Esempio n. 1
        public void RunTest2()
            var dataset = SequentialMinimalOptimizationTest.yinyang;

            double[][] inputs = dataset.Submatrix(null, 0, 1).ToArray();
            int[]      labels = dataset.GetColumn(2).ToInt32();

            var svm     = new SupportVectorMachine(inputs: 2);
            var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels);

            teacher.Tolerance  = 1e-10;
            teacher.Complexity = 1e+10;

            double error = teacher.Run();

            double[] weights = svm.ToWeights();

            Assert.AreEqual(0.12, error);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, weights.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1.3231203367770932, weights[0], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-3.0227742288788493, weights[1], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-0.73074823290553259, weights[2], 1e-8);

            Assert.AreEqual(svm.Threshold, weights[0]);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a Support Vector Machine and teaches it to recognize
        ///   the previously loaded dataset using the current UI settings.
        /// </summary>
        private void btnCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dgvLearningSource.DataSource == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please load some data first.");

            // Finishes and save any pending changes to the given data

            // Creates a matrix from the entire source data table
            double[,] table = (dgvLearningSource.DataSource as DataTable).ToMatrix(out columnNames);

            // Get only the input vector values (first two columns)
            double[][] inputs = table.GetColumns(0, 1).ToArray();

            // Get only the output labels (last column)
            int[] outputs = table.GetColumn(2).ToInt32();

            // Create a sparse logistic learning algorithm
            var pcd = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent()
                // Set learning parameters
                Complexity     = (double)numC.Value,
                Tolerance      = (double)numT.Value,
                PositiveWeight = (double)numPositiveWeight.Value,
                NegativeWeight = (double)numNegativeWeight.Value,

                // Run
                svm = pcd.Learn(inputs, outputs);

                lbStatus.Text = "Training complete!";
            catch (ConvergenceException)
                lbStatus.Text = "Convergence could not be attained. " +
                                "The learned machine might still be usable.";

            svm.Compress(); // reduce support vectors to a single weight vector
            Trace.Assert(svm.SupportVectors.Length == 1);
            Trace.Assert(svm.Weights.Length == 1);


            // Show feature weight importance
            double[] weights = svm.SupportVectors[0].Abs();

            string[] featureNames = columnNames.RemoveAt(columnNames.Length - 1);
            dgvSupportVectors.DataSource = new ArrayDataView(weights, featureNames);

            CreateBarGraph(weights, featureNames);
Esempio n. 3
        public void RunTest()
            double[][] input =
                new double[] { 55, 0 }, // 0 - no cancer
                new double[] { 28, 0 }, // 0
                new double[] { 65, 1 }, // 0
                new double[] { 46, 0 }, // 1 - have cancer
                new double[] { 86, 1 }, // 1
                new double[] { 56, 1 }, // 1
                new double[] { 85, 0 }, // 0
                new double[] { 33, 0 }, // 0
                new double[] { 21, 1 }, // 0
                new double[] { 42, 1 }, // 1

            double[] output =
                0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

            int[] labels = output.Apply(x => x > 0 ? +1 : -1);

            var svm     = new SupportVectorMachine(inputs: 2);
            var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, input, labels);

            teacher.Tolerance  = 1e-10;
            teacher.Complexity = 1e+10;

            double error = teacher.Run();


            var regression = LogisticRegression.FromWeights(svm.ToWeights());

            double[] actual = new double[output.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < actual.Length; i++)
                actual[i] = regression.Compute(input[i]);

            double ageOdds   = regression.GetOddsRatio(1); // 1.0208597028836701
            double smokeOdds = regression.GetOddsRatio(2); // 5.8584748789881331

            Assert.AreEqual(0.2, error);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0208597028836701, ageOdds, 1e-4);
            Assert.AreEqual(5.8584748789881331, smokeOdds, 1e-4);


            Assert.AreEqual(-2.4577464307294092, regression.Intercept, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-2.4577464307294092, regression.Coefficients[0], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.020645118265359252, regression.Coefficients[1], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.7678893101571855, regression.Coefficients[2], 1e-8);
Esempio n. 4
        public void KernelTest2()
            var dataset = SequentialMinimalOptimizationTest.GetYingYang();
            var inputs  = dataset.Submatrix(null, 0, 1).ToJagged();
            var labels  = dataset.GetColumn(2).ToInt32();

            var svm = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(new Linear(1), inputs: 2);

            var p = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels);

Esempio n. 5
        public void KernelTest1()
            var dataset = SequentialMinimalOptimizationTest.GetYingYang();

            double[][] inputs = dataset.Submatrix(null, 0, 1).ToJagged();
            int[]      labels = dataset.GetColumn(2).ToInt32();

            double e1, e2;

            double[] w1, w2;

                Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

                var svm     = new SupportVectorMachine(inputs: 2);
                var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels);

                teacher.Tolerance  = 1e-10;
                teacher.Complexity = 1e+10;

                e1 = teacher.Run();
                w1 = svm.ToWeights();

                Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

                var svm     = new KernelSupportVectorMachine(new Linear(0), inputs: 2);
                var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels);

                teacher.Tolerance  = 1e-10;
                teacher.Complexity = 1e+10;

                e2 = teacher.Run();
                w2 = svm.ToWeights();

            Assert.AreEqual(e1, e2);
            Assert.AreEqual(w1.Length, w2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(w1[0], w2[0], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(w1[1], w2[1], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(w1[2], w2[2], 1e-8);
Esempio n. 6
        public void CalculateLogistic(double[][] x_train, int[] y_train)
                var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent()
                    Tolerance  = 1e-10,
                    Complexity = 1e+10,

                var svm = teacher.Learn(x_train, y_train);

                this.regression = (LogisticRegression)svm;
Esempio n. 7
        public void logistic_regression_sparse_test()
            #region doc_logreg_sparse
            // Declare some training data. This is exactly the same
            // data used in the LogisticRegression documentation page

            // Suppose we have the following data about some patients.
            // The first variable is continuous and represent patient
            // age. The second variable is dichotomic and give whether
            // they smoke or not (This is completely fictional data).

            // We also know if they have had lung cancer or not, and
            // we would like to know whether smoking has any connection
            // with lung cancer (This is completely fictional data).

            Sparse <double>[] input =
            {                                             // age, smokes?, had cancer?
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 55, 0 }), // false - no cancer
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 28, 0 }), // false
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 65, 1 }), // false
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 46, 0 }), // true  - had cancer
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 86, 1 }), // true
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 56, 1 }), // true
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 85, 0 }), // false
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 33, 0 }), // false
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 21, 1 }), // false
                Sparse.FromDense(new double[] { 42, 1 }), // true

            double[] output = // Whether each patient had lung cancer or not
                0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1

            // Create the L1-regularization learning algorithm
            var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent <Linear, Sparse <double> >()
                Tolerance  = 1e-10,
                Complexity = 1e+10, // learn a hard-margin model

            // Learn the L1-regularized machine
            var svm = teacher.Learn(input, output);

            // Convert the svm to logistic regression
            var regression = (LogisticRegression)svm;

            // Compute the predicted outcome for inputs
            bool[] predicted = regression.Decide(input.ToDense(regression.NumberOfInputs));

            // Compute log-likelihood scores for the outputs
            double[] scores = regression.LogLikelihood(input.ToDense(regression.NumberOfInputs));

            // Compute odds-ratio as in the LogisticRegression example
            double ageOdds   = regression.GetOddsRatio(1); // 1.0208597029158772
            double smokeOdds = regression.GetOddsRatio(2); // 5.8584748789881331

            // Compute the classification error as in SVM example
            double error = new ZeroOneLoss(output).Loss(predicted);

            var rsvm = (SupportVectorMachine)regression;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rsvm.NumberOfInputs);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rsvm.NumberOfOutputs); // TODO: Maybe should 1 rather than 2
            double[] svmpred = svm.Score(input);
            Assert.IsTrue(scores.IsEqual(svmpred, 1e-10));

            Assert.AreEqual(0.2, error);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.0208597029158772, ageOdds, 1e-4);
            Assert.AreEqual(5.8584748789881331, smokeOdds, 1e-4);

            Assert.AreEqual(-2.4577464307294092, regression.Intercept, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-2.4577464307294092, regression.Coefficients[0], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.020645118265359252, regression.Coefficients[1], 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.7678893101571855, regression.Coefficients[2], 1e-8);
Esempio n. 8
        public static void train_one(Problem prob, Parameters param, out double[] w, double Cp, double Cn)
            double[][] inputs = prob.Inputs;
            int[]      labels = prob.Outputs.Apply(x => x >= 0 ? 1 : -1);

            double eps = param.Tolerance;

            int pos = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                if (labels[i] >= 0)
            int neg = prob.Outputs.Length - pos;

            double primal_solver_tol = eps * Math.Max(Math.Min(pos, neg), 1.0) / prob.Inputs.Length;

            SupportVectorMachine          svm     = new SupportVectorMachine(prob.Dimensions);
            ISupportVectorMachineLearning teacher = null;

            switch (param.Solver)
            case LibSvmSolverType.L2RegularizedLogisticRegression:

                // l2r_lr_fun
                teacher = new ProbabilisticNewtonMethod(svm, inputs, labels)
                    PositiveWeight = Cp,
                    NegativeWeight = Cn,
                    Tolerance      = primal_solver_tol
                }; break;

            case LibSvmSolverType.L2RegularizedL2LossSvc:

                // fun_obj=new l2r_l2_svc_fun(prob, C);
                teacher = new LinearNewtonMethod(svm, inputs, labels)
                    PositiveWeight = Cp,
                    NegativeWeight = Cn,
                    Tolerance      = primal_solver_tol
                }; break;

            case LibSvmSolverType.L2RegularizedL2LossSvcDual:

                // solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(prob, w, eps, Cp, Cn, L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL);
                teacher = new LinearDualCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels)
                    Loss           = Loss.L2,
                    PositiveWeight = Cp,
                    NegativeWeight = Cn,
                }; break;

            case LibSvmSolverType.L2RegularizedL1LossSvcDual:

                // solve_l2r_l1l2_svc(prob, w, eps, Cp, Cn, L2R_L1LOSS_SVC_DUAL);
                teacher = new LinearDualCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels)
                    Loss           = Loss.L1,
                    PositiveWeight = Cp,
                    NegativeWeight = Cn,
                }; break;

            case LibSvmSolverType.L1RegularizedLogisticRegression:

                // solve_l1r_lr(&prob_col, w, primal_solver_tol, Cp, Cn);
                teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels)
                    PositiveWeight = Cp,
                    NegativeWeight = Cn,
                    Tolerance      = primal_solver_tol
                }; break;

            case LibSvmSolverType.L2RegularizedLogisticRegressionDual:

                // solve_l2r_lr_dual(prob, w, eps, Cp, Cn);
                teacher = new ProbabilisticDualCoordinateDescent(svm, inputs, labels)
                    PositiveWeight = Cp,
                    NegativeWeight = Cn,
                    Tolerance      = primal_solver_tol,
                }; break;

            Trace.WriteLine("Training " + param.Solver);

            // run the learning algorithm
            var    sw    = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            double error = teacher.Run();


            // save the solution
            w = svm.ToWeights();

            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Finished {0}: {1} in {2}",
                                          param.Solver, error, sw.Elapsed));
Esempio n. 9
        static public int[] ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(double[][] input1, int[] labels, string SaveFile)

            /* This class implements a SupportVectorMachine learning algorithm specifically crafted for
             * probabilistic linear machines only. It provides a L1- regularized coordinate descent learning
             * algorithm for optimizing the learning problem. The code has been based on liblinear's method
             * solve_l1r_lr method, whose original description is provided below.
             * Liblinear's solver -s 6: L1R_LR. A coordinate descent algorithm for L1-regularized logistic
             * regression (probabilistic svm) problems.

            int folds = 5;

            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;
            var cv = CrossValidation.Create(

                k: folds,     // We will be using 10-fold cross validation

                // First we define the learning algorithm:
                learner: (p) => new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent(),

                // Now we have to specify how the n.b. performance should be measured:
                loss: (actual, expected, p) => new ZeroOneLoss(expected).Loss(actual),

                // This function can be used to perform any special
                // operations before the actual learning is done, but
                // here we will just leave it as simple as it can be:
                fit: (teach, x, y, w) => teach.Learn(x, y, w),

                // Finally, we have to pass the input and output data
                // that will be used in cross-validation.
                x: input1, y: labels
            var cvresult = cv.Learn(input1, labels);
            GeneralConfusionMatrix gcm = cvresult.ToConfusionMatrix(input1, labels);

            var teacher = new ProbabilisticCoordinateDescent()
                Tolerance  = 1e-10,
                Complexity = 1e+10,
                // learn a hard-margin model

                /* Complexity (cost) parameter C. Increasing the value of C forces the creation of a more
                 * accurate model that may not generalize well. If this value is not set and UseComplexityHeuristic
                 * is set to true, the framework will automatically guess a value for C. If this value is manually
                 * set to something else, then UseComplexityHeuristic will be automatically disabled and the given
                 * value will be used instead.
            var             svm           = teacher.Learn(input1, labels);
            var             svmregression = (LogisticRegression)svm;
            ConfusionMatrix cm            = ConfusionMatrix.Estimate(svm, input1, labels);

            // accuracy, TP, FP, FN, TN and FScore Diagonal
            Utility.OutPutStats(cvresult.NumberOfSamples, cvresult.NumberOfInputs, cvresult.Training.Mean,
                                gcm.Accuracy, cm.FalsePositives, cm.FalseNegatives, cm.FScore);

            // Write the model out to a save file
            string modelsavefilename = SaveFile.Replace(".csv", "");

            svmregression.Save(modelsavefilename, compression: SerializerCompression.None);

            bool[] answers = svmregression.Decide(input1);