatform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux || !Params.Rocket),

            // If we're a derived platform make sure we're at the end, otherwise make sure we're at the front

            if (CookedDataPlatform != StagePlatform)
                DeploymentContexts.Insert(0, SC);

    public static void Cook(ProjectParams Params)
        if ((!Params.Cook && !(Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipServer)) || Params.SkipCook)

        Log("********** COOK COMMAND STARTED **********");

        string UE4EditorExe = HostPlatform.Current.GetUE4ExePath(Params.UE4Exe);

        if (!FileExists(UE4EditorExe))
            throw new AutomationException("Missing " + UE4EditorExe + " executable. Needs to be built first.");

        if (Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipServer)
            if (Params.HasDLCName)
                throw new AutomationException("Cook on the fly doesn't support cooking dlc");
            if (Params.ClientTargetPlatforms.Count > 0)
                var LogFolderOutsideOfSandbox = GetLogFolderOutsideOfSandbox();
                if (!GlobalCommandLine.Installed)
                    // In the installed runs, this is the same folder as CmdEnv.LogFolder so delete only in not-installed
                var      ServerLogFile      = CombinePaths(LogFolderOutsideOfSandbox, "Server.log");
                Platform ClientPlatformInst = Params.ClientTargetPlatformInstances[0];
                string   TargetCook         = ClientPlatformInst.GetCookPlatform(false, Params.HasDedicatedServerAndClient, Params.CookFlavor);
                ServerProcess = RunCookOnTheFlyServer(Params.RawProjectPath, Params.NoClient ? "" : ServerLogFile, TargetCook, Params.RunCommandline);

                if (ServerProcess != null)
                    Log("Waiting a few seconds for the server to start...");
                throw new AutomationException("Failed to run, client target platform not specified");
            var PlatformsToCook = new HashSet <string>();

            if (!Params.NoClient)
                foreach (var ClientPlatform in Params.ClientTargetPlatforms)
                    // Use the data platform, sometimes we will copy another platform's data
                    var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForClientTarget(ClientPlatform);
                    PlatformsToCook.Add(Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookPlatform(false, Params.HasDedicatedServerAndClient, Params.CookFlavor));
            if (Params.DedicatedServer)
                foreach (var ServerPlatform in Params.ServerTargetPlatforms)
                    // Use the data platform, sometimes we will copy another platform's data
                    var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForServerTarget(ServerPlatform);
                    PlatformsToCook.Add(Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookPlatform(true, false, Params.CookFlavor));

            if (Params.Clean.HasValue && Params.Clean.Value && !Params.IterativeCooking)
                Log("Cleaning cooked data.");
                CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);

            // cook the set of maps, or the run map, or nothing
            string[] Maps = null;
            if (Params.HasMapsToCook)
                Maps = Params.MapsToCook.ToArray();
                foreach (var M in Maps)
                    Log("HasMapsToCook " + M.ToString());
                foreach (var M in Params.MapsToCook)
                    Log("Params.HasMapsToCook " + M.ToString());

            string[] Dirs = null;
            if (Params.HasDirectoriesToCook)
                Dirs = Params.DirectoriesToCook.ToArray();

            string InternationalizationPreset = null;
            if (Params.HasInternationalizationPreset)
                InternationalizationPreset = Params.InternationalizationPreset;

            string[] Cultures = null;
            if (Params.HasCulturesToCook)
                Cultures = Params.CulturesToCook.ToArray();

                var CommandletParams = "-buildmachine -fileopenlog";
                if (Params.UnversionedCookedContent)
                    CommandletParams += " -unversioned";
                if (Params.FastCook)
                    CommandletParams += " -FastCook";
                if (Params.UseDebugParamForEditorExe)
                    CommandletParams += " -debug";
                if (Params.Manifests)
                    CommandletParams += " -manifests";
                if (Params.IterativeCooking)
                    CommandletParams += " -iterate";
                if (Params.CookMapsOnly)
                    CommandletParams += " -mapsonly";
                if (Params.NewCook)
                    CommandletParams += " -newcook";
                if (Params.OldCook)
                    CommandletParams += " -oldcook";
                if (Params.CookAll)
                    CommandletParams += " -cookall";
                if (Params.CookMapsOnly)
                    CommandletParams += " -mapsonly";
                if (Params.HasCreateReleaseVersion)
                    CommandletParams += " -createreleaseversion=" + Params.CreateReleaseVersion;
                if (Params.HasDLCName)
                    CommandletParams += " -dlcname=" + Params.DLCName;
                    if (!Params.DLCIncludeEngineContent)
                        CommandletParams += " -errorOnEngineContentUse";
                // don't include the based on release version unless we are cooking dlc or creating a new release version
                // in this case the based on release version is used in packaging
                if (Params.HasBasedOnReleaseVersion && (Params.HasDLCName || Params.HasCreateReleaseVersion))
                    CommandletParams += " -basedonreleaseversion=" + Params.BasedOnReleaseVersion;
                // if we are not going to pak but we specified compressed then compress in the cooker ;)
                // otherwise compress the pak files
                if (!Params.Pak && !Params.SkipPak && Params.Compressed)
                    CommandletParams += " -compressed";
                if (Params.HasAdditionalCookerOptions)
                    string FormatedAdditionalCookerParams = Params.AdditionalCookerOptions.TrimStart(new char[] { '\"', ' ' }).TrimEnd(new char[] { '\"', ' ' });
                    CommandletParams += " ";
                    CommandletParams += FormatedAdditionalCookerParams;

                if (!Params.NoClient)
                    var MapsList = Maps == null ? new List <string>() :  Maps.ToList();
                    foreach (var ClientPlatform in Params.ClientTargetPlatforms)
                        var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForClientTarget(ClientPlatform);
                        CommandletParams += (Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookExtraCommandLine(Params));
                    Maps = MapsList.ToArray();

                CookCommandlet(Params.RawProjectPath, Params.UE4Exe, Maps, Dirs, InternationalizationPreset, Cultures, CombineCommandletParams(PlatformsToCook.ToArray()), CommandletParams);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Params.IgnoreCookErrors)
                    LogWarning("Ignoring cook failure.");
                    // Delete cooked data (if any) as it may be incomplete / corrupted.
                    Log("Cook failed. Deleting cooked data.");
                    CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);
                    AutomationTool.ErrorReporter.Error("Cook failed.", (int)AutomationTool.ErrorCodes.Error_UnknownCookFailure);
                    throw Ex;

        Log("********** COOK COMMAND COMPLETED **********");
    private static void DiffCookedContent(ProjectParams Params)
        List <UnrealTargetPlatform> PlatformsToCook = Params.ClientTargetPlatforms;
        string ProjectPath = Params.RawProjectPath.FullName;

        var CookedSandboxesPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectPath), "Saved", "Cooked");

        for (int CookPlatformIndex = 0; CookPlatformIndex < PlatformsToCook.Count; ++CookPlatformIndex)
            // temporary directory to save the pak file to (pak file is usually not local and on network drive)
            var TemporaryPakPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectPath), "Saved", "Temp", "LocalPKG");
            // extracted files from pak file
            var TemporaryFilesPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectPath), "Saved", "Temp", "LocalFiles");

                Directory.Delete(TemporaryPakPath, true);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log("Failed deleting temporary directories " + TemporaryPakPath + " continuing. " + Ex.GetType().ToString());
                Directory.Delete(TemporaryFilesPath, true);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log("Failed deleting temporary directories " + TemporaryFilesPath + " continuing. " + Ex.GetType().ToString());


                Platform CurrentPlatform = Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(PlatformsToCook[CookPlatformIndex]);

                string SourceCookedContentPath = Params.DiffCookedContentPath;

                List <string> PakFiles = new List <string>();

                string CookPlatformString = CurrentPlatform.GetCookPlatform(false, Params.HasDedicatedServerAndClient, Params.CookFlavor);

                if (Path.HasExtension(SourceCookedContentPath) && (!SourceCookedContentPath.EndsWith(".pak")))
                    // must be a per platform pkg file try this
                    CurrentPlatform.ExtractPackage(Params, Params.DiffCookedContentPath, TemporaryPakPath);

                    // find the pak file
                    PakFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(TemporaryPakPath, Params.ShortProjectName + "*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                    PakFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(TemporaryPakPath, "pakchunk*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                else if (!Path.HasExtension(SourceCookedContentPath))
                    // try find the pak or pkg file
                    string SourceCookedContentPlatformPath = CombinePaths(SourceCookedContentPath, CookPlatformString);

                    foreach (var PakName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SourceCookedContentPlatformPath, Params.ShortProjectName + "*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        string TemporaryPakFilename = CombinePaths(TemporaryPakPath, Path.GetFileName(PakName));
                        File.Copy(PakName, TemporaryPakFilename);

                    foreach (var PakName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SourceCookedContentPlatformPath, "pakchunk*.pak", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        string TemporaryPakFilename = CombinePaths(TemporaryPakPath, Path.GetFileName(PakName));
                        File.Copy(PakName, TemporaryPakFilename);

                    if (PakFiles.Count <= 0)
                        Log("No Pak files found in " + SourceCookedContentPlatformPath + " :(");
                else if (SourceCookedContentPath.EndsWith(".pak"))
                    string TemporaryPakFilename = CombinePaths(TemporaryPakPath, Path.GetFileName(SourceCookedContentPath));
                    File.Copy(SourceCookedContentPath, TemporaryPakFilename);

                string FullCookPath = CombinePaths(CookedSandboxesPath, CookPlatformString);

                var UnrealPakExe = CombinePaths(CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealPak.exe");

                foreach (var Name in PakFiles)
                    Log("Extracting pak " + Name + " for comparision to location " + TemporaryFilesPath);

                    string UnrealPakParams = Name + " -Extract " + " " + TemporaryFilesPath;
                        RunAndLog(CmdEnv, UnrealPakExe, UnrealPakParams, Options: ERunOptions.Default | ERunOptions.UTF8Output | ERunOptions.LoggingOfRunDuration);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        Log("Pak failed to extract because of " + Ex.GetType().ToString());

                const string RootFailedContentDirectory = "\\\\epicgames.net\\root\\Developers\\Daniel.Lamb";

                string FailedContentDirectory = CombinePaths(RootFailedContentDirectory, CommandUtils.P4Env.BuildRootP4 + CommandUtils.P4Env.ChangelistString, Params.ShortProjectName, CookPlatformString);


                // diff the content
                List <string> AllFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(FullCookPath, "*.uasset", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
                AllFiles.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(FullCookPath, "*.map", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList());
                foreach (string SourceFilename in AllFiles)
                    // Filename.StartsWith( CookedSandboxesPath );
                    string RelativeFilename = SourceFilename.Remove(0, FullCookPath.Length);

                    string DestFilename = TemporaryFilesPath + RelativeFilename;

                    byte[] SourceFile = null;
                        SourceFile = File.ReadAllBytes(SourceFilename);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed to load file " + SourceFilename);

                    byte[] DestFile = null;
                        DestFile = File.ReadAllBytes(DestFilename);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed to load file " + DestFilename);

                    if (SourceFile == null || DestFile == null)
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed on file " + SourceFilename + " when comparing against " + DestFilename + " " + (SourceFile == null?SourceFilename:DestFilename) + " file is missing");
                    else if (SourceFile.LongLength == DestFile.LongLength)
                        for (long Index = 0; Index < SourceFile.LongLength; ++Index)
                            if (SourceFile[Index] != DestFile[Index])
                                Log("Diff cooked content failed on file " + SourceFilename + " when comparing against " + DestFilename + " at offset " + Index.ToString());
                                string SavedSourceFilename = CombinePaths(FailedContentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(SourceFilename) + "Source");
                                string SavedDestFilename   = CombinePaths(FailedContentDirectory, Path.GetFileName(DestFilename) + "Dest");

                                Log("Creating directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedSourceFilename));

                                catch (Exception E)
                                    Log("Failed to create directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedSourceFilename) + " Exception " + E.ToString());
                                Log("Creating directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedDestFilename));
                                catch (Exception E)
                                    Log("Failed to create directory " + Path.GetDirectoryName(SavedDestFilename) + " Exception " + E.ToString());
                                File.Copy(SourceFilename, SavedSourceFilename);
                                File.Copy(DestFilename, SavedDestFilename);
                                Log("Content temporarily saved to " + SavedSourceFilename + " and " + SavedDestFilename + " at offset " + Index.ToString());
                        Log("Diff cooked content failed on file " + SourceFilename + " when comparing against " + DestFilename + " files are different sizes " + SourceFile.LongLength.ToString() + " " + DestFile.LongLength.ToString());
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Log("Exception " + Ex.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
    public static void Cook(ProjectParams Params)
        if ((!Params.Cook && !(Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipServer)) || Params.SkipCook)

        Log("********** COOK COMMAND STARTED **********");

        string UE4EditorExe = HostPlatform.Current.GetUE4ExePath(Params.UE4Exe);

        if (!FileExists(UE4EditorExe))
            throw new AutomationException("Missing " + UE4EditorExe + " executable. Needs to be built first.");

        if (Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipServer)
            if (Params.ClientTargetPlatforms.Count > 0)
                var LogFolderOutsideOfSandbox = GetLogFolderOutsideOfSandbox();
                if (!GlobalCommandLine.Installed)
                    // In the installed runs, this is the same folder as CmdEnv.LogFolder so delete only in not-installed
                var      ServerLogFile      = CombinePaths(LogFolderOutsideOfSandbox, "Server.log");
                Platform ClientPlatformInst = Params.ClientTargetPlatformInstances[0];
                string   TargetCook         = ClientPlatformInst.GetCookPlatform(false, Params.HasDedicatedServerAndClient, Params.CookFlavor);
                ServerProcess = RunCookOnTheFlyServer(Params.RawProjectPath, Params.NoClient ? "" : ServerLogFile, TargetCook, Params.RunCommandline);

                if (ServerProcess != null)
                    Log("Waiting a few seconds for the server to start...");
                throw new AutomationException("Failed to run, client target platform not specified");
            var PlatformsToCook = new HashSet <string>();

            if (!Params.NoClient)
                foreach (var ClientPlatform in Params.ClientTargetPlatforms)
                    // Use the data platform, sometimes we will copy another platform's data
                    var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForClientTarget(ClientPlatform);
                    PlatformsToCook.Add(Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookPlatform(false, Params.HasDedicatedServerAndClient, Params.CookFlavor));
            if (Params.DedicatedServer)
                foreach (var ServerPlatform in Params.ServerTargetPlatforms)
                    // Use the data platform, sometimes we will copy another platform's data
                    var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForServerTarget(ServerPlatform);
                    PlatformsToCook.Add(Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookPlatform(true, false, Params.CookFlavor));

            if (Params.Clean.HasValue && Params.Clean.Value && !Params.IterativeCooking)
                Log("Cleaning cooked data.");
                CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);

            // cook the set of maps, or the run map, or nothing
            string[] Maps = null;
            if (Params.HasMapsToCook)
                Maps = Params.MapsToCook.ToArray();

            string[] Dirs = null;
            if (Params.HasDirectoriesToCook)
                Dirs = Params.DirectoriesToCook.ToArray();

            string InternationalizationPreset = null;
            if (Params.HasInternationalizationPreset)
                InternationalizationPreset = Params.InternationalizationPreset;

            string[] Cultures = null;
            if (Params.HasCulturesToCook)
                Cultures = Params.CulturesToCook.ToArray();

                var CommandletParams = "-buildmachine -Unversioned -fileopenlog";
                if (Params.UseDebugParamForEditorExe)
                    CommandletParams += " -debug";
                if (Params.Manifests)
                    CommandletParams += " -manifests";
                if (Params.IterativeCooking)
                    CommandletParams += " -iterate";
                CookCommandlet(Params.RawProjectPath, Params.UE4Exe, Maps, Dirs, InternationalizationPreset, Cultures, CombineCommandletParams(PlatformsToCook.ToArray()), CommandletParams);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                // Delete cooked data (if any) as it may be incomplete / corrupted.
                Log("Cook failed. Deleting cooked data.");
                CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);
                AutomationTool.ErrorReporter.Error("Cook failed.", (int)AutomationTool.ErrorCodes.Error_UnknownCookFailure);
                throw Ex;

        Log("********** COOK COMMAND COMPLETED **********");
Esempio n. 5
    public static void Cook(ProjectParams Params)
        if ((!Params.Cook && !(Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipServer)) || Params.SkipCook)

        Log("********** COOK COMMAND STARTED **********");

        string UE4EditorExe = HostPlatform.Current.GetUE4ExePath(Params.UE4Exe);

        if (!FileExists(UE4EditorExe))
            throw new AutomationException("Missing " + UE4EditorExe + " executable. Needs to be built first.");

        if (Params.CookOnTheFly && !Params.SkipServer)
            if (Params.HasDLCName)
                throw new AutomationException("Cook on the fly doesn't support cooking dlc");
            if (Params.ClientTargetPlatforms.Count > 0)
                var LogFolderOutsideOfSandbox = GetLogFolderOutsideOfSandbox();
                if (!GlobalCommandLine.Installed)
                    // In the installed runs, this is the same folder as CmdEnv.LogFolder so delete only in not-installed

                String COTFCommandLine = Params.RunCommandline;
                if (Params.IterativeCooking)
                    COTFCommandLine += " -iterate";
                if (Params.UseDebugParamForEditorExe)
                    COTFCommandLine += " -debug";

                var      ServerLogFile      = CombinePaths(LogFolderOutsideOfSandbox, "Server.log");
                Platform ClientPlatformInst = Params.ClientTargetPlatformInstances[0];
                string   TargetCook         = ClientPlatformInst.GetCookPlatform(false, false, Params.CookFlavor);       // cook ont he fly doesn't support server cook platform...
                ServerProcess = RunCookOnTheFlyServer(Params.RawProjectPath, Params.NoClient ? "" : ServerLogFile, TargetCook, COTFCommandLine);

                if (ServerProcess != null)
                    Log("Waiting a few seconds for the server to start...");
                throw new AutomationException("Failed to run, client target platform not specified");
            var PlatformsToCook = new HashSet <string>();

            if (!Params.NoClient)
                foreach (var ClientPlatform in Params.ClientTargetPlatforms)
                    // Use the data platform, sometimes we will copy another platform's data
                    var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForClientTarget(ClientPlatform);
                    PlatformsToCook.Add(Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookPlatform(false, Params.Client, Params.CookFlavor));
            if (Params.DedicatedServer)
                foreach (var ServerPlatform in Params.ServerTargetPlatforms)
                    // Use the data platform, sometimes we will copy another platform's data
                    var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForServerTarget(ServerPlatform);
                    PlatformsToCook.Add(Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookPlatform(true, false, Params.CookFlavor));

            if (Params.Clean.HasValue && Params.Clean.Value && !Params.IterativeCooking)
                Log("Cleaning cooked data.");
                CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);

            // cook the set of maps, or the run map, or nothing
            string[] Maps = null;
            if (Params.HasMapsToCook)
                Maps = Params.MapsToCook.ToArray();
                foreach (var M in Maps)
                    Log("HasMapsToCook " + M.ToString());
                foreach (var M in Params.MapsToCook)
                    Log("Params.HasMapsToCook " + M.ToString());

            string[] Dirs = null;
            if (Params.HasDirectoriesToCook)
                Dirs = Params.DirectoriesToCook.ToArray();

            string InternationalizationPreset = null;
            if (Params.HasInternationalizationPreset)
                InternationalizationPreset = Params.InternationalizationPreset;

            string[] CulturesToCook = null;
            if (Params.HasCulturesToCook)
                CulturesToCook = Params.CulturesToCook.ToArray();

                var CommandletParams = IsBuildMachine ? "-buildmachine -fileopenlog" : "-fileopenlog";
                if (Params.UnversionedCookedContent)
                    CommandletParams += " -unversioned";
                if (Params.FastCook)
                    CommandletParams += " -FastCook";
                if (Params.UseDebugParamForEditorExe)
                    CommandletParams += " -debug";
                if (Params.Manifests)
                    CommandletParams += " -manifests";
                if (Params.IterativeCooking)
                    CommandletParams += " -iterate";
                if (Params.CookMapsOnly)
                    CommandletParams += " -mapsonly";
                if (Params.NewCook)
                    CommandletParams += " -newcook";
                if (Params.OldCook)
                    CommandletParams += " -oldcook";
                if (Params.CookAll)
                    CommandletParams += " -cookall";
                if (Params.HasCreateReleaseVersion)
                    CommandletParams += " -createreleaseversion=" + Params.CreateReleaseVersion;
                if (Params.SkipCookingEditorContent)
                    CommandletParams += " -skipeditorcontent";
                if (Params.NumCookersToSpawn != 0)
                    CommandletParams += " -numcookerstospawn=" + Params.NumCookersToSpawn;
                if (Params.HasDLCName)
                    CommandletParams += " -dlcname=" + Params.DLCName;
                    if (!Params.DLCIncludeEngineContent)
                        CommandletParams += " -errorOnEngineContentUse";
                // don't include the based on release version unless we are cooking dlc or creating a new release version
                // in this case the based on release version is used in packaging
                if (Params.HasBasedOnReleaseVersion && (Params.HasDLCName || Params.HasCreateReleaseVersion))
                    CommandletParams += " -basedonreleaseversion=" + Params.BasedOnReleaseVersion;
                // if we are not going to pak but we specified compressed then compress in the cooker ;)
                // otherwise compress the pak files
                if (!Params.Pak && !Params.SkipPak && Params.Compressed)
                    CommandletParams += " -compressed";
                // we provide the option for users to run a conversion on certain (script) assets, translating them
                // into native source code... the cooker needs to
                if (Params.RunAssetNativization)
                    CommandletParams += " -NativizeAssets";

                    // Store plugin paths now, it's easiest to do so while PlatformsToCook is still available:
                    string ProjectDir = Params.RawProjectPath.Directory.ToString();
                    foreach (var Platform in PlatformsToCook)
                        // If you change this target path you must also update logic in CookOnTheFlyServer.cpp. Passing a single directory around is cumbersome for testing, so I have hard coded it.
                        // Similarly if you change the .uplugin name you must update DefaultPluginName in BlueprintNativeCodeGenModule.cpp
                        string GeneratedPluginPath = CombinePaths(GetDirectoryName(ProjectDir), "Intermediate", Platform, "NativizedAssets/NativizedAssets.uplugin");
                        Params.BlueprintPluginPaths.Add(new FileReference(GeneratedPluginPath));
                if (Params.HasAdditionalCookerOptions)
                    string FormatedAdditionalCookerParams = Params.AdditionalCookerOptions.TrimStart(new char[] { '\"', ' ' }).TrimEnd(new char[] { '\"', ' ' });
                    CommandletParams += " ";
                    CommandletParams += FormatedAdditionalCookerParams;

                if (!Params.NoClient)
                    var MapsList = Maps == null ? new List <string>() :  Maps.ToList();
                    foreach (var ClientPlatform in Params.ClientTargetPlatforms)
                        var DataPlatform = Params.GetCookedDataPlatformForClientTarget(ClientPlatform);
                        CommandletParams += (Params.GetTargetPlatformInstance(DataPlatform).GetCookExtraCommandLine(Params));
                    Maps = MapsList.ToArray();

                CookCommandlet(Params.RawProjectPath, Params.UE4Exe, Maps, Dirs, InternationalizationPreset, CulturesToCook, CombineCommandletParams(PlatformsToCook.ToArray()), CommandletParams);
            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Params.IgnoreCookErrors)
                    LogWarning("Ignoring cook failure.");
                    // Delete cooked data (if any) as it may be incomplete / corrupted.
                    Log("Cook failed. Deleting cooked data.");
                    CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);
                    throw new AutomationException(ExitCode.Error_UnknownCookFailure, Ex, "Cook failed.");

            if (Params.HasDiffCookedContentPath)
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    // Delete cooked data (if any) as it may be incomplete / corrupted.
                    Log("Cook failed. Deleting cooked data.");
                    CleanupCookedData(PlatformsToCook.ToList(), Params);
                    throw new AutomationException(ExitCode.Error_UnknownCookFailure, Ex, "Cook failed.");

        Log("********** COOK COMMAND COMPLETED **********");