Esempio n. 1
        public GroupProfileHeaderViewModel(GroupData groupData)
            this.VerifiedVisibility   = Visibility.Collapsed;
            this.CoverImageVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            this.DataVisibility       = Visibility.Collapsed;

            Group group = groupData != null ? : null;

            if (group == null)
            this.Name               =;
            this.Description        = group.GroupType == GroupType.Event ? CommonResources.Event : group.activity;
            this.ProfileImageUrl    = group.photo_200;
            this.VerifiedVisibility = groupData.IsVerified.ToVisiblity();
            CoverImage coverImage = groupData.CoverImage;

            if (coverImage != null)
                this.CoverImageUrl = coverImage.url;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CoverImageUrl))
                    this.CoverImageVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
            this.HasAvatar      = ProfileHeaderViewModelBase.IsValidAvatarUrl(group.photo_200);
            this.DataVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
Esempio n. 2
        public GroupProfileHeaderViewModel(GroupData groupData)
            if (groupData == null || == null)
            Group group =;

            this.Name               =;
            this.Description        = group.GroupType == GroupType.Event ? CommonResources.Event : group.activity;
            this.ProfileImageUrl    = group.photo_200;
            this.VerifiedVisibility = groupData.IsVerified ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
            this._hasAvatar         = ProfileHeaderViewModelBase.IsValidAvatarUrl(group.photo_200);
Esempio n. 3
        private void UpdateProfilePhoto(double width, double ratio)
            if (this._userData == null)
            double    requiredHeight = width / ratio;
            CropPhoto cropPhoto      = this._userData.user.crop_photo;
            string    avatarUrl;

            if (cropPhoto != null)
                bool   flag = true;
                string appropriateForScaleFactor =, 1);
                Photo  photo  =;
                double num1   = photo.height > 0 ? (double)photo.width / (double)photo.height : 1.0;
                double width1 = width;
                double height = width1 / num1;
                if (num1 > ratio)
                    height = requiredHeight;
                    width1 = requiredHeight * num1;
                    flag   = false;
                this.ProfileImageWidth  = (int)width1;
                this.ProfileImageHeight = (int)height;
                Rect croppingRectangle1 = cropPhoto.crop.GetCroppingRectangle(width1, height);
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                Rect croppingRectangle2 = cropPhoto.rect.GetCroppingRectangle(((Rect)@croppingRectangle1).Width, ((Rect)@croppingRectangle1).Height);
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                double num2 = croppingRectangle2.X + ((Rect)@croppingRectangle1).X;
                croppingRectangle2.X = num2;
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                // ISSUE: variable of a reference type
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                double num3 = croppingRectangle2.Y + ((Rect)@croppingRectangle1).Y;
                croppingRectangle2.Y = num3;
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                double num4 = ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).X + ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Width / 2.0;
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                double num5 = ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Y + ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Height;
                if (flag)
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    double num6 = ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Height <= requiredHeight ? 2.0 : 2.56;
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    double num7 = num5 - (((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Height - ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Height / num6);
                    double val1 = requiredHeight / 2.0 - num7;
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                    if (((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Height > requiredHeight && num7 - ((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Height / 2.0 >= 0.0)
                        // ISSUE: explicit reference operation
                        val1 = -((Rect)@croppingRectangle2).Y;
                    double num8 = Math.Min(0.0, Math.Max(val1, requiredHeight - height));
                    this.ProfileImageMargin   = new Thickness(0.0, num8, 0.0, 0.0);
                    this.ProfileImageClipRect = new Rect(0.0, -(num8 + 1.0), width, requiredHeight + 1.0);
                    double num6 = Math.Min(0.0, Math.Max(width / 2.0 - num4, width - width1));
                    this.ProfileImageMargin   = new Thickness(num6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                    this.ProfileImageClipRect = new Rect(-(num6 + 1.0), 0.0, width + 1.0, requiredHeight);
                // ISSUE: type reference
                // ISSUE: method reference
                this.NotifyPropertyChanged <Thickness>(() => this.ProfileImageMargin);
                // ISSUE: type reference
                // ISSUE: method reference
                this.NotifyPropertyChanged <Rect>(() => this.ProfileImageClipRect);
                avatarUrl = appropriateForScaleFactor;
                avatarUrl = this._userData.user.photo_max ?? this._userData.user.photo_big;
                this.ProfileImageWidth  = (int)width;
                this.ProfileImageHeight = (int)requiredHeight;
            if (!ProfileHeaderViewModelBase.IsValidAvatarUrl(avatarUrl))
            this.ProfileImageUrl = avatarUrl;
            // ISSUE: type reference
            // ISSUE: method reference
            this.NotifyPropertyChanged <string>(() => this.ProfileImageUrl);
            // ISSUE: type reference
            // ISSUE: method reference
            this.NotifyPropertyChanged <int>(() => this.ProfileImageWidth);
            // ISSUE: type reference
            // ISSUE: method reference
            this.NotifyPropertyChanged <int>(() => this.ProfileImageHeight);
        private void UpdateProfilePhoto(double width, double ratio)
            if (this._userData == null)
            double    num1      = width / ratio;
            CropPhoto cropPhoto = this._userData.user.crop_photo;
            string    avatarUrl;

            if (cropPhoto != null)
                bool   flag = true;
                string appropriateForScaleFactor =, 1);
                Photo  photo  =;
                double num2   = photo.height > 0 ? (double)photo.width / (double)photo.height : 1.0;
                double width1 = width;
                double height = width1 / num2;
                if (num2 > ratio)
                    height = num1;
                    width1 = num1 * num2;
                    flag   = false;
                this.ProfileImageWidth  = (int)width1;
                this.ProfileImageHeight = (int)height;
                Rect croppingRectangle1 = cropPhoto.crop.GetCroppingRectangle(width1, height);
                Rect croppingRectangle2 = cropPhoto.rect.GetCroppingRectangle(croppingRectangle1.Width, croppingRectangle1.Height);
                croppingRectangle2.X += croppingRectangle1.X;
                croppingRectangle2.Y += croppingRectangle1.Y;
                double num3 = croppingRectangle2.X + croppingRectangle2.Width / 2.0;
                double num4 = croppingRectangle2.Y + croppingRectangle2.Height;
                if (flag)
                    double num5 = croppingRectangle2.Height <= num1 ? 2.0 : 2.56;
                    double num6 = num4 - (croppingRectangle2.Height - croppingRectangle2.Height / num5);
                    double val1 = num1 / 2.0 - num6;
                    if (croppingRectangle2.Height > num1 && num6 - croppingRectangle2.Height / 2.0 >= 0.0)
                        val1 = -croppingRectangle2.Y;
                    double top = Math.Min(0.0, Math.Max(val1, num1 - height));
                    this.ProfileImageMargin   = new Thickness(0.0, top, 0.0, 0.0);
                    this.ProfileImageClipRect = new Rect(0.0, -(top + 1.0), width, num1 + 1.0);
                    double left = Math.Min(0.0, Math.Max(width / 2.0 - num3, width - width1));
                    this.ProfileImageMargin   = new Thickness(left, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                    this.ProfileImageClipRect = new Rect(-(left + 1.0), 0.0, width + 1.0, num1);
                this.NotifyPropertyChanged <Thickness>((System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <Thickness> >)(() => this.ProfileImageMargin));
                this.NotifyPropertyChanged <Rect>((System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <Rect> >)(() => this.ProfileImageClipRect));
                avatarUrl = appropriateForScaleFactor;
                avatarUrl = this._userData.user.photo_max ?? this._userData.user.photo_big;
                this.ProfileImageWidth  = (int)width;
                this.ProfileImageHeight = (int)num1;
            if (!ProfileHeaderViewModelBase.IsValidAvatarUrl(avatarUrl))
            this.ProfileImageUrl = avatarUrl;
            this.NotifyPropertyChanged <string>((System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <string> >)(() => this.ProfileImageUrl));
            this.NotifyPropertyChanged <int>((System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <int> >)(() => this.ProfileImageWidth));
            this.NotifyPropertyChanged <int>((System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <int> >)(() => this.ProfileImageHeight));