Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Post or send a delegate to the thread that
        /// is defined as using the synContext that is passed into the Task ctor
        /// in order for that the delegate event can be raised on the correct thread
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPost">is the call a non-blocking post(true) or a blocking send(false)</param>
        /// <param name="handler">event handler that will be called on the thread defined by synContext</param>
        /// <param name="args">arguments for delegate call</param>
        protected void PostOrSend(Boolean isPost, Delegate handler, object[] args)
            //return if null
            if (this.syncContext == null)

            //create eventArgs that hold information about the call
            ProcessAsyncEventArgs paea = new ProcessAsyncEventArgs(this, handler, args);

            if (isPost == false)
                //throw here if trying to send to same thread
                if (this.syncContext == SynchronizationContext.Current)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot use send to same thread, use post or SyncNotify event");
                this.syncContext.Send(this.asyncHandler, paea);
                this.syncContext.Post(this.asyncHandler, paea);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// raise an event defined by a ProcessAsyncEventArgs.
 /// The event is raised on the thread that is making the RaiseEvent() call
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="paea">args that contain all the infomation about event to be raised</param>
 private static void RaiseEvent(ProcessAsyncEventArgs paea)
     //try to cast to known types of handler since those are faster than a DynamicInvoke
     //in most cases the handler is either a TaskStatusEventHandler or a SendOrPostCallback
     //but throw in a few extras that we know about
     if (paea.Handler is FluidTrade.Reporting.TaskStatusEventHandler)
         ((TaskStatusEventHandler)paea.Handler)(paea.Sender, (TaskStatusEventArgs)paea.Args[1]);
     else if (paea.Handler is System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback)
     else if (paea.Handler is EventHandler)
         //event handler is
         if ((paea.Args == null) || (paea.Args.Length < 1))
             ((EventHandler)paea.Handler)(paea.Sender, EventArgs.Empty);
             ((EventHandler)paea.Handler)(paea.Sender, (EventArgs)paea.Args[0]);
     else if (paea.Handler is MethodInvoker)
     else if (paea.Handler is WaitCallback)
         paea.RetVal = paea.Handler.DynamicInvoke(paea.Args);