Esempio n. 1
        private void CreateStockTakeHHTDetails(Guid hhtHeaderId, string txNumber, string hhtId, DateTime uploadedOn, List <ImportDetailsInfo> detailList, string hhtTxNumber)
            int iCount = 0;

            using (var ctx = new EF6.RT2020Entities())
                using (var scope = ctx.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (ImportDetailsInfo detail in detailList)
                            Guid productId = ProductBarcodeEx.GetProductIdByBarcode(detail.Barcode);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.Barcode.Trim()) && productId != System.Guid.Empty)
                                #region update dbo.StockTakeDetails_HHT
                                //string sql = "HeaderId = '" + hhtHeaderId.ToString() + "' AND TxNumber = '" + txNumber + "' AND ProductId = '" + productId.ToString() + "'";
                                var hhtDetail = ctx.StockTakeDetails_HHT
                                                .Where(x => x.HeaderId == hhtHeaderId && x.TxNumber == txNumber && x.ProductId == productId)
                                if (hhtDetail == null)
                                    hhtDetail            = new EF6.StockTakeDetails_HHT();
                                    hhtDetail.DetailsId  = Guid.NewGuid();
                                    hhtDetail.HeaderId   = hhtHeaderId;
                                    hhtDetail.TxNumber   = txNumber;
                                    hhtDetail.LineNumber = iCount++;
                                    hhtDetail.UploadedOn = uploadedOn;
                                    hhtDetail.ProductId  = productId;
                                    hhtDetail.Barcode    = detail.Barcode;


                                hhtDetail.Qty     = detail.Qty;
                                hhtDetail.Remarks = hhtTxNumber;

                    catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 2
        private void CreatedStockTakeDetail(Guid stktkHeaderId, string txNumber, List <ImportDetailsInfo> detailList, Guid workplaceId, DateTime uploadedOn)
            using (var ctx = new EF6.RT2020Entities())
                using (var scope = ctx.Database.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (ImportDetailsInfo detail in detailList)
                            Guid productId = ProductBarcodeEx.GetProductIdByBarcode(detail.Barcode);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detail.Barcode.Trim()) && productId != Guid.Empty)
                                //string sql = "HeaderId = '" + stktkHeaderId.ToString() + "' AND TxNumber = '" + txNumber + "' AND ProductId = '" + productId.ToString() + "' AND WorkplaceId = '" + workplaceId.ToString() + "'";
                                var item = ctx.StockTakeDetails.Where(x => x.HeaderId == stktkHeaderId && x.TxNumber == txNumber && x.ProductId == productId && x.WorkplaceId == workplaceId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (item == null)
                                    item             = new EF6.StockTakeDetails();
                                    item.DetailsId   = Guid.NewGuid();
                                    item.HeaderId    = stktkHeaderId;
                                    item.TxNumber    = txNumber;
                                    item.ProductId   = productId;
                                    item.WorkplaceId = workplaceId;

                                    item.ModifiedOn = uploadedOn;
                                    item.ModifiedBy = ConfigHelper.CurrentUserId;


                    catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 3
        private void Save()
            int  iCount  = 1;
            bool isValid = true;

            foreach (ListViewItem lvItem in lvPPCPacketList.Items)
                if (lvItem.Checked)
                    string   stktkNumber = string.Empty;
                    Guid     workplaceId = Guid.Empty;
                    DateTime uploadedOn  = DateTime.Now;
                    List <ImportDetailsInfo> detailAllList = new List <ImportDetailsInfo>();
                    decimal totalLine = 0, totalQty = 0, missingLine = 0, missingQty = 0;


                    #region Load Header's detail info
                    FileHelperEngine <ImportHeaderInfo> headerInfoEngine = new FileHelperEngine <ImportHeaderInfo>();

                    headerInfoEngine.ErrorManager.ErrorMode = ErrorMode.SaveAndContinue;

                    ImportHeaderInfo[] headerInfoList = headerInfoEngine.ReadFile(lvItem.SubItems[8].Text);

                    if (headerInfoEngine.ErrorManager.ErrorCount > 0)

                    Utility.WriteLog("Date Create	 : "+ uploadedOn.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("Session ID	 : "+ uploadedOn.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss") + "-" + iCount.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'), logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("Upload Time	 : "+ uploadedOn.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"), logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("HHT TRN#	 : "+ lvItem.SubItems[2].Text, logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("Location#	 : " + lvItem.SubItems[9].Text + " [Original]; " + lvItem.Text + " [Current]", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("Stock Take#	 : "+ lvItem.SubItems[10].Text + " [Suggested]; " + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text + " [Current]", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("Process Detail	 : Import Data", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("Message :- ", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("=> Checking Loc# ", logFile);

                    #region Check Workplace (Loc#)
                    using (var ctx = new EF6.RT2020Entities())
                        var wp = ctx.Workplace.Where(x => x.WorkplaceCode == lvItem.Text).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (wp != null)
                            if (wp.Retired)
                                Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] Loc# was retired ", logFile);
                                isValid = isValid & false;
                                Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] ", logFile);
                                workplaceId = wp.WorkplaceId;
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] Loc# Not Found", logFile);
                            isValid = isValid & false;

                    Utility.WriteLog("	RESULT : COMPLETED", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("=> Import Packet File ", logFile);

                    #region Load details files
                    string[] packetFiles = Directory.GetFiles(tempDirectory, "DT_" + lvItem.SubItems[2].Text + "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                    for (int i = 0; i < packetFiles.Length; i++)
                        Utility.WriteLog(@"	" + (i + 1).ToString() + @") Packet => " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(packetFiles[i]) + " [" + packetFiles[i] + "] ", logFile);

                    Utility.WriteLog("	RESULT : COMPLETED", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("=> Checking (Header) ", logFile);

                    stktkNumber = lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.Trim();

                    #region checking Header info
                    using (var ctx = new EF6.RT2020Entities())
                        var stktkHeader = ctx.StockTakeHeader.Where(x => x.TxNumber == lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.Trim()).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (stktkHeader != null)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stktkHeader.ADJNUM))
                                Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] The Stock Take Number was posted, cannot be used anymore. ", logFile);
                                isValid = isValid & false;
                            else if (!WorkplaceEx.GetWorkplaceCodeById(stktkHeader.WorkplaceId.Value).Equals(lvItem.Text.Trim()))
                                Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] The loc# in Stock Take Header must be as same as the selected one. ", logFile);
                                isValid = isValid & false;
                                //? Why compare the UploadedOn down to "seconds"
                                //string sql = "TxNumber = '" + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.Trim() + "' AND HHTId = '" + lvItem.SubItems[4].Text + "' AND CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20), UploadedOn, 120) = '" + uploadedOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'";
                                var txNumber  = lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.Trim();
                                var hhtId     = lvItem.SubItems[4].Text;
                                var hhtHeader = ctx.StocktakeHeader_HHT.Where(x => x.TxNumber == txNumber && x.HHTId == hhtId && x.UploadedOn.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") == uploadedOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (hhtHeader != null)
                                    if (hhtHeader.PostedOn.Value.Year > 1900)
                                        Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] The Stock Take (HHT) Number was posted, cannot be used anymore. ", logFile);
                                        isValid = isValid & false;
                                        Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] The Stock Take (HHT) Number existed. ", logFile);
                                        isValid = isValid & false;
                                    Utility.WriteLog("	[OK]  ", logFile);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK]  ", logFile);

                    Utility.WriteLog("=> Checking (Detail) ", logFile);
                    int iCountBarcode = 0;

                    #region checking details info
                    for (int iHeader = 0; iHeader < headerInfoList.Length; iHeader++)
                        ImportHeaderInfo headerInfo = headerInfoList[iHeader];

                        FileHelperEngine <ImportDetailsInfo> detailInfoEngine = new FileHelperEngine <ImportDetailsInfo>();

                        detailInfoEngine.ErrorManager.ErrorMode = ErrorMode.SaveAndContinue;

                        string detailPacket = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, "DT_" + lvItem.SubItems[2].Text + "_" + headerInfo.ShelfId + ".TXT");
                        ImportDetailsInfo[] detailInfoList = detailInfoEngine.ReadFile(detailPacket);

                        if (headerInfoEngine.ErrorManager.ErrorCount > 0)

                        Utility.WriteLog("	=> Checking Shelf ("+ headerInfo.ShelfId + " - " + headerInfo.ShelfName + ")", logFile);

                        for (int iDetail = 0; iDetail < detailInfoList.Length; iDetail++)
                            ImportDetailsInfo detailInfo = detailInfoList[iDetail];
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detailInfo.Barcode))
                                missingQty += detailInfo.Qty;

                                Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] Barcode does not exist. ", logFile);
                                Guid productId = ProductBarcodeEx.GetProductIdByBarcode(detailInfo.Barcode);

                                if (productId == System.Guid.Empty)
                                    missingQty += detailInfo.Qty;

                                    Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] Barcode ("+ detailInfo.Barcode + ") does not exist. ", logFile);
                                    if (detailInfo.Qty <= 0)
                                        Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] Barcode ("+ detailInfo.Barcode + ") QTY <= 0 ", logFile);
                                        isValid = isValid & false;
                                        Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Barcode ("+ detailInfo.Barcode + ") QTY > 0 ", logFile);

                            totalQty += detailInfo.Qty;


                        missingLine += iCountBarcode;

                        if (iCountBarcode > 0)
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[ERROR] Details of Shelf ("+ headerInfo.ShelfId + " - " + headerInfo.ShelfName + ") has " + iCountBarcode.ToString() + " empty barcode.", logFile);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Details of Shelf ("+ headerInfo.ShelfId + " - " + headerInfo.ShelfName + ") has 0 empty barcode.", logFile);

                    Utility.WriteLog("	RESULT : COMPLETED", logFile);
                    Utility.WriteLog("=> Save Packet", logFile);

                    #region isValid: wrapping up
                    if (isValid)
                        if (stktkNumber.Trim().Length == 0)
                            stktkNumber = SystemInfoHelper.Settings.QueuingTxNumber(EnumHelper.TxType.STK);

                        Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] System Queue ", logFile);

                        if (stktkNumber.Length > 0)
                            // Stock take header
                            System.Guid stktkheaderId = CreateStockTakeHeader(stktkNumber.Trim(), workplaceId);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Create Worksheet (Stock Take - Header)", logFile);

                            // Stock take details
                            if (stktkheaderId != System.Guid.Empty)
                                CreatedStockTakeDetail(stktkheaderId, stktkNumber.Trim(), detailAllList, workplaceId, uploadedOn);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Create Worksheet (Stock Take - Detail)", logFile);

                            // Stock take header (HHT)
                            System.Guid hhtHeaderId = CreateStockTakeHHTHeader(stktkNumber.Trim(), lvItem.SubItems[4].Text, uploadedOn, workplaceId, lvItem.SubItems[2].Text,
                                                                               totalLine, totalQty, missingLine, missingQty);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Create Worksheet (HHT Data Review - Header)", logFile);

                            // Stock take details (HHT)
                            if (hhtHeaderId != System.Guid.Empty)
                                CreateStockTakeHHTDetails(hhtHeaderId, stktkNumber.Trim(), lvItem.SubItems[4].Text, uploadedOn, detailAllList, lvItem.SubItems[2].Text);

                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Create Worksheet (HHT Data Review - Detail)", logFile);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Barcode Matching", logFile);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	[OK] Counting Missing Data", logFile);
                            Utility.WriteLog("	RESULT : COMPLETED", logFile);

                            // Backup text files
                            if (!Directory.Exists(backupDirectory))

                            // Header file
                            File.Move(lvItem.SubItems[8].Text, Path.Combine(backupDirectory, Path.GetFileName(lvItem.SubItems[8].Text)));

                            for (int i = 0; i < packetFiles.Length; i++)
                                File.Move(packetFiles[i], Path.Combine(backupDirectory, Path.GetFileName(packetFiles[i])));

                            Utility.WriteLog("=> Backup Data	RESULT : COMPLETED", logFile);
