public ImmutableArray <DiagnosticBucket> GetPushDiagnosticBuckets( Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, Option2 <DiagnosticMode> diagnosticMode, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { return(GetDiagnosticBuckets(workspace, projectId, documentId)); }
public static DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs DiagnosticsCreated( object id, Workspace workspace, Solution?solution, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> diagnostics) { return(new DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs(id, workspace, solution, projectId, documentId, diagnostics, DiagnosticsUpdatedKind.DiagnosticsCreated)); }
public TableEntriesSource(LiveTableDataSource source, Workspace workspace, IGlobalOptionService globalOptions, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, object id) { _source = source; _workspace = workspace; _globalOptions = globalOptions; _projectId = projectId; _documentId = documentId; _id = id; _buildTool = (id as BuildToolId)?.BuildTool ?? string.Empty; }
public Task <ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> > GetProjectDiagnosticsForIdsAsync( Solution solution, ProjectId?projectId = null, ImmutableHashSet <string>?diagnosticIds = null, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { if (_map.TryGetValue(solution.Workspace, out var analyzer)) { return(analyzer.GetProjectDiagnosticsForIdsAsync(solution, projectId, diagnosticIds, includeSuppressedDiagnostics, cancellationToken)); } return(SpecializedTasks.EmptyImmutableArray <DiagnosticData>()); }
protected ProjectId GetBestProjectId_NoLock <T>( Dictionary <ProjectId, T> workQueue, ProjectId?projectId, ProjectDependencyGraph dependencyGraph, IDiagnosticAnalyzerService?analyzerService ) { if (projectId != null) { if (workQueue.ContainsKey(projectId)) { return(projectId); } // prefer project that directly depends on the given project and has diagnostics as next project to // process foreach ( var dependingProjectId in dependencyGraph.GetProjectsThatDirectlyDependOnThisProject( projectId ) ) { if ( workQueue.ContainsKey(dependingProjectId) && analyzerService?.ContainsDiagnostics( Workspace, dependingProjectId ) == true ) { return(dependingProjectId); } } } // prefer a project that has diagnostics as next project to process. foreach (var pendingProjectId in workQueue.Keys) { if ( analyzerService?.ContainsDiagnostics(Workspace, pendingProjectId) == true ) { return(pendingProjectId); } } // explicitly iterate so that we can use struct enumerator foreach (var pair in workQueue) { return(pair.Key); } throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable; }
/// <summary> /// Compares the struct with the other nullable struct value. /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Other nullable struct value</param> /// <returns>0 if two <see cref="ProjectId"/> are equal, 1 if this <see cref="ProjectId"/> comes after the other <see cref="ProjectId"/> and -1 if this <see cref="ProjectId"/> comes before the other <see cref="ProjectId"/>.</returns> public int CompareTo(ProjectId?other) { // if nullable has value, compare the struct like a non-nullable if (other.HasValue) { return(other.Value.CompareTo(this)); } //otherwise the non-null value is considered greater return(1); }
public IdeLatestDiagnosticGetter( DiagnosticIncrementalAnalyzer owner, Solution solution, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, ImmutableHashSet <string>?diagnosticIds, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics ) : base(owner, solution, projectId, documentId, includeSuppressedDiagnostics) { _diagnosticIds = diagnosticIds; }
internal static void OnAnalyzerException_NoTelemetryLogging( DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer, Diagnostic?diagnostic, AbstractHostDiagnosticUpdateSource?hostDiagnosticUpdateSource, ProjectId?projectId) { if (diagnostic != null) { hostDiagnosticUpdateSource?.ReportAnalyzerDiagnostic(analyzer, diagnostic, hostDiagnosticUpdateSource?.Workspace, projectId); } }
private Project?GetActiveProject() { ProjectId?activeProjectId = _getActiveProjectId(); if (activeProjectId == null) { return(null); } return(_workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.SingleOrDefault((p, id) => p.Id == id, activeProjectId)); }
public DiagnosticBucket( object id, Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId ) { Id = id; Workspace = workspace; ProjectId = projectId; DocumentId = documentId; }
/// <summary> /// Internally, we store the DocumentId for the document that the FileCodeModel represents. If the underlying file /// is renamed, the DocumentId will become invalid because the Roslyn VS workspace treats file renames as a remove/add pair. /// To work around this, the FileCodeModel is notified when a file rename is about to occur. At that point, the /// <see cref="_documentId"/> field is null'd out and <see cref="_incomingFilePath"/> is set to the name of the new file. /// The next time that a FileCodeModel operation occurs that requires the DocumentId, it will be retrieved from the workspace /// using the <see cref="_incomingFilePath"/>. /// </summary> internal void OnRename(string newFilePath) { Debug.Assert(_editCount == 0, "FileCodeModel have an open edit and the underlying file is being renamed. This is a bug."); RoslynDebug.AssertNotNull(_documentId); _previousDocument = Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(_documentId); _incomingFilePath = newFilePath; _incomingProjectId = _documentId.ProjectId; _documentId = null; }
public UpdatedEventArgs( object id, Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId ) { Id = id; Workspace = workspace; ProjectId = projectId; DocumentId = documentId; }
public PinnedSolutionInfo( int scopeId, bool fromPrimaryBranch, int workspaceVersion, Checksum solutionChecksum, ProjectId?projectId) { ScopeId = scopeId; FromPrimaryBranch = fromPrimaryBranch; WorkspaceVersion = workspaceVersion; SolutionChecksum = solutionChecksum; ProjectId = projectId; }
private ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> GetDiagnostics( Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId ) { Assert.Equal(projectId, GetProjectId(workspace)); Assert.Equal(documentId, GetDocumentId(workspace)); return(_diagnostic == null ? ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> .Empty : ImmutableArray.Create(_diagnostic)); }
public Task <ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> > GetCachedDiagnosticsAsync( Solution solution, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) => new IdeCachedDiagnosticGetter( this, solution, projectId, documentId, includeSuppressedDiagnostics ).GetDiagnosticsAsync(cancellationToken);
public ValueTask <ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> > GetPushDiagnosticsAsync( Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, object?id, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics, Option2 <DiagnosticMode> diagnosticMode, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) { return(new ValueTask <ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> >( GetDiagnostics(workspace, projectId, documentId) )); }
private static Func <Project, bool> GetShouldFixInProjectDelegate(IVsHierarchyItemManager vsHierarchyItemManager, IHierarchyItemToProjectIdMap projectMap, IVsHierarchy?projectHierarchy) { ProjectId?projectIdToMatch = null; if (projectHierarchy != null) { var projectHierarchyItem = vsHierarchyItemManager.GetHierarchyItem(projectHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT); if (projectMap.TryGetProjectId(projectHierarchyItem, targetFrameworkMoniker: null, out var projectId)) { projectIdToMatch = projectId; } } return(p => projectHierarchy == null || p.Id == projectIdToMatch); }
/// <summary> /// Private helper method for comparing two nullable <see cref="ProjectId"/> values. /// </summary> /// <param name="a">First nullable value of <see cref="ProjectId"/></param> /// <param name="b">Second nullable value of <see cref="ProjectId"/></param> /// <returns>True if two <see cref="ProjectId"/> values are not equal. False otherwise.</returns> private static bool CompareNullableWithNullable(ProjectId?a, ProjectId?b) { // if neither has value, they are both null and therefore are equal. if (!a.HasValue && !b.HasValue) { return(true); } if (a.HasValue) { return(a.Value == b); } return(b.Value == a); }
public DiagnosticGetter( DiagnosticIncrementalAnalyzer owner, Solution solution, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics) { Owner = owner; Solution = solution; DocumentId = documentId; ProjectId = projectId ?? documentId?.ProjectId; IncludeSuppressedDiagnostics = includeSuppressedDiagnostics; }
public Task <ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> > GetProjectDiagnosticsForIdsAsync( Solution solution, ProjectId?projectId, ImmutableHashSet <string>?diagnosticIds, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) => new IdeLatestDiagnosticGetter( this, solution, projectId, documentId: null, diagnosticIds: diagnosticIds, includeSuppressedDiagnostics ).GetProjectDiagnosticsAsync(cancellationToken);
public NormalPriorityProcessor( IAsynchronousOperationListener listener, IncrementalAnalyzerProcessor processor, Lazy <ImmutableArray <IIncrementalAnalyzer> > lazyAnalyzers, IGlobalOperationNotificationService globalOperationNotificationService, int backOffTimeSpanInMs, CancellationToken shutdownToken) : base(listener, processor, lazyAnalyzers, globalOperationNotificationService, backOffTimeSpanInMs, shutdownToken) { _running = Task.CompletedTask; _workItemQueue = new AsyncDocumentWorkItemQueue(processor._registration.ProgressReporter, processor._registration.Workspace); _higherPriorityDocumentsNotProcessed = new ConcurrentDictionary <DocumentId, IDisposable?>(concurrencyLevel: 2, capacity: 20); _currentProjectProcessing = null; Start(); }
private DiagnosticsUpdatedArgs( object id, Workspace workspace, Solution?solution, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> diagnostics, DiagnosticsUpdatedKind kind ) : base(id, workspace, projectId, documentId) { // TODO: This assert fails for EditAndContinueDiagnosticUpdateSource. See // Debug.Assert(diagnostics.All(d => d.ProjectId == projectId && d.DocumentId == documentId)); Debug.Assert(kind != DiagnosticsUpdatedKind.DiagnosticsRemoved || diagnostics.IsEmpty); Solution = solution; Kind = kind; _diagnostics = diagnostics; }
public async Task ForceAnalyzeAsync( Solution solution, Action <Project> onProjectAnalyzed, ProjectId?projectId = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { if (_map.TryGetValue(solution.Workspace, out var analyzer)) { if (projectId != null) { var project = solution.GetProject(projectId); if (project != null) { await analyzer .ForceAnalyzeProjectAsync(project, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); onProjectAnalyzed(project); } } else { var tasks = new Task[solution.ProjectIds.Count]; var index = 0; foreach (var project in solution.Projects) { tasks[index++] = Task.Run( async() => { await analyzer .ForceAnalyzeProjectAsync(project, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); onProjectAnalyzed(project); }, cancellationToken ); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }
public ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> GetDiagnostics( Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId, object?id, bool includeSuppressedDiagnostics, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) => GetPushDiagnosticsAsync( workspace, projectId, documentId, id, includeSuppressedDiagnostics, InternalDiagnosticsOptions.NormalDiagnosticMode, cancellationToken ) .AsTask() .WaitAndGetResult_CanCallOnBackground(cancellationToken);
protected static LSP.TextDocumentIdentifier CreateTextDocumentIdentifier( Uri uri, ProjectId?projectContext = null ) { var documentIdentifier = new LSP.VSTextDocumentIdentifier { Uri = uri }; if (projectContext != null) { documentIdentifier.ProjectContext = new LSP.ProjectContext { Id = ProtocolConversions.ProjectIdToProjectContextId(projectContext) }; } return(documentIdentifier); }
public WorkspaceChangeEventArgs( WorkspaceChangeKind kind, Solution oldSolution, Solution newSolution, ProjectId?projectId = null, DocumentId?documentId = null ) { if (!kind.IsValid()) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(kind)); } this.Kind = kind; this.OldSolution = oldSolution ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldSolution)); this.NewSolution = newSolution ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newSolution)); this.ProjectId = projectId; this.DocumentId = documentId; }
public DiagnosticData( string id, string category, string?message, string?enuMessageForBingSearch, DiagnosticSeverity severity, DiagnosticSeverity defaultSeverity, bool isEnabledByDefault, int warningLevel, ImmutableArray <string> customTags, ImmutableDictionary <string, string?> properties, ProjectId?projectId, DiagnosticDataLocation?location = null, ImmutableArray <DiagnosticDataLocation> additionalLocations = default, string?language = null, string?title = null, string?description = null, string?helpLink = null, bool isSuppressed = false ) { Id = id; Category = category; Message = message; ENUMessageForBingSearch = enuMessageForBingSearch; Severity = severity; DefaultSeverity = defaultSeverity; IsEnabledByDefault = isEnabledByDefault; WarningLevel = warningLevel; CustomTags = customTags; Properties = properties; ProjectId = projectId; DataLocation = location; AdditionalLocations = additionalLocations.NullToEmpty(); Language = language; Title = title; Description = description; HelpLink = helpLink; IsSuppressed = isSuppressed; }
private ImmutableArray <DiagnosticBucket> GetDiagnosticBuckets( Workspace workspace, ProjectId?projectId, DocumentId?documentId ) { Assert.Equal(projectId, GetProjectId(workspace)); Assert.Equal(documentId, GetDocumentId(workspace)); return(_diagnostic == null ? ImmutableArray <DiagnosticBucket> .Empty : ImmutableArray.Create( new DiagnosticBucket( this, workspace, GetProjectId(workspace), GetDocumentId(workspace) ) )); }
protected override bool TryTakeAnyWork_NoLock( ProjectId?preferableProjectId, ProjectDependencyGraph dependencyGraph, IDiagnosticAnalyzerService?analyzerService, out WorkItem workItem) { // there must be at least one item in the map when this is called unless host is shutting down. if (_projectWorkQueue.Count == 0) { workItem = default; return(false); } var projectId = GetBestProjectId_NoLock(_projectWorkQueue, preferableProjectId, dependencyGraph, analyzerService); if (TryTake_NoLock(projectId, out workItem)) { return(true); } throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable; }
private void ClearOpenFileCache(ProjectId?projectId = null) { lock (_gate) { var itemsToRemove = new List <DocumentId>(); foreach (var(documentId, contextTask) in _openDocumentContexts) { if (projectId is null || documentId.ProjectId == projectId) { itemsToRemove.Add(documentId); ReleaseContext_NoLock(contextTask); } } // If any items were released due to the Clear operation, we need to remove them from the map. foreach (var documentId in itemsToRemove) { _openDocumentContexts.Remove(documentId); } } }