Esempio n. 1
        /***	public TCPEchoClient()
         *	Constructor:
         *      Puts up the TCPEchoClient Windows Form
         *      Put the selection at the end of the text to send and have echo'ed
         *      By default this is set to go to for the echo server
         *      Hitting a return in the form defaults to hitting the Send button
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        public TCPEchoClient()
            DPrintText = PrintText;
            AssemblyName asmName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

            AcceptButton = Send;

            SendText.SelectionStart = SendText.Text.Length;
            SendText.SelectionLength = 0;

            PrintText(asmName.Name + " Version " + asmName.Version.ToString(), Color.Black);
            PrintText("Digilent, Copyright 2011", Color.Black);
Esempio n. 2
        /***	public UDPEchoClient()
         *	Constructor:
         *      Puts up the UDPEchoClient Windows Form
         *      Put the selection at the end of the text to send and have echo'ed
         *      By default this is set to go to for the echo server
         *      Hitting a return in the form defaults to hitting the Send button
         * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        public UDPEchoClient()
            DPrintText = PrintText;
            AssemblyName asmName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();


            AcceptButton = Send;

            SendText.SelectionStart  = SendText.Text.Length;
            SendText.SelectionLength = 0;

            PrintText(asmName.Name + " Version " + asmName.Version.ToString(), Color.Black);
            PrintText("Digilent, Copyright 2011", Color.Black);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a message to the center of the screen, accepts a delegate object,
        /// redirecting execution to the appropriate method for printing the text
        /// in an appropriate colour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to be printed to the screen.</param>
        /// <param name="printTextDelegate">The function that will actually print the message to the screen</param>
        /// <param name="printFormattedTextDelegate">Used for recursive declaration of text formatting/styles.</param>
        public static void PrintMessageCenter(string message, PrintTextDelegate printTextDelegate, PrintFormattedTextDelegate printFormattedTextDelegate)
            // Obtain the left side/left edge of the text we are going to write.
            int consolePointer = (Console.WindowWidth - message.Length) / 2;

            // Check/resolve text overflow possibilities.
            if (consolePointer < 0)
                consolePointer = 0;

            // Set the cursor position to our new left edge.
            Console.SetCursorPosition(consolePointer, Console.CursorTop);

            // Call our delegate to print the message.
            printFormattedTextDelegate(message, printTextDelegate);

            // Restore the left side/left edge pointer position.
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop);
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a message to the center of the screen, accepts a delegate object,
        /// redirecting execution to the appropriate method for printing the text
        /// in an appropriate colour.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to be printed to the screen.</param>
        /// <param name="printTextDelegate">The function that will actually print the message to the screen</param>
        public static void PrintMessageCenter(string message, PrintTextDelegate printTextDelegate)
            // If the message is multi-line, split it into a string array and call self to print
            // message to the center to the screen.
            if (message.Contains("\n"))
                // Lines to print
                string[] lines = Regex.Split(message, "\n");

                // Call self to print lines.
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    PrintMessageCenter(line, printTextDelegate);

                // Early exit

            // Obtain the left side/left edge of the text we are going to write.
            int consolePointer = (Console.WindowWidth - message.Length) / 2;

            // Check/resolve text overflow possibilities.
            if (consolePointer < 0)
                consolePointer = 0;

            // Set the cursor position to our new left edge.
            Console.SetCursorPosition(consolePointer, Console.CursorTop);

            // Call our delegate to print the message.

            // Restore the left side/left edge pointer position.
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop);
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a message to the with the current time to the screen, accepts a delegate object,
 /// redirecting execution to the appropriate method for printing the text
 /// in an appropriate colour.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">The message to be printed to the screen.</param>
 /// <param name="printTextDelegate">The function that will actually print the message to the screen</param>
 /// <param name="printFormattedTextDelegate">Used for recursive declaration of text formatting/styles.</param>
 public static void PrintMessageWithTime(string message, PrintTextDelegate printTextDelegate, PrintFormattedTextDelegate printFormattedTextDelegate)
     // Call our passed in delegate with message.
     printFormattedTextDelegate(GetCurrentTime() + message, printTextDelegate);
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a message to the with the current time to the screen, accepts a delegate object,
 /// redirecting execution to the appropriate method for printing the text
 /// in an appropriate colour.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">The message to be printed to the screen.</param>
 /// <param name="printTextDelegate">The function that will actually print the message to the screen</param>
 public static void PrintMessageWithTime(string message, PrintTextDelegate printTextDelegate)
     // Call our delegate to print the message.
     printTextDelegate(GetCurrentTime() + message);