void GetProjectList() { try { log.Info("GetProjectList() Start.!"); ClearClipBoard(); StateBusiness = ApplicationServicesProvider.Instance.Provider.TransactionStateService; this.TransactionDiagram.ProjectList = StateBusiness.AtmProjectList(); if (this.TransactionDiagram.ProjectList.Count != 0 && this.TransactionDiagram.ProjectList != null) { OpenProject openProject = new OpenProject(this.TransactionDiagram.ProjectList); if (openProject.ShowDialog() == true) { if (!this.TransactionDiagram.CopyProjectXmlsDirectory()) { pbw.Close(); return; } this.TransactionDiagram.ProjectName = openProject.ProjectName; GetTransactionList(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("GetProjectList() Error.! " + ex.Message); } finally { pbw.Close(); } }
private void MultipleExtractAsync(List <GameFile> entries, string destination) { CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); ProgressBarWindow window = new ProgressBarWindow(); window.StartDialogWithAction(() => { for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) { if (tokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } entries[i].ExtractAsync(destination + '\\' + entries[i].Name, tokenSource.Token, (progress, description) => { window.InvokeOnThread(new Action(() => { int percent = (int)((float)i / entries.Count * 100); window.SetProgress(percent); window.SetOperationText(String.Format("({0}/{1}) {2}", i + 1, entries.Count, description)); })); }); } window.InvokeOnThread(new Action(() => window.Close())); }, tokenSource); }
private void MultipleDeleteAsync(List <GameFile> entries) { CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); ProgressBarWindow window = new ProgressBarWindow(); window.StartDialogWithAction(() => { for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) { if (tokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } window.InvokeOnThread(new Action(() => { int percent = (int)((float)i / entries.Count * 100); window.SetProgress(percent); window.SetOperationText(String.Format("({0}/{1}) Deleting {2}", i + 1, entries.Count, entries[i].Name)); })); entries[i].Delete(); } window.InvokeOnThread(new Action(() => { window.Close(); })); if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => RefreshFileList())); } }, tokenSource); }
private void InsertAsync(GameFile entry) { CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); ProgressBarWindow window = new ProgressBarWindow(); window.StartDialogWithAction(() => { archiveFile.InsertFileAsync(entry, tokenSource.Token, (progress, description) => { window.InvokeOnThread(new Action(() => { window.SetProgress(progress); window.SetOperationText(description); if (progress == 100) { window.Close(); } })); }); if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => RefreshFileList())); } }, tokenSource); }
private void OnSimulateAbort(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SimulateAbort(this, e); if (isdisposed) { dllmodel.SimulateAbort -= OnSimulateAbort; dllmodel.SimulateStart -= OnSimulateStart; dllmodel.SimulatePause -= OnSimulatePause; dllmodel.SimulateProgress -= OnSimulateProgress; dllmodel = null; SimulateDllModel.FreeDll(); return; } if (dllmodel.SimuMode == SimulateDllModel.SIMUMODE_CHART) { if (pbwin != null) { pbwin.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Utility.Delegates.Execute( () => { pbwin.Close(); })); pbwin = null; } MainChart.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Utility.Delegates.Execute( MainChart.Update)); } }
private void DownloadVideos(ActionType action) { if (CheckboxChecked()) { PopulateUrlDownloadList(); foreach (var url in UrlDowloadList) { var title = playlistVideos.Find(url).Title; progbarwin = new ProgressBarWindow(action, title, downloadPath) { Owner = this }; progbarwin.Show(); progbarwin.Start(action, title, url, downloadPath); progbarwin.Close(); } var remove = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Downloads completed. Some of your videos may not have been downloaded due to copyrights." + "\n\n" + "Do you want to remove all downloaded videos from your YouTube playlist?", "Update Playlist", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (remove == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { RemoveDownloads(); RepopulateVideoList(); } } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please select a video to download.", "Selection Required", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); } }
private void Bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { string email = ""; string senha = ""; Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { LoginBtn.IsEnabled = false; progressBarWindow = new ProgressBarWindow("Realizando Login"); progressBarWindow.Show(); }); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { email = EmailUC.Text; senha = PasswordUC.Password; }); if (DesktopLoginControlService.Logar(email, senha)) { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { PasswordUC.Password = string.Empty; }); foreach (int i in Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().First().StartSession())) { Thread.Sleep(50); (sender as BackgroundWorker).ReportProgress(i); } } } catch (FieldException ex) { StandardMessageBoxes.MensagemDeErroCampoFormulario(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { StandardMessageBoxes.MensagemDeErro(ex.Message); } finally { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { progressBarWindow.Close(); LoginBtn.IsEnabled = true; }); } }
private void ExtractAsync(GameFile entry, string destination) { CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); ProgressBarWindow window = new ProgressBarWindow(); window.StartDialogWithAction(() => entry.ExtractAsync(destination, tokenSource.Token, (progress, description) => { window.InvokeOnThread(new Action(() => { window.SetProgress(progress); window.SetOperationText(description); if (progress == 100) { window.Close(); } })); }), tokenSource); }
static void OpenProgressBarWindow() { if (m_PluginWindow != null) { m_PluginWindow.Close(); } m_PluginWindow = CreateInstance <ProgressBarWindow>(); m_StartTime = 0; m_NowTime = 0; m_Progress = 0; m_PluginWindow.Open(); Task.Run(() => { _ = UpdateProgressAsync(); }); }
private void ProgressClose() { pbw.Close(); }
public void CheckReport() { //举例: //SelectListInt =[1,0] //SelectListFunctionName=[FindUnitError,FindNotExplainComponentNo] //表示算法只算FindUnitError,不算FindNotExplainComponentNo var controlClass = RegisterMethod(); var config = XDocument.Load(@"Option.config"); //Bug:修改配置文件后,读取结果不变 foreach (var e in config.Elements("configuration").Descendants()) { try { controlClass.SelectListInt.Add(Convert.ToInt32(e.Value.ToString())); } catch (Exception) { //TODO:增加读不出数据的异常处理 controlClass.SelectListInt.Add(0); } try { controlClass.SelectListContent.Add(e.Attribute("Content").Value.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { //TODO:增加读不出数据的异常处理 controlClass.SelectListContent.Add("方法名称读取失败"); } } var w = new ProgressBarWindow(); w.Top = 0.4 * (App.ScreenHeight - w.Height); w.Left = 0.4 * (App.ScreenWidth - w.Width); var progressBarDataBinding = new ProgressBarDataBinding { V = 0, }; w.progressBarNumberTextBlock.DataContext = progressBarDataBinding; w.progressBar.DataContext = progressBarDataBinding; w.progressBarContentTextBlock.DataContext = progressBarDataBinding; var progressSleepTime = 500; //进度条停顿时间 var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { w.progressBar.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((ThreadStart) delegate { w.Show(); }); int invokeF = 0; //已调用函数 for (int i = 0; i < controlClass.SelectListInt.Count; i++) { if (controlClass.SelectListInt[i] != 0) { progressBarDataBinding.V = invokeF * 100 / controlClass.SelectListInt.Sum(); progressBarDataBinding.Content = $"正在校核:{controlClass.SelectListContent[i]}"; controlClass.SelectListFunctionName[i]?.Invoke(); invokeF++; Thread.Sleep(progressSleepTime); } } progressBarDataBinding.V = 100; progressBarDataBinding.Content = $"正在校核:正在完成中"; GenerateResultReport(); _doc.Save("标出错误或警告的报告.doc"); Thread.Sleep(progressSleepTime); MessageBox.Show($"校核已完成!共校核出:" + $"\r错误{reportError.Count}个" + $"\r警告{reportWarnning.Count}个" + $"\r信息{reportInfo.Count}条"); w.progressBar.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((ThreadStart) delegate { w.Close(); }); })); thread.Start(); }