/// <summary>
    /// Loads product options.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadProductOptions()
        DataSet dsCategories = null;

        if (IsLiveSite)
            // Get cache minutes
            int cacheMinutes = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetIntValue(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSCacheMinutes");

            // Try to get data from cache
            using (var cs = new CachedSection <DataSet>(ref dsCategories, cacheMinutes, true, null, "skuoptioncategories", SKUID))
                if (cs.LoadData)
                    // Get all option categories for SKU
                    dsCategories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetProductOptionCategories(SKUID, false);

                    // Save to the cache
                    if (cs.Cached)
                        // Get dependencies
                        var dependencies = new List <string>
                            "ecommerce.sku|byid|" + SKUID,

                        // Set dependencies
                        cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency(dependencies);

                    cs.Data = dsCategories;
            // Get all option categories for SKU
            dsCategories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetProductOptionCategories(SKUID, false);

        // Initialize product option selectors
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsCategories))
            mProductOptions = new Hashtable();

            // Is only one option category available for variants?
            var variantCategories = Variants.Any() ? Variants.First().ProductAttributes.CategoryIDs.ToList() : null;
            mOneCategoryUsed = variantCategories != null && variantCategories.Count == 1;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsCategories.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Load control for selection product options
                    ProductOptionSelector selector = (ProductOptionSelector)LoadUserControl("~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/ProductOptions/ProductOptionSelector.ascx");

                    // Add control to the collection
                    var categoryID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["CategoryID"], 0);
                    selector.ID = "opt" + categoryID;

                    // Init selector
                    selector.LocalShoppingCartObj = ShoppingCart;
                    selector.IsLiveSite           = IsLiveSite;
                    selector.CssClassFade         = CssClassFade;
                    selector.CssClassNormal       = CssClassNormal;
                    selector.SKUID          = SKUID;
                    selector.OptionCategory = new OptionCategoryInfo(dr);

                    // If one category is used, fix the one selector with options to use only options which are not in disabled variants
                    if (mOneCategoryUsed && variantCategories.Contains(categoryID))
                        var disabled = from variant in Variants
                                       where !variant.Variant.SKUEnabled
                                       from productAttributes in variant.ProductAttributes
                                       select productAttributes.SKUID;

                        var disabledList = disabled.ToList();

                        selector.ProductOptionsInDisabledVariants = disabledList.Any() ? disabledList : null;

                    // Load all product options
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in selector.ProductOptions)
                        mProductOptions[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

                    var lc = selector.SelectionControl as ListControl;
                    if (lc != null)
                        // Add Index change handler
                        lc.AutoPostBack = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Loads product options.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadProductOptions()
        DataSet dsCategories = null;

        if (this.IsLiveSite)
            // Get cache minutes
            int cacheMinutes = SettingsKeyProvider.GetIntValue(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSCacheMinutes");

            // Try to get data from cache
            using (CachedSection <DataSet> cs = new CachedSection <DataSet>(ref dsCategories, cacheMinutes, true, null, "skuproductoptions", this.SKUID))
                if (cs.LoadData)
                    // Get the data
                    dsCategories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetSKUOptionCategories(this.SKUID, true);

                    // Save to the cache
                    if (cs.Cached)
                        cs.CacheDependency = CacheHelper.GetCacheDependency("ecommerce.sku|byid|" + this.SKUID);
                        cs.Data            = dsCategories;
            // Get the data
            dsCategories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetSKUOptionCategories(this.SKUID, true);

        // Initialize product option selectors
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsCategories))
            this.mProductOptions = new Hashtable();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsCategories.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Load control for selection product options
                    ProductOptionSelector selector = (ProductOptionSelector)LoadControl("~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/ProductOptions/ProductOptionSelector.ascx");

                    selector.ID = "opt" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["CategoryID"], 0);
                    selector.LocalShoppingCartObj  = this.ShoppingCart;
                    selector.ShowPriceIncludingTax = this.ShowPriceIncludingTax;

                    // Set option category data to the selector
                    selector.OptionCategory = new OptionCategoryInfo(dr);

                    // Load all product options
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in selector.ProductOptions)
                        this.mProductOptions[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

                    if (this.ShowTotalPrice)
                        ListControl lc = selector.SelectionControl as ListControl;
                        if (lc != null)
                            // Add Index change handler
                            lc.AutoPostBack          = true;
                            lc.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(Selector_SelectedIndexChanged);

                    // Add control to the collection
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads product options.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadProductOptions()
        // Get all option categories for SKU
        DataSet dsCategories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetProductOptionCategories(SKUID, false);

        // Initialize product option selectors
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsCategories))
            mProductOptions = new Hashtable();

            // Is only one option category available for variants?
            var variantCategories = Variants.Any() ? Variants.First().ProductAttributes.CategoryIDs.ToList() : null;
            mOneCategoryUsed = variantCategories != null && variantCategories.Count == 1;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dsCategories.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Load control for selection product options
                    ProductOptionSelector selector = (ProductOptionSelector)LoadUserControl("~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Controls/ProductOptions/ProductOptionSelector.ascx");

                    // Add control to the collection
                    var categoryID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["CategoryID"], 0);
                    selector.ID = "opt" + categoryID;

                    // Init selector
                    selector.LocalShoppingCartObj = ShoppingCart;
                    selector.IsLiveSite           = false;
                    selector.CssClassFade         = "text-muted";
                    selector.CssClassNormal       = "normal";
                    selector.SKUID          = SKUID;
                    selector.OptionCategory = new OptionCategoryInfo(dr);

                    // If one category is used, fix the one selector with options to use only options which are not in disabled variants
                    if (mOneCategoryUsed && variantCategories.Contains(categoryID))
                        var disabled = from variant in Variants
                                       where !variant.Variant.SKUEnabled
                                       from productAttributes in variant.ProductAttributes
                                       select productAttributes.SKUID;

                        var disabledList = disabled.ToList();

                        selector.ProductOptionsInDisabledVariants = disabledList.Any() ? disabledList : null;

                    // Load all product options
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in selector.ProductOptions)
                        mProductOptions[entry.Key] = entry.Value;

                    var lc = selector.SelectionControl as ListControl;
                    if (lc != null)
                        // Add Index change handler
                        lc.AutoPostBack = true;
