// RenderStructure and ShowStructure are separate to allow the primary and secondary structures to be prerendered and then
        // both turned on at the same time. Without this, the show of the structures is staggered and shows some level of flickering
        public IEnumerator RenderStructure(MoleculeRenderSettings settings, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, int meshQuality)
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();



            // create the new model objects
            if (settings.ShowPrimaryStructure)
                if (settings.ShowAtoms)
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(createModelAtomsByElement(settings, frame, meshQuality)));

                if (settings.Representation != MolecularRepresentation.VDW && settings.ShowBonds)
                    if (bonds == null)
                        yield return(StartCoroutine(calculateBonds()));

                    if (bonds != null && bonds.Count > 0)
                        yield return(StartCoroutine(createModelBonds(settings, frame, meshQuality)));

                if (settings.ShowMainChains)
                    yield return(StartCoroutine(createMainChains(frame)));

            //if (Settings.DebugMessages)
            //    console.BannerBuildTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
        // RenderStructure and ShowStructure are separate to allow the primary and secondary structures to be prerendered and then
        // both turned on at the same time. Without this, the show of the structures is staggered and shows some level of flickering
        public IEnumerator RenderStructure(MoleculeRenderSettings settings, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, SecondaryStructure secondaryStructure)
            if (!initialised)
                yield break;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            yield return(null);


            // create mesh
            if (secondaryStructure != null && settings.ShowSecondaryStructure)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(createSecondaryStructure(settings, frame, secondaryStructure)));

        private IEnumerator createMainChains(PrimaryStructureFrame frame)
            int   interpolation = 5;
            int   resolution    = 5; // should be in config
            float radius        = 0.015f;
            int   currentIndex  = 0;

            foreach (Chain chain in primaryStructure.Chains())
                if (chain.ResidueType != StandardResidue.AminoAcid)
                    // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping main chain build. Non protein main chain not currently supported.");

                List <Vector3> nodePositions = new List <Vector3>();

                foreach (Atom atom in chain.MainChainAtoms)
                    // if no frame number use the base structure coordinates.
                    Vector3 position;
                    if (frame == null)
                        if (atom == null)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Main chain atom is null");

                        position = new Vector3(atom.Position.x, atom.Position.y, atom.Position.z);
                        position = new Vector3(frame.Coords[atom.Index * 3], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 1], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 2]);

                    // flip coord system for Unity
                    position.z *= -1;


                List <DynamicMeshNode> nodes        = new List <DynamicMeshNode>();
                IEnumerable            splinePoints = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(nodePositions.ToArray(), interpolation, false);
                Color32 chainColour = ChainColors[currentIndex % ChainColors.Length];

                foreach (Vector3 position in splinePoints)
                    DynamicMeshNode node = new DynamicMeshNode();
                    node.Position    = position;
                    node.VertexColor = chainColour;

                DynamicMesh mesh      = new DynamicMesh(nodes, radius, resolution, interpolation + 1);
                Mesh        chainMesh = mesh.Build(Settings.DebugFlag);

                GameObject chainStructure = (GameObject)Instantiate(ChainPrefab);
                chainStructure.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = chainMesh;

                chainStructure.transform.SetParent(ChainParent.transform, false);

                yield return(null);
        private IEnumerator createModelBonds(MoleculeRenderSettings renderSettings, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, int meshQuality)
            // set colour for bonds
            Color32 bondColour;

            if (!MolecularConstants.CPKColors.TryGetValue("Bond", out bondColour))
                MolecularConstants.CPKColors.TryGetValue("Other", out bondColour);

            List <Matrix4x4> standardTransforms = new List <Matrix4x4>();
            Dictionary <Color, List <Matrix4x4> > highlightedTransforms = new Dictionary <Color, List <Matrix4x4> >();

            float standardCylinderWidth = 0.015f * renderSettings.BondScale;
            float enlargedCylinderWidth = 0.040f * renderSettings.BondScale;

            // get atoms for bonds
            Dictionary <int, Atom> atoms;
            Dictionary <int, Atom> highLightedAtoms = new Dictionary <int, Atom>();

            atoms = primaryStructure.GetAtoms(renderSettings.ShowStandardResidues, renderSettings.ShowNonStandardResidues, renderSettings.EnabledElements, renderSettings.EnabledResidueNames, renderSettings.EnabledResidueIDs);

            if (renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings != null)
                HashSet <int> customResidueIDs = new HashSet <int>(renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings.Keys.ToList());
                highLightedAtoms = primaryStructure.GetAtoms(renderSettings.ShowStandardResidues, renderSettings.ShowNonStandardResidues, renderSettings.EnabledElements, renderSettings.EnabledResidueNames, customResidueIDs);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Bond> bond in bonds)
                Vector3 atom1pos, atom2pos;
                Atom    atom1 = null;
                Atom    atom2 = null;

                if (!atoms.TryGetValue(bond.Value.Atom1Index, out atom1) || !atoms.TryGetValue(bond.Value.Atom2Index, out atom2))

                if (frame == null)
                    atom1pos = new Vector3(atom1.Position.x, atom1.Position.y, atom1.Position.z);
                    atom2pos = new Vector3(atom2.Position.x, atom2.Position.y, atom2.Position.z);
                    if (bond.Value.Atom1Index >= frame.AtomCount || bond.Value.Atom2Index >= frame.AtomCount)
                        // no need to send error message as this will have already been done in the atom render
                        yield break;

                    atom1pos = new Vector3(frame.Coords[bond.Value.Atom1Index * 3], frame.Coords[(bond.Value.Atom1Index * 3) + 1], frame.Coords[(bond.Value.Atom1Index * 3) + 2]);
                    atom2pos = new Vector3(frame.Coords[bond.Value.Atom2Index * 3], frame.Coords[(bond.Value.Atom2Index * 3) + 1], frame.Coords[(bond.Value.Atom2Index * 3) + 2]);

                // flip coord system for Unity
                atom1pos.z *= -1;
                atom2pos.z *= -1;

                // bonds aren't recalculated on each frame. In some frames atoms jump from one side of the simulation box to another. When this happens need to disable bond view
                float bondLength = (atom2pos - atom1pos).magnitude / 2;
                if (bondLength > BondLengths.MaximumLengthAllElements)

                Vector3 position = ((atom1pos - atom2pos) / 2.0f) + atom2pos;
                float   length   = (atom2pos - atom1pos).magnitude;

                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, atom1pos - atom2pos);

                if (highLightedAtoms != null && highLightedAtoms.Count > 0 && highLightedAtoms.ContainsKey(atom1.Index) && highLightedAtoms.ContainsKey(atom2.Index))
                    int atom1residue = atom1.ResidueID;
                    int atom2residue = atom2.ResidueID;

                    // only colour or highlight bonds between atoms of the same residue
                    if (atom1residue == atom2residue && renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings.ContainsKey(atom1residue) && renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings[atom1residue].ColourBonds)
                        ResidueRenderSettings options = renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings[atom1residue];

                        float cylinderWidth = standardCylinderWidth;
                        if (options.LargeBonds)
                            cylinderWidth = enlargedCylinderWidth;

                        Vector3 localScale = new Vector3(cylinderWidth, length, cylinderWidth);

                        Matrix4x4 bondTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, localScale);

                        if (!highlightedTransforms.ContainsKey(options.ResidueColour))
                            highlightedTransforms.Add(options.ResidueColour, new List <Matrix4x4>());

                        float cylinderWidth = standardCylinderWidth;
                        if (atom1residue == atom2residue && renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings.ContainsKey(atom1residue) && renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings[atom1residue].LargeBonds)
                            cylinderWidth = enlargedCylinderWidth;

                        Vector3 localScale = new Vector3(cylinderWidth, length, cylinderWidth);
                        standardTransforms.Add(Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, localScale));
                    Vector3 localScale = new Vector3(standardCylinderWidth, length, standardCylinderWidth);
                    standardTransforms.Add(Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, localScale));

            GameObject prefab = BondPrefabs[meshQuality];

            GameObject parent = new GameObject("StandardCombinedMeshParent");

            yield return(StartCoroutine(meshBuilder.CombinedMesh(prefab, standardTransforms.ToArray(), bondColour, parent)));

            parent.transform.SetParent(BondParent.transform, false);

            parent = new GameObject("HighligtedCombinedMeshParent");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Color, List <Matrix4x4> > item in highlightedTransforms)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(meshBuilder.CombinedMesh(prefab, item.Value.ToArray(), item.Key, parent)));

            parent.transform.SetParent(BondParent.transform, false);
        private IEnumerator createModelAtomsByElement(MoleculeRenderSettings renderSettings, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, int meshQuality)
            Quaternion atomOrientation = Quaternion.Euler(45, 45, 45);

            // generate combined meshes (i.e single GameObject) for atoms with same element/colour
            Dictionary <Color, List <Matrix4x4> > mergeTransforms = new Dictionary <Color, List <Matrix4x4> >();

            Dictionary <int, Atom> atoms = primaryStructure.GetAtoms(renderSettings.ShowStandardResidues, renderSettings.ShowNonStandardResidues, renderSettings.EnabledElements, renderSettings.EnabledResidueNames, renderSettings.EnabledResidueIDs);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Atom> item in atoms)
                Atom atom = item.Value;

                Vector3 position;

                // if no frame use the base structure coordinates.
                if (frame == null)
                    position = new Vector3(atom.Position.x, atom.Position.y, atom.Position.z);
                    if (atom.Index >= frame.AtomCount)
                        MoleculeEvents.RaiseShowMessage("Atoms not found in frame record. Aborting frame render.", true);
                        yield break;
                    position = new Vector3(frame.Coords[atom.Index * 3], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 1], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 2]);

                // flip coord system for Unity
                position.z *= -1;

                Color32?customColour = null;
                MolecularRepresentation?customRepresentation = null;

                if (renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings != null && renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings.ContainsKey(atom.ResidueID))
                    ResidueRenderSettings residueSettings = renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings[atom.ResidueID];

                    if (residueSettings != null)
                        // use the atom specific settings if available.
                        if (residueSettings.AtomSettings.ContainsKey(atom.Name))
                            AtomRenderSettings atomSettings = residueSettings.AtomSettings[atom.Name];

                            if (atomSettings.CustomColour)
                                customColour = atomSettings.AtomColour;

                            if (atomSettings.Representation != MolecularRepresentation.None)
                                customRepresentation = atomSettings.Representation;

                        // if we didn't get from atom specific settings then get from residue settings
                        if (customColour == null && residueSettings.ColourAtoms)
                            customColour = residueSettings.ResidueColour;

                        if (customRepresentation == null)
                            if (residueSettings.AtomRepresentation != MolecularRepresentation.None)
                                customRepresentation = residueSettings.AtomRepresentation;

                Color32 atomColour = Color.white;

                if (customColour != null)
                    atomColour = (Color)customColour;
                    if (!MolecularConstants.CPKColors.TryGetValue(atom.Element.ToString(), out atomColour))
                        MolecularConstants.CPKColors.TryGetValue("Other", out atomColour);

                float   atomDiameter = getAtomRadius(atom, renderSettings, customRepresentation) * 2;
                Vector3 scale        = new Vector3(atomDiameter, atomDiameter, atomDiameter);

                Matrix4x4 atomTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, atomOrientation, scale);

                if (!mergeTransforms.ContainsKey(atomColour))
                    mergeTransforms.Add(atomColour, new List <Matrix4x4>());


            // create the meshes by colour
            GameObject prefab = AtomPrefabs[meshQuality];
            GameObject parent = new GameObject("CombinedMeshParent");


            foreach (KeyValuePair <Color, List <Matrix4x4> > item in mergeTransforms)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(meshBuilder.CombinedMesh(prefab, item.Value.ToArray(), item.Key, parent)));

            parent.transform.SetParent(AtomParent.transform, false);

            yield break;
        public IEnumerator Render(int meshQuality)
            // if currently rendering, then store render request
            if (rendering)
                awaitingMeshQuality = meshQuality;
                awaitingRender      = true;
                yield break;

            rendering = true;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            // primary structure render

            PrimaryStructureFrame frame = null;

            if (PrimaryStructureTrajectory != null && frameNumber != null)
                frame = PrimaryStructureTrajectory.GetFrame((int)frameNumber);

            // We use a clone of the render settings so any settings updates dont interfere with the builds
            MoleculeRenderSettings renderSettingsClone = renderSettings.Clone();

            yield return(StartCoroutine(primaryStructureRenderer.RenderStructure(renderSettingsClone, frame, meshQuality)));

            // secondary structure render

            SecondaryStructure secondaryStructureToBuild = null;

            if (secondaryStructureTrajectory != null && frameNumber != null && buildSecondaryStructureTrajectory)
                string loadException = null;

                Thread thread = new Thread(() => {
                    try {
                        secondaryStructureToBuild = secondaryStructureTrajectory.GetStructure((int)frameNumber);
                    catch (FileParseException ex) {
                        loadException = ex.Message;


                while (thread.IsAlive)
                    yield return(null);

                if (loadException != null)
                    MoleculeEvents.RaiseShowMessage(loadException + " - Aborting trajectory secondary structure builds.", true);
                    buildSecondaryStructureTrajectory = false;
                secondaryStructureToBuild = secondaryStructure;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(secondaryStructureRenderer.RenderStructure(renderSettingsClone, frame, secondaryStructureToBuild)));


            // simulation box render

            if (renderSettingsClone.ShowSimulationBox)
                BoundingBox box = boundingBox;

                if (renderSettingsClone.CalculateBoxEveryFrame && frame != null)
                    box = new BoundingBox(frame, true);



            rendering = false;
            if (Settings.DebugMessages)
                //console.BannerBuildTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();

            //UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Ending model build. Elapsed time [" + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "]");
            yield break;
        private IEnumerator createSecondaryStructure(MoleculeRenderSettings settings, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, SecondaryStructure secondaryStructure)
            for (int i = 0; i < primaryStructure.Chains().Count; i++)
                Chain chain = primaryStructure.Chains()[i];

                if (chain.ResidueType != StandardResidue.AminoAcid)
                    // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping secondary strucure. Non protein structures not currently supported.");

                if (chain.MainChainResidues.Count < 2)
                    // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Skipping secondary strucure. Protein structure doesn't have enough residues for mesh.");

                Mesh structureMesh = BuildStructureMesh(settings, chain, frame, secondaryStructure);

                GameObject structure = (GameObject)Instantiate(SecondaryStructurePrefab);
                structure.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = structureMesh;

                structure.transform.SetParent(StructureParent.transform, false);

                yield return(null);
        private Mesh BuildStructureMesh(MoleculeRenderSettings renderSettings, Chain chain, PrimaryStructureFrame frame, SecondaryStructure secondaryStructure)
            Mesh  structureMesh = null;
            int   interpolation = 20;
            int   resolution    = 6; // should be in config
            float radius        = 0.015f;

            List <DynamicMeshNode> nodes = new List <DynamicMeshNode>();

            Vector3 lastPosition            = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 lastNormal              = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 averagedNormal          = Vector3.zero;
            SecondaryStructureType lastType = SecondaryStructureType.Coil;

            for (int i = 0; i < chain.MainChainResidues.Count; i++)
                DynamicMeshNode node = new DynamicMeshNode();

                Residue residue = chain.MainChainResidues[i];

                // check if residue mainchain information is complete. Ignore if not
                if (residue.AlphaCarbon == null || residue.CarbonylCarbon == null || residue.CarbonylOxygen == null)

                // set position
                Atom atom = residue.AlphaCarbon;

                // if no frame number use the base structure coordinates.
                Vector3 position;
                if (frame == null)
                    position = new Vector3(atom.Position.x, atom.Position.y, atom.Position.z);
                    position = new Vector3(frame.Coords[atom.Index * 3], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 1], frame.Coords[(atom.Index * 3) + 2]);

                // flip coord system for Unity
                position.z *= -1;

                node.Position = position;

                SecondaryStructureInfomation structureInformation = secondaryStructure.GetStructureInformation(residue.Index);

                Residue nextResidue = null;
                if (i + 1 < chain.MainChainResidues.Count)
                    nextResidue = chain.MainChainResidues[i + 1];

                SecondaryStructureInfomation nextResidueStructureInfo = null;
                if (nextResidue != null)
                    nextResidueStructureInfo = secondaryStructure.GetStructureInformation(nextResidue.Index);

                // store the node type
                if (structureInformation != null)
                    if (renderSettings.ShowHelices &&
                        (structureInformation.type == SecondaryStructureType.ThreeHelix ||
                         structureInformation.type == SecondaryStructureType.AlphaHelix ||
                         structureInformation.type == SecondaryStructureType.FiveHelix))
                        node.Type = DynamicMeshNodeType.SpiralRibbon;
                    else if (renderSettings.ShowSheets &&
                             structureInformation.type == SecondaryStructureType.BetaSheet)
                        if (nextResidue == null || (nextResidueStructureInfo != null && nextResidueStructureInfo.type != SecondaryStructureType.BetaSheet))
                            node.Type = DynamicMeshNodeType.RibbonHead;
                            node.Type = DynamicMeshNodeType.Ribbon;
                    else if (renderSettings.ShowTurns &&
                             structureInformation.type == SecondaryStructureType.Turn)
                        node.Type = DynamicMeshNodeType.LargeTube;
                        node.Type = DynamicMeshNodeType.Tube;

                    // calculate and store the node color

                    bool foundColour = false;

                    if (renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings != null && renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings.ContainsKey(residue.ID))
                        ResidueRenderSettings residueRenderSettings = renderSettings.CustomResidueRenderSettings[residue.ID];

                        if (residueRenderSettings != null && residueRenderSettings.ColourSecondaryStructure)
                            node.VertexColor = residueRenderSettings.ResidueColour;
                            foundColour      = true;

                    if (foundColour == false)
                        switch (structureInformation.type)
                        case SecondaryStructureType.ThreeHelix:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.ThreeHelixColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.AlphaHelix:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.AlphaHelixColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.FiveHelix:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.FiveHelixColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.Turn:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.TurnColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.BetaSheet:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.BetaSheetColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.BetaBridge:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.BetaBridgeColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.Bend:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.BendColour;

                        case SecondaryStructureType.Coil:
                            node.VertexColor = Settings.CoilColour;

                            node.VertexColor = ErrorColor;
                    Debug.Log("*** Structure info null: assigning defaults");
                    node.Type        = DynamicMeshNodeType.Tube;
                    node.VertexColor = ErrorColor;

                // determine the node rotation
                // calculate the normal from the peptide plane and store as the node rotation
                Vector3 vertexA = residue.AlphaCarbon.Position;
                Vector3 vertexB = residue.CarbonylCarbon.Position;
                Vector3 vertexC = residue.CarbonylOxygen.Position;

                // flip coord system for Unity
                vertexA.z *= -1;
                vertexB.z *= -1;
                vertexC.z *= -1;

                //// create a triangle to show the peptide plane on the model for debugging purposes
                //GameObject residuePlane = createTriangle(vertexA, vertexB, vertexC);
                //residuePlane.name = "ResiduePlane";
                //AddMeshToModel(residuePlane, StructureParent);

                Vector3 direction = Vector3.Cross(vertexB - vertexA, vertexC - vertexA);
                Vector3 normal    = Vector3.Normalize(direction);

                if (structureInformation != null && structureInformation.type == SecondaryStructureType.BetaSheet || lastType == SecondaryStructureType.BetaSheet)
                    if (Vector3.Dot(normal, lastNormal) < 0)
                        normal *= -1;

                    if (lastType != SecondaryStructureType.BetaSheet)
                        averagedNormal = normal;
                        averagedNormal += normal;
                        normal = averagedNormal;

                node.Rotation = normal;

                lastNormal = normal;
                if (structureInformation != null)
                    lastType = structureInformation.type;
                    lastType = SecondaryStructureType.Coil;


            if (renderSettings.SmoothNodes)
                nodes = smoothMeshNodes(nodes);

            //// draw debug line from node points along rotation vector
            //for (int q = 0; q < nodePositions.Count; q++) {

            //    Vector3 fromPosition = nodePositions[q];
            //    Vector3 toPosition = fromPosition + nodeRotations[q] * 0.3f;
            //    GameObject line = createLine(fromPosition, toPosition, Color.white, Color.red);
            //    AddMeshToModel(line, StructureParent);

            List <Vector3> nodePositions = new List <Vector3>();

            foreach (DynamicMeshNode node in nodes)
            List <DynamicMeshNode> splineNodes  = new List <DynamicMeshNode>();
            IEnumerable            splinePoints = Interpolate.NewCatmullRom(nodePositions.ToArray(), interpolation, false);
            int j = 0;

            foreach (Vector3 position in splinePoints)
                int nodeIndex = j / (interpolation + 1);
                int splinePointsSinceLastNode = j % (interpolation + 1);

                DynamicMeshNode node = new DynamicMeshNode();
                node.Position = position;

                //int colorIndex = nodeIndex % DebugColors.Count;
                //node.VertexColor = DebugColors[colorIndex];

                node.VertexColor = nodes[nodeIndex].VertexColor;
                node.Type        = nodes[nodeIndex].Type;

                // set the mesh rotations for the node
                // dont do rotations on tube structures
                switch (node.Type)
                case DynamicMeshNodeType.Ribbon:
                case DynamicMeshNodeType.RibbonHead:
                case DynamicMeshNodeType.SpiralRibbon:

                    if (nodeIndex < nodes.Count - 1)
                        float percentThroughNode = (float)splinePointsSinceLastNode / ((float)interpolation + 1f);
                        node.Rotation = Vector3.Lerp((Vector3)nodes[nodeIndex].Rotation, (Vector3)nodes[nodeIndex + 1].Rotation, percentThroughNode);
                    else       // last node
                        node.Rotation = (Vector3)nodes[nodeIndex].Rotation;



            DynamicMesh dynamicMesh = new DynamicMesh(splineNodes, radius, resolution, interpolation + 1);

            structureMesh = dynamicMesh.Build(Settings.DebugFlag);
