public void SaveDefaultProfile(string profile_name) { profile_name = GetValidFilename(profile_name); if (Profiles.ContainsKey(profile_name)) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Profile already exists. Would you like to replace it?", "Aurora", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return; } Type setting_type = Settings.GetType(); Profiles[profile_name] = (ProfileSettings)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Settings, setting_type, new JsonSerializerSettings { }), setting_type, new JsonSerializerSettings { ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace } ); //I know this is bad. You can laugh at me for this one. :( } else { Profiles.Add(profile_name, Settings); } SaveProfiles(); }
private InfoLinkNode ConvertLink(InfoLinkNode link) { var newLink = Profiles.ContainsKey(link.TargetId) ? link.WithType(InfoLinkKind.Profile) : link; if (link.Modifiers.Any()) { MessagesCore.Add(new ConverterMessage(link, "The rule link has modifiers, all of which were copied without conversion and may cause problems.")); } return(newLink); }
public static Profile LoadProfile(string profileName) { if (Profiles.ContainsKey(profileName)) { // Update default and save to system DefaultProfile = profileName; SaveProfilesToSystem(); return(Profiles[profileName]); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the profile with the given name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the profile.</param> public static void Start(string name) { lock ( _instance ) { if (!Profiles.ContainsKey(name)) { Profiles.Add(name, new Profile()); } Profiles[name].Start(); } }
public void AddNewProfile(string forgeVersion, string installationName) { if (Profiles.ContainsKey("BuddyPals") == false) { LauncherProfile newProfile = new LauncherProfile("Furnace", "2019-11-27T01:40:56.781Z", forgeVersion, installationName, "custom", javaArgs: "-Xmx4G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M"); Profiles.Add("BuddyPals", newProfile); } else { Profiles["BuddyPals"].UpdateForge(forgeVersion, installationName); } }
public static void SaveProfile(string name, Profile profile) { VerifyLegalName(name); if (Profiles.ContainsKey(name)) { Profiles[name] = profile; } else { Profiles.Add(name, profile); } DefaultProfile = name; SaveProfilesToSystem(); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the profile with the given name. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the profile.</param> public static void Stop(string name) { lock ( _instance ) { if (Profiles.ContainsKey(name)) { Profile profile = Profiles[name]; if (profile.IsRunning) { profile.Stop(); } } } }
internal void FixPortNumbers() { if (Profiles.ContainsKey(defaultNamespace)) { var applicationUrl = DefaultProfile.OtherSettings ["applicationUrl"] as string; if (ShouldGenerateNewPort(applicationUrl)) { applicationUrl = applicationUrl.Replace(defaultHttpUrl, "http://localhost:" + GetNextFreePort()); applicationUrl = applicationUrl.Replace(defaultHttpsUrl, "https://localhost:" + GetNextFreePort()); DefaultProfile.OtherSettings ["applicationUrl"] = applicationUrl; SaveLaunchSettings(); } } }
public static void DeleteProfile(string profileName) { if (Profiles.ContainsKey(profileName)) { Profiles.Remove(profileName); if (DefaultProfile == profileName) { if (Profiles.Count > 0) { DefaultProfile = Profiles.Keys.First(); } else { DefaultProfile = ""; } } SaveProfilesToSystem(); } }
public Player(int _id, string _name) { Id = _id; Name = _name; Vote = -1; if (Profiles.ContainsKey(Name)) { Profile p = Profiles[Name]; IsMod = p.IsMod; } else { IsMod = false; Profiles.Add(Name, new Profile(Name)); saveProfiles(); } }
public override void LoadProfiles() { string profiles_path = GetProfileFolderPath(); if (Directory.Exists(profiles_path)) { this.LoadScripts(profiles_path); foreach (string profile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(profiles_path, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)) { string profile_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(profile); if (profile_name.Equals("app_info")) { continue; } ProfileSettings profile_settings = LoadProfile(profile); if (profile_settings != null) { this.InitalizeScriptSettings(profile_settings); if (profile_name.Equals("default")) { Settings = profile_settings; } else { if (!Profiles.ContainsKey(profile_name)) { Profiles.Add(profile_name, profile_settings); } } } } } else { Global.logger.LogLine(string.Format("Profiles directory for {0} does not exist.", Name), Logging_Level.Info, false); } }
public void SwitchToProfile(string profile_name) { if (Profiles.ContainsKey(profile_name)) { Type setting_type = Profiles[profile_name].GetType(); Settings = (ProfileSettings)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Profiles[profile_name], setting_type, new JsonSerializerSettings { }), setting_type, new JsonSerializerSettings { ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace } ); //I know this is bad. You can laugh at me for this one. :( if (ProfileChanged != null) { ProfileChanged(this, new EventArgs()); } } }