public ActionResult DeleteProcess(long id) { var gVal = new GenericValidator(); try { if (id < 1) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Invalid selection"; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var delStatus = new ProcessServices().DeleteProcess(id); if (delStatus < 1) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Process could not be deleted. Please try again later."; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } gVal.Code = 5; gVal.Error = "Process Information was successfully deleted"; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception) { return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public RemoteBrokerFixture() { _fileSystem = new WindowsFileSystem(); _installations = new RInstallation(); _processService = new ProcessServices(); _logFolder = Path.Combine(DeployFilesFixture.TestFilesRoot, "Logs"); }
public ActionResult EditProcess(ProcessObject process) { var gVal = new GenericValidator(); try { //if (!ModelState.IsValid) //{ // gVal.Code = -1; // gVal.Error = "Plese provide all required fields and try again."; // return Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(process.Name.Trim())) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Please provide Process."; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (Session["_Process"] == null) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Session has timed out."; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var oldProcess = Session["_Process"] as ProcessObject; if (oldProcess == null) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Session has timed out."; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } oldProcess.Name = process.Name.Trim(); var docStatus = new ProcessServices().UpdateProcess(oldProcess); if (docStatus < 1) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Process information could not be updated. Please try again later"; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } gVal.Code = oldProcess.Id; gVal.Error = "Process information was successfully updated"; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception) { gVal.Code = -1; gVal.Error = "Process information could not be updated. Please try again later"; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public void TestSimpleProcessStart() { LogStart("TestSimpleProcessStart"); var source = new CancellationTokenSource(); var task = ProcessServices.RunProcess("helloOutput.bat", "", source.Token);//.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Assert.IsTrue(task.Result.ExitCode == 66); Assert.IsTrue(task.Result.Output.Trim() == "Hello output!"); Assert.IsTrue(task.Result.Error.Trim() == "Hello error!"); }
public ActionResult GetProcessObjects(JQueryDataTableParamModel param) { try { IEnumerable <ProcessObject> filteredParentMenuObjects; var countG = 0; var pagedParentMenuObjects = GetProcesss(param.iDisplayLength, param.iDisplayStart, out countG); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.sSearch)) { filteredParentMenuObjects = new ProcessServices().Search(param.sSearch); } else { filteredParentMenuObjects = pagedParentMenuObjects; } if (!filteredParentMenuObjects.Any()) { return(Json(new List <ProcessObject>(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["iSortCol_0"]); Func <ProcessObject, string> orderingFunction = (c => sortColumnIndex == 1 ? c.Name : c.ImportStageName); var sortDirection = Request["sSortDir_0"]; // asc or desc filteredParentMenuObjects = sortDirection == "desc" ? filteredParentMenuObjects.OrderBy(orderingFunction) : filteredParentMenuObjects.OrderByDescending(orderingFunction); var displayedPersonnels = filteredParentMenuObjects; var result = from c in displayedPersonnels select new[] { Convert.ToString(c.Id), c.Name, c.ImportStageName }; return(Json(new { param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = countG, iTotalDisplayRecords = countG, aaData = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogger.LoggError(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message); return(Json(new List <ProcessObject>(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult AddProcess(ProcessObject process) { var gVal = new GenericValidator(); try { //if (!ModelState.IsValid) //{ // gVal.Code = -1; // gVal.Error = "Plese provide all required fields and try again."; // return Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //} var importerInfo = GetLoggedOnUserInfo(); if (importerInfo.Id < 1) { gVal.Error = "Your session has timed out"; gVal.Code = -1; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var validationResult = ValidateProcess(process); if (validationResult.Code == 1) { return(Json(validationResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } var appStatus = new ProcessServices().AddProcess(process); if (appStatus < 1) { validationResult.Code = -1; validationResult.Error = appStatus == -2 ? "Process upload failed. Please try again." : "The Process Information already exists"; return(Json(validationResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } gVal.Code = appStatus; gVal.Error = "Process was successfully added."; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception) { gVal.Error = "Process processing failed. Please try again later"; gVal.Code = -1; return(Json(gVal, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public CoreServices(IApplicationConstants appConstants , ITelemetryService telemetry , ITaskService tasks , IMainThread mainThread , ISecurityService security) { Registry = new RegistryImpl(); LoggingPermissions = new LoggingPermissions(appConstants, telemetry, Registry); Telemetry = telemetry; Security = security; Tasks = tasks; ProcessServices = new ProcessServices(); FileSystem = new FileSystem(); MainThread = mainThread; Log = new Logger(appConstants.ApplicationName, Path.GetTempPath(), LoggingPermissions); }
public void TestProcessCancel() { LogStart("TestProcessCancel"); var source = new CancellationTokenSource(); var task = ProcessServices.RunProcess("pause.bat", "", source.Token); source.Cancel(); try { task.Wait(); Assert.Fail(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Info($"Got (expected?) exception from process cancel: {ex}"); } }
public ActionResult GetProcess(long id) { try { var Process = new ProcessServices().GetProcess(id); if (Process == null || Process.Id < 1) { return(Json(new ProcessObject(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } Session["_Process"] = Process; return(Json(Process, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception) { return(Json(new ProcessObject(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public static ICoreServices CreateReal() { var appConstants = new TestAppConstants(); var telemetryService = new TelemetryTestService(); var registry = new RegistryImpl(); var loggingPermissions = new LoggingPermissions(appConstants, telemetryService, registry); var log = new Logger(new NullLogWriter(), loggingPermissions); var fileSystem = new FileSystem(); var processServices = new ProcessServices(); return(new CoreServices( telemetryService, loggingPermissions, new SecurityServiceStub(), new TestTaskService(), UIThreadHelper.Instance, log, fileSystem, processServices)); }
//private void BankName() //{ // cmbBank.Items.Add("PRODUCERS BANK"); // cmbBank.Items.Add("PNB"); // cmbBank.SelectedIndex = 0; //} private void GetData() { var fileContent = string.Empty; var filePath = string.Empty; OpenFileDialog op = new OpenFileDialog(); //op.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath; op.InitialDirectory = @"\\\Accounting_Files\Packing"; op.Filter = "dbf files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|All files (*.*)|*.*"; op.FilterIndex = 2; op.RestoreDirectory = true; try { if (op.ShowDialog().Equals(DialogResult.OK)) { string ConString = "Provider = VFPOLEDB.1; Data Source = " + op.FileName + ";"; OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(ConString); //Get the path of specified file filePath = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(op.FileName); //Read the contents of the file into a stream var fileStream = op.OpenFile(); string sql = ""; if (gClient.DataBaseName == "producers_history")// Checking what table was selected to read the packing file { sql = "Select BATCHNO,RT_NO,BRANCH,ACCT_NO,CHKTYPE,ACCT_NAME1,ACCT_NAME2," + "CK_NO_B,CK_NO_E FROM " + filePath; } else if (gClient.DataBaseName == "pnb_history") { sql = "Select BATCHNO,RT_NO,BRANCH,ACCT_NO,CHKTYPE,ACCT_NAME1,ACCT_NAME2," + "CK_NO_B,CK_NO_E,BRANCHCODE,OLDBCODE FROM " + filePath; } OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, con); con.Open(); OleDbDataReader myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { OrderModel order = new OrderModel(); order.Batch = !myReader.IsDBNull(0) ? myReader.GetString(0) : ""; order.BRSTN = !myReader.IsDBNull(1) ? myReader.GetString(1) : ""; order.BranchName = !myReader.IsDBNull(2) ? myReader.GetString(2) : ""; order.AccountNo = !myReader.IsDBNull(3) ? myReader.GetString(3) : ""; order.ChkType = !myReader.IsDBNull(4) ? myReader.GetString(4) : ""; order.Name1 = !myReader.IsDBNull(5) ? myReader.GetString(5) : ""; order.Name2 = !myReader.IsDBNull(6) ? myReader.GetString(6) : ""; order.StartingSerial = !myReader.IsDBNull(7) ? myReader.GetString(7) : ""; order.EndingSerial = !myReader.IsDBNull(8) ? myReader.GetString(8) : ""; //PNB Required fields if (gClient.DataBaseName == "pnb_history") // Additional field if the Bank is PNB { order.BranchCode = !myReader.IsDBNull(9) ? myReader.GetString(9) : ""; order.OldBranchCode = !myReader.IsDBNull(10) ? myReader.GetString(10) : ""; proc.GetBranchLocation(branch, order.BranchCode); // Getting the Flag from bRanch Table if (branch.Flag == 0) { order.Location = "Direct"; } else { order.Location = "Provincial"; } } if (order.ChkType == "A" && comboBox1.Text == "Regular Checks") { order.ChequeName = "Regular Personal Checks"; } else if (order.ChkType == "B" && comboBox1.Text == "Regular Checks") { order.ChequeName = "Regular Commercial Checks"; } else { errorMessage += "\r\nCheque Type " + order.ChkType + " on batch : " + order.BRSTN.Trim() + ": " + order.BranchName.Trim() + " does not match\r\n"; } if (order.ChkType == "A" && comboBox1.Text == "Manager's Checks") { order.ChequeName = "Manager's Checks"; } orderList.Add(order); } } else { errorMessage += "The file :" + op.FileName + " is not a dbf file!\r\n"; Application.Exit(); } var totalB = orderList.Where(a => a.ChkType == "B").ToList(); var totalA = orderList.Where(a => a.ChkType == "A").ToList(); // BindingSource checkBind = new BindingSource(); // checkBind.DataSource = orderList; // proc.CheckBatchifExisted(orderList[0].Batch.Trim()); if (proc.CheckBatchifExisted(orderList[0].Batch.Trim()) == true) { errorMessage += "\r\nBatch : " + orderList[0].Batch + " Is Already Existed!!"; MessageBox.Show(errorMessage); } // } if (errorMessage != "") { ProcessServices.ErrorMessage(errorMessage); MessageBox.Show("Checking files done! with errors found! Check ErrorMessage.txt for references", "Error!"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Checking files done! No Errors found"); dataGridView1.DataSource = orderList; lblTotalA.Text = totalA.Count.ToString(); lblTotalB.Text = totalB.Count.ToString(); lblTotalChecks.Text = orderList.Count.ToString(); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.Message, error.StackTrace); } }