Esempio n. 1
 public void ModificationThatDoesNotChangeValidStateWillNotRaiseNotifyEvent(ProductEditorViewModel sut, string price)
     // Fixture setup
     // Exercise system and verify outcome
     sut.ShouldNotNotifyOn(s => s.IsValid).When(s => s.Price = price);
     // Teardown
Esempio n. 2
 public void NotChangingTitleWillNotRaiseNotifyEvent(ProductEditorViewModel sut)
     // Fixture setup
     // Exercise system and verify outcome
     sut.ShouldNotNotifyOn(s => s.Title).When(s => s.Title = s.Title);
     // Teardown
 public void ModificationThatDoesNotChangeValidStateWillNotRaiseNotifyEvent(ProductEditorViewModel sut, string price)
     // Fixture setup
     // Exercise system and verify outcome
     sut.ShouldNotNotifyOn(s => s.IsValid).When(s => s.Price = price);
     // Teardown
 public void NotChangingTitleWillNotRaiseNotifyEvent(ProductEditorViewModel sut)
     // Fixture setup
     // Exercise system and verify outcome
     sut.ShouldNotNotifyOn(s => s.Title).When(s => s.Title = s.Title);
     // Teardown