static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the GroceryCo Shopping App:"); ShowOptions(); string selection = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); while (!selection.Equals("Q")) { switch (selection) { case "L": IProductReport productReport = new ProductReport(); productReport.DisplayProducts(); break; case "C": IShoppingCartHandler shoppingCartHandler = new ShoppingCartHandler(); shoppingCartHandler.CheckoutShoppingCart(); break; case "Q": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid option selected"); break; } ShowOptions(); selection = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } }
private void dgvProductList_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex == -1 || e.ColumnIndex == -1) { return; } ProductReport selectedProduct = (ProductReport)dgvProductList.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem; if (GetSelectedCellText(dgvProductList, e) == "Details") { ProductForm productForm = new ProductForm(selectedProduct.Id); ShowFormAsFixedDialog(this, productForm); } else if (GetSelectedCellText(dgvProductList, e) == "Select") { if (CallerForm == null && CallerForm.Name == null) { return; } else if (selectedProduct != null && CallerForm.Name == "DealerBillBreakupForm") { ((DealerBillBreakupForm)CallerForm).OnProductSelect(selectedProduct.Id, selectedProduct.ProductName); } Close(); // close form and on closing call BillBreakupForm method to set product Id and Name } }
public StatisticProductReportWindow(List <RecordProducts> records, StatisticModel Model) { this.Model = Model; InitializeComponent(); this.Text = Model.Title; Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Res.dll")); this.Icon = new Icon(asm.GetManifestResourceStream(@"Oybab.Res.Resources.Images.PC.Statistic.ico")); Model.DataSource = records; ProductReport report = new ProductReport(Model.Parameters["PriceSymbol"].ToString()); webBrowser1.Refresh(); string htmlContent = report.ProcessHTMLContent(Model); webBrowser1.DocumentText = htmlContent; //File.WriteAllText("y:\\test1111.html", htmlContent); }
public override object WindowLoaded(params object[] parameters) { ProductReport productReport = new ProductReport(); productReport.SetParameterValue("@Product_ID", mProductID.ToString()); return(productReport); }
private void PopulateReportsList() { foreach (var ship in this.Spaceships) { var quantity = this.Sales .Where(s => s.ProductName == ship.Model) .Sum(s => s.Quantity); var totalSum = this.Sales .Where(s => s.ProductName == ship.Model) .Sum(s => s.Sum); var jsonReportEntry = new ProductReport() { Id = ship.Id, Model = ship.Model, Category = ship.Category.Name, Price = ship.Price, QuanitySold = quantity, TotalIncome = totalSum }; this.Reports.Add(jsonReportEntry); } }
public List <string> CreateJsonReports(Dictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <int, DBManager.MongoEntry> > reports) { string pathString = "../../../Product-Reports/"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathString)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathString); } var reportsAsStringsList = new List <string>(); foreach (var report in reports) { foreach (var entry in report.Value) { var productReport = new ProductReport(entry.Key, entry.Value.ProductName, entry.Value.VendorName, entry.Value.QuantitySold, entry.Value.TotatIncome); var serializeProductReport = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(productReport); reportsAsStringsList.Add(serializeProductReport); SaveJsonIntoFile(serializeProductReport, pathString, entry.Key); } } return(reportsAsStringsList); }
private static List<ProductReport> getAllReports(SupermarketContext db) { var reports = new List<ProductReport>(); foreach (var product in db.Products) { int totalQuantitySold = 0; var foundProduct = db.SalesReports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProductID == product.ProductID); if(foundProduct!=null) { totalQuantitySold = db.SalesReports.Where(x => x.ProductID == product.ProductID) .Sum(x => x.Quantity); } ProductReport report = new ProductReport() { productId = product.ProductID, productName = product.ProductName, vendorName = product.Vendor.VendorName, totalQuantitySold = totalQuantitySold, totalIncomes = product.BasePrice * totalQuantitySold }; reports.Add(report); } return reports; }
private void btnProd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductReport objPro = new ProductReport(); rptViewer objView = new rptViewer(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearch.Text)) { objPro.SetParameterValue("@ProductID", txtSearch.Text); ProductBL obj = new ProductBL() { ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(txtSearch.Text) }; var dt = obj.SearchByPRod(); if (dt != null) { objPro.SetDataSource(dt); objView.crptViewer.ReportSource = objPro; objView.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; objView.ShowDialog(); //crptViewerProd.ReportSource = objPro; txtSearch.Clear(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Record Found"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Product ID"); } }
private static void PrintProductReport(string header, ProductReport <ProductPrice> productReport) { Console.WriteLine($"Report - {header}"); foreach (var reportLine in productReport.Products) { Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", reportLine.Name, reportLine.Price); } }
public void Will_be_able_to_save_and_retrieve_a_product_dto() { var productReport = new ProductReport(Guid.NewGuid(), "Test Product"); _repository.Save(productReport); ProductReport sut = _repository.GetByExample <ProductReport>(new { Name = "Test Product" }).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.That(sut.Id, Is.EqualTo(productReport.Id)); Assert.That(sut.Name, Is.EqualTo(productReport.Name)); }
private void productReportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Form c in this.MdiChildren) { c.Close(); } ProductReport pr = new ProductReport(); pr.MdiParent = this; pr.Show(); groupBox1.Hide(); }
internal void Initial(List <RecordProducts> records, StatisticModel statisticModel) { statisticModel.DataSource = records; ProductReport report = new ProductReport(statisticModel.Parameters["PriceSymbol"].ToString()); string htmlContent = report.ProcessHTMLContent(statisticModel); var htmlSource = new HtmlWebViewSource(); htmlSource.Html = htmlContent; _browser.Source = htmlSource; }
private static ProductReport GetReportObject(string itemId, BusinessDbContext bDb) { ProductDetail productDetail = bDb.ProductDetails.Where(x => x.Id == itemId).Include(x => x.ProductCategory) .Include(x => x.ProductCategory.ProductGroup).First(); var report = new ProductReport { ProductDetailId = itemId, ProductDetailName = productDetail.Name, ProductCategoryId = productDetail.ProductCategoryId, ProductCategoryName = productDetail.ProductCategory.Name, ProductGroupId = productDetail.ProductCategory.ProductGroupId, ProductGroupName = productDetail.ProductCategory.ProductGroup.Name, }; return(report); }
public Boolean insertProductReport(string productName, int quantity, int totalPay) { Boolean ret = false; // return variable try { MongoClient mc = new MongoClient("mongodb://*****:*****"); MongoServer ms = mc.GetServer(); MongoDatabase db = ms.GetDatabase("info_aplicada_ucr"); var productReport = new ProductReport(productName, quantity, totalPay); MongoCollection collection = db.GetCollection <ProductReport>("ProductReport"); collection.Insert <ProductReport>(productReport); ret = true; }//try catch (Exception error) { ret = false; } //catch return(ret); } //insertProductReport
public async Task <List <ProductReport> > GetProductReport() { var models = new List <ProductReport>(); var reader = await SqlHelperExtension.ExecuteReader(_connectionString, SqlConstant.ProcGetProductReport, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); while (reader.Read()) { ProductReport model = new ProductReport(); model.Code = reader.DefaultIfNull <string>("Code"); model.Name = reader.DefaultIfNull <string>("Name"); model.PeUnitCost = reader.DefaultIfNull <decimal>("PerUnitCost"); model.Quantity = reader.DefaultIfNull <int>("Quantity"); model.ThresholdValue = reader.DefaultIfNull <int>("ThresholdValue"); model.Unit = reader.DefaultIfNull <string>("Unit"); models.Add(model); } return(models); }
private void dgvProductList_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == ColAvailableQuantity.Index) { ProductReport productReport = (ProductReport)dgvProductList.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataBoundItem; if (productReport.AvailableQuantity <= productReport.LowerLimit) { e.CellStyle.BackColor = RAG_Red; } else if (productReport.AvailableQuantity >= productReport.UpperLimit) { e.CellStyle.BackColor = RAG_Green; } else { e.CellStyle.BackColor = RAG_Amber; } } DataGridView_Selected_Cell_CellFormatting(sender, e); }
private void btnAllRecord_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductReport objPro = new ProductReport(); rptViewer objView = new rptViewer(); ProductBL obj = new ProductBL(); var dt = obj.SearchByPRodCom(); if (dt != null) { objPro.SetDataSource(dt); objView.crptViewer.ReportSource = objPro; objView.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; objView.ShowDialog(); //crptViewerProd.ReportSource = objPro; } else { MessageBox.Show("No Record Found"); } }
private static void GenerateMongoReportsFromMSSql(MongoCollection<BsonDocument> productReports) { using (var supermarketEntities = new SupermarketEntities()) { var reportsOrederedByProductId = supermarketEntities.Reports .Include("Product.Vendor") .OrderBy(p => p.ProductId); var firstProduct = reportsOrederedByProductId.First(); int currentProductId = firstProduct.ProductId; int totalQuantitySold = 0; decimal totalIncome = 0; ProductReport productReport; Report lastReport = new Report(); foreach (var report in reportsOrederedByProductId) { if (currentProductId != report.ProductId) { productReport = new ProductReport(currentProductId, report.Product.ProductName.ToString(), report.Product.Vendor.VendorName.ToString().Trim(), totalQuantitySold, totalIncome); totalIncome = 0; totalQuantitySold = 0; currentProductId = report.ProductId; productReports.Insert(productReport); } totalIncome += report.Sum; totalQuantitySold += report.Quantity; lastReport = report; } productReport = new ProductReport(currentProductId, lastReport.Product.ProductName.ToString(), lastReport.Product.Vendor.VendorName.ToString().Trim(), totalQuantitySold, totalIncome); productReports.Insert(productReport); } }
public async Task <Unit> Handle(CreateProductReportCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var product = await _dbContext.Products.FindAsync(request.ProductId); if (product == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Product was not found"); } var entity = new ProductReport { ProductId = request.ProductId, Reason = request.Reason, Resolved = false }; await _dbContext.ProductReports.AddAsync(entity, cancellationToken); await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); return(Unit.Value); }
private void MinStockReport_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ICollection <Product> products; List <ProductReport> productReport = new List <ProductReport>(); using (MFSContext context = new MFSContext()) { products = context.Products.ToList(); foreach (var p in products) { ProductReport report; report = new ProductReport() { Id = p.ProductId, Name = p.Name, Cost = (context.OrderDetails .Where(o => o.Product.ProductId == p.ProductId).Count() == 0) ? 0 : context.OrderDetails .Where(o => o.Product.ProductId == p.ProductId).Average(o => o.Cost), Image = Company.Image, SellPrice = p.SellPrice, Stock = (context.OrderDetails.Where(o => o.Product.ProductId == p.ProductId).Count() > 0) ? context.OrderDetails.Where(o => o.Product.ProductId == p.ProductId && o.Remove != 1).Sum(o => o.Quantity) - context.SaleDetails.Where(s => s.Product.ProductId == p.ProductId && s.Remove != 1).Sum(s => s.Quantity) : 0, CompanyName = Company.Name, MinStock = p.MinStock, Title = "Listado de todos los productos." }; if (report.MinStock >= report.Stock) { productReport.Add(report); } ProductReportBindingSource.DataSource = productReport; this.reportViewer1.RefreshReport(); } } }
public IActionResult Pdf(Product product) { ProductCategoryVM productCategoryVM = new ProductCategoryVM(); productCategoryVM.Products = productService.GetActive(); ProductReport productReport = new ProductReport(_hostingEnvironment); return(File(productReport.Report(productCategoryVM.Products), "application/pdf")); //HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(); //WebKitConverterSettings settings = new WebKitConverterSettings(); //settings.WebKitPath = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "QtBinariesWindows"); //converter.ConverterSettings = settings; //PdfDocument document = converter.Convert("http://localhost:44347/ManagerPanel/Product/product"); //MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(); //document.Save(memory); //return File(memory.ToArray(), System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf, "Output.pdf"); }
private void SaveReport(ProductReport report) { var db = BusinessDbContext.Create(); //M dbReport = db.ProductReports.FirstOrDefault( // x => x.ShopId == report.ShopId // && x.ReportTimeType == report.ReportTimeType // && x.Date == report.Date // && x.ProductReportType == report.ProductReportType // && x.ProductDetailId == report.ProductDetailId); //if (dbReport == null) //{ // db.ProductReports.Add(report); //} //else //{ // dbReport.PurchaseTotal = report.PurchaseTotal; // dbReport.PurchaseQuantity = report.PurchaseQuantity; // dbReport.PurchasePricePerUnitAverage = // report.PurchaseQuantity == 0 ? 0 : report.PurchaseTotal / report.PurchaseQuantity; // dbReport.SaleTotal = report.SaleTotal; // dbReport.SaleCostTotal = report.SaleCostTotal; // dbReport.SalePriceTotal = report.SalePriceTotal; // dbReport.SaleDiscountTotal = report.SaleDiscountTotal; // dbReport.SaleQuantity = report.SaleQuantity; // dbReport.SaleCostPricePerUnitAverage = report.SaleCostPricePerUnitAverage; // dbReport.SalePricePerUnitAverage = report.SalePricePerUnitAverage; // dbReport.StartingQuantity = report.StartingQuantity; // dbReport.EndingQuantity = report.EndingQuantity; //} db.SaveChanges(); }
public bool DayStartAll(string shopId, DateTime startDate) { startDate = startDate.Date; DateTime yesterday = startDate.AddDays(-1).Date; DayEndUpdateAll(shopId, yesterday); ReportDbContext rDb = new ReportDbContext(); BusinessDbContext bDb = new BusinessDbContext(); List <string> ids = bDb.ProductDetails.Where(x => x.ShopId == shopId).Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); foreach (string pId in ids) { ProductReport report = GetReportObject(pId, bDb); this.SetDefaults(report, shopId, startDate); ProductReport yesterdayReport = rDb.ProductReports.Where(x => x.ShopId == shopId && x.ProductDetailId == pId).FirstOrDefault(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.Date) == yesterday); if (yesterdayReport != null) { report.QuantityStartingToday = yesterdayReport.QuantityEndingToday; } var todayExists = rDb.ProductReports.Any( x => x.ShopId == shopId && x.ProductDetailId == pId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.Date) == startDate); if (todayExists) { this.QuickUpdate(shopId, pId, startDate); } else { rDb.ProductReports.Add(report); rDb.SaveChanges(); } } return(true); }
public ActionResult BarcodeGenerate(int productId, int quantity) { //{ // Document doc = new Document(new iTextSharp.text.Rectangle(24, 12), 5, 5, 1, 1); // try // { // PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, new FileStream( // Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "/codes.pdf", FileMode.Create)); // doc.Open(); // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // dt.Columns.Add("ID"); // dt.Columns.Add("Price"); // for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) // { // DataRow row = dt.NewRow(); // row["ID"] = "ZS00000000000000" + i.ToString(); // row["Price"] = "100," + i.ToString(); // dt.Rows.Add(row); // } // System.Drawing.Image img1 = null; // for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) // { // if (i != 0) // doc.NewPage(); // PdfContentByte cb1 = writer.DirectContent; // BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.TIMES_BOLDITALIC, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); // cb1.SetFontAndSize(bf, 2.0f); // cb1.BeginText(); // cb1.SetTextMatrix(1.2f, 9.5f); // cb1.ShowText("Safi Garments"); // cb1.EndText(); // PdfContentByte cb2 = writer.DirectContent; // BaseFont bf1 = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); // cb2.SetFontAndSize(bf1, 1.3f); // cb2.BeginText(); // cb2.SetTextMatrix(17.5f, 1.0f); // cb2.ShowText(dt.Rows[i]["Price"].ToString()); // cb2.EndText(); // iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent; // iTextSharp.text.pdf.Barcode128 bc = new Barcode128(); // bc.TextAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; // bc.Code = dt.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString(); // bc.StartStopText = false; // bc.CodeType = iTextSharp.text.pdf.Barcode128.EAN13; // bc.Extended = true; // //System.Drawing.Image bimg = // // bc.CreateDrawingImage(System.Drawing.Color.Black, System.Drawing.Color.White); // //img1 = bimg; // iTextSharp.text.Image img = bc.CreateImageWithBarcode(cb, // iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK, iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK); // cb.SetTextMatrix(1.5f, 3.0f); // img.ScaleToFit(60, 5); // img.SetAbsolutePosition(1.5f, 1); // cb.AddImage(img); // } // } // catch // { // } // finally // { // doc.Close(); // } if (ModelState.IsValid) { ProductReport paymentReport = new ProductReport(); byte[] bytes = paymentReport.CreateReport(); return(File(bytes, "application/pdf")); } return(RedirectToAction("BarcodeGenerate")); }
public AddReport(ProductReport productReport) { this.productReport = productReport; }
public async Task <Tuple <Vm, List <ProductReportViewModel>, int> > GetHistoryByDate(Rm rm) { var productDetailService = new BaseService <ProductDetail, ProductDetailRequestModel, ProductDetailViewModel>(new BaseRepository <ProductDetail>(Repository.Db)); var productDetail = productDetailService.GetById(rm.ParentId); var productDetailViewModel = new Vm(productDetail); var saleDetailService = new BaseService <SaleDetail, SaleDetailRequestModel, SaleDetailViewModel>(new BaseRepository <SaleDetail>(Repository.Db)); var saleDetailRequestModel = new SaleDetailRequestModel("") { ShopId = rm.ShopId, ProductDetailId = rm.ParentId, Page = -1, IsIncludeParents = true, WarehouseId = rm.WarehouseId, StartDate = rm.StartDate, EndDate = rm.EndDate, }; // this will pull all data Tuple <List <SaleDetailViewModel>, int> saleDetailResult = await saleDetailService.SearchAsync(saleDetailRequestModel); List <HistoryViewModel> saleDetailHistoryViewModels = saleDetailResult.Item1.ConvertAll(x => new HistoryViewModel(x, productDetail.Name, productDetail.SalePrice)).ToList(); var purchaseDetailService = new BaseService <PurchaseDetail, PurchaseDetailRequestModel, PurchaseDetailViewModel>(new BaseRepository <PurchaseDetail>(Repository.Db)); var purchaseDetailRequestModel = new PurchaseDetailRequestModel("") { ShopId = rm.ShopId, ProductDetailId = rm.ParentId, Page = -1, PerPageCount = rm.PerPageCount, IsIncludeParents = true, WarehouseId = rm.WarehouseId, StartDate = rm.StartDate, EndDate = rm.EndDate, }; Tuple <List <PurchaseDetailViewModel>, int> purchaseDetailResult = await purchaseDetailService.SearchAsync(purchaseDetailRequestModel); List <HistoryViewModel> purchaseDetailHistoryViewModels = purchaseDetailResult.Item1.ConvertAll(x => new HistoryViewModel(x, productDetail.Name, productDetail.CostPrice)).ToList(); saleDetailHistoryViewModels.AddRange(purchaseDetailHistoryViewModels); List <HistoryViewModel> merged = saleDetailHistoryViewModels.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).ToList(); List <IGrouping <DateTime, HistoryViewModel> > list = merged.GroupBy(x => x.Date.Date).ToList(); List <ProductReportViewModel> reportModels = new List <ProductReportViewModel>(); foreach (IGrouping <DateTime, HistoryViewModel> groupModels in list) { double purchasedToday = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Purchase").Sum(x => x.Quantity); double soldToday = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Sale").Sum(x => x.Quantity); double soldPendingToday = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Sale" && x.OrderState == OrderState.Pending) .Sum(x => x.Quantity); double soldProcessingToday = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Sale" && x.OrderState > OrderState.Pending && x.OrderState < OrderState.Delivered) .Sum(x => x.Quantity); double soldDoneToday = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Sale" && x.OrderState != OrderState.Cancel && x.OrderState >= OrderState.Delivered) .Sum(x => x.Quantity); double purchasedAmount = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Purchase").Sum(x => x.Total); double soldAmount = groupModels.Where(x => x.Type == "Sale").Sum(x => x.Total); ProductReport reportModel = new ProductReport() { Id = productDetail.Id, Date = groupModels.Key, ProductDetailId = productDetail.Id, IsActive = productDetail.IsActive, ShopId = productDetail.ShopId, ProductCategoryId = productDetail.ProductCategoryId, QuantityPurchaseToday = purchasedToday, QuantitySaleToday = soldToday, QuantitySalePendingToday = soldPendingToday, QuantitySaleProcessingToday = soldProcessingToday, QuantitySaleDoneToday = soldDoneToday, AmountPurchaseToday = purchasedAmount, AmountSaleToday = soldAmount, }; reportModels.Add(new ProductReportViewModel(reportModel)); } return(new Tuple <Vm, List <ProductReportViewModel>, int>(productDetailViewModel, reportModels, reportModels.Count)); }
protected override void SetupDependencies() { OnDependency <IReportingRepository>() .Setup(x => x.Save(It.IsAny <ProductReport>())) .Callback <ProductReport>(a => SavedProductObject = a); }
public string QuickUpdate(string shopId, string itemId, DateTime date) { date = date.Date; ReportDbContext rDb = new ReportDbContext(); BusinessDbContext bDb = new BusinessDbContext(); ProductReport report = rDb.ProductReports.FirstOrDefault( x => x.ShopId == shopId && x.ProductDetailId == itemId && x.Date == date); if (report == null) { report = GetReportObject(itemId, bDb); this.SetDefaults(report, shopId, date); rDb.ProductReports.Add(report); rDb.SaveChanges(); report = rDb.ProductReports.First(x => x.Id == report.Id); } var saleDetails = bDb.SaleDetails .Where(x => x.ShopId == shopId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.Created) == date) .Where(x => x.ProductDetailId == itemId).AsQueryable(); var purchaseDetails = bDb.PurchaseDetails .Where(x => x.ShopId == shopId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.Created) == date) .Where(x => x.ProductDetailId == itemId).AsQueryable(); var saleListToday = saleDetails.ToList(); var purchaseListToday = purchaseDetails.ToList(); // quantities report.QuantityPurchaseToday = purchaseListToday.Sum(x => x.Quantity); report.QuantitySaleToday = saleListToday.Sum(x => x.Quantity); report.QuantityEndingToday = report.QuantityStartingToday + report.QuantityPurchaseToday - report.QuantitySaleToday; // sale amounts report.AmountSaleToday = saleListToday.Sum(x => x.Total); report.AmountCostForSaleToday = saleListToday.Sum(x => x.CostTotal); report.AmountReceivedToday = saleListToday.Sum(x => x.PaidAmount); report.AmountReceivableToday = saleListToday.Sum(x => x.DueAmount); if (report.QuantitySaleToday > 0) { report.AmountAverageSalePriceToday = report.AmountSaleToday / report.QuantitySaleToday; } report.AmountProfitToday = report.AmountSaleToday - report.AmountCostForSaleToday; if (report.AmountCostForSaleToday > 0) { report.AmountProfitPercentToday = report.AmountProfitToday * 100 / report.AmountCostForSaleToday; } // purchase amounts report.AmountPurchaseToday = purchaseListToday.Sum(x => x.CostTotal); report.AmountPaidToday = purchaseListToday.Sum(x => x.Paid); report.AmountPayableToday = purchaseListToday.Sum(x => x.Payable); if (report.QuantityPurchaseToday > 0) { report.AmountAveragePurchasePricePerUnitToday = report.AmountPurchaseToday / report.QuantityPurchaseToday; } report.Modified = DateTime.Now; int i = rDb.SaveChanges(); return(report.Id); }
private void LoadTable() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Table)) { switch (Table) { case "Product": List <ProductModel> productModels = new List <ProductModel>(); ProductReport rpt = new ProductReport(); var data = from p in db.Products select new ProductModel { Sku = p.Sku, DisplayName = p.DisplayName, Quantity = (int)p.Quantity, PurcharePrice = p.PurchasePrice, Price = (double)p.Price, Unit = p.Unit.DisplayName, Brand = p.Brand.DisplayName, Category = p.Category.DisplayName, Supplier = p.Suplier.DisplayName, Status = p.Quantity == 0 ?"Hết hàng":"Còn hàng" }; rpt.SetDataSource(data); crvReport.ReportSource = rpt; crvReport.Show(); break; case "Categories": List <CategoriesModel> categoriesModels = new List <CategoriesModel>(); CategoriesReport rpc = new CategoriesReport(); var datac = from c in db.Categories select new CategoriesModel { Id = c.Id, DisplayName = c.DisplayName, Status = c.Status ? "Kích hoạt" : "Ẩn" }; rpc.SetDataSource(datac); crvReport.ReportSource = rpc; crvReport.Show(); break; case "Brand": List <BrandModel> brandModels = new List <BrandModel>(); BrandReport rpb = new BrandReport(); var datab = from b in db.Brands select new BrandModel { Id = b.Id, DisplayName = b.DisplayName, Status = b.Status ? "Kích hoạt" : "Ẩn" }; rpb.SetDataSource(datab); crvReport.ReportSource = rpb; crvReport.Show(); break; case "Supplier": List <SuplierModel> suplierModels = new List <SuplierModel>(); SuplierReport rps = new SuplierReport(); var datas = from s in db.Supliers select new SuplierModel { DisplayName = s.DisplayName, TaxCode = s.TaxCode, AccountNumber = s.AcountNumber, Phone = s.Phone, Email = s.Email, Adress = s.Adress, ContractDate = s.ContractDate, Status = s.Status ? "Kích hoạt" : "Ẩn" }; rps.SetDataSource(datas); crvReport.ReportSource = rps; crvReport.Show(); break; case "Customer": List <CustomerModel> customerModels = new List <CustomerModel>(); CustomerReport rpcu = new CustomerReport(); var datacu = from cu in db.Customers select new CustomerModel { DisplayName = cu.DisplayName, Phone = cu.Phone, Email = cu.Email, Adress = cu.Adress, ContractDate = (DateTime)cu.ContractDate, Status = cu.Status ? "Kích hoạt" : "Ẩn" }; rpcu.SetDataSource(datacu); crvReport.ReportSource = rpcu; crvReport.Show(); break; case "Input": InputReport rpi = new InputReport(); var datai = from i in db.InputDetails select new { Id = i.Input.Id, DisplayName = i.Input.DisplayName, InputDate = i.Input.InputDate, Status = i.Input.Status ? "Đã nhập" : "Chờ duyệt", ProductId1 = i.ProductId, Quantity1 = i.Quantity, Price1 = i.Price }; rpi.SetDataSource(datai); crvReport.ReportSource = rpi; crvReport.Show(); break; case "Output": break; default: MessageBox.Show("Vui lòng chọn 1 bảng"); break; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Lỗi thao tác", "Vui lòng chọn 1 bảng để in !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
// GET: Producers/Reports public async Task <IActionResult> Reports(ProducerReportViewModel report) { report.Producers = Add0Dropdown(new SelectList(_context.Set <Producer>(), "ProducerId", "BusinessName"), "producer"); report.ProductTypes = Add0Dropdown(new SelectList(_context.Set <ProductType>(), "ProductTypeId", "Description"), "product type"); var OrderProducts = await _context.OrderProduct .Include(op => op.Product) .ThenInclude(p => p.ProductType) .Include(op => op.Order) .ToListAsync(); if (report.selectedProducer != null) { var ProductsThisProducer = await _context.Products.Where(p => p.ProducerId == report.selectedProducer.ProducerId).ToListAsync(); var PTheseDates = ProductsThisProducer.Where(p => p.Added <= report.EndDate && p.Added >= report.StartDate); var OPThisProducer = OrderProducts.Where(op => op.Product.ProducerId == report.selectedProducer.ProducerId); var OPTheseDates = OPThisProducer.Where(op => op.Order.OrderDate <= report.EndDate && op.Order.OrderDate >= report.StartDate); //ICollection<ProductReport> soldProducts = new ICollection<ProductReport>(); foreach (OrderProduct op in OPTheseDates) { //Calculate the time to expire for this product TimeSpan expirationTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(Convert.ToDouble(op.Product.ProductType.TimeToExpire)); op.Product.ExpirationDate = op.Product.Added.Add(expirationTime); if (report.soldProducts != null && report.soldProducts.Any(pr => pr.Product.ProductId == op.ProductId)) { ProductReport thisProductReport = report.soldProducts .FirstOrDefault(pr => pr.Product.ProductId == op.ProductId); report.soldProducts.Remove(thisProductReport); thisProductReport.Sold += 1; //thisProductReport.Product.ExpirationDate = thisProductReport.Product.Added.Add(expirationTime); if (thisProductReport.Product.ExpirationDate < report.EndDate) { //TODO if expiration date has passed, add expiration quantity thisProductReport.Expired = thisProductReport.Product.Quantity - thisProductReport.Sold; } else { thisProductReport.Expired = 0; } report.soldProducts.Add(thisProductReport); var count = report.soldProducts.Count(); } else { ProductReport ProductReport = new ProductReport(); ProductReport.Product = op.Product; ProductReport.Sold = 1; if (ProductReport.Product.ExpirationDate < report.EndDate) { //TODO if expiration date has passed, add expiration quantity ProductReport.Expired = ProductReport.Product.Quantity - ProductReport.Sold; } else { ProductReport.Expired = 0; } report.soldProducts.Add(ProductReport); } report.TotalSales += op.Product.Price; } int countPopular = 0; foreach (ProductReport pr in report.soldProducts) { report.TotalLosses += pr.Expired * pr.Product.Price; int productCount = pr.Sold; if (productCount > countPopular) { report.MostPopular = pr.Product; } } } return(View(report)); }
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductReport prod = new ProductReport(); }
public void Execute(ProductCreatedEvent e) { var productReport = new ProductReport(e.ProductId, e.Name); _reportingRepository.Save(productReport); }