public void Stop() { stopping = true; try { if (communicationManager != null) { communicationManager.StopServer(); communicationManager = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("TestPlatformCommunicationManager stop error.", ex); } try { if (dotNetProcess != null) { if (!dotNetProcess.HasExited) { dotNetProcess.Dispose(); } dotNetProcess = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("VSTest process dispose error.", ex); } }
public static string GetOutputFromProcess(string executable, string args, string baseDirectory) { string processOutput = null; ProcessWrapper p = null; StringWriter output = null, error = null; try { output = new StringWriter(); error = new StringWriter(); p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(executable, args, baseDirectory, output, error, null); p.WaitForOutput(10000); if (p.HasExited) { processOutput = output.ToString(); } } finally { if (p != null) { p.Dispose(); } if (output != null) { output.Dispose(); } } return(processOutput); }
public void should_make_the_process_nonexistent_after_killing_it() { var pw = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", @"-e ""system(\""ruby -e 'sleep 300'\"")"""); pw.Execute(); var processId = pw.Id; pw.Dispose(); Assert.That(ProcessHasExited(processId)); }
public void should_capture_std_error_output() { var err = new StringBuilder(); var pw = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", "-e '$stderr.puts(\"fle\")'"); pw.OnErrorOutput += output => err.Append(output); pw.Execute(); pw.WaitForProcess(5000); pw.Dispose(); Assert.That(err.ToString(), Is.Not.Empty); }
void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (mtouchProcess == null) { return; } mtouchProcess.Dispose(); outTail.Dispose(); errTail.Dispose(); mtouchProcess = null; }
public void should_capture_std_output() { var std = new StringBuilder(); var pw = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", "-e 'puts \"ff\"'"); pw.OnStdOutput += output => std.Append(output); pw.Execute(); pw.WaitForProcess(5000); pw.Dispose(); Assert.That(std.ToString(), Is.Not.Empty); }
public static string UnixTotalProcessorTime(int processId) { var p = new ProcessWrapper("python",string.Format("{0} {1}", Path.Combine(Locations.SupportScriptsLocation, ""), processId)); var processStrings = new List<String>(); var errorStrings = new List<String>(); p.OnStdOutput += s => { if (!s.IsNullOrEmpty()) processStrings.Add(s); }; p.OnErrorOutput += s => { if (!s.IsNullOrEmpty()) errorStrings.Add(s); }; p.Execute(); p.WaitForProcess(10000); p.Dispose(); return ParseCPUTreeUsageInfo(processStrings, errorStrings); }
public void should_indicate_no_cpu_usage_when_process_does_nothing() { var pw = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", "-e 'sleep 30'"); pw.Execute(); pw.WaitForProcess(1000); var tpt = pw.ProcessTreeCPUUsageId; pw.WaitForProcess(2000); var tpt1 = pw.ProcessTreeCPUUsageId; pw.Dispose(); Assert.That(tpt, Is.EqualTo(tpt1)); }
public void should_indicate_cpu_usage_when_process_consumes_one() { var pw = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", "-e '100000000.times {|e| e}'"); pw.Execute(); pw.WaitForProcess(1); var tpt = pw.ProcessTreeCPUUsageId; pw.WaitForProcess(500); var tpt1 = pw.ProcessTreeCPUUsageId; pw.Dispose(); Assert.That(tpt, Is.Not.EqualTo(tpt1)); }
public CheckoutInfo GetSourceRevision(string revision, string workingArea) { var scriptPath = Path.Combine(Locations.GitProductionScriptsLocation, "git_fetch.rb"); var process = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", scriptPath + " \"" + repoUrl + "\" " + revision + " " + " \"" + workingArea+"\""); var log = ""; process.OnStdOutput += s => { if (!s.IsNullOrEmpty()) log = s; }; string err_log = ""; process.OnErrorOutput += s => err_log += s; process.Execute(); process.WaitForProcess(GitTimeoutInMs); var exitcode = process.Dispose(); if (exitcode != 0) throw new InvalidProgramException("script failed: "+err_log); return new CheckoutInfo {Comment = log, Revision = revision}; }
static int DoCompilation(ProgressMonitor monitor, string compilerName, string compilerArgs, string working_dir, ExecutionEnvironment envVars, List <string> gacRoots, ref string output, ref string error) { output = Path.GetTempFileName(); error = Path.GetTempFileName(); StreamWriter outwr = new StreamWriter(output); StreamWriter errwr = new StreamWriter(error); ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(compilerName, compilerArgs); pinfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; pinfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; // The "." is a workaround for a bug in ProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory - not able to handle null pinfo.WorkingDirectory = working_dir ?? "."; if (gacRoots.Count > 0) { // Create the gac prefix string string gacPrefix = string.Join("" + Path.PathSeparator, gacRoots.ToArray()); string oldGacVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_GAC_PREFIX"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldGacVar)) { gacPrefix += Path.PathSeparator + oldGacVar; } pinfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_GAC_PREFIX"] = gacPrefix; } envVars.MergeTo(pinfo); pinfo.UseShellExecute = false; pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true; ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(pinfo, outwr, errwr, null); using (monitor.CancellationToken.Register(pw.Cancel)) { pw.Task.Wait(); } int exitCode = pw.ExitCode; bool cancelRequested = pw.CancelRequested; outwr.Close(); errwr.Close(); pw.Dispose(); return(cancelRequested ? 0 : exitCode); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) { return; } try { _processWrapper.Dispose(); _settings.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Info(ex.ToString()); } _disposed = true; }
static int DoCompilation(string outstr, string workingDir, ExecutionEnvironment envVars, List <string> gacRoots, ref string output, ref string error) { output = Path.GetTempFileName(); error = Path.GetTempFileName(); var outwr = new StreamWriter(output); var errwr = new StreamWriter(error); string[] tokens = outstr.Split(' '); outstr = outstr.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 1); var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(tokens[0], outstr); pinfo.WorkingDirectory = workingDir; if (gacRoots.Count > 0) { // Create the gac prefix string string gacPrefix = string.Join("" + Path.PathSeparator, gacRoots.ToArray()); string oldGacVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MONO_GAC_PREFIX"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldGacVar)) { gacPrefix += Path.PathSeparator + oldGacVar; } pinfo.EnvironmentVariables ["MONO_GAC_PREFIX"] = gacPrefix; } envVars.MergeTo(pinfo); pinfo.UseShellExecute = false; pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true; ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(pinfo, outwr, errwr, null); pw.WaitForOutput(); int exitCode = pw.ExitCode; outwr.Close(); errwr.Close(); pw.Dispose(); return(exitCode); }
int ExecuteCommand(string command, string args, string baseDirectory, IProgressMonitor monitor, out string errorOutput) { errorOutput = string.Empty; int exitCode = -1; StringWriter swError = new StringWriter(); LogTextWriter chainedError = new LogTextWriter(); chainedError.ChainWriter(monitor.Log); chainedError.ChainWriter(swError); monitor.Log.WriteLine("{0} {1}", command, args); AggregatedOperationMonitor operationMonitor = new AggregatedOperationMonitor(monitor); try { ProcessWrapper p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess(command, args, baseDirectory, monitor.Log, chainedError, null); operationMonitor.AddOperation(p); //handles cancellation p.WaitForOutput(); errorOutput = swError.ToString(); exitCode = p.ExitCode; p.Dispose(); if (monitor.IsCancelRequested) { monitor.Log.WriteLine(GettextCatalog.GetString("Build cancelled")); monitor.ReportError(GettextCatalog.GetString("Build cancelled"), null); if (exitCode == 0) { exitCode = -1; } } } finally { chainedError.Close(); swError.Close(); operationMonitor.Dispose(); } return(exitCode); }
void Disconnect() { if (process == null) { return; } log.WriteConsoleLogText("\nDisconnected\n"); if (!process.HasExited) { process.Kill(); } else if (process.ExitCode != 0) { log.WriteError(string.Format("Unknown error {0}\n", process.ExitCode)); } process.Dispose(); process = null; }
public RevisionInfo GetLatestRevision() { string scriptPath = Path.Combine(Locations.GitProductionScriptsLocation, "git_remote_latest_rev.rb"); var process = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", scriptPath + " \"" + repoUrl+"\""); string result = ""; process.OnStdOutput += s => { if (result.Length == 0 && !s.IsNullOrEmpty()) { if (Regex.IsMatch(s, RevisionExtractingRegex)) result = Regex.Match(s, RevisionExtractingRegex).Groups[1].Value; } }; process.Execute(); process.WaitForProcess(GitTimeoutInMs); var exitcode = process.Dispose(); if (exitcode != 0) throw new InvalidProgramException(string.Format("script failed with exit code {1}: {0}", 1, exitcode)); if (result.IsNullOrEmpty()) throw new InvalidProgramException("Failed to retrieve repo revision"); return new RevisionInfo {Revision = result}; }
private string[] Headers(Project project, string filename, bool with_system) { List <string> headers = new List <string> (); CProject cproject = project as CProject; if (cproject == null) { return(headers.ToArray()); } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder option = new StringBuilder("-M"); if (!with_system) { option.Append("M"); } option.Append(" -MG "); foreach (Package package in cproject.Packages) { package.ParsePackage(); option.AppendFormat("{0} ", string.Join(" ", package.CFlags.ToArray())); } ProcessWrapper p = null; try { p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("gcc", option.ToString() + filename.Replace(@"\ ", " ").Replace(" ", @"\ "), null, null); p.WaitForOutput(); // Doing the below completely breaks header parsing // // Skip first two lines (.o & .c* files) - WARNING, sometimes this is compacted to 1 line... we need a better way of handling this. // if(p.StandardOutput.ReadLine () == null) return new string[0]; // object file // if(p.StandardOutput.ReadLine () == null) return new string[0]; // compile file string line; while ((line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null) { output.Append(line); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex.ToString()); return(new string [0]); } finally { if (p != null) { p.Dispose(); } } MatchCollection files = Regex.Matches(output.ToString().Replace(@" \", String.Empty), @" (?<file>([^ \\]|(\\ ))+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match match in files) { string depfile = findFileInIncludes(project, match.Groups["file"].Value.Trim()); headers.Add(depfile.Replace(@"\ ", " ").Replace(" ", @"\ ")); } return(headers.ToArray()); }
public void Dispose() { _process?.Dispose(); }
public void should_throw_an_exception_when_trying_to_get_process_snapshot_for_process_that_has_died() { var pw = new ProcessWrapper("ruby", @"-e exit 0"); pw.Execute(); pw.WaitForProcess(1000); var processId = pw.Id; // pw.Dispose(); Assert.That(ProcessHasExited(processId)); try { var tpt = pw.ProcessTreeCPUUsageId; Assert.Fail("the process should have been gone, operation should have failed"); } catch(InvalidOperationException) { // that's what we are aiming for ;) } pw.Dispose(); }
private void FillFileInformation(FileInformation fileInfo) { if (!DepsInstalled) { return; } string confdir = PropertyService.ConfigPath; string tagFileName = Path.GetFileName(fileInfo.FileName) + ".tag"; string tagdir = Path.Combine(confdir, "system-tags"); string tagFullFileName = Path.Combine(tagdir, tagFileName); string ctags_kinds = "--C++-kinds=+px"; if (PropertyService.Get <bool> ("CBinding.ParseLocalVariables", true)) { ctags_kinds += "l"; } string ctags_options = ctags_kinds + " --fields=+aStisk-fz --language-force=C++ --excmd=number --line-directives=yes -f '" + tagFullFileName + "' '" + fileInfo.FileName + "'"; if (!Directory.Exists(tagdir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tagdir); } if (!File.Exists(tagFullFileName) || File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(tagFullFileName) < File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fileInfo.FileName)) { ProcessWrapper p = null; System.IO.StringWriter output = null; try { output = new System.IO.StringWriter(); p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("ctags", ctags_options, null, null, output, null); p.WaitForOutput(10000); if (p.ExitCode != 0 || !File.Exists(tagFullFileName)) { LoggingService.LogError("Ctags did not successfully populate the tags database '{0}' within ten seconds.\nOutput: {1}", tagFullFileName, output.ToString()); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("Could not create tags database (You must have exuberant ctags installed).", ex); } finally { if (output != null) { output.Dispose(); } if (p != null) { p.Dispose(); } } } string ctags_output; string tagEntry; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(tagFullFileName)) { ctags_output = reader.ReadToEnd(); } using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(ctags_output)) { while ((tagEntry = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (tagEntry.StartsWith("!_")) { continue; } Tag tag = ParseTag(tagEntry); if (tag != null) { AddInfo(fileInfo, tag, ctags_output); } } } fileInfo.IsFilled = true; }
private void DoUpdateFileTags(Project project, string filename) { if (!DepsInstalled) { return; } string[] headers = Headers(project, filename, false); string[] system_headers = diff(Headers(project, filename, true), headers); StringBuilder ctags_kinds = new StringBuilder("--C++-kinds=+px"); if (PropertyService.Get <bool> ("CBinding.ParseLocalVariables", true)) { ctags_kinds.Append("+l"); } // Maybe we should only ask for locals for 'local' files? (not external #includes?) ctags_kinds.AppendFormat(" --fields=+aStisk-fz --language-force=C++ --excmd=number --line-directives=yes -f - '{0}'", filename); foreach (string header in headers) { ctags_kinds.AppendFormat(" '{0}'", header); } string ctags_output = string.Empty; ProcessWrapper p = null; System.IO.StringWriter output = null, error = null; try { output = new System.IO.StringWriter(); error = new System.IO.StringWriter(); p = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("ctags", ctags_kinds.ToString(), project.BaseDirectory, output, error, null); p.WaitForOutput(10000); if (p.ExitCode != 0) { LoggingService.LogError("Ctags did not successfully populate the tags database from '{0}' within ten seconds.\nError output: {1}", filename, error.ToString()); return; } ctags_output = output.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException("Could not create tags database (You must have exuberant ctags installed).", ex); } finally { if (output != null) { output.Dispose(); } if (error != null) { error.Dispose(); } if (p != null) { p.Dispose(); } } ProjectInformation info = ProjectInformationManager.Instance.Get(project); lock (info) { info.RemoveFileInfo(filename); string tagEntry; using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(ctags_output)) { while ((tagEntry = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (tagEntry.StartsWith("!_")) { continue; } Tag tag = ParseTag(tagEntry); if (tag != null) { AddInfo(info, tag, ctags_output); } } } } OnFileUpdated(new ClassPadEventArgs(project)); if (PropertyService.Get <bool> ("CBinding.ParseSystemTags", true)) { UpdateSystemTags(project, filename, system_headers); } if (cache.Count > cache_size) { cache.Clear(); } }
public void Dispose() { PeParser.Dispose(); RemoteProcess.Dispose(); }