/// <summary>
        /// add a product by opening a new product window
        /// the new product window does not have a presenter and the code behind
        /// only handles validation
        /// </summary>
        public void AddProduct()
            Product newProduct = new Product();
            ProductAddWindowView productAddWindowView = new ProductAddWindowView(newProduct);


            if (newProduct != null)
                _activeProducts = new ObservableCollection <Product>(_allProducts);
        /// <summary>
        /// add a product by opening a new product window
        /// the new product window does not have a presenter and the code behind
        /// only handles validation
        /// </summary>
        public void AddProduct()
            Product newProduct = new Product();
            ProductAddWindowView productAddWindowView = new ProductAddWindowView(newProduct);


            //string packUri = "pack://application:,,,/AssemblyName;component/Images/dino.jpg";
            //var Source = new ImageSourceConverter().ConvertFromString(packUri) as ImageSource;
            var uriSource = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/AssemblyName;component/Images/dino.jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            if (newProduct != null)
                _activeProducts = new ObservableCollection <Product>(_allProducts);