/// <summary> /// Default constuctor which initializes component on page. /// </summary> public PreviewSurveyPage() { InitializeComponent(); ProcessingBar processingBar = new ProcessingBar(); _isNewInstance = true; }
/// <summary> /// Default constuctor which initializes component on page. /// </summary> public FillingSurveyPage() { InitializeComponent(); ProcessingBar processingBar = new ProcessingBar(); _isNewInstance = true; BuildApplicationBar(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes all necessary object data. /// </summary> public OperationsOnRegistration() { RegistrationInstance = new Registration(); RegistrationInstance.ServerUrl = OperationsOnSettings.Instance.ServerURL; Busy = new ProcessingBar(Languages.AppResources.operationsOnRegistration_ProcessingBarInformation); ConnectionResult = new DialogBox(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to initialize all necessary data objects. Requires current list of surveys. /// </summary> /// <param name="list">Current list of surveys saved in IsolatedStorage</param> public ResultsFilter(ObservableCollection <SurveyBasicInfo> list) { SurveyFiltration = new SurveyFilter(); DateFiltration = new DateFilter(); LocationFiltration = new LocationFilter(); Busy = new ProcessingBar(Languages.AppResources.resultsFilter_Searching); SurveyFiltration.UpdateSurveyPicker(list); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor which initializes properties and using input surveyId like ID of survey. /// </summary> /// <param name="surveyId">ID of survey.</param> public SurveyViewModel(string surveyId) { ListOfResults = new ObservableCollection <ResultBasicInfo>(); _operations = new OperationsOnListOfResults(surveyId, ListOfResults); SurveyId = surveyId; ProgressBar = new ProcessingBar(); Message = new DialogBox(); _resultSender = new SendResult(); _resultSender.SendingCompleted += (object sender, EventArgs args) => { System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { SendResult.SendingEventArgs.SendingStatus status = (args as SendResult.SendingEventArgs).Status; string resultId = (args as SendResult.SendingEventArgs).ResultId; switch (status) { case Model.SendResult.SendingEventArgs.SendingStatus.Sent: Message.Show(Languages.AppResources.surveyViewModel_sendingCompleted); _operations.MarkResultAsSent(resultId); break; case Model.SendResult.SendingEventArgs.SendingStatus.ServerError: Message.Show(Languages.AppResources.surveyViewModel_serverError); break; case Model.SendResult.SendingEventArgs.SendingStatus.UnknownError: Message.Show(Languages.AppResources.surveyViewModel_unknownError); break; case Model.SendResult.SendingEventArgs.SendingStatus.Canceled: break; } ProgressBar.IsEnabled = false; SendingInProgress = false; }); }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes all necessary data objects. /// </summary> public DownloadSurveysStatus() { ProgressBar = new ProcessingBar(); Message = new DialogBox(); CanCancel = true; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor which initializes Survey property and displays idSurvey survey. /// </summary> /// <param name="idSurvey">Survey ID which will be filled.</param> public FillingSurveyViewModel(String idSurvey) { Survey = new Survey(); Survey.Display(Convert.ToInt32(idSurvey)); ProgressBar = new ProcessingBar(); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. /// </summary> public ResultsFilterViewModel() { Filter = new ResultsFilter(); ProgressBar = new ProcessingBar(); ResultSender = new SendResult(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes all necessary data objects. /// </summary> public DownloadListStatus() { ProgressBar = new ProcessingBar(); Message = new DialogBox(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes all necessary data objects. /// </summary> public TestConnection() { Message = new DialogBox(); Busy = new ProcessingBar(Languages.AppResources.operationsOnRegistration_ProcessingBarInformation); }