Esempio n. 1
        //Function that animates the circle to a certain state with a certain timing
        public void AnimateCircleAngle(double PercentBefore, double PercentAfter, double seconds, bool initialAnimation = true, bool useEase = true)
            //We multiply the percentage by 3.6 because a full circle is 360 degrees, divide 360 by 100 and you get 3.6
            //So half a circle would be 50(%) * 3.6 = 180 degrees, half a circle.
            DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(PercentBefore * 3.6, PercentAfter * 3.6, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds));

            if (useEase)
                SineEase ease = new SineEase();
                da.EasingFunction = ease;

            if (initialAnimation)
                da.Completed += (sender, e) =>
                    AnimateCircleThickness(5, 15);
                    Status = "Aan het verwerken";

                Status = "Een ogenblik geduld";
            ProgressGraphic.BeginAnimation(Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.EndAngleProperty, da);
Esempio n. 2
        public void StopAnimations()
            DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(ProgressGraphic.StrokeThickness, ProgressGraphic.StrokeThickness, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(700));

            ProgressGraphic.BeginAnimation(Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.StrokeThicknessProperty, da);
            ProgressGraphic.BeginAnimation(Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.StartAngleProperty, null);
            ProgressGraphic.BeginAnimation(Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.EndAngleProperty, null);
            ProgressGraphic.EndAngle = 360; // To keep it full

            AnimateCircleThickness(ProgressGraphic.StrokeThickness, 5, false, false);
            statusLabel.Opacity = 0;
Esempio n. 3
        //Function that animates the circle to a certain state
        private void AnimateCircleAngle(double PercentBefore, double PercentAfter)
            //Make time relative based on how much we are animating
            double time = PercentAfter - PercentBefore;

            //We multiply the percentage by 3.6 because a full circle is 360 degrees, divide 360 by 100 and you get 3.6
            //So half a circle would be 50(%) * 3.6 = 180 degrees, half a circle.
            DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(PercentBefore * 3.6, PercentAfter * 3.6, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time * 0.025));

            SineEase ease = new SineEase();

            da.EasingFunction = ease;

            ProgressGraphic.BeginAnimation(Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.EndAngleProperty, da);
Esempio n. 4
        public void AnimateCircleThickness(double widthBefore, double widthAfter, bool RepeatForever = true, bool AutoReverse = true)
            DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation(widthBefore, widthAfter, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(700));

            da.AutoReverse = AutoReverse;

            if (RepeatForever)
                da.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;

            SineEase ease = new SineEase();

            da.EasingFunction = ease;

            ProgressGraphic.BeginAnimation(Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.StrokeThicknessProperty, da);