Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <FileContentResult> PrintDynamic(int templateId, [FromQuery] PrintDynamicArguments args, CancellationToken cancellation)
            var service = GetFactService();
            var result  = await service.PrintDynamic(templateId, args, cancellation);

            var fileBytes   = result.FileBytes;
            var fileName    = result.FileName;
            var contentType = ControllerUtilities.ContentType(fileName);

            Response.Headers.Add("x-filename", fileName);

            return(File(fileContents: fileBytes, contentType: contentType, fileName));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a template-generated text file that is evaluated based on the given <paramref name="templateId"/>.
        /// The text generation will implicitly contain a variable $ that evaluates to the results of the dynamic query specified in <paramref name="args"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <FileResult> PrintDynamic(int templateId, PrintDynamicArguments args, CancellationToken cancellation)
            await Initialize(cancellation);

            // (1) Preloaded Query
            var collection = typeof(TEntity).Name;
            var defId      = DefinitionId;

            // (2) Functions + Variables
            var globalFunctions = new Dictionary <string, EvaluationFunction>();
            var localFunctions  = new Dictionary <string, EvaluationFunction>();
            var globalVariables = new Dictionary <string, EvaluationVariable>();
            var localVariables  = new Dictionary <string, EvaluationVariable>
                ["$Source"]  = new EvaluationVariable($"{collection}/{defId}"),
                ["$Type"]    = new EvaluationVariable(args.Type),
                ["$Select"]  = new EvaluationVariable(args.Select),
                ["$OrderBy"] = new EvaluationVariable(args.OrderBy),
                ["$Filter"]  = new EvaluationVariable(args.Filter),
                ["$Having"]  = new EvaluationVariable(args.Having),
                ["$Top"]     = new EvaluationVariable(args.Top),
                ["$Skip"]    = new EvaluationVariable(args.Skip)

            await FactBehavior.SetPrintingFunctions(localFunctions, globalFunctions, cancellation);

            await FactBehavior.SetPrintingVariables(localVariables, globalVariables, cancellation);

            // (2) The templates
            var template = await FactBehavior.GetPrintingTemplate(templateId, cancellation);

            var nameP     = new TemplatePlanLeaf(template.DownloadName, TemplateLanguage.Text);
            var bodyP     = new TemplatePlanLeaf(template.Body, TemplateLanguage.Html);
            var printoutP = new TemplatePlanTuple(nameP, bodyP);

            TemplatePlan plan;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(template.Context))
                IReadOnlyList <DynamicRow> data;

                if (args.Type == "Fact")
                    var result = await GetFact(new FactArguments
                        Select        = args.Select,
                        Filter        = args.Filter,
                        OrderBy       = args.OrderBy,
                        Top           = args.Top,
                        Skip          = args.Skip,
                        CountEntities = false,
                    }, cancellation);

                    data = result?.Data;
                else if (args.Type == "Aggregate")
                    var result = await GetAggregate(new GetAggregateArguments
                        Select  = args.Select,
                        Filter  = args.Filter,
                        Having  = args.Having,
                        OrderBy = args.OrderBy,
                        Top     = args.Top,
                    }, cancellation);

                    data = result?.Data;
                    throw new ServiceException($"Unknown Type '{args.Type}'.");

                localVariables.Add("$", new EvaluationVariable(data));
                plan = printoutP;
                plan = new TemplatePlanDefine("$", template.Context, printoutP);

            // (4) Culture
            CultureInfo culture = GetCulture(args.Culture);

            // Generate the output
            var genArgs = new TemplateArguments(globalFunctions, globalVariables, localFunctions, localVariables, culture);
            await _templateService.GenerateFromPlan(plan, genArgs, cancellation);

            var downloadName = nameP.Outputs[0];
            var body         = bodyP.Outputs[0];

            // Change the body to bytes
            var bodyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);

            // Use a default download name if none is provided
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(downloadName))
                var meta = await GetMetadata(cancellation);

                downloadName = meta.PluralDisplay();

            if (!downloadName.ToLower().EndsWith(".html"))
                downloadName += ".html";

            // Return as a file
            return(new FileResult(bodyBytes, downloadName));