Esempio n. 1
        public void EditShow()
            StructureOfProblem problem = new StructureOfProblem();

            problem.ProblemID    = 1;
            problem.QuestionName = "动态规划";
            problem.InputSample  = "1 7 4 9 2 5\r\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";
            problem.OutputSample = "6\r\n2";


            ProblemUpdate problemUpdate = new ProblemUpdate(problem.ProblemID);

            Assert.AreEqual(problemUpdate.QuestionName, problem.QuestionName);
            Assert.AreEqual(problemUpdate.InputSamples, problem.InputSample);
            Assert.AreEqual(problemUpdate.OutputSamples, problem.OutputSample);
            Assert.AreEqual(problemUpdate.QuestionDescription, problem.QuestionDescription);

            string newQuestionName = "贪心";

            problemUpdate.QuestionName = newQuestionName;
            Assert.AreEqual(problemUpdate.QuestionName, newQuestionName);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Updates on the work being completed from the WorkerRole that is working on this problem using this strategy as they are happening
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"><see cref="ZeroMQ.ZmqContext"/> on which to open ZmqSocket.SUB connection to the Publisher WorkerRole doing the work</param>
        /// <param name="strategy">The <see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.ISolutionStrategy"/> being employed to solve the problem on which you want to receive update messages</param>
        /// <param name="onCompletion">What to execute when the Worker has sent a completion of the problem message</param>
        /// <returns>A sequence of <see cref="WaterBucket.Domain.BucketActionStep"/>s every time one is received on the <see cref="ZeroMQ.ZmqSocket"/> from the WorkerRole</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="ZeroMQ.ZmqSocket"/>
        protected IEnumerable<BucketActionStep> GetWorkerUpdates(ZmqContext ctx, ISolutionStrategy strategy, Action<SolutionResult> onCompletion = null)
            if (ctx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ctx");
            if (strategy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("strategy");
            var publisherAddresses = GetPublisherAddresses();
            if (!publisherAddresses.Any())
                throw new WorkerException("Could not get any publisher endpoints to receive messages from the Worker");

            // Sockets are NOT Thread safe so they must be created in the Thread in which they will be used
            ZmqSocket subscriber = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.SUB);
            foreach (var pubAddr in publisherAddresses)
            ProblemUpdate update;
                update = null;
                // This is the blocking version of Receiving from a ZMQ Socket - this is okay since we will run this call from a child Task or wrap in Rx
                ZmqMessage msg = subscriber.ReceiveMessage();
                // Skip the first Frame since it is the Subscription Prefix
                var msgSig = msg.Unwrap();
                // Get the UpdateType from the Message
                byte[] updateTypeData = msg.Unwrap().Buffer;
                ProblemUpdateType updateType = (ProblemUpdateType)updateTypeData[0];
                //update = new ProblemUpdate(updateType, msg.Last.Buffer);
                // Find the data demarcation frame
                var updateFrames = msg.SkipWhile(f => (f.BufferSize != 1) && (f.Buffer[0] != 0x7f));//.ToList();
                // Skip the data demarcation frame when creating the ProblemUpdate
                update = new ProblemUpdate(updateType, updateFrames.Skip(1).ToList());
                if (update.IsAction || update.IsInitial)
                    // Return BucketActionSteps to the awaiting caller
                    yield return update.IntoFrameableType<BucketActionStep>().UpdateState;
            } while ((update != null) && !(update.IsCompletion || update.IsError));

            if (update != null)
                // Signal Completion
                if ((update.IsCompletion) && (onCompletion != null))

                // Throw an Exception to the caller if the WorkerRole experienced an Exception
                if (update.IsError)
                    throw update.GetException<Exception>();
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestSocketReceive()
            // Arrange
            var ctx = ZmqContext.Create();
            var sub = ctx.CreateSocket(SocketType.SUB);
            Problem testProblem = new Problem(3, 5, 4);
            byte[] qMsgBytes = new byte[12];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.FirstBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 0, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.SecondBucket.Capacity), 0, qMsgBytes, 4, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(testProblem.GoalWaterVolume), 0, qMsgBytes, 8, 4);
            CloudQueueMessage qMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(qMsgBytes);

            var smallToBig = new SmallToBigSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(testProblem);
            var bigToSmall = new BigToSmallSingleBucketSolutionStrategy(testProblem);


            // Act

            var subTask = Task.Run(() =>
                    ProblemUpdate update = null;
                    ZmqMessage zqm = sub.ReceiveMessage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
                    if (zqm == null)
                        Assert.Fail("Did not receive a message from the subscription socket within 2 seconds of adding message to Queue");
                    int[] numActions = new int[2] { 0, 0 };
                    bool[] completed = new bool[2] { false, false };

                    while ((zqm != null) && (!completed.All(c => c)))
                        zqm = sub.ReceiveMessage();
                        string msgSig = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(zqm.Unwrap().Buffer);
                        update = new ProblemUpdate(zqm.Select(f => f.Buffer).ToArray());
                        if (update.IsAction)
                            if (msgSig.Equals(smallToBig.Signature))
                            else if (msgSig.Equals(bigToSmall.Signature))
                        else if (update.IsCompletion)
                            if (msgSig.Equals(smallToBig.Signature))
                                completed[SMALL_TO_BIG] = true;
                            else if (msgSig.Equals(bigToSmall.Signature))
                                completed[BIG_TO_SMALL] = true;

                    // Assert
                    Assert.IsFalse(update.IsError, "Received an Exception from the Socket");
                    Assert.IsTrue(completed.All(c => c), "Not all strategies completed");
                    Assert.AreEqual(NUM_ACTIONS[SMALL_TO_BIG], numActions[SMALL_TO_BIG], "Small to Big strategy received wrong number of action messages (" + numActions[SMALL_TO_BIG] + ") from socket - expected " + NUM_ACTIONS[SMALL_TO_BIG]);
                    Assert.AreEqual(NUM_ACTIONS[BIG_TO_SMALL], numActions[BIG_TO_SMALL], "Big to Small strategy received wrong number of action messages (" + numActions[BIG_TO_SMALL] + ") from socket - expected " + NUM_ACTIONS[BIG_TO_SMALL]);
            //if ((subTask.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingToRun))// || (subTask.Status == TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation))
            //  subTask.Start();
            subTask.ContinueWith(t =>
                    if (t.IsFaulted)
                        Assert.Fail("subTask threw Exception: " + t.Exception.ToString() + " " + t.Exception.Message);
