Esempio n. 1
		public bool LoadProfile (string path)
			this.path = path;
			SyncLogFileReader rdr = new SyncLogFileReader (path);
			ProfilerEventHandler data = new ProfilerEventHandler ();
			data.LoadedElements.RecordHeapSnapshots = false;
			for (BlockData current = rdr.ReadBlock (); current != null; current = rdr.ReadBlock ()) {
				try {
					current.Decode (data, rdr);
				} catch (DecodingException e) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Stopping decoding after a DecodingException in block of code {0}, length {1}, file offset {2}, block offset {3}: {4}", e.FailingData.Code, e.FailingData.Length, e.FailingData.FileOffset, e.OffsetInBlock, e.Message);
					rdr.Close ();
					return false;
			rdr.Close ();
			Gtk.Widget view;
			supports_filtering = false;
			if (data.HasStatisticalData)
				view = new StatView (data, Options);
			else if (data.HasAllocationData)
				view = new AllocationsView (data, Options);
			else {
				view = new CallsView (data, Options);
				supports_filtering = true;
			view.ShowAll ();
			View = view;
			return true;
Esempio n. 2
			public Store (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options, StatisticalHitItemCallInformation[] infos) : base (data, options)
				nodes = new List<Node> ();
				foreach (StatisticalHitItemCallInformation info in infos)
					nodes.Add (new CallInfoNode (this, null, info));
				nodes.Sort (CallInfoNode.CompareByCalls);
 public Store(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options, StatisticalHitItemCallInformation[] infos) : base(data, options)
     nodes = new List <Node> ();
     foreach (StatisticalHitItemCallInformation info in infos)
         nodes.Add(new CallInfoNode(this, null, info));
Esempio n. 4
		public AllocationsView (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base ()
			TreeView view = new TreeView (new TreeModelAdapter (new AllocationsStore (data, options)));
			view.AppendColumn ("Cost", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
			TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn ("Class/Allocator", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);
			view.AppendColumn (col);
			view.ExpanderColumn = col;
			view.Show ();
			Add (view);
Esempio n. 5
		public CallsStore (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base (data, options)
			if (data == null || (data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.METHOD_EVENTS) == 0)
			nodes = new List<Node> ();
			foreach (StackTrace frame in data.RootFrames) {
				total_clicks += frame.TopMethod.Clicks;
				nodes.Add (new CallsNode (this, null, frame));
Esempio n. 6
		public StatList (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base ()
			store = new StatStore (data, options);
			Model = new TreeModelAdapter (store);
			Selection.SelectPath (new TreePath ("0"));
			AppendColumn ("Percent", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
			TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn ("Method", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);
			AppendColumn (col);
			ExpanderColumn = col;
			options.Changed += delegate { Model = new TreeModelAdapter (new StatStore (data, options)); };
Esempio n. 7
		public StatStore (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base (data, options)
			nodes = new List<Node> ();
			foreach (IStatisticalHitItem item in data.StatisticalHitItems) {
				if (item.StatisticalHits <= 0)
				total_hits += item.StatisticalHits;
				nodes.Add (new StatNode (this, null, item));
			nodes.Sort (StatNode.CompareByHits);
Esempio n. 8
		public CallsView (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base ()
			TreeView view = new TreeView (new TreeModelAdapter (new CallsStore (data, options)));
			view.AppendColumn ("Cost", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
			TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn ("Method", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0);
			view.AppendColumn (col);
			view.ExpanderColumn = col;
			view.Show ();
			options.Changed += delegate { view.Model = new TreeModelAdapter (new CallsStore (data, options)); };
			Add (view);
        public AllocationsView(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base()
            TreeView view = new TreeView(new TreeModelAdapter(new AllocationsStore(data, options)));

            view.AppendColumn("Cost", new CellRendererText(), "text", 1);
            TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn("Class/Allocator", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            view.ExpanderColumn = col;
Esempio n. 10
        public StatList(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base()
            store = new StatStore(data, options);
            Model = new TreeModelAdapter(store);
            Selection.SelectPath(new TreePath("0"));
            AppendColumn("Percent", new CellRendererText(), "text", 1);
            TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn("Method", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            ExpanderColumn   = col;
            options.Changed += delegate { Model = new TreeModelAdapter(new StatStore(data, options)); };
Esempio n. 11
		public StatView (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options)
			list = new StatList (data, options);
			ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			sw.Add (list);
			sw.ShowAll ();
			detail = new StatDetail (data, options);
			detail.CurrentItem = list.SelectedItem;
			list.Selection.Changed += delegate { detail.CurrentItem = list.SelectedItem; };
			Add1 (sw);
			Add2 (detail);
			Position = 200;
Esempio n. 12
        public CallsView(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base()
            TreeView view = new TreeView(new TreeModelAdapter(new CallsStore(data, options)));

            view.AppendColumn("Cost", new CellRendererText(), "text", 1);
            TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn("Method", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);

            view.ExpanderColumn = col;
            options.Changed += delegate { view.Model = new TreeModelAdapter(new CallsStore(data, options)); };
Esempio n. 13
 public StatStore(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base(data, options)
     nodes = new List <Node> ();
     foreach (IStatisticalHitItem item in data.StatisticalHitItems)
         if (item.StatisticalHits <= 0)
         total_hits += item.StatisticalHits;
         nodes.Add(new StatNode(this, null, item));
Esempio n. 14
        public StatView(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options)
            list = new StatList(data, options);
            ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow();

            detail                  = new StatDetail(data, options);
            detail.CurrentItem      = list.SelectedItem;
            list.Selection.Changed += delegate { detail.CurrentItem = list.SelectedItem; };
            Position = 200;
Esempio n. 15
        public CallsStore(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base(data, options)
            if (data == null || (data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.METHOD_EVENTS) == 0)

            nodes = new List <Node> ();
            foreach (StackTrace frame in data.RootFrames)
                total_clicks += frame.TopMethod.Clicks;
                nodes.Add(new CallsNode(this, null, frame));
Esempio n. 16
		public AllocationsStore (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base (data, options)
			if (data == null || (data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.CLASS_EVENTS) == 0)

			nodes = new List<Node> ();
			LoadedClass[] classes = data.LoadedElements.Classes;
			Array.Sort (classes, LoadedClass.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
			Array.Reverse (classes);
			foreach (LoadedClass c in classes) {
				if (c.AllocatedBytes > 0) {
					total_bytes += c.AllocatedBytes;
					nodes.Add (new ClassNode (this, null, c));
Esempio n. 17
		static void PrintClassAllocationData (TextWriter writer, ProfilerEventHandler data, LoadedClass c, ulong totalAllocatedBytes) {
			double allocatedBytesPerClass = (double)c.AllocatedBytes;
			writer.WriteLine ("{0,5:F2}% ({1} bytes) {2}", ((allocatedBytesPerClass / totalAllocatedBytes) * 100), c.AllocatedBytes, c.Name);
			if (data.Directives.AllocationsHaveStackTrace) {
				LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod[] allocationsPerMethodArray = c.Methods;
				double cumulativeAllocatedBytesPerMethod = 0;
				if (c.MethodsAtJitTimeCount > 0) {
					LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod[] allocationsPerMethodAtJitTime = c.MethodsAtJitTime;
					LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod[] totalAllocationsPerMethod = new LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod [allocationsPerMethodArray.Length + allocationsPerMethodAtJitTime.Length];
					Array.Copy (allocationsPerMethodArray, totalAllocationsPerMethod, allocationsPerMethodArray.Length);
					Array.Copy (allocationsPerMethodAtJitTime, 0, totalAllocationsPerMethod, allocationsPerMethodArray.Length, allocationsPerMethodAtJitTime.Length);
					allocationsPerMethodArray = totalAllocationsPerMethod;
				if (allocationsPerMethodArray.Length != 0) {
					Array.Sort (allocationsPerMethodArray, LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
					Array.Reverse (allocationsPerMethodArray);
					foreach (LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod allocationsPerMethod in allocationsPerMethodArray) {
						PrintMethodAllocationsPerClass (writer, allocationsPerMethod, false, cumulativeAllocatedBytesPerMethod < allocatedBytesPerClass * 0.7, 0.7);
						cumulativeAllocatedBytesPerMethod += (double)allocationsPerMethod.AllocatedBytes;
			} else {
				LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod[] allocationsPerMethodArray = c.Methods;
				if (allocationsPerMethodArray.Length != 0) {
					Array.Sort (allocationsPerMethodArray, LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
					Array.Reverse (allocationsPerMethodArray);
					foreach (LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod allocationsPerMethod in allocationsPerMethodArray) {
						PrintMethodAllocationsPerClass (writer, allocationsPerMethod, false, false, 0);
				if (c.MethodsAtJitTimeCount > 0) {
					allocationsPerMethodArray = c.MethodsAtJitTime;
					Array.Sort (allocationsPerMethodArray, LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
					Array.Reverse (allocationsPerMethodArray);
					foreach (LoadedClass.AllocationsPerMethod allocationsPerMethod in allocationsPerMethodArray) {
						PrintMethodAllocationsPerClass (writer, allocationsPerMethod, true, false, 0);
Esempio n. 18
        public StatDetail(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options)
          = data;
            this.options     = options;
            options.Changed += delegate { Refresh(); };
            Label callers_lbl = new Label(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Callers"));

            Label calls_lbl = new Label(Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString("Calls"));

            callers = new PageView();
            calls = new PageView();
            AppendPage(calls, calls_lbl);
            AppendPage(callers, callers_lbl);
Esempio n. 19
        public AllocationsStore(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options) : base(data, options)
            if (data == null || (data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.CLASS_EVENTS) == 0)

            nodes = new List <Node> ();
            LoadedClass[] classes = data.LoadedElements.Classes;
            Array.Sort(classes, LoadedClass.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
            foreach (LoadedClass c in classes)
                if (c.AllocatedBytes > 0)
                    total_bytes += c.AllocatedBytes;
                    nodes.Add(new ClassNode(this, null, c));
Esempio n. 20
        public bool LoadProfile(string path)
            this.path = path;
            SyncLogFileReader    rdr  = new SyncLogFileReader(path);
            ProfilerEventHandler data = new ProfilerEventHandler();

            data.LoadedElements.RecordHeapSnapshots = false;
            for (BlockData current = rdr.ReadBlock(); current != null; current = rdr.ReadBlock())
                    current.Decode(data, rdr);
                catch (DecodingException e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Stopping decoding after a DecodingException in block of code {0}, length {1}, file offset {2}, block offset {3}: {4}", e.FailingData.Code, e.FailingData.Length, e.FailingData.FileOffset, e.OffsetInBlock, e.Message);
            Gtk.Widget view;
            supports_filtering = false;
            if (data.HasStatisticalData)
                view = new StatView(data, Options);
            else if (data.HasAllocationData)
                view = new AllocationsView(data, Options);
                view = new CallsView(data, Options);
                supports_filtering = true;
            View = view;
Esempio n. 21
		static void PrintExecutionTimeByCallStack (TextWriter writer, ProfilerEventHandler data, StackTrace stackFrame, double callerSeconds, int indentationLevel) {
			for (int i = 0; i < indentationLevel; i++) {
				writer.Write ("    ");
			LoadedMethod currentMethod = stackFrame.TopMethod;
			double currentSeconds = data.ClicksToSeconds (stackFrame.Clicks);
			writer.WriteLine ("{0,5:F2}% ({1:F6}s, {2} calls) {3}.{4}", ((currentSeconds / callerSeconds) * 100), currentSeconds, stackFrame.Calls, currentMethod.Class.Name, currentMethod.Name);
			foreach (StackTrace calledFrame in stackFrame.CalledFrames) {
				PrintExecutionTimeByCallStack (writer, data, calledFrame, currentSeconds, indentationLevel + 1);
Esempio n. 22
		protected ProfileStore (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options)
		{ = data;
			this.options = options;
Esempio n. 23
		void InitializeBlocks () {
			uint fileOffset = 0;
			bool hasEnded = false;
			List<Block> result = new List<Block> ();
			ulong counter = 0;
			byte [] header = new byte [BlockData.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE];
			ProfilerEventHandler eventProcessor = new ProfilerEventHandler ();
			while (! hasEnded) {
				int bytesRead = stream.Read (header, 0, BlockData.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE);
				if (bytesRead != BlockData.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE) {
					if (bytesRead == 0) {
						Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: File truncated at offset {0} without end block", fileOffset);
					} else {
						throw new Exception (String.Format ("At file offset {0} block header is not complete", fileOffset));
				fileOffset += (uint) BlockData.BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE;
				counter += BlockData.DecodeHeaderBlockCounterDelta (header);
				Block block = new Block (fileOffset, BlockData.DecodeHeaderBlockCode (header), (uint) BlockData.DecodeHeaderBlockLength (header), counter);
				result.Add (block);
				fileOffset += block.Length;
				stream.Seek (fileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
				if (block.Code == BlockCode.INTRO) {
					ReadBlock (block).Decode (eventProcessor);
					startCounter = eventProcessor.StartCounter;
					startTime = eventProcessor.StartTime;
				if (block.Code == BlockCode.END) {
					hasEnded = true;
					ReadBlock (block).Decode (eventProcessor);
					endCounter = eventProcessor.EndCounter;
					endTime = eventProcessor.EndTime;
			blocks = result.ToArray ();
			foreach (Block block in blocks) {
				block.TimeFromStart = eventProcessor.ClicksToTimeSpan (block.Counter);
Esempio n. 24
 protected ProfileStore(ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options)
 {    = data;
     this.options = options;
Esempio n. 25
		static void Main (string[] argv) {
			BlockData.DebugLog = Console.Out;
			if (argv.Length != 1) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Please specify one input file");
			SyncLogFileReader reader = new SyncLogFileReader (argv [0]);
			ProfilerEventHandler data = new ProfilerEventHandler ();
			data.LoadedElements.RecordHeapSnapshots = false;
			while (! reader.HasEnded) {
				BlockData currentBlock = null;
				try {
					currentBlock = reader.ReadBlock ();
					currentBlock.Decode (data, reader);
				} catch (DecodingException e) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Stopping decoding after a DecodingException in block of code {0}, length {1}, file offset {2}, block offset {3}: {4}", e.FailingData.Code, e.FailingData.Length, e.FailingData.FileOffset, e.OffsetInBlock, e.Message);
			PrintData (Console.Out, data);
Esempio n. 26
		static void PrintData (TextWriter writer, ProfilerEventHandler data) {
			LoadedClass[] classes = data.LoadedElements.Classes;
			LoadedMethod[] methods = data.LoadedElements.Methods;
			IStatisticalHitItem[] statisticalHitItems = data.StatisticalHitItems;
			if ((data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.CLASS_EVENTS) != 0) {
				Array.Sort (classes, LoadedClass.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
				Array.Reverse (classes);
				ulong totalAllocatedBytes = 0;
				foreach (LoadedClass c in classes) {
					totalAllocatedBytes += c.AllocatedBytes;
				if (totalAllocatedBytes > 0) {
					PrintSeparator (writer);
					writer.WriteLine ("Reporting allocations (on {0} classes)", classes.Length);
					foreach (LoadedClass c in classes) {
						if (c.AllocatedBytes > 0) {
							PrintClassAllocationData (writer, data, c, totalAllocatedBytes);
				} else {
					writer.WriteLine ("No allocations reported (on {0} classes)", classes.Length);
			if ((data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.METHOD_EVENTS) != 0) {
				Array.Sort (methods, LoadedMethod.CompareByTotalClicks);
				Array.Reverse (methods);
				ulong totalExecutionClicks = 0;
				foreach (LoadedMethod m in methods) {
					totalExecutionClicks += m.Clicks;
				if (totalExecutionClicks > 0) {
					PrintSeparator (writer);
					writer.WriteLine ("Reporting execution time (on {0} methods)", methods.Length);
					foreach (LoadedMethod m in methods) {
						if (m.Clicks > 0) {
							writer.WriteLine ("{0,5:F2}% ({1:F6}s) {2}.{3}", ((((double)m.Clicks) / totalExecutionClicks) * 100), data.ClicksToSeconds (m.Clicks), m.Class.Name, m.Name);
							LoadedMethod.CallsPerCallerMethod[] callsPerCallerMethodArray = m.Callers;
							if (callsPerCallerMethodArray.Length > 0) {
								Array.Sort (callsPerCallerMethodArray, LoadedMethod.CallsPerCallerMethod.CompareByCalls);
								Array.Reverse (callsPerCallerMethodArray);
								foreach (LoadedMethod.CallsPerCallerMethod callsPerCallerMethod in callsPerCallerMethodArray) {
									writer.WriteLine ("        {0} calls from {1}.{2}", callsPerCallerMethod.Calls, callsPerCallerMethod.Callees.Class.Name, callsPerCallerMethod.Callees.Name);
					PrintSeparator (writer);
					writer.WriteLine ("Reporting execution time by stack frame");
					foreach (StackTrace rootFrame in data.RootFrames) {
						PrintExecutionTimeByCallStack (writer, data, rootFrame, data.ClicksToSeconds (totalExecutionClicks), 0);
				} else {
					writer.WriteLine ("No execution time reported (on {0} methods)", methods.Length);
			if ((data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.JIT_COMPILATION) != 0) {
				Array.Sort (methods, LoadedMethod.CompareByJitClicks);
				Array.Reverse (methods);
				ulong totalJitClicks = 0;
				foreach (LoadedMethod m in methods) {
					totalJitClicks += m.JitClicks;
				if (totalJitClicks > 0) {
					PrintSeparator (writer);
					writer.WriteLine ("Reporting jit time (on {0} methods)", methods.Length);
					foreach (LoadedMethod m in methods) {
						if (m.JitClicks > 0) {
							writer.WriteLine ("{0,5:F2}% ({1:F3}ms) {2}.{3}", ((((double)m.JitClicks) / totalJitClicks) * 100), data.ClicksToSeconds (m.JitClicks) * 1000, m.Class.Name, m.Name);
				} else {
					writer.WriteLine ("No jit time reported (on {0} methods)", methods.Length);
			if ((data.Flags & ProfilerFlags.STATISTICAL) != 0) {
				Array.Sort (statisticalHitItems, StatisticalHitItemCallCounts.CompareByStatisticalHits);
				Array.Reverse (statisticalHitItems);
				ulong totalHits = 0;
				foreach (IStatisticalHitItem s in statisticalHitItems) {
					totalHits += s.StatisticalHits;
				if (totalHits > 0) {
					PrintSeparator (writer);
					writer.WriteLine ("Reporting statistical hits ({0} hits recorded)", totalHits);
					foreach (IStatisticalHitItem s in statisticalHitItems) {
						if ((s.StatisticalHits > 0) || s.HasCallCounts) {
							writer.WriteLine ("{0,5:F2}% ({1}) {2}", ((((double)s.StatisticalHits) / totalHits) * 100), s.StatisticalHits, s.Name);
							if (s.HasCallCounts) {
								StatisticalHitItemCallCounts callCounts = s.CallCounts;
								if (callCounts.CallersCount > 0) {
									StatisticalHitItemCallInformation[] calls = callCounts.Callers;
									foreach (StatisticalHitItemCallInformation call in calls) {
										writer.WriteLine ("    {0} calls from {1}", call.Calls, call.Item.Name);
								if (callCounts.CalleesCount > 0) {
									StatisticalHitItemCallInformation[] calls = callCounts.Callees;
									foreach (StatisticalHitItemCallInformation call in calls) {
										writer.WriteLine ("    {0} calls to {1}", call.Calls, call.Item.Name);
				} else {
					writer.WriteLine ("No statistical hits reported (on {0} items)", statisticalHitItems.Length);
			if (data.GlobalMonitorStatistics.ContainsData) {
				PrintSeparator (writer);
				writer.WriteLine ("Reporting monitor statistics.");
				data.GlobalMonitorStatistics.WriteStatistics (writer, data);
			ProfilerEventHandler.GcStatistics[] gcStatistics = data.GarbageCollectioncStatistics;
			if (gcStatistics.Length > 0) {
				double totalTime = data.ClicksToSeconds (data.EndCounter - data.StartCounter);
				double gcTime = 0;
				double gcMarkTime = 0;
				double gcSweepTime = 0;
				int collections = 0;
				foreach (ProfilerEventHandler.GcStatistics gcs in gcStatistics) {
					if (gcs.NewHeapSize == null) {
						collections ++;
						gcTime += gcs.Duration;
						gcMarkTime += gcs.MarkDuration;
						gcSweepTime += gcs.SweepDuration;
				PrintSeparator (writer);
				writer.WriteLine ("Reporting GC statistics for {0} collections (total {1:F3}ms, {2,5:F2}% of total time, mark {3,5:F2}%, sweep {4,5:F2}%)",
				                  gcTime * 1000,
				                  (gcTime / totalTime) * 100,
				                  (gcMarkTime / gcTime) * 100,
				                  (gcSweepTime / gcTime) * 100);
				foreach (ProfilerEventHandler.GcStatistics gcs in gcStatistics) {
					if (gcs.NewHeapSize == null) {
						ulong gcStartClicks = gcs.StartCounter - data.StartCounter;
						writer.WriteLine ("[{0}] Collection starting at {1:F3}s (generation {2}): duration {3:F3}ms, mark {4:F3}ms, sweep {5:F3}ms",
						                  data.ClicksToSeconds (gcStartClicks),
						                  gcs.Duration * 1000,
						                  gcs.MarkDuration * 1000,
						                  gcs.SweepDuration * 1000);
					} else {
						writer.WriteLine ("[{0}] Heap resized to {1} bytes", gcs.Collection, gcs.NewHeapSize);
			AllocationSummary [] allocationSummaries = data.AllocationSummaries;
			if (allocationSummaries.Length > 0) {
				PrintSeparator (writer);
				writer.WriteLine ("Reporting allocation summaries for {0} collections", allocationSummaries.Length);
				foreach (AllocationSummary allocationSummary in allocationSummaries) {
					writer.WriteLine ("Data for collection {0} written {1:F3}s since the application started",
					                  allocationSummary.Collection, ((double) (allocationSummary.StartTime - data.StartTime).Milliseconds) / 1000);
					AllocationClassData<LoadedClass>[] classData = allocationSummary.Data;
					foreach (AllocationClassData<LoadedClass> cData in classData) {
						writer.WriteLine ("  Class {0}: {1} bytes in {2} instances (freed: {3} bytes in {4} instances)",
			HeapSnapshot[] heapSnapshots = data.LoadedElements.HeapSnapshots;
			if (heapSnapshots.Length > 0) {
				PrintSeparator (writer);
				writer.WriteLine ("Reporting heap data for {0} collections", heapSnapshots.Length);
				foreach (HeapSnapshot heapSnapshot in heapSnapshots) {
					HeapSnapshot.AllocationStatisticsPerClass [] allocationStatistics = heapSnapshot.AllocationStatistics;
					writer.WriteLine ("Heap data collection {0} started at {1} (duration {2:F3}ms)",
					                  data.CounterToDateTime (heapSnapshot.StartCounter),
					                  data.ClicksToSeconds (heapSnapshot.EndCounter - heapSnapshot.StartCounter) * 1000);
					if (allocationStatistics.Length > 0) {
						Array.Sort (allocationStatistics, HeapSnapshot.AllocationStatisticsPerClass.CompareByAllocatedBytes);
						Array.Reverse (allocationStatistics);
						uint totalAllocatedBytes = 0;
						foreach (HeapSnapshot.AllocationStatisticsPerClass s in allocationStatistics) {
							totalAllocatedBytes += s.AllocatedBytes;
						foreach (HeapSnapshot.AllocationStatisticsPerClass s in allocationStatistics) {
							if (s.AllocatedBytes > 0) {
								writer.WriteLine ("    {0,5:F2}% {1} {2} bytes ({3} freed)", ((((double)s.AllocatedBytes) / totalAllocatedBytes) * 100), s.Class.Name, s.AllocatedBytes, s.FreedBytes);
					} else {
						writer.WriteLine ("No allocation statistics for this collection)", statisticalHitItems.Length);
Esempio n. 27
		public StatDetail (ProfilerEventHandler data, DisplayOptions options)
		{ = data;
			this.options = options;
			options.Changed += delegate { Refresh (); };
			Label callers_lbl = new Label (Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Callers"));
			callers_lbl.Show ();
			Label calls_lbl = new Label (Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Calls"));
			calls_lbl.Show ();
			callers = new PageView ();
			callers.Show ();
			calls = new PageView ();
			calls.Show ();
			AppendPage (calls, calls_lbl);
			AppendPage (callers, callers_lbl);