Esempio n. 1
        // GET: Prod 상품 등록
        public ActionResult ProdAdd(ProdListModels model, string msg)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdAdd", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            TempData["PublicMsg"] = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                TempData["PublicMsg"] = msg;

            model.cateList1 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(1, 0);                //1차 카테고리 가져오기

            if (model.act_key == 0)
                model.act_type = "ins";
                model.Item      = act.GetProdAddView(model);
                model.act_type  = "updt";
                model.cateList2 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(2, model.Item.CATEGORY1);
                model.cateList3 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(3, model.Item.CATEGORY2);
                model.cateList4 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(4, model.Item.CATEGORY3);

Esempio n. 2
        // GET: Prod 등록 상품 조회
        public ActionResult ProdList(string msg)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdList", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            TempData["PublicMsg"] = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                TempData["PublicMsg"] = msg;

            ProdListModels model = new ProdListModels();

            //페이징 설정 초기화
      = 1;
            model.Paging.pageNum = 10;
            model.sortKey        = "SEQNO";

            model.Item.EST_CODE = (string)Session["EST_CODE"];
            model.Item.ESE_CODE = (string)Session["ESE_CODE"];

            //리스트 가져오기
            model.cateList1     = act.GetCategorySelectBox(1, 0);           //1차 카테고리 가져오기
            model               = act.GetProdListList(model);
            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging);             //페이징 HTML 만들기

Esempio n. 3
        public string ChkUpdtProdAdd(ProdListModels model)
            HttpContext context  = HttpContext.Current;
            string      ESE_CODE = context.Session["ESE_CODE"].ToString();

            string errorStr = "";
            string result   = "";

            string listQuery = " SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM stc_goods WHERE BARCODE = '" + model.Item.BARCODE + "'  AND ESE_CODE = '" + ESE_CODE + "' ";

            int reCnt = getQueryCnt(listQuery, out errorStr);

            if (model.act_type != null && model.schTxt2 == "ins")
                if (reCnt > 0 && model.Item.BARCODE != null)
                    result = @comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_RETURN_DuplicatedInfo + "[" + @comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_Barcode + "]";
            else if (model.act_type != null && model.schTxt2 == "updt")
                if (reCnt > 1 && model.Item.BARCODE != null)
                    result = @comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_RETURN_DuplicatedInfo + "[" + @comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_Barcode + "]";

Esempio n. 4
        public ActionResult EtsReqSelect(ProdListModels model)
            ProdDbModels actProd = new ProdDbModels();          //DB커넥션 클래스 선언

            model = actProd.GetProdListList(model);             //리스트 가져오기

            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging); //페이징 HTML 만들기

Esempio n. 5
        public ActionResult ProdListExcel(ProdListModels model)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdList", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            MemoryStream stream = act.GetProdListExcel(model);

            return(File(stream, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "SearchResult.xlsx"));
Esempio n. 6
        public ActionResult ProdList(ProdListModels model)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdList", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            // 삭제일 경우
            if (model.act_type == "del")
                //권한 체크===================================================
                if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdList", "PER_DELETE"))
                    return(RedirectToAction("ProdList", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

                TempData["PublicMsg"] = act.delProdList(model.act_key);                 //삭제
                model.act_type        = "list";
                model.act_key         = 0;

            // 선택 삭제일 경우
            if (model.act_type == "delChk")
                //권한 체크===================================================
                if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdList", "PER_DELETE"))
                    return(RedirectToAction("ProdList", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

                TempData["PublicMsg"] = act.delProdList(model.delChk);                 //삭제
                model.act_type        = "list";
                model.act_key         = 0;

            model.cateList1 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(1, 0);                //1차 카테고리 가져오기
            model.cateList2 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(2, model.cate1);
            model.cateList3 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(3, model.cate2);
            model.cateList4 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(4, model.cate3);
            model           = act.GetProdListList(model);       //리스트 가져오기

            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging); //페이징 HTML 만들기

Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult StocReqSelect(ProdListModels model)
            ProdDbModels actProd = new ProdDbModels();                  //DB커넥션 클래스 선언

            model.cateList1 = actProd.GetCategorySelectBox(1, 0);       //1차 카테고리 가져오기
            model.cateList2 = actProd.GetCategorySelectBox(2, model.cate1);
            model.cateList3 = actProd.GetCategorySelectBox(3, model.cate2);
            model.cateList4 = actProd.GetCategorySelectBox(4, model.cate3);
            model           = actProd.GetProdListList(model);   //리스트 가져오기

            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging); //페이징 HTML 만들기

Esempio n. 8
        // GET: Ets 배송 일반 배송 신청 - 보관상품 선택하기
        public ActionResult EtsReqSelect()
            ProdDbModels   actProd = new ProdDbModels();                //DB커넥션 클래스 선언
            ProdListModels model   = new ProdListModels();

            //페이징 설정 초기화
      = 1;
            model.Paging.pageNum = 10;
            model.sortKey        = "SEQNO";

            //리스트 가져오기
            model = actProd.GetProdListList(model);
            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging);             //페이징 HTML 만들기

Esempio n. 9
        public StcGoods GetProdAddView(ProdListModels getModel)
            string   errorStr = "";
            StcGoods model    = new StcGoods();

            if (getModel.act_type != null && getModel.act_type == "updt")
                string    ViewQuery = " SELECT SEQNO, " + string.Join(",", selectColoum_ProdAdd) + " FROM stc_goods   WHERE SEQNO = " + getModel.act_key;
                DataTable listDt    = getQueryResult(ViewQuery, out errorStr);

                if (listDt != null && listDt.Rows.Count != 0)
                    model.SEQNO           = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["SEQNO"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.EST_CODE        = listDt.Rows[0]["EST_CODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.ESE_CODE        = listDt.Rows[0]["EST_CODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.CATEGORY1       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["CATEGORY1"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.CATEGORY2       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["CATEGORY2"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.CATEGORY3       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["CATEGORY3"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.CATEGORY4       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["CATEGORY4"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.BARCODE         = listDt.Rows[0]["BARCODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.SKU             = listDt.Rows[0]["SKU"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.PRODUCT_NAME    = listDt.Rows[0]["PRODUCT_NAME"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.PRODUCT_NAME_KR = listDt.Rows[0]["PRODUCT_NAME_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.PRODUCT_NAME_CN = listDt.Rows[0]["PRODUCT_NAME_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.PRODUCT_NAME_EN = listDt.Rows[0]["PRODUCT_NAME_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.BRAND           = listDt.Rows[0]["BRAND"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.PRICE           = double.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["PRICE"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.UNIT_WEIGHT     = double.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["UNIT_WEIGHT"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.WEIGHT_UNIT     = listDt.Rows[0]["WEIGHT_UNIT"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.STANDARD        = listDt.Rows[0]["STANDARD"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.EXPIRATION      = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[0]["EXPIRATION"].ToString().Trim());
                    model.EXPIRATION_DT   = listDt.Rows[0]["EXPIRATION_DT"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.ORIGIN          = listDt.Rows[0]["ORIGIN"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.INGREDIENT      = listDt.Rows[0]["INGREDIENT"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.SPEC            = listDt.Rows[0]["SPEC"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.SALE_SITE_URL   = listDt.Rows[0]["SALE_SITE_URL"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.PRODUCT_IMAGE   = listDt.Rows[0]["PRODUCT_IMAGE"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.RACKNO          = listDt.Rows[0]["RACKNO"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.COMMENT         = listDt.Rows[0]["COMMENT"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.REG_DT          = listDt.Rows[0]["REG_DT"].ToString().Trim();
                    model.UPDT_DT         = listDt.Rows[0]["UPDT_DT"].ToString().Trim();

Esempio n. 10
        // GET : 상품 선택
        public ActionResult StocReqSelect()
            ProdDbModels actProd = new ProdDbModels();                  //DB커넥션 클래스 선언

            ProdListModels model = new ProdListModels();

            //페이징 설정 초기화
      = 1;
            model.Paging.pageNum = 10;
            model.sortKey        = "SEQNO";

            model.Item.EST_CODE = (string)Session["EST_CODE"];
            model.Item.ESE_CODE = (string)Session["ESE_CODE"];

            //리스트 가져오기
            model.cateList1     = actProd.GetCategorySelectBox(1, 0);       //1차 카테고리 가져오기
            model               = actProd.GetProdListList(model);
            ViewData["pageing"] = comM.setPaging(model.Paging);             //페이징 HTML 만들기

Esempio n. 11
        public ActionResult ProdAdd(ProdListModels model)
            //권한 체크===================================================
            if (!chk.chkPermission("ProdAdd", "PER_SELECT"))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { msg = chk.alertStr }));

            model.Item.EST_CODE = (string)Session["EST_CODE"];
            model.Item.ESE_CODE = (string)Session["ESE_CODE"];
            string PublicPopupMsg = act.SetProdAdd(model);

            // 중복체크를 사용을 위해 act_key, schTxt2
            if (model.Item.BARCODE == "")
                model.act_key = 0;                 //
                model.act_key = 1;                 //

            if (model.act_key == 0)
                model.schTxt2 = "ins";
                model.schTxt2 = "updt";

            string chkDupl = act.ChkUpdtProdAdd(model);

            if (chkDupl != "")
                return(RedirectToAction("ProdAdd", new { msg = chkDupl }));

            if (model.act_type == "excel")
                model.Excel           = act.UploadExcelProd(model.Excel);
                TempData["PublicMsg"] = "등록 완료";
                model.act_type        = "list";

            if (model.act_type == "ins")
                return(RedirectToAction("prodlist", new { msg = PublicPopupMsg }));

            model.Item      = act.GetProdAddView(model);
            model.cateList1 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(1, 0);                //1차 카테고리 가져오기
            model.cateList2 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(2, model.Item.CATEGORY1);
            model.cateList3 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(3, model.Item.CATEGORY2);
            model.cateList4 = act.GetCategorySelectBox(4, model.Item.CATEGORY3);

            //TempData["PublicMsg"] = PublicPopupMsg;
            //return View(model);
            PublicPopupMsg = act.SetProdAdd(model);

            return(RedirectToAction("ProdList", new { msg = PublicPopupMsg }));
Esempio n. 12
        public string SetProdAdd(ProdListModels model)
            string errorStr    = "";
            string result      = "";
            string exeQueryStr = "";

            if (model.act_type != null && model.act_type == "ins")
                exeQueryStr  = " INSERT INTO stc_goods(" + string.Join(",", selectColoum_ProdAdd) + " )VALUES(  ";
                exeQueryStr += "  '" + model.Item.EST_CODE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.ESE_CODE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.CATEGORY1;
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.CATEGORY2;
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.CATEGORY3;
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.CATEGORY4;
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.BARCODE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.SKU + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME_KR + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME_CN + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME_EN + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.BRAND + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.PRICE;
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.UNIT_WEIGHT;
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.WEIGHT_UNIT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.STANDARD + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , " + model.Item.EXPIRATION;
                exeQueryStr += " , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.ORIGIN + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.INGREDIENT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.SPEC + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.SALE_SITE_URL + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_IMAGE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.RACKNO + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , '" + model.Item.COMMENT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";
                exeQueryStr += " , CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";
                exeQueryStr += " ) ";
            else if (model.act_type != null && model.act_type == "updt")
                exeQueryStr  = " UPDATE stc_goods SET ";
                exeQueryStr += " CATEGORY1 = '" + model.Item.CATEGORY1 + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,CATEGORY2 = '" + model.Item.CATEGORY2 + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,CATEGORY3 = '" + model.Item.CATEGORY3 + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,CATEGORY4 = '" + model.Item.CATEGORY4 + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,BARCODE = '" + model.Item.BARCODE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,SKU = '" + model.Item.SKU + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,PRODUCT_NAME = '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,PRODUCT_NAME_KR = '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME_KR + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,PRODUCT_NAME_CN = '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME_CN + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,PRODUCT_NAME_EN = '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_NAME_EN + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,BRAND = '" + model.Item.BRAND + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,PRICE = '" + model.Item.PRICE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,UNIT_WEIGHT = '" + model.Item.UNIT_WEIGHT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,WEIGHT_UNIT = '" + model.Item.WEIGHT_UNIT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,STANDARD = '" + model.Item.STANDARD + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,EXPIRATION = '" + model.Item.EXPIRATION + "' ";
                //exeQueryStr += " ,EXPIRATION_DT = '" + model.Item.EXPIRATION_DT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,ORIGIN = '" + model.Item.ORIGIN + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,INGREDIENT = '" + model.Item.INGREDIENT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,SPEC = '" + model.Item.SPEC + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,SALE_SITE_URL = '" + model.Item.SALE_SITE_URL + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,PRODUCT_IMAGE = '" + model.Item.PRODUCT_IMAGE + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,RACKNO = '" + model.Item.RACKNO + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,COMMENT = '" + model.Item.COMMENT + "' ";
                exeQueryStr += " ,UPDT_DT = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ";
                exeQueryStr += " WHERE SEQNO = " + model.act_key;
                result = "잘못된 접근입니다.";

            if (exeQuery(exeQueryStr, out errorStr))
                result = "성공.";
                result = "실패.";

Esempio n. 13
        public MemoryStream GetProdListExcel(ProdListModels model)
            string errorStr = "";

            string listQuery = " SELECT SEQNO  , " + string.Join(",", selectColoum_ProdAdd);

            string baseQuery = " FROM stc_goods WHERE 1=1 ";

            if (model.cate1 != 0)              //카테고리1
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY1 = " + model.cate1;
            if (model.cate2 != 0)              //카테고리2
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY2 = " + model.cate2;
            if (model.cate3 != 0)              //카테고리3
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY3 = " + model.cate3;
            if (model.cate4 != 0)              //카테고리4
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY4 = " + model.cate4;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schSdt))                  //등록일자 (시작일)
                baseQuery += " AND  REG_DT >= '" + model.schSdt.Trim() + "'";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schEdt))                  //등록일자 (종료일)
                baseQuery += " AND  UPDT_DT <= '" + model.schEdt.Trim() + "'";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt))             //브랜드
                baseQuery += " AND BRAND like '%" + model.schTxt.Trim() + "%' ";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTypeTxt) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt2))              //검색조건 검색어
                baseQuery += " AND  " + model.schTypeTxt.Trim() + " like '%" + model.schTxt2.Trim() + "%' ";

            string endQuery = " ORDER BY " + model.sortKey.ToString().Trim() + " DESC "; //정렬

            listQuery += baseQuery + endQuery;                                           //리스트 쿼리

            DataTable listDt = getQueryResult(listQuery, out errorStr);

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage())
                ExcelWorksheet workSheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("SearchResult");

                int row = 1;
                int col = 1;

                // 첫줄
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_Comm_Num;                  // 번호
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "CATEGORY1";
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "CATEGORY2";
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "CATEGORY3";
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = "CATEGORY4";
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_Comm_Barcord;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_SKU;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_Comm_PRODUCT_NAME;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_PRODUCT_NAME_KR;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_PRODUCT_NAME_CN;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_PRODUCT_NAME_EN;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_BRAND;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_viewWEIGHT_UNIT;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_STANDARD;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_EXPIRATION;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_ORIGIN;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_INGREDIENT;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_SPEC;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_SALE_SITE_URL;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_PRODUCT_IMAGE;
                workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = @comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_Comm_AddDate;

                workSheet.Cells[row, 1, row, (col - 1)].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                workSheet.Cells[row, 1, row, (col - 1)].Style.Fill.PatternType    = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                workSheet.Cells[row, 1, row, (col - 1)].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.LightGray);

                // 두번째부터
                if (listDt != null && listDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < listDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        col = 1;

                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = (i + 1);                          // 번호
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = GetCategoryName(int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY1"].ToString().Trim()));
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = GetCategoryName(int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY2"].ToString().Trim()));
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = GetCategoryName(int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY3"].ToString().Trim()));
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = GetCategoryName(int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY4"].ToString().Trim()));
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["BARCODE"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["SKU"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["BRAND"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["WEIGHT_UNIT"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["STANDARD"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["EXPIRATION"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["ORIGIN"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["INGREDIENT"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["SPEC"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["SALE_SITE_URL"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_IMAGE"].ToString().Trim();
                        workSheet.Cells[row, col++].Value = listDt.Rows[i]["REG_DT"].ToString().Trim();


            stream.Position = 0;

Esempio n. 14
        public ProdListModels GetProdListList(ProdListModels model)
            HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
            string      eseCode = context.Session["ESE_CODE"].ToString();
            string      estCode = context.Session["EST_CODE"].ToString();

            string errorStr = "";

            string listQuery = " SELECT SEQNO  , " + string.Join(",", selectColoum_ProdAdd);
            string cntQuery  = " SELECT count(*) as cnt ";

            string baseQuery = " FROM stc_goods WHERE 1=1 ";

            baseQuery += " AND  ESE_CODE = '" + eseCode + "' ";
            baseQuery += " AND  EST_CODE = '" + estCode + "' ";

            if (model.cate1 != 0)               //카테고리1
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY1 = " + model.cate1;
            if (model.cate2 != 0)              //카테고리2
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY2 = " + model.cate2;
            if (model.cate3 != 0)              //카테고리3
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY3 = " + model.cate3;
            if (model.cate4 != 0)              //카테고리4
                baseQuery += " AND  CATEGORY4 = " + model.cate4;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schSdt))                  //등록일자 (시작일)
                baseQuery += " AND  REG_DT >= '" + model.schSdt.Trim() + "'";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schEdt))                  //등록일자 (종료일)
                baseQuery += " AND  UPDT_DT <= '" + model.schEdt.Trim() + " 23:59:59'";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt))             //브랜드
                baseQuery += " AND BRAND like '%" + model.schTxt.Trim() + "%' ";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTypeTxt) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.schTxt2))              //검색조건 검색어
                baseQuery += " AND  " + model.schTypeTxt.Trim() + " like '%" + model.schTxt2.Trim() + "%' ";

            string endQuery = " ORDER BY " + model.sortKey.ToString().Trim() + " DESC limit " + (( - 1) * model.Paging.pageNum) + " , " + model.Paging.pageNum; //정렬

            cntQuery  += baseQuery;                                                                                                                                              //토탈 카운트 쿼리
            listQuery += baseQuery + endQuery;                                                                                                                                   //리스트 쿼리

            int totCnt = getQueryCnt(cntQuery, out errorStr);                                                                                                                    //전체 리스트 갯수 구하기

            model.Paging.totCnt     = totCnt;                                                                                                                                    //전체 갯수 세팅
            model.Paging.startCnt   = totCnt - (model.Paging.pageNum * ( - 1));                                                                                 //리스트 첫번째 시작 번호
            model.Paging.pageTotNum = (totCnt / model.Paging.pageNum) + 1;                                                                                                       //총 페이징 갯수 구하기
            if ((totCnt % model.Paging.pageNum) == 0)
                model.Paging.pageTotNum -= 1;                                                    //총 페이징 갯수가 0 일경우 + 1
            DataTable listDt = getQueryResult(listQuery, out errorStr);

            int tmpCate = 0;

            if (listDt != null && listDt.Rows.Count != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < listDt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    StcGoods temp = new StcGoods();

                    temp.SEQNO           = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["SEQNO"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.EST_CODE        = listDt.Rows[i]["EST_CODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.ESE_CODE        = listDt.Rows[i]["EST_CODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.CATEGORY1       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY1"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.CATEGORY2       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY2"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.CATEGORY3       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY3"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.CATEGORY4       = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["CATEGORY4"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.BARCODE         = listDt.Rows[i]["BARCODE"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.SKU             = listDt.Rows[i]["SKU"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.PRODUCT_NAME    = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.PRODUCT_NAME_KR = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME_KR"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.PRODUCT_NAME_CN = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME_CN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.PRODUCT_NAME_EN = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_NAME_EN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.BRAND           = listDt.Rows[i]["BRAND"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.PRICE           = double.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["PRICE"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.WEIGHT_UNIT     = listDt.Rows[i]["WEIGHT_UNIT"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.STANDARD        = listDt.Rows[i]["STANDARD"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.EXPIRATION      = int.Parse(listDt.Rows[i]["EXPIRATION"].ToString().Trim());
                    temp.EXPIRATION_DT   = listDt.Rows[i]["EXPIRATION_DT"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.ORIGIN          = listDt.Rows[i]["ORIGIN"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.INGREDIENT      = listDt.Rows[i]["INGREDIENT"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.SPEC            = listDt.Rows[i]["SPEC"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.SALE_SITE_URL   = listDt.Rows[i]["SALE_SITE_URL"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.PRODUCT_IMAGE   = listDt.Rows[i]["PRODUCT_IMAGE"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.RACKNO          = listDt.Rows[i]["RACKNO"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.COMMENT         = listDt.Rows[i]["COMMENT"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.REG_DT          = listDt.Rows[i]["REG_DT"].ToString().Trim();
                    temp.UPDT_DT         = listDt.Rows[i]["UPDT_DT"].ToString().Trim();

                    tmpCate = 0;
                    if (temp.CATEGORY1 != 0)
                        tmpCate = temp.CATEGORY1;
                    if (temp.CATEGORY2 != 0)
                        tmpCate = temp.CATEGORY2;
                    if (temp.CATEGORY3 != 0)
                        tmpCate = temp.CATEGORY3;
                    if (temp.CATEGORY4 != 0)
                        tmpCate = temp.CATEGORY4;

                    if (tmpCate != 0)
                        temp.CATEGORY1_txt = GetCategoryName(tmpCate);

