public DataTable GetProfessorListByDepartment_Term(string tterm, int DepartmentCode) { ProfPresentDAO ProfDAO = new ProfPresentDAO(); // گرفتن لیست اساتید براساس ترم و دپارتمان DataTable DTProf_Sida = new DataTable(); DTProf_Sida = ProfDAO.GetProfessorListByDepartment_Term(DepartmentCode, tterm);// Get ProfList By Departmenet And Term DataTable DTProfMeetings = ProfDAO.R_TeacherTotalTimeinMeetingsListByClassListAndTerm(DTProf_Sida, tterm); return(DTProfMeetings); }
//StuPresentDAO StuDAO = new StuPresentDAO(); public List <string> GetAllDepartment() { ProfPresentDAO ProfDAO = new ProfPresentDAO(); DataTable DT = ProfDAO.GetAllDepartment(); List <string> TermList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < DT.Rows.Count; i++) { TermList.Add(DT.Rows[i]["Department"].ToString()); } return(TermList); }
public DataTable SortedDataTableBothServer(string tterm, string Department) { ProfPresentDAO ProfDAO = new ProfPresentDAO(); // گرفتن لیست اساتید براساس ترم و دپارتمان DataTable DTProf_Sida = new DataTable(); DTProf_Sida = ProfDAO.GetProfessorListByDepartment_Term(Department, tterm);// Get ProfList By Departmenet And Term // Adobe آماده کردن داده ها (کد استاد و کد درس) جهت ارسال به DataTable tvp = new DataTable();//Array List tvp.Columns.Add("ProfID", typeof(String)); tvp.Columns.Add("ClassID", typeof(String)); DataRow workRow; for (int i = 0; i < DTProf_Sida.Rows.Count; i++) { //Get Data that Need in Adobe for Give Prof Info workRow = tvp.NewRow(); workRow[0] = "ins" + DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["code_ostad"].ToString(); workRow[1] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["did"].ToString(); tvp.Rows.Add(workRow); } DataTable DT1 = ProfDAO.GetProfessorTimeByArrayList(tvp); //DataTable DT1 = new DataTable(); //DataTable DT0 = new DataTable(); ////if (tterm == "93-94-1") ////{ //// DT1 = GivaAll(Department); //// DT0 = GivaAll_OLD(Department); //// foreach (DataRow dr in DT0.Rows) //// DT1.Rows.Add(dr.ItemArray); ////} ////else //// DT1 = GivaAll93942(Department); DataTable DT11 = new DataTable(); DT11.Columns.Add("Department", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("GroupName", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("LOGIN", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("TeacherName", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("code", typeof(int)); DT11.Columns.Add("LessonName", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("PersianDate", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("SumOfTime", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("TimeClass", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("TimeStart", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("TimeEnd", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("FirstLogin", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("LastLogOut", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("Hozoor", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("NAME", typeof(string)); DT11.Columns.Add("tterm", typeof(string)); for (int i = 0; i < DTProf_Sida.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < DT1.Rows.Count; j++)// را یکی میکند Adobe اطلاعات دریافت شده از { if (DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString() == DT1.Rows[j]["NAME"].ToString()) { DataRow row = DT11.NewRow(); row["Department"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["Department"].ToString(); row["GroupName"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["namegroup"].ToString(); row["LessonName"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["namedars"].ToString(); row["LOGIN"] = DT1.Rows[j]["LOGIN"].ToString(); row["TeacherName"] = DT1.Rows[j]["TeacherName"].ToString(); row["PersianDate"] = DT1.Rows[j]["PersianDate"].ToString(); row["SumOfTime"] = DT1.Rows[j]["SumOfTime"].ToString(); row["FirstLogin"] = DT1.Rows[j]["FirstLogin"].ToString(); row["LastLogOut"] = DT1.Rows[j]["LastLogOut"].ToString(); row["code"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["did"].ToString(); row["TimeClass"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["TimeClass"].ToString(); row["TimeStart"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["saatstart"].ToString(); row["TimeEnd"] = DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["saatend"].ToString(); row["tterm"] = tterm; int HozorCheck = 0; if (DT1.Rows[j]["SumOfTime"].ToString() != "") { HozorCheck = int.Parse(DT1.Rows[j]["SumOfTime"].ToString()); } int TimeClassCheck = 0; if (DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["TimeClass"].ToString() != "") { TimeClassCheck = int.Parse(DTProf_Sida.Rows[i]["TimeClass"].ToString()); } if (HozorCheck > TimeClassCheck) { row["Hozoor"] = "1"; } else { row["Hozoor"] = "0"; } DT11.Rows.Add(row); } } } DataView dv = DT11.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "code"; DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable(); int testRows1 = sortedDT.Rows.Count; int testRows2 = DTProf_Sida.Rows.Count; int testRows3 = DT1.Rows.Count; return(sortedDT); }