public void UpdateProcess(string computerId, string processId, ProcessDTO process)
            ProcessPerfomance newProcessPerfomance = _mapper.Map <ProcessPerfomanceDTO, ProcessPerfomance>

            newProcessPerfomance.CreationDate = process.Information.CreationDate;
            newProcessPerfomance.RecordDate   = DateTime.Now;
            newProcessPerfomance.ProcessId    = processId;

            ProcessInformation dbprocessInformation = _unitOfWork.ProcessesInformation

            if (dbprocessInformation != null)
            ProcessInformation newProcessInformation = _mapper.Map <ProcessInformationDTO, ProcessInformation>

            newProcessInformation.ProcessId = processId;

Esempio n. 2
 private static extern bool UnmanagedCreateProcess(string lpApplicationName,
                                                   string lpCommandLine, IntPtr lpProcessAttributes,
                                                   IntPtr lpThreadAttributes,
                                                   bool bInheritHandles, ProcessCreationFlags dwCreationFlags,
                                                   IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory,
                                                   ref ProcessStartupInfo lpStartupInfo,
                                                   out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
 public ProfiledProcessManager(int profiledProcessId)
     _process         = Process.GetProcessById(profiledProcessId);
     _process.Exited += OnProfiledProcessExited;
     _process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
     _processInformation          = new ProcessInformation(_process.Id, _process.ProcessName, new byte[0], _process.StartTime);
        public void AddProcess(string computerId, ProcessDTO process)
            Process newProcess = new Process
                ComputerId = computerId,
                Name       = process.Information.Name,

            string processId = _unitOfWork.Processes
                               .GetProcessByComputerIdAndName(computerId, process.Information.Name).Id;

            ProcessPerfomance newProcessPerfomance = _mapper.Map <ProcessPerfomanceDTO, ProcessPerfomance>

            newProcessPerfomance.CreationDate = process.Information.CreationDate;
            newProcessPerfomance.ProcessId    = processId;
            newProcessPerfomance.RecordDate   = DateTime.Now;

            ProcessInformation newProcessInformation = _mapper.Map <ProcessInformationDTO, ProcessInformation>

            newProcessInformation.ProcessId = processId;
Esempio n. 5
        private void playButtonPanel_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (usernameTextBox1.Text == "username" || usernameTextBox1.Text == "" || passwordTextBox1.Text == "password" || passwordTextBox1.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please fill out both username and password fields.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            new Task(() => {
                if (ProcessInformation.IsOpen("Project Altis Launcher"))
                        HandleIDs.GetChildWindows(ProcessInformation.WindowHandle("Project Altis Launcher"))[(int)ControlLocation.UsernameText],
                        (int)WindowMessages.WM_SETTEXT, 0, usernameTextBox1.Text

                        HandleIDs.GetChildWindows(ProcessInformation.WindowHandle("Project Altis Launcher"))[(int)ControlLocation.PasswordText],
                        (int)WindowMessages.WM_SETTEXT, 0, passwordTextBox1.Text

                        HandleIDs.GetChildWindows(ProcessInformation.WindowHandle("Project Altis Launcher"))[(int)ControlLocation.PlayButton],
                        (int)WindowMessages.BM_CLICK, 0, null

            loadingLabel.Visible    = true;
            loadingProgress.Visible = true;
            loadingProgress.MarqueeAnimationSpeed = 30;
Esempio n. 6
    public static void Main()
        ProcessInformation PSI = new ProcessInformation();

        //Checking spotify available.
        if (PSI.isAvailable())
            NameChangeTracker.create_object();                //Method call to create objects.
            NameChangeTracker NCT  = new NameChangeTracker(); //constructor call;
            IntPtr            hWnd = NameChangeTracker.hwnd_spotify;
            int pid = NameChangeTracker.processid;

            // Listen for name change changes for spotify(check pid!=0).
            IntPtr hWinEventHook = SetWinEventHook(0x0800c, 0x800c, IntPtr.Zero, procDelegate, Convert.ToUInt32(pid), 0, 0);
            // Listen for create window event across all processes/threads on current desktop.(check pid=0)
            IntPtr hWinEventHook_start = SetWinEventHook(0x00008000, 0x00008000, IntPtr.Zero, procDelegate_start, 0, 0, 0);

            Message msg = new Message();

            //GetMessage provides the necessary mesage loop that SetWinEventHook requires.

            while (GetMessage(ref msg, hWnd, 0, 0))

            //Executed if spotify not running.
            MessageBox.Show("check spotify running or not", "Spotify Not Found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
Esempio n. 7
 private void sanityChecks_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ProcessInformation.IsOpen("Altis"))
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the exported funtions helper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">The process.</param>
        /// <param name="selected">The selected.</param>
        private void ShowExportedFuntionsHelper(ProcessInformation process, ModuleInfo selected)
            using (BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker()) {
                // Work to do
                worker.DoWork += delegate(object a, DoWorkEventArgs b) {
                    var symbols = DataExchange.GetSymbols(process.ProcessId.ToString(), selected);
                    b.Result = new object[] { symbols, selected };

                // Code executed when Backgroundworker is completed
                worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object a, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs b) {
                    ModuleInfo module = (ModuleInfo)((object[])b.Result)[1];
                    IEnumerable <SymbolInfo> symbols = (IEnumerable <SymbolInfo>)((object[])b.Result)[0];

                    if (symbols.Any())
                        (new Symbols(symbols, module)
                            Owner = this
                        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The selected module does not export any symbol", "Information",
                                                       MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
        static void InsertProcess(ProcessInformation proc_info)
            var proc = new ServerResourcesDataAccess.Process()
                Name   = proc_info.Name,
                Status = proc_info.Status,
                PID    = proc_info.Pid

            using (var context = new ServerResourcesContext())
                var associated_proc = context.Process.Where(P => P.Name == proc.Name).SingleOrDefault();
                proc.Server_User_FK = context.Server_User.Where(SU => SU.Name == proc_info.User).SingleOrDefault().Id;

                if (associated_proc != null)
                    associated_proc.PID            = proc.PID;
                    associated_proc.Server_User_FK = proc.Server_User_FK;

Esempio n. 10
        private static void set_environment_options(ChocolateyConfiguration config)
            config.Information.PlatformType             = Platform.get_platform();
            config.Information.PlatformVersion          = Platform.get_version();
            config.Information.PlatformName             = Platform.get_name();
            config.Information.ChocolateyVersion        = VersionInformation.get_current_assembly_version();
            config.Information.ChocolateyProductVersion = VersionInformation.get_current_informational_version();
            config.Information.FullName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName;
            config.Information.Is64BitOperatingSystem = Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem;
            config.Information.Is64BitProcess         = (IntPtr.Size == 8);
            config.Information.IsInteractive          = Environment.UserInteractive;
            config.Information.UserName            = System.Environment.UserName;
            config.Information.UserDomainName      = System.Environment.UserDomainName;
            config.Information.IsUserAdministrator = ProcessInformation.user_is_administrator();
            config.Information.IsUserSystemAccount = ProcessInformation.user_is_system();
            config.Information.IsUserRemoteDesktop = ProcessInformation.user_is_terminal_services();
            config.Information.IsUserRemote        = ProcessInformation.user_is_remote();
            config.Information.IsProcessElevated   = ProcessInformation.process_is_elevated();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("https_proxy")) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.Proxy.Location))
                config.Proxy.Location = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("https_proxy");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy")) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.Proxy.Location))
                config.Proxy.Location = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("no_proxy")) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.Proxy.BypassList))
                config.Proxy.BypassList = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("no_proxy");
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the memory helper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="process">The process.</param>
        /// <param name="selected">The selected.</param>
        private void DisplayMemoryHelper(ProcessInformation process, ModuleInfo selected)
            using (BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker()) {
                // Work to do
                worker.DoWork += delegate(object a, DoWorkEventArgs b) {

                    var allocations = DataExchange.GetAllocations(process.ProcessId.ToString(), selected.Name)
                                      .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.AllocationBaseInHex) &&

                    b.Result = new object[] { allocations, selected.Name, process.ProcessId.ToString() };

                // Code executed when Backgroundworker is completed
                worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object a, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs b) {
                    string v = ((object[])b.Result)[1].ToString(), w = ((object[])b.Result)[2].ToString();
                    IEnumerable <AllocationInformation> allocations = (IEnumerable <AllocationInformation>)((object[])b.Result)[0];

                    if (allocations.Any())
                        (new MemoryAllocation(allocations, v, w)).ShowDialog();
                        System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Unable to retrieve allocation information", "Information",
                                                       MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Esempio n. 12
        public static extern IntPtr CreateProcessA(String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, SecurityAttributes lpProcessAttributes, SecurityAttributes lpThreadAttributes, Boolean bInheritHandles, CreateProcessFlags dwCreationFlags,
                                                   IntPtr lpEnvironment,
                                                   String lpCurrentDirectory,
                                                   [In] StartupInfo lpStartupInfo,
                                                   out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation

 public static bool MobiIt(string HTMLFile)
     fileLocation mobiFiles = new fileLocation();
     GatherFileInformation fileHandler = new GatherFileInformation(HTMLFile);
     mobiFiles = fileHandler.Getfiles();
     if (mobiFiles.fileExt.ToLower() == "html" || mobiFiles.fileExt.ToLower() == "htm")
         ProcessInformation mobiApp = new ProcessInformation();
         mobiApp.applicationString = @"app\mobigen.exe";
         mobiApp.applicationSwitch = null;
         mobiApp.applicationArgString = "\"" + mobiFiles.fileLocationDir + "\\" + mobiFiles.fileName + "." + mobiFiles.fileExt + "\"";
         ExecuteExternalProcessor mobiProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(mobiApp);
         if (!File.Exists(mobiFiles.fileLocationDir + "\\" + mobiFiles.fileName + ".mobi"))
             DialogResult fileConvertFailed = MessageBox.Show("Display Error Information?", "Conversion Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
             if (fileConvertFailed == DialogResult.Yes)
             return false;
         return true;
     return false;
        private bool CreateProcessACallback(string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, IntPtr lpProcessAttributes, IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, IntPtr lpStartupInfo, out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation)
            // Determine whether the child process belongs to the implementation and also needs hooking
            bool needsInjection;
                string target = Path.GetFullPath(string.IsNullOrEmpty(lpApplicationName) ? lpCommandLine.Trim('"') : lpApplicationName);
                needsInjection = target.StartsWith(_implementationDir) || target.StartsWith('"' + _implementationDir);
                needsInjection = false;

            // Start the process suspended
            if (needsInjection) dwCreationFlags |= UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateSuspended;

            var result = UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateProcessA(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, out lpProcessInformation);

            // Inject the hooking DLL (and resume the process)
            if (needsInjection)
                RemoteHooking.Inject(lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId, AssemblyStrongName, AssemblyStrongName,
                    // Custom arguments
                    _implementationDir, _registryFilter, _relaunchControl);

            return result;
        public void CanStartMessageBroker()
            var queueFactory = Substitute.For<IQueueFactory>();
            var messageBrokerConfig = new MessageBrokerConfig { RemoteQueueName = "MyRemoteQueueName", ServiceName = "TestBroker" };
            var entityConnectionConfig = new EntityConnectionConfig(new DatabaseConnectionConfig("(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB", "ABJA_Ripples"));
            var logger = NullLogger.Instance;
            var repositoryContextFactory = new RepositoryContextFactory(logger, entityConnectionConfig);
            var queueHandlerFactory = new QueueHandlerFactory(logger, queueFactory);
            var processInformation = new ProcessInformation();

            using (var messageBroker = new MessageBroker(logger, messageBrokerConfig, repositoryContextFactory, queueHandlerFactory, queueFactory, processInformation))
                var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

                messageBroker.Handler(new MessageBusServiceHandshakeMessage
                    ServiceName = "MyServiceName",
                    ServerName = "MyTestServer",
                    ReplyQueue = "MyQueue",
                    SendDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                    SubscribeHandlers = new List<SubscribeHandler> { new SubscribeHandler { Name = "MySubscriber", QueueName = "MyQueue", Durable = true, MessageType = "string", Topic = "MyTopic" } }
Esempio n. 16
        private static void DoCreateProcessA()
            var si = new StartupInfoA();
            var pi = new ProcessInformation();

            Win32Interop.CreateProcessA("c:\\windows\\system32\\Notepad.exe", "", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
                                        null, ref si, ref pi);
Esempio n. 17
        public async Task <ProcessInformation> GetByIdAsync(int id)
            string cmd = $@"SELECT * FROM `production_process` pp
	                        LEFT JOIN `production` p ON = pp.production_id
	                        LEFT JOIN `gtin` g ON = p.gtin_id
	                        WHERE pp.`is_deleted` = 0 AND pp.`id` = '{id}' "    ;

            var conn = DbConnection;

            if (conn == null)
                conn = DALHelper.GetConnection();
                using (var reader = await conn.QueryMultipleAsync(cmd, transaction: DbTransaction))
                    return(reader.Read <Process, Production, GTIN, ProcessInformation>(
                               (processRs, productionRs, gTINRs) =>
                        ProcessInformation process = null;
                        if (processRs != null)
                            var serializedParent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(processRs);
                            process = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProcessInformation>(serializedParent);
                            process = new ProcessInformation();

                        if (productionRs != null)
                            var serializedParent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(productionRs);
                            process.Production = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProductionInformation>(serializedParent);

                            if (gTINRs != null)
                                process.Production.GTIN = gTINRs.ToInformation();
                        return process;
            catch (Exception)
                if (DbConnection == null)
Esempio n. 18
        public static bool launch(string game, string arguments)
            String binPath;
            String exe;
            String dll;

            //Lets get our games straight
            if (game == "ETS2")
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamGameId", "227300");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamAppID", "227300");

                binPath    = Launcher.ETS2Location + "\\bin\\win_x64";
                exe        = "\\eurotrucks2.exe";
                dll        = "\\core_ets2mp.dll";
                arguments += " -64bit";
            else if (game == "ATS")
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamGameId", "270880");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamAppID", "270880");

                binPath    = Launcher.ATSLocation + "\\bin\\win_x64";
                exe        = "\\amtrucks.exe";
                dll        = "\\core_atsmp.dll";
                arguments += " -64bit";
                return(false); //Invalid game, lets not do this

            //Intialize variables 'n stuff
            ProcessInformation processInformation  = default(ProcessInformation);
            Startupinfo        startupinfo         = default(Startupinfo);
            SecurityAttributes securityAttributes  = default(SecurityAttributes);
            SecurityAttributes securityAttributes2 = default(SecurityAttributes);

            startupinfo.cb              = Marshal.SizeOf(startupinfo);
            securityAttributes.nLength  = Marshal.SizeOf(securityAttributes);
            securityAttributes2.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(securityAttributes2);

            //Lets run the game!

            if (!CreateProcess(binPath + exe, arguments, ref securityAttributes, ref securityAttributes2, false, 4u, IntPtr.Zero, binPath, ref startupinfo, out processInformation))

            if (!Inject(processInformation.hProcess, Launcher.TruckersMPLocation + dll))

Esempio n. 19
        public void ShouldComposeNewProcessInformationForNewGeneration()
            Random rng = new Random();

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < TestConstants.TestRepeats; i++)
                Int32 populationSize = rng.Next(1, 1000);
                Int32 geneSize       = rng.Next(1, 1000);

                Population <TestIndividual <Int32>, Int32> GetPopulation()
                    var population = new Population <TestIndividual <Int32>, Int32>();
                    IList <TestIndividual <Int32> > individuals = new List <TestIndividual <Int32> >();

                    for (Int32 j = 0; j < populationSize; j++)
                        var newIndividual = new TestIndividual <Int32>();

                        Chromosome <Int32> newChromosome =
                            ChromosomeInitializers.GetRandomChromosome <Chromosome <Int32>, Int32>(geneSize
                                                                                                   , rng_ => ChromosomeInitializers.GetRandomInt32(rng_, 0, 10));


                    population.OrderByFitness(new PopulationTests.TestFitnessFunctionInt32());


                Population <TestIndividual <Int32>, Int32> population1 = GetPopulation();
                Population <TestIndividual <Int32>, Int32> population2 = GetPopulation();

                var composer =
                    new ProcessInformationComposer <Population <TestIndividual <Int32>, Int32>, TestIndividual <Int32>,

                ProcessInformation firstProcessInformation  = composer.ComposeProcessInformation(null, population1);
                ProcessInformation secondProcessInformation =
                    composer.ComposeProcessInformation(firstProcessInformation, population2);

                Assert.Equal(firstProcessInformation.Generation, secondProcessInformation.Generation - 1);

                Assert.Equal(firstProcessInformation.TotalFitnessDelta, firstProcessInformation.TotalFitness);
                Assert.Equal(firstProcessInformation.FittestFitnessDelta, firstProcessInformation.FittestFitness);
                Assert.Equal(firstProcessInformation.FittestNFitnessDelta, firstProcessInformation.FittestNFitness);

                             , secondProcessInformation.TotalFitness - firstProcessInformation.TotalFitness);
                             , secondProcessInformation.FittestFitness - firstProcessInformation.FittestFitness);
                             , secondProcessInformation.FittestNFitness - firstProcessInformation.FittestNFitness);
        private void UpdateEWA(ProcessInformation aProcessInformation)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(EmpyrionConfiguration.ModPath, @"EWALoader\Update\EWALoader\EWA")))

                WithinUpdate = true;

                GameAPI.Console_Write($"ModClientDll: EWA_Update");
                OutServer?.SendMessage(new ClientHostComData()
                    Command = ClientHostCommand.UpdateEWA

                if (mHostProcess != null)
                        mHostProcessAlive = null;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 5 * 60; i++)
                            if (mHostProcess.HasExited)

                        try { mHostProcess.CloseMainWindow(); } catch { }

                        mHostProcess = null;
                        CurrentConfig.Current.HostProcessId = 0;
                    catch (Exception Error)
                        GameAPI.Console_Write($"UpdateEWA: Game_Exit {Error}");

            catch (Exception Error)
                GameAPI.Console_Write($"UpdateEWA: EWA_Update {Error}");
                WithinUpdate = false;
Esempio n. 21
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //exit button gotta fix event name
     if (ProcessInformation.IsOpen(ProcessName))
         Process pName = Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcessName)[0];
Esempio n. 22
        private static void DoCreateProcessW(string exeToLaunch, string exeArguments)
            var  si       = new StartupInfoW();
            var  pi       = new ProcessInformation();
            bool processW = Win32WInterop.CreateProcessW(exeToLaunch, exeArguments, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                         false, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                         null, ref si, ref pi);

            Debug.Assert(processW, "Error creating process");
Esempio n. 23
 public static extern bool CreateProcess(string lpApplicationName,
                                         string lpCommandLine,
                                         IntPtr lpProcessAttributes,
                                         IntPtr lpThreadAttributes,
                                         [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandles,
                                         uint dwCreationFlags,
                                         IntPtr lpEnvironment,
                                         string lpCurrentDirectory,
                                         ref Startupinfo lpStartupInfo,
                                         out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 24
 public static extern bool CreateProcessWithTokenW(
     SafeNativeHandle token,
     LogonFlags logonFlags,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string applicationName,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string commandLine,
     ProcessCreationFlags creationFlags,
     IntPtr environment,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string currentDirectory,
     [In] ref StartupInfo startupInfo,
     out ProcessInformation processInformation);
Esempio n. 25
 public static extern bool CreateProcess(String imageName,
                                         String cmdLine,
                                         IntPtr lpProcessAttributes,
                                         IntPtr lpThreadAttributes,
                                         bool boolInheritHandles,
                                         CreationFlags dwCreationFlags,
                                         IntPtr lpEnvironment,
                                         String lpszCurrentDir,
                                         ref StartupInfo si,
                                         out ProcessInformation pi);
Esempio n. 26
 public static extern bool CreateProcessWithTokenW(
     IntPtr hToken,
     LogonFlags dwLogonFlags,
     string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine,
     CreationFlags dwCreationFlags,
     IntPtr lpEnvironment,
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     [In] ref StartupInfo lpStartupInfo,
     out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
        public async Task <int> CreateWorkspaceAsync(int templateArtifactId)
            Console2.WriteDisplayStartLine("Creating new Workspace");

                const string workspaceCreationFailErrorMessage = "Failed to create new workspace";
                RsapiClient.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = -1;

                //Create the workspace object and apply any desired properties.
                Workspace newWorkspace = new Workspace
                    Name             = Constants.Workspace.NAME,
                    Accessible       = Constants.Workspace.ACCESSIBLE,
                    DatabaseLocation = Constants.Workspace.DATABASE_LOCATION

                ProcessOperationResult processOperationResult = await Task.Run(() => RsapiClient.Repositories.Workspace.CreateAsync(templateArtifactId, newWorkspace));

                if (!processOperationResult.Success)
                    throw new Exception(workspaceCreationFailErrorMessage);

                ProcessInformation processInformation = await Task.Run(() => RsapiClient.GetProcessState(RsapiClient.APIOptions, processOperationResult.ProcessID));

                const int maxTimeInMilliseconds         = (Constants.Waiting.MAX_WAIT_TIME_IN_MINUTES * 60 * 1000);
                const int sleepTimeInMilliSeconds       = Constants.Waiting.SLEEP_TIME_IN_SECONDS * 1000;
                int       currentWaitTimeInMilliseconds = 0;

                while ((currentWaitTimeInMilliseconds < maxTimeInMilliseconds) && (processInformation.State != ProcessStateValue.Completed))

                    processInformation = await Task.Run(() => RsapiClient.GetProcessState(RsapiClient.APIOptions, processOperationResult.ProcessID));

                    currentWaitTimeInMilliseconds += sleepTimeInMilliSeconds;

                int?workspaceArtifactId = processInformation.OperationArtifactIDs.FirstOrDefault();
                if (workspaceArtifactId == null)
                    throw new Exception(workspaceCreationFailErrorMessage);

                Console2.WriteDebugLine($"Workspace ArtifactId: {workspaceArtifactId.Value}");
                Console2.WriteDisplayEndLine("Created new Workspace!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("An error occured when creating Workspace", ex);
 public static int Create(Relativity.Client.IRSAPIClient proxy, string workspaceName, string templateName, int?serverId = null)
         int num1 = 0;
         proxy.APIOptions.WorkspaceID = -1;
         if (templateName == string.Empty)
             throw new SystemException("Template name is blank in your configuration setting. Please add a template name to create a workspace");
         QueryResultSet <Workspace> artifactIdOfTemplate = CreateWorkspace.GetArtifactIdOfTemplate(proxy, templateName);
         if (!artifactIdOfTemplate.Success)
         int       artifactId = artifactIdOfTemplate.Results.FirstOrDefault <Result <Workspace> >().Artifact.ArtifactID;
         Workspace createDTO  = new Workspace();
         createDTO.Name = workspaceName;
         int?nullable1 = serverId ?? artifactIdOfTemplate.Results.FirstOrDefault <Result <Workspace> >().Artifact.ServerID;
         createDTO.ServerID = new int?(nullable1.Value);
         Relativity.Client.ProcessOperationResult processOperationResult = new Relativity.Client.ProcessOperationResult();
             Relativity.Client.ProcessOperationResult async = proxy.Repositories.Workspace.CreateAsync(artifactId, createDTO);
             if (!async.Success)
                 throw new Exception(string.Format("workspace creation failed: {0}", (object)async.Message));
             ProcessInformation processState = proxy.GetProcessState(proxy.APIOptions, async.ProcessID);
             int num2 = 0;
             while (processState.State != ProcessStateValue.Completed)
                 processState = proxy.GetProcessState(proxy.APIOptions, async.ProcessID);
                 if (num2 > 6)
                     Console.WriteLine("Workspace creation timed out");
             int num3 = processState.OperationArtifactIDs.FirstOrDefault <int?>().Value;
             Console.WriteLine("Workspace Created with Artiafact ID :" + (object)num3);
         catch (Exception ex)
             throw new Exception(string.Format("Unhandled Exception : {0}", (object)ex));
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("Create Workspace failed", ex);
Esempio n. 29
 public static extern bool CreateProcess
     (string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine,
     ref SecurityAttributes lpProcessAttributes,
     ref SecurityAttributes lpThreadAttributes,
     bool bInheritHandles,
     Int32 dwCreationFlags,
     IntPtr lpEnvironment,
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     [In] ref StartupInfo lpStartupInfo,
     out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 30
 public static extern bool CreateProcessWithLogonW(string lpUsername,
                                                   string lpDomain,
                                                   string lpPassword,
                                                   LogonFlags dwLogonFlags,
                                                   string lpApplicationName,
                                                   string lpCommandLine,
                                                   uint dwCreationFlags,
                                                   IntPtr lpEnvironment,
                                                   string lpCurrentDirectory,
                                                   ref Startupinfo lpStartupInfo,
                                                   out ProcessInformation lpProcessInfo);
Esempio n. 31
 private static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(SafeAccessTokenHandle token,
                                                string applicationName,
                                                string commandLine,
                                                [In] SecurityAttributes?processAttributes,
                                                [In] SecurityAttributes?threadAttributes,
                                                bool inheritHandles,
                                                uint creationFlags,
                                                IntPtr environment,
                                                string currentDirectory,
                                                [In] ref StartupInfo startupInfo,
                                                [Out] out ProcessInformation processInformation);
Esempio n. 32
 public static extern Bool CreateProcess(
     string applicationName,
     StringBuilder commandLine,
     IntPtr processAttributes,
     IntPtr threadAttributes,
     Bool canInheritHandles,
     ProcessCreationFlags creationFlags,
     IntPtr environmentHandle,
     string currentDirectory,
     ref StartupInfo startupInfo,
     out ProcessInformation processInformation);
Esempio n. 33
 public static extern bool CreateProcessWithLogonW(
     String userName,
     String domain,
     String password,
     UInt32 logonFlags,
     String applicationName,
     String commandLine,
     UInt32 creationFlags,
     UInt32 environment,
     String currentDirectory,
     ref StartupInfo startupInfo,
     out ProcessInformation processInformation);
        static FileConvert()
            mobi2mobiApp = new ProcessInformation();
            clitApp = new ProcessInformation();
            pdbApp = new ProcessInformation();
            chmApp = new ProcessInformation();
            pdfApp = new ProcessInformation();

            mobi2mobiApp.applicationString = Properties.Settings.Default.mobi2mobiAppPath;
            mobi2mobiApp.applicationSwitch = Properties.Settings.Default.mobi2mobiAppArgs;
            clitApp.applicationString = Properties.Settings.Default.clitAppPath;
            clitApp.applicationSwitch = Properties.Settings.Default.clitAppArgs;
            pdbApp.applicationString = Properties.Settings.Default.pdbAppPath;
            pdbApp.applicationSwitch = Properties.Settings.Default.pdfAppArgs;
            chmApp.applicationString = Properties.Settings.Default.chmAppPath;
            chmApp.applicationSwitch = Properties.Settings.Default.chmAppArgs;
            pdfApp.applicationString = Properties.Settings.Default.pdfAppPath;
            pdfApp.applicationSwitch = Properties.Settings.Default.pdbAppArgs;

            workingDir = GlobalTools.GetexeLocation();
            tempFolder = Properties.Settings.Default.TempPath;
Esempio n. 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes default values for all parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The following default values are assigned:
 /// <list type="table">
 ///  <listheader>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Parameter
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    Default Value
 ///   </description>
 ///  </listheader>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    UserName
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.UserName
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Domain
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.UserDomainName
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Password
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    Empty string ("")
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    ApplicationName
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    CurrentProcess.StartInfo.FileName
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    LogonFlagsInstance
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    LogonFlags.WithProfile
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    CommandLine
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.CommandLine
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    CreationFlagsInstance
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    CreationFlags.NewConsole
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    CurrentDirectory
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.CurrentDirectory
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Environment
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    IntPtr.Zero
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    StartupInfo
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    New StartUpInfo instance with the following values set:
 ///    -- cb is set to the size of the instance
 ///    -- dwFlags is set to StartUpInfoFlags.UseCountChars
 ///    --dwYCountChars is set to 50
 ///    --lpTitle is set to CurrentProcess.MainWindowTitle
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    ProcessInfo
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    New ProcessInformation instance
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 /// </list>
 /// </remarks>
 public RunAs()
     _userName = System.Environment.UserName;
     _domain = System.Environment.UserDomainName;
     _password = "";
     _logonFlags = LogonFlags.WithProfile;
     _commandLine = System.Environment.CommandLine;
     _creationFlags = CreationFlags.NewConsole;
     _currentDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
     _startupInfo = new StartUpInfo();
     _startupInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(_startupInfo);
     _startupInfo.dwFlags = (int)StartUpInfoFlags.UseCountChars;
     _startupInfo.dwYCountChars = 50;
     using (System.Diagnostics.Process cp = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess())
         _applicationName = cp.StartInfo.FileName;
         _startupInfo.lpTitle = cp.MainWindowTitle;
     _processInfo = new ProcessInformation();
     _environment = IntPtr.Zero;
Esempio n. 36
        public void RunAs(string user, string password, string command)
            string domain  = System.Environment.MachineName;
            StartupInfo startupInfo = new StartupInfo();
            startupInfo.reserved = null;
            startupInfo.flags &= Startf_UseStdHandles;
            startupInfo.stdOutput = (IntPtr)StdOutputHandle;
            startupInfo.stdError = (IntPtr)StdErrorHandle;

            UInt32 exitCode = 123456;
            ProcessInformation processInfo = new ProcessInformation();
            string currentDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                CreateProcessWithLogonW(user, domain, password, (UInt32)1, command, command, (UInt32)0, (UInt32)0, currentDirectory, ref startupInfo, out processInfo);
            catch(Exception e){ }

            WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.process, Infinite);
            GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.process, ref exitCode);
Esempio n. 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes default values for all parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The following default values are assigned:
 /// <list type="table">
 ///  <listheader>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Parameter
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    Default Value
 ///   </description>
 ///  </listheader>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    UserName
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.UserName
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Domain
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.UserDomainName
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Password
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    Empty string ("")
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    ApplicationName
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    CurrentProcess.StartInfo.FileName
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    LogonFlagsInstance
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    LogonFlags.WithProfile
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    CommandLine
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.CommandLine
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    CreationFlagsInstance
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    CreationFlags.NewConsole
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    CurrentDirectory
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    System.Environment.CurrentDirectory
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    Environment
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    IntPtr.Zero
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    StartupInfo
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    New StartUpInfo instance with the following values set:
 ///    -- cb is set to the size of the instance
 ///    -- dwFlags is set to StartUpInfoFlags.UseCountChars
 ///    --dwYCountChars is set to 50
 ///    --lpTitle is set to CurrentProcess.MainWindowTitle
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 ///  <item>
 ///   <term>
 ///    ProcessInfo
 ///   </term>
 ///   <description>
 ///    New ProcessInformation instance
 ///   </description>
 ///  </item>
 /// </list>
 /// </remarks>
 public RunAs()
     UserName = System.Environment.UserName;
     Domain = System.Environment.UserDomainName;
     Password = "";
     LogonFlagsInstance = LogonFlags.WithProfile;
     CommandLine = System.Environment.CommandLine;
     CreationFlagsInstance = CreationFlags.NewConsole;
     CurrentDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
     _startupInfo = new StartUpInfo();
     _startupInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(_startupInfo);
     _startupInfo.dwFlags = (int) StartUpInfoFlags.UseCountChars;
     _startupInfo.dwYCountChars = 50;
     using (Process cp = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
         ApplicationName = cp.StartInfo.FileName;
         _startupInfo.lpTitle = cp.MainWindowTitle;
     _processInfo = new ProcessInformation();
     Environment = IntPtr.Zero;
 public static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(
     IntPtr processHandle,
     int processInformationClass,
     ref ProcessInformation processInformation,
     int processInformationLength,
     out int returnLength);
Esempio n. 39
 private static extern bool CreateProcessWithLogonW(String lpszUsername, String lpszDomain, String lpszPassword,
                                                    int dwLogonFlags, string applicationName,
                                                    StringBuilder commandLine, uint creationFlags,
                                                    IntPtr environment, string currentDirectory,
                                                    ref StartUpInfo sui, out ProcessInformation processInfo);
Esempio n. 40
        public void startHumanMacroTask(AmazonKeys keys)
            HumanMacroData data = hdata as HumanMacroData;

            JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string inputs;

            if (data.separator == HumanMacroData.Separator.Paragraph)
                string[] pgraphs;

                if (data.test == HumanMacroData.TestOrReal.Test)
                    pgraphs = new string[1];
                    pgraphs = new string[data.range.Paragraphs.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.range.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                    Word.Paragraph paragraph = data.range.Paragraphs[i + 1];
                    string temp = paragraph.Range.Text;
                    temp = temp.Trim();
                    pgraphs[i] = temp;

                    Patch patch = new Patch(paragraph.Range, new List<string>());
                    patch.original = paragraph.Range.Text;
                    HumanMacroPatch patch = new HumanMacroPatch(paragraph.Range, paragraph.Range.Start - data.range.Start, paragraph.Range.End - data.range.Start);
                    patch.original = paragraph.Range.Text;
                    if (data.test == HumanMacroData.TestOrReal.Test)
                inputs = js.Serialize(pgraphs);
                string[] pgraphs;

                if (data.test == HumanMacroData.TestOrReal.Test)
                    pgraphs = new string[1];
                    pgraphs = new string[data.range.Sentences.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.range.Sentences.Count; i++)
                    Word.Range range = data.range.Sentences[i + 1];

                    string temp = range.Text;
                    // Whitespace characters in the middle of sentences will not be removed
                    temp = temp.Trim();
                    pgraphs[i] = temp;

                    //Patch patch = new Patch(range, new List<string>());
                    HumanMacroPatch patch = new HumanMacroPatch(range, range.Start - data.range.Start, range.End - data.range.Start);
                    patch.original = range.Text;

                    if (data.test == HumanMacroData.TestOrReal.Test)
                inputs = js.Serialize(pgraphs);

            inputs = "var inputs = " + inputs + ";";

            // figure out whether there are one or two spaces between sentences
            string firstSentence = data.range.Paragraphs[1].Range.Sentences[1].Text;
            string spacesBetweenSentences = " ";
            if (firstSentence.EndsWith("  "))
                spacesBetweenSentences = "  ";

            string numSpaces = "var sentence_separator = '" + spacesBetweenSentences + "';";

            int request = hdata.job;

            string requestLine = "var soylentJob = " + request + ";";
            string debug = "var debug = " + (Soylent.DEBUG ? "true" : "false") + ";";

            string reward = "var reward = " + data.reward + ";";
            string redundancy = "var redundancy = " + data.redundancy + ";";
            string title = "var title = '" + data.title + "';";
            string subtitle = "var subtitle = '" + data.subtitle + "';";
            string instructions = "var instructions = '" + data.instructions + "';";

            string[] script = File.ReadAllLines(Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit\templates\human-macro\");

            int new_lines = 9;
            string[] newScript = new string[new_lines + script.Length];
            newScript[0] = requestLine;
            newScript[1] = inputs;
            newScript[2] = debug;
            newScript[3] = numSpaces;
            newScript[4] = reward;
            newScript[5] = redundancy;
            newScript[6] = title;
            newScript[7] = subtitle;
            newScript[8] = instructions;
            Array.Copy(script, 0, newScript, new_lines, script.Length);

            string requestFile = Soylent.GetDataDirectory() + @"\active-hits\macro." + request + ".data.js";
            File.WriteAllLines(requestFile, newScript, Encoding.UTF8);

            string arguments = " -jar " + TURKIT_VERSION + " -f \"" + requestFile + "\" -a " + keys.amazonID + " -s " + keys.secretKey + " -o 100 -h 1000";
            if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                arguments += " -m sandbox";
                arguments += " -m real";

            //ProcessInformation info = new ProcessInformation("java", arguments, rootDirectory + @"\turkit", Soylent.DEBUG);
            info = new ProcessInformation("java", arguments, Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit", SHOW_WINDOW);

            TimerCallback callback = ExecuteProcess;
            int timer = 60 * 1000;
            if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                timer = 30 * 1000;
            turkitLoopTimer = new Timer(callback, info, 0, timer);  // starts the timer every 60 seconds
Esempio n. 41
 static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken, String lpApplicationName, [In] StringBuilder lpCommandLine, IntPtr /*to a SecurityAttributes struct or null*/ lpProcessAttributes, IntPtr /*to a SecurityAttributes struct or null*/ lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, CreationFlags creationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, String lpCurrentDirectory, ref StartupInfo lpStartupInfo, out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 42
 private static extern bool CreateProcess(
     string lpApplicationName,
     string lpCommandLine,
     ref SecurityAttributes lpProcessAttributes,
     ref SecurityAttributes lpThreadAttributes,
     bool bInheritHandles,
     CreationFlags dwCreationFlags,
     IntPtr lpEnvironment,
     string lpCurrentDirectory,
     [In] ref StartupInfo lpStartupInfo,
     out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 43
        public void cancelTask(AmazonKeys keys)
            // Stop TurKit timer

            // Call the cancelTask() method
            int request = hdata.job;
            string cancelLine = "\n" + "cancelTask();";
            if (hdata is ShortnData)
                string requestFile = Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit\active-hits\shortn." + request + ".data.js";
                File.AppendAllText(requestFile, cancelLine);

                string arguments = " -jar " + TURKIT_VERSION + " -f \"" + requestFile + "\" -a " + keys.amazonID + " -s " + keys.secretKey + " -o 100 -h 1000";
                if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                    arguments += " -m sandbox";
                    arguments += " -m real";

                ProcessInformation cancel_info = new ProcessInformation("java", arguments, Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit", SHOW_WINDOW);
            else if (hdata is CrowdproofData)
                string requestFile = Soylent.GetDataDirectory() + @"\active-hits\crowdproof." + request + ".data.js";
                File.AppendAllText(requestFile, cancelLine);

                string arguments = " -jar " + TURKIT_VERSION + " -f \"" + requestFile + "\" -a " + keys.amazonID + " -s " + keys.secretKey + " -o 100 -h 1000";
                if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                    arguments += " -m sandbox";
                    arguments += " -m real";

                ProcessInformation cancel_info = new ProcessInformation("java", arguments, Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit", SHOW_WINDOW);
            else if (hdata is HumanMacroData)
                string requestFile = Soylent.GetDataDirectory() + @"\active-hits\macro." + request + ".data.js";
                File.AppendAllText(requestFile, cancelLine);

                string arguments = " -jar " + TURKIT_VERSION + " -f \"" + requestFile + "\" -a " + keys.amazonID + " -s " + keys.secretKey + " -o 100 -h 1000";
                if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                    arguments += " -m sandbox";
                    arguments += " -m real";

                ProcessInformation cancel_info = new ProcessInformation("java", arguments, Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit", SHOW_WINDOW);
Esempio n. 44
 private static extern bool CreateProcessWithLogonW(
      string userName,
      string domain,
      IntPtr password,
      LogonFlags logonFlags,
      string applicationName,
      string commandLine,
      CreationFlags creationFlags,
      uint environment,
      string currentDirectory,
      ref StartupInfo startupInfo,
      out ProcessInformation processInformation);
 public void SetappInfo(ProcessInformation appInfo)
     this.appInfo = appInfo;
 public ExecuteExternalProcessor(ProcessInformation appInfo)
     this.appInfo = appInfo;
Esempio n. 47
 static extern void CorLaunchApplication(HostType hostType, string applicationFullName, int manifestPathsCount, string[] manifestPaths, int activationDataCount, string[] activationData, ProcessInformation processInformation);
 private static bool MobiIt(string InputFile)
     GatherFileInformation fileHandler = new GatherFileInformation(InputFile);
     if (fileHandler.FileInExtension.ToLower() == ".opf")
     ProcessInformation mobiApp = new ProcessInformation();
     mobiApp.applicationString = Properties.Settings.Default.MobigenPath;
     mobiApp.applicationSwitch = null;
     mobiApp.applicationArgString = fileHandler.FileInEscaped;
     ExecuteExternalProcessor mobiProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(mobiApp);
     if (!File.Exists(fileHandler.FileInLocation + "\\" + fileHandler.FileInNameNoExtension + ".mobi"))
         DialogResult fileConvertFailed = MessageBox.Show("Display Error Information?", "Conversion Failed", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
         if (fileConvertFailed == DialogResult.Yes)
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process then runs the
        ///  specified executable file in the security context of the specified
        ///  credentials (user, domain, and password). It can optionally load the user
        ///  profile for the specified user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is untested.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="userName">
        /// This is the name of the user account to log on to. If you use the UPN format,
        ///  user@domain, the Domain parameter must be NULL. The user account must have
        ///  the Log On Locally permission on the local computer.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="domain">
        /// Specifies the name of the domain or server whose account database contains the
        ///  user account. If this parameter is NULL, the user name must be specified in
        ///  UPN format.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="password">
        /// Specifies the clear-text password for the user account.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="logonFlags">
        /// Logon option. This parameter can be zero or one value from the LogonFlags enum.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="applicationName">
        /// Specifies the module to execute. The specified module can be a Windows-based
        ///  application. It can be some other type of module (for example, MS-DOS or OS/2)
        ///  if the appropriate subsystem is available on the local computer. The string
        ///  can specify the full path and file name of the module to execute or it can
        ///  specify a partial name. In the case of a partial name, the function uses the
        ///  current drive and current directory to complete the specification. The function
        ///  will not use the search path. If the file name does not contain an extension,
        ///  .exe is assumed. Therefore, if the file name extension is .com, this parameter
        ///  must include the .com extension. The appname parameter can be NULL. In that
        ///  case, the module name must be the first white space-delimited token in the
        ///  commandline string. If the executable module is a 16-bit application, appname
        ///  should be NULL, and the string pointed to by commandline should specify the
        ///  executable module as well as its arguments.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="commandLine">
        /// Specifies the command line to execute. The maximum length of this string is
        ///  32,000 characters. The commandline parameter can be NULL. In that case, the
        ///  function uses the string pointed to by appname as the command line. If the
        ///  file name does not contain an extension, .exe is appended. Therefore, if the
        ///  file name extension is .com, this parameter must include the .com extension.
        ///  If the file name ends in a period with no extension, or if the file name
        ///  contains a path, .exe is not appended. If the file name does not contain a
        ///  directory path, the system searches for the executable file.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="creationFlags">
        /// Use CreationFlags and PriorityFlags enums. Controls how the process is created.
        ///  Also controls the new process's priority class, which is used to determine the
        ///  scheduling priorities of the process's threads.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="currentDirectory">
        /// Specifies the full path to the current directory for the process. The string
        ///  can also specify a UNC path. If this parameter is NULL, the new process will
        ///  have the same current drive and directory as the calling process.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="environment">
        /// Pointer to an environment block for the new process. If this parameter is NULL,
        ///  the new process uses the environment of the specified user instead of the
        ///  environment of the calling process.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="startupInfo">
        /// Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the
        ///  main window for the new process.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="processInfo">
        /// ProcessInformation structure that receives identification information for the
        ///  new process, including a handle to the process.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns a System.Diagnostic.Process which will be null if the call failed.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception">
        /// Throws a System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception containing the last error if the
        ///  call failed.
        /// </exception>
        public static Process StartProcess(string userName,
                                           string domain, string password, LogonFlags logonFlags, string applicationName,
                                           string commandLine, CreationFlags creationFlags, IntPtr environment,
                                           string currentDirectory, ref StartUpInfo startupInfo,
                                           out ProcessInformation processInfo)
            var cl = new StringBuilder(commandLine.Length);
            bool retval = CreateProcessWithLogonW(userName, domain, password,
                                                  (int) logonFlags, applicationName, cl, (uint) creationFlags,
                                                  currentDirectory, ref startupInfo, out processInfo);
            if (!retval)
                throw new Win32Exception();

            return Process.GetProcessById(processInfo.dwProcessId);
Esempio n. 50
        async Task CheckForUpdates()
                // Remove any old ClickOnce installs
                    var uninstallInfo = UninstallInfo.Find("IPFilter Updater");
                    if (uninstallInfo != null)
                        Trace.TraceWarning("Old ClickOnce app installed! Trying to remove...");
                            var uninstaller = new Uninstaller();
                            Trace.TraceInformation("Successfully removed ClickOnce app");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.TraceError("Failed to remove old ClickOnce app: " + ex);

                Trace.TraceInformation("Checking for software updates...");
                progress.Report(new ProgressModel(UpdateState.Downloading, "Checking for software updates...", -1));

                var updater = new Updater();

                var result = await updater.CheckForUpdateAsync();

                var currentVersion = new Version(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion);

                var latestVersion = new Version(result.Version);
                Update.IsUpdateAvailable = latestVersion > currentVersion;

                if (Update.IsUpdateAvailable)
                    Update.AvailableVersion = latestVersion;
                    Update.IsUpdateRequired = true;
                    Update.MinimumRequiredVersion = latestVersion;
                    Update.UpdateSizeBytes = 2000000;

                Trace.TraceInformation("Current version: {0}", Update.CurrentVersion);
                Trace.TraceInformation("Available version: {0}", Update.AvailableVersion?.ToString() ?? "<no updates>");

                if (!Update.IsUpdateAvailable ) return;
                if (MessageBoxHelper.Show(dispatcher, "Update Available", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question, MessageBoxResult.Yes,
                    "An update to version {0} is available. Would you like to update now?", Update.AvailableVersion) != MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                Trace.TraceInformation("Starting application update...");

                // If we're not "installed", then don't check for updates. This is so the
                // executable can be stand-alone. Stand-alone self-update to come later.
                using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\IPFilter"))
                    var installPath = (string) key?.GetValue("InstallPath");
                    if (installPath == null)
                        using (var process = new Process())
                            process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("")
                                UseShellExecute = true


                var msiPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "IPFilter.msi");

                // Download the installer
                using (var handler = new WebRequestHandler())
                    handler.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate;

                    var uri = new Uri($"{result.Uri}?{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")}");

                    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler))
                    using (var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken.Token))
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            progress.Report(new ProgressModel(UpdateState.Ready, "Update cancelled. Ready.", 100));
                            Update.IsUpdating = false;

                        var length = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
                        double lengthInMb = !length.HasValue ? -1 : (double)length.Value / 1024 / 1024;
                        double bytesDownloaded = 0;

                        using(var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                        using(var msi = File.Open( msiPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                            var buffer = new byte[65535 * 4];

                            int bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, cancellationToken.Token);
                            while (bytesRead != 0)
                                await msi.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, bytesRead, cancellationToken.Token);
                                bytesDownloaded += bytesRead;

                                if (length.HasValue)
                                    double downloadedMegs = bytesDownloaded / 1024 / 1024;
                                    var percent = (int)Math.Floor((bytesDownloaded / length.Value) * 100);

                                    var status = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "Downloaded {0:F2} MB of {1:F2} MB", downloadedMegs, lengthInMb);

                                    Update.IsUpdating = true;
                                    Update.DownloadPercentage = percent;
                                    progress.Report(new ProgressModel(UpdateState.Downloading, status, percent));

                                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                                    progress.Report(new ProgressModel(UpdateState.Ready, "Update cancelled. Ready.", 100));
                                    Update.IsUpdating = false;

                                bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, cancellationToken.Token);

                progress.Report(new ProgressModel(UpdateState.Ready, "Launching update...", 100));
                Update.IsUpdating = false;
                // Now run the installer
                var sb = new StringBuilder("msiexec.exe ");

                // Enable logging for the installer
                sb.AppendFormat(" /l*v \"{0}\"", Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "IPFilter.log"));
                sb.AppendFormat(" /i \"{0}\"", msiPath);

                //sb.Append(" /passive");

                ProcessInformation processInformation = new ProcessInformation();
                StartupInfo startupInfo = new StartupInfo();
                SecurityAttributes processSecurity = new SecurityAttributes();
                SecurityAttributes threadSecurity = new SecurityAttributes();
                processSecurity.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(processSecurity);
                threadSecurity.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(threadSecurity);

                const int NormalPriorityClass = 0x0020;

                if (!ProcessManager.CreateProcess(null, sb, processSecurity,
                    threadSecurity, false, NormalPriorityClass,
                    IntPtr.Zero, null, startupInfo, processInformation))
                    throw Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error());
                    //dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(Application.Current.Shutdown));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.TraceError("Exception when shutting down app for update: " + ex);
                    Update.ErrorMessage = "Couldn't shutdown the app to apply update.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceWarning("Application update check failed: " + ex);
                progress.Report(new ProgressModel(UpdateState.Ready, "Ready", 0));
Esempio n. 51
 public static extern bool CreateProcessAsUserW(IntPtr token, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpApplicationName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpCommandLine, IntPtr lpProcessAttributes, IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandles, CreateProcessFlags dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string lpCurrentDirectory, [In] StartupInfo lpStartupInfo, out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the base address of the main executable of the specified process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processInformation">The process for which to return the base address</param>
        /// <returns>The base address of the main executable of the specified process</returns>
        private static IntPtr GetExecutableBaseAddress(ProcessInformation processInformation)
            var baseAddress = IntPtr.Zero;

            var scanAddress = IntPtr.Zero;
            MemoryBasicInformation mbi;
            var size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (MemoryBasicInformation));

            Kernel32.VirtualQueryEx(processInformation.hProcess, scanAddress, out mbi, (uint) size);
            if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == 24)
                MemoryBasicInformation64 mbi64;
                size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (MemoryBasicInformation64));

                while (Kernel32.VirtualQueryEx64(processInformation.hProcess, scanAddress, out mbi64, (uint) size) ==
                    if (mbi64.Type == MemoryBasicInformationType.MemImage)
                        baseAddress = mbi64.AllocationBase;

                    scanAddress = new IntPtr(scanAddress.ToInt64() + mbi64.RegionSize);
                while (Kernel32.VirtualQueryEx(processInformation.hProcess, scanAddress, out mbi, (uint) size) == size)
                    if (mbi.Type == MemoryBasicInformationType.MemImage)
                        baseAddress = mbi.AllocationBase;

                    scanAddress += mbi.RegionSize;

            return baseAddress;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GatherFileInformation filehandler = new GatherFileInformation();
            ProcessInformation mobi2mobiApp = new ProcessInformation();
            ProcessInformation clitApp = new ProcessInformation();
            ProcessInformation pdbApp = new ProcessInformation();
            ProcessInformation chmApp = new ProcessInformation();
            ProcessInformation pdfApp = new ProcessInformation();
            string workingDir = GlobalTools.GetexeLocation();
            string tempFolder = workingDir + @"Temp\";
            mobi2mobiApp.applicationString = @"app\mobi2mobi.exe";
            mobi2mobiApp.applicationString = null;
            clitApp.applicationString = @"app\c**t.exe";
            clitApp.applicationSwitch = @"-d";
            pdbApp.applicationString = @"app\abcpalm.exe";
            pdbApp.applicationSwitch = null;
            chmApp.applicationString = @"app\chmdecoder.exe";
            chmApp.applicationSwitch = @"-menu";
            pdfApp.applicationString = @"app\pdftohtml.exe";
            pdfApp.applicationSwitch = @"-noframes -c";
            fileLocation fileLocs;
            if (args.Length == 0)
                fileLocs = filehandler.files;
                if (fileLocs.fileExt.ToLower() == "htm")
                    fileLocs.fileTemp = fileLocs.fileExt;
                    fileLocs.fileExt = "html";

                switch (fileLocs.fileExt.ToLower())
                    case "html":
                        if (fileLocs.fileTemp == "htm")
                            fileLocs.fileExt = fileLocs.fileTemp;
                        if (FileConvert.MobiIt(fileLocs.fileIn))
                            GlobalTools.MoveFile(fileLocs.fileLocationDir + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi", fileLocs.fileOut + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi");
                        //mobiApp.applicationArgString = fileLocs.fileIn_Escape;
                        //ExecuteExternalProcessor mobiProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(mobiApp);
                    case "mobi":
                        string newTitle = Interaction.InputBox("Enter a New Title for This Book", "MetaData Manipulation", fileLocs.fileName, 100, 100);
                        mobi2mobiApp.applicationArgString = @"--title " + "\"" + newTitle + "\" " + fileLocs.fileIn_Escape + @" --outfile " + fileLocs.fileIn_Escape;
                        ExecuteExternalProcessor mobi2mobiProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(mobi2mobiApp);
                    case "pdb":
                        pdbApp.applicationArgString = fileLocs.fileIn_Escape + " \"" +  tempFolder + fileLocs.fileName + ".html\" \"1\"";
                        ExecuteExternalProcessor pdbProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(pdbApp);
                        if (FileConvert.MobiIt(tempFolder + fileLocs.fileName + ".html"))
                            GlobalTools.MoveFile(fileLocs.fileLocationDir + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi", fileLocs.fileOut + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi");
                    case "lit":
                        clitApp.applicationArgString = fileLocs.fileIn_Escape +" \"" + tempFolder + "\"";
                        ExecuteExternalProcessor litProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(clitApp);
                        if (GlobalTools.FileExist(tempFolder + fileLocs.fileName + ".html"))
                            if (FileConvert.MobiIt(tempFolder + fileLocs.fileName + ".html"))
                                GlobalTools.MoveFile(fileLocs.fileLocationDir + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi", fileLocs.fileOut + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi");
                            MessageBox.Show(litProcessor.GetapplicationErrorOutput(), "Lit Convert Failed");
                    case "chm":
                        if (fileLocs.fileIn_Escape == "1")
                            chmApp.applicationArgString = fileLocs.fileIn_Escape + " \"" + tempFolder + "\"";
                            ExecuteExternalProcessor chmProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(chmApp);
                    case "pdf":
                        pdfApp.applicationArgString = fileLocs.fileIn_Escape + " \"";
                        ExecuteExternalProcessor pdfProcessor = new ExecuteExternalProcessor(pdfApp);
                        if (FileConvert.MobiIt(tempFolder + fileLocs.fileName + "s.html"))
                            GlobalTools.MoveFile(tempFolder + fileLocs.fileName + "", fileLocs.fileOut + "\\" + fileLocs.fileName + ".mobi");
                        MessageBox.Show("File type not supported", "Not Supported");
                ArgumentHandler arguments = new ArgumentHandler(args);
                fileLocs = arguments.files;
                if (fileLocs.fileOut == null)
                    fileLocs.fileOut = filehandler.ExecuteFolderSelect();
Esempio n. 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Patches the main executable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processInformation">The <see cref="ProcessInformation"/> corresponding to the main executable</param>
        /// <param name="patchDocument">The <see cref="XElement"/> containing the data to use</param>
        private static void PatchExecutable(ProcessInformation processInformation, XElement patchDocument)
            foreach (var patch in patchDocument.Elements(PatchTag))
                var offsetAttr = patch.Attribute(OffsetAttribute);
                if (offsetAttr == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The offset attribute is not found");

                var dataAttr = patch.Attribute(DataAttribute);
                if (dataAttr == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The data attribute is not found");

                var offset = ParseAddress(offsetAttr.Value);
                var baseAddress = GetExecutableBaseAddress(processInformation);
                if (baseAddress == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The base address of the main executable is not found");
                var address = new IntPtr(baseAddress.ToInt64() + offset.ToInt64());

                var data = ParseData(dataAttr.Value);

                MemoryProtection oldProtect;
                var result = Kernel32.VirtualProtectEx(
                    (uint) data.Length,
                    out oldProtect);

                using (var alloc = new CoTaskMemoryAllocator(data.Length))

                    uint mumberOfBytesWritten;
                    result = Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(
                        (uint) alloc.BufferLength,
                        out mumberOfBytesWritten);

                result = Kernel32.VirtualProtectEx(
                    (uint) data.Length,
                    out oldProtect);
Esempio n. 55
        /// <summary>
        /// Launches the given application with full admin rights, and in addition bypasses the Vista UAC prompt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="applicationName">The name of the application to launch</param>
        /// <param name="procInfo">Process information regarding the launched application that gets returned to the caller</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool StartProcessAndBypassUac(String applicationName, out ProcessInformation procInfo)
            uint winlogonPid = 0;
            IntPtr hUserTokenDup = IntPtr.Zero, hPToken = IntPtr.Zero;            
            procInfo = new ProcessInformation();

            // obtain the currently active session id; every logged on user in the system has a unique session id
            uint dwSessionId = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();

            // obtain the process id of the winlogon process that is running within the currently active session
            Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("winlogon");
            foreach (Process p in processes)
                if ((uint)p.SessionId == dwSessionId)
                    winlogonPid = (uint)p.Id;

            // obtain a handle to the winlogon process
            IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(MaximumAllowed, false, winlogonPid);

            // obtain a handle to the access token of the winlogon process
            if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TokenDuplicate, ref hPToken))
                return false;

            // Security attibute structure used in DuplicateTokenEx and CreateProcessAsUser
            // I would prefer to not have to use a security attribute variable and to just 
            // simply pass null and inherit (by default) the security attributes
            // of the existing token. However, in C# structures are value types and therefore
            // cannot be assigned the null value.
            var sa = new SecurityAttributes();
            sa.Length = Marshal.SizeOf(sa);

            // copy the access token of the winlogon process; the newly created token will be a primary token
            if (!DuplicateTokenEx(hPToken, MaximumAllowed, ref sa, (int)SecurityImpersonationLevel.SecurityIdentification, (int)TokenType.TokenPrimary, ref hUserTokenDup))
                return false;

            // By default CreateProcessAsUser creates a process on a non-interactive window station, meaning
            // the window station has a desktop that is invisible and the process is incapable of receiving
            // user input. To remedy this we set the lpDesktop parameter to indicate we want to enable user 
            // interaction with the new process.
            var si = new Startupinfo();
            si.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(si);
            si.lpDesktop = @"winsta0\default"; // interactive window station parameter; basically this indicates that the process created can display a GUI on the desktop

            // flags that specify the priority and creation method of the process
            const int dwCreationFlags = NormalPriorityClass | CreateNewConsole;

            // create a new process in the current user's logon session
            bool result = CreateProcessAsUser(hUserTokenDup,        // client's access token
                                            null,                   // file to execute
                                            applicationName,        // command line
                                            ref sa,                 // pointer to process SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
                                            ref sa,                 // pointer to thread SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
                                            false,                  // handles are not inheritable
                                            dwCreationFlags,        // creation flags
                                            IntPtr.Zero,            // pointer to new environment block 
                                            null,                   // name of current directory 
                                            ref si,                 // pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
                                            out procInfo            // receives information about new process

            // invalidate the handles

            return result; // return the result
Esempio n. 56
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads libraries into the main executable and patches them as needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processInformation">The <see cref="ProcessInformation"/> corresponding to the main executable</param>
        /// <param name="patchDocument">The <see cref="XElement"/> containing the data to use</param>
        private static void PatchLibraries(ProcessInformation processInformation, XElement patchDocument)
            foreach (var patchLibrary in patchDocument.Elements(PatchLibraryTag))
                var libraryNameAttr = patchLibrary.Attribute(LibraryNameAttribute);
                if (libraryNameAttr == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The library name attribute is not found");

                var offsetAttr = patchLibrary.Attribute(OffsetAttribute);
                if (offsetAttr == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The offset attribute is not found");

                var dataAttr = patchLibrary.Attribute(DataAttribute);
                if (dataAttr == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The data attribute is not found");

                var offset = ParseAddress(offsetAttr.Value);
                var data = ParseData(dataAttr.Value);

                var libraryHandle = GetLibraryAddress(libraryNameAttr.Value, (int) processInformation.dwProcessId);

                MemoryProtection oldProtect;
                var result = Kernel32.VirtualProtectEx(
                    libraryHandle + (int) offset,
                    (uint) data.Length,
                    out oldProtect);

                using (var alloc = new CoTaskMemoryAllocator(data.Length))

                    uint mumberOfBytesWritten;
                    result = Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(
                        libraryHandle + (int) offset,
                        (uint) alloc.BufferLength,
                        out mumberOfBytesWritten);

                result = Kernel32.VirtualProtectEx(
                    libraryHandle + (int) offset,
                    (uint) data.Length,
                    out oldProtect);
Esempio n. 57
 public static extern bool CreateProcessAsUser(IntPtr hToken, string lpApplicationName, string lpCommandLine, IntPtr lpProcessAttributes, IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, bool bInheritHandle, int dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpEnvironment, string lpCurrentDirectory, ref Startupinfo lpStartupInfo, out ProcessInformation lpProcessInformation);
Esempio n. 58
        public void startFindFixVerifyTask(string tasktype, AmazonKeys keys)
            string[][] pgraphs = new string[hdata.range.Paragraphs.Count][];
            // Range.Paragraphs and Range.Sentences are 1 INDEXED
            for (int i = 0; i < hdata.range.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Word.Paragraph paragraph = hdata.range.Paragraphs[i + 1];
                pgraphs[i] = new string[paragraph.Range.Sentences.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < paragraph.Range.Sentences.Count; j++)
                    Word.Range sentence = paragraph.Range.Sentences[j + 1];
                    string temp = sentence.Text;

                    // Whitespace characters in the middle of sentences will not be removed
                    temp = temp.Trim();
                    pgraphs[i][j] = temp;
            JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string paragraphs = js.Serialize(pgraphs);
            //string paragraphs = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pgraphs);

            paragraphs = "var paragraphs = " + paragraphs + ";";

            // figure out whether there are one or two spaces between sentences
            string firstSentence = hdata.range.Paragraphs[1].Range.Sentences[1].Text;
            string spacesBetweenSentences = " ";
            if (firstSentence.EndsWith("  "))
                spacesBetweenSentences = "  ";
            string numSpaces = "var sentence_separator = '" + spacesBetweenSentences + "';";

            int request = hdata.job;
            string requestLine = "var soylentJob = " + request + ";";
            string debug = "var debug = " + (Soylent.DEBUG ? "true" : "false") + ";";
            string fileDirectory = "var fileDirectory = " + js.Serialize(Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"turkit");

            string[] script = File.ReadAllLines(Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"turkit\templates\"
                                                + tasktype + @"\" + tasktype + @".data.js");

            int new_lines = 5;
            string[] newScript = new string[new_lines + script.Length];
            newScript[0] = requestLine;
            newScript[1] = paragraphs;
            newScript[2] = debug;
            newScript[3] = numSpaces;
            newScript[4] = fileDirectory;
            Array.Copy(script, 0, newScript, new_lines, script.Length);

            string requestFile = Soylent.GetDataDirectory() + @"active-hits\" + tasktype + @"." + request + ".data.js";
            File.WriteAllLines(requestFile, newScript, Encoding.UTF8);

            string arguments = " -jar " + TURKIT_VERSION + " -f \"" + requestFile + "\" -a " + keys.amazonID + " -s " + keys.secretKey + " -o 100 -h 1000";
            if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                arguments += " -m sandbox";
                arguments += " -m real";

            info = new ProcessInformation("java", arguments, Soylent.GetAppDirectory() + @"\turkit", SHOW_WINDOW);

            TimerCallback callback = ExecuteProcess;
            int timer = 60 * 1000;
            if (Soylent.DEBUG)
                timer = 30 * 1000;
            turkitLoopTimer = new Timer(callback, info, 0, timer);  // starts the timer every 60 seconds