Esempio n. 1
        public CL()
            Proj1.Add("AhCounter", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj1.Add("IE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj1.Add("LE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj1.Add("TopicsMaster", DateTime.MinValue);

            Proj2.Add("IE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj2.Add("LE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj2.Add("GE", DateTime.MinValue);

            Proj3.Add("IE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj3.Add("LE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj3.Add("GE", DateTime.MinValue);

            Proj4.Add("Timer", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj4.Add("TME", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj4.Add("Speaker", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj4.Add("TopicsMaster", DateTime.MinValue);

            Proj5.Add("Speaker", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj5.Add("GE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj5.Add("TME", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj5.Add("TopicsMaster", DateTime.MinValue);

            Proj7.Add("TME", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj7.Add("GE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj7.Add("Speaker", DateTime.MinValue);

            Proj8.Add("IE", DateTime.MinValue);
            Proj8.Add("GE", DateTime.MinValue);

Esempio n. 2
        public GPSPosition fromWGS84(double longitude, double latitude, double elevation)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("fromWGS84 {0} {1} {2}",
                                    longitude, latitude, elevation);

                "{0} {1} {2}",
                Utils.toRad(longitude), Utils.toRad(latitude), elevation
            var pos = Proj4.proj_trans(Proj,
                                       Proj4.proj_coord(Utils.toRad(longitude), Utils.toRad(latitude), elevation, 0));

            if (double.IsInfinity(pos.up))
                 * proj4 returns infinity value for up when we are outside of the geoid grid bounding box
                 * use fake geoid heigt, which we set to elevation, so that
                 * we can use SWEREF99 projections outside of the RH2000 bounding box
                 * this is usefull for running the device at real world location where
                 * we don't support the local projection system
                pos.up = elevation;

            return(new GPSPosition(ProjName, pos.north, pos.east, pos.up));
Esempio n. 3
    public void toWGS84(GPSPosition pos, out double longitude, out double latitude, out double elevation)
        var wgsPos = Proj4.proj_trans(Proj,
                                      Proj4.proj_coord(pos.East, pos.North, pos.Altitude));

        if (double.IsInfinity(wgsPos.north) || double.IsInfinity(wgsPos.east) || double.IsInfinity(wgsPos.up))
            /* proj4 returns infinity value if it can't transform position */
            throw new CoordinateTransformationException("WGS84", pos);

        longitude = Utils.toDegrees(wgsPos.east);
        latitude  = Utils.toDegrees(wgsPos.north);
        elevation = wgsPos.up;
Esempio n. 4
        public Converter(string projection) : base()
            ProjName = projection;
            var ProjString = string.Format(
                 * skip doing RH2000 height calculation on android for now,
                 * as proj4 can't load geogird data on android
                "{0} +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs",
                "{0} +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs",
//                "{0} +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +geoidgrids=SWEN17_RH2000.gtx +units=m +no_defs",

            Proj = Proj4.CreateProj(ProjString);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// The code that actually tests an input projection
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestProjection(ProjectionInfo pStart)
            ProjectionInfo pEnd = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984;

            double[] xy = new double[2];
            double   x  = 0;

            if (pStart.FalseEasting != null)
                x     = pStart.FalseEasting.Value;
                xy[0] = pStart.FalseEasting.Value;
            double[] z = new double[1];
            Reproject.ReprojectPoints(xy, z, pStart, pEnd, 0, 1);

            double y      = 0;
            string source = pStart.ToProj4String();

            Proj4.ProjectPoint(ref x, ref y, source, pEnd.ToProj4String());
            if (Math.Abs(x - xy[0]) > 0.00000001)
                Assert.Fail(String.Format("The longitude was off by {0} decimal degrees from proj4", (x - xy[0])));
            if (Math.Abs(y - xy[1]) > 0.00000001)
                Assert.Fail(String.Format("The latitude was off by {0} decimal degrees from proj4", (y - xy[1])));
            z[0] = 0;
            Reproject.ReprojectPoints(xy, z, pEnd, pStart, 0, 1);
            Proj4.ProjectPoint(ref x, ref y, pEnd.ToProj4String(), source);
            if (Math.Abs(x - xy[0]) > 1 / pStart.Unit.Meters)
                Assert.Fail(String.Format("The X coordinate was off by {0} {1}", (x - xy[0]), pStart.GetUnitText(xy[0])));
            if (Math.Abs(y - xy[1]) > 1 / pStart.Unit.Meters)
                Assert.Fail(String.Format("The Y coordinate was off by {0} {1}", (y - xy[1]), pStart.GetUnitText(xy[1])));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// The code that actually tests an input projection
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestProjection(ProjectionInfo pStart)
            var pEnd = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984;
            var xy = new double[2];
            double x = 0;
            if (pStart.FalseEasting != null)
                x = pStart.FalseEasting.Value;
                xy[0] = pStart.FalseEasting.Value;
            var z = new double[1];
            Reproject.ReprojectPoints(xy, z, pStart, pEnd, 0, 1);

            double y = 0;
            var source = pStart.ToProj4String();
            var prj = new Proj4();
            prj.ProjectPoint(ref x, ref y, source, pEnd.ToProj4String());
            if (Math.Abs(x - xy[0]) > 0.00000001)
                Assert.Fail("The longitude was off by {0} decimal degrees from proj4", (x - xy[0]));
            if (Math.Abs(y - xy[1]) > 0.00000001)
                Assert.Fail("The latitude was off by {0} decimal degrees from proj4", (y - xy[1]));
            z[0] = 0;
            Reproject.ReprojectPoints(xy, z, pEnd, pStart, 0, 1);
            prj.ProjectPoint(ref x, ref y, pEnd.ToProj4String(), source);
            if (Math.Abs(x - xy[0]) > 1 / pStart.Unit.Meters)
                Assert.Fail("The X coordinate was off by {0} {1}", (x - xy[0]), pStart.GetUnitText(xy[0]));
            if (Math.Abs(y - xy[1]) > 1 / pStart.Unit.Meters)
                Assert.Fail("The Y coordinate was off by {0} {1}", (y - xy[1]), pStart.GetUnitText(xy[1]));
Esempio n. 7
 protected Proj4Converter()
     /* look for geoid grid tables in streaming assets directory */