Esempio n. 1
        public BarsCountEnumerator(DataFeed dataFeed, IStorage storage, string symbol, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod period, DateTime startTime, int barsNumber, int preferredBufferSize)
            : base(dataFeed, storage, symbol, priceType, period, startTime, preferredBufferSize)
            this.barsNumber = barsNumber;

        public override LoadUpdatesResult LoadUpdates(PriceType type, bool forceUpdate)
            var xmlPriceLoader = new XmlPriceLoader(_colorCodeBuilder);
            var oldPriceLoader = new NewestFileSystemPriceLoader(xmlPriceLoader);
            var newPriceLoader = new SingleFilePriceLoader(xmlPriceLoader);

            PriceLoadResult newPriceLoadResult;
            PriceLoadResult oldPriceLoadResult = null;
            switch (type)
                case PriceType.Stock:
                    newPriceLoadResult = newPriceLoader.Load<StockXmlItemList>(PriceUrl);
                    if (!forceUpdate)
                        oldPriceLoadResult = oldPriceLoader.Load<StockXmlItemList>(ArchiveDirectory);

                case PriceType.Full:
                    newPriceLoadResult = newPriceLoader.Load<FullXmlItemList>(PriceUrl);
                    if (!forceUpdate)
                        oldPriceLoadResult = oldPriceLoader.Load<FullXmlItemList>(ArchiveDirectory);

                case PriceType.Discount:
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            return new LoadUpdatesResult(newPriceLoadResult, oldPriceLoadResult, newPriceLoadResult.Success);
        public PriceUpdateResult Process(Diff diff, PriceType priceType)
                switch (priceType)
                    case PriceType.Stock:
                        Log.Info("Price type is stock. New items are excluded from processing");
                    case PriceType.Full:
                    case PriceType.Discount:
                        diff.NewItems.Values.ToList().ForEach(p => { p.OnSale = true; p.DiscountValue = DiscountValue; });
                        diff.UpdatedItems.Values.ToList().ForEach(p => { p.OnSale = true; p.DiscountValue = DiscountValue; });
                IProcessor processor = new PriceWebServiceProcessor(_apiUrl, _apiAccessToken);
                if (diff.NewItems.Any())
                    Log.Debug("Building retail prices for new items");
                    diff.NewItems.Values.ToList().ForEach(p => p.RetailPrice = _retailPriceBuilder.Build(p));

                    Log.Debug("Adding items");
                    processor.Process(diff.NewItems, GeneratedPriceType.NewItems, priceType);

                if (diff.UpdatedItems.Any())
                    Log.Debug("Building retail prices for updated items");
                    diff.UpdatedItems.Values.ToList().ForEach(p => p.RetailPrice = _retailPriceBuilder.Build(p));

                    Log.Debug("Updating items");
                    processor.Process(diff.UpdatedItems, GeneratedPriceType.SameItems, priceType);

                if (diff.DeletedItems.Any())
                    Log.Debug("Deleting items");
                    processor.Process(diff.DeletedItems, GeneratedPriceType.DeletedItems, priceType);

                return new PriceUpdateResult(PriceUpdateResultStatus.Ok);
            catch (PhotoLoadException)
                return new PriceUpdateResult(PriceUpdateResultStatus.PhotoLoadFailed);
            catch (ProcessAbortedException)
                return new PriceUpdateResult(PriceUpdateResultStatus.ProcessAborted);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Price processing error", ex);
                return new PriceUpdateResult(PriceUpdateResultStatus.InternalError);
Esempio n. 4
        public static double Price(OptionType optionType, double Fwd, double K,
            double T, double r, double σ, PriceType priceType = PriceType.Price)
            double std = σ * Math.Sqrt(T);
            double DF = Math.Exp(-r * T);

            double d1 = (Math.Log(Fwd / K) + 0.5*std*std ) / std;
            double d2 = d1 - std;

                case PriceType.Price:
                    if (optionType == OptionType.Call)
                        return DF * ( Fwd * N(d1) - K *  N(d2) );
                    else if (optionType == OptionType.Put)
                        return DF * ( K * N(-d2) - Fwd * N(-d1) );
                case PriceType.Δ:
                    return DF * Fwd * N(d1);
                case PriceType.Vega:
                    return DF * Fwd * Math.Sqrt(T) * Nprime(d1);
                case PriceType.Γ:
                    return 1 / ( DF * Fwd * std ) * Nprime(d1);

            throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 5
        public BarsTimeIntervalEnumerator(DataFeed dataFeed, IStorage storage, string symbol, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod period, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int preferredBufferSize)
            : base(dataFeed, storage, symbol, priceType, period, startTime, preferredBufferSize)
            this.endTime = endTime;

Esempio n. 6
 public PriceSelector(Ticker ticker, PriceType type)
     ticker.Tick += args =>
         if (PriceTick != null) PriceTick(type == PriceType.Bid ? args.Bid : args.Ask);
Esempio n. 7
File: Snapshot.cs Progetto: ifzz/FDK
        /// <summary>
        /// The constructor takes snapshot from manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="snapshot">a snapshot instance</param>
        /// <param name="storage"></param>
        /// <param name="symbol"></param>
        /// <param name="periodicity"></param>
        /// <param name="priceType"></param>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">if snapshot is null</exception>
        public Snapshot(Snapshot snapshot, DataFeedStorage storage, string symbol, BarPeriod periodicity, PriceType priceType)
            if (snapshot == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(snapshot));

            if (storage == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(storage));

            this.IsFeedLoggedOn = snapshot.IsFeedLoggedOn;
            this.IsTradeLoggedOn = snapshot.IsTradeLoggedOn;
            this.AccountInfo = snapshot.AccountInfo;
            this.FeedSessionInfo = snapshot.FeedSessionInfo;
            this.TradeSessionInfo = snapshot.TradeSessionInfo;
            this.TradeRecords = snapshot.TradeRecords;
            this.Positions = snapshot.Positions;
            this.Quotes = snapshot.Quotes;
            this.Symbols = snapshot.Symbols;

   = storage;
            this.symbol = symbol;
            this.periodicity = periodicity;
            this.priceType = priceType;

            this.synchronizer = snapshot.synchronizer;
Esempio n. 8
 public override decimal GetPrice(PriceType priceType)
     decimal price = 0m;
     foreach (Ticket t in TicketList)
         decimal ticketPrice = t.GetPrice(priceType);
         price += ticketPrice;
     return price;
Esempio n. 9
        public static FxPriceType ToFxPriceType(PriceType type)
			if (type == PriceType.Bid)
				return FxPriceType.Bid;
			else if (type == PriceType.Ask)
				return FxPriceType.Ask;

			var message = string.Format("Incorrect price type: expected Bid or Ask, but received = {0}", type);
			throw new ArgumentException("type", message);
Esempio n. 10
        protected override void addIndicators()
            MAMethodType ma1Method = (MAMethodType)this["MA1Method"];
            MAMethodType ma2Method = (MAMethodType)this["MA2Method"];

            PriceType ma1apply = (PriceType)this["MA1Apply"];
            PriceType ma2apply = (PriceType)this["MA2Apply"];

            addIndicator("MA1", new MovingAverage(container.DefaultInstrument, container.DefaultPeriod, (int)this["MA1"], ma1Method, ma1apply));
            addIndicator("MA2", new MovingAverage(container.DefaultInstrument, container.DefaultPeriod, (int)this["MA2"], ma2Method, ma2apply));
        public void Process(Dictionary<string, PriceItem> priceItems, GeneratedPriceType generatedPriceType, PriceType processingPriceType)
            Log.Debug("Connecting to API");

            _apiFactory.InitFactories(_apiUrl, _accessToken);
            _productUpdater = new ProductUpdater(_apiFactory);
            _productRemover = new ProductRemover(_apiFactory);
            _productCreator = new ProductCreator(_apiFactory);

            ProcessDiff(priceItems, generatedPriceType, processingPriceType);
Esempio n. 12
        private float DrawPrice(Rect rect, Tradeable trad)
            rect = rect.Rounded();
            if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))

            PriceType priceType  = GetPriceTypeFor(trad);
            float     finalPrice = CalcRequestedItemPrice(trad);

            TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, new TipSignal(() => GetPriceTooltip(faction, negotiator, trad, finalPrice), trad.GetHashCode() * 297));
            switch (priceType)
            case PriceType.VeryCheap:
                GUI.color = new Color(0, 1, 0);

            case PriceType.Cheap:
                GUI.color = new Color(0.5f, 1, 0.5f);

            case PriceType.Normal:
                GUI.color = Color.white;

            case PriceType.Expensive:
                GUI.color = new Color(1, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            case PriceType.Exorbitant:
                GUI.color = new Color(1, 0, 0);

            string label         = finalPrice.ToStringMoney("F2");
            Rect   priceTextArea = new Rect(rect);

            priceTextArea.xMax -= 5f;
            priceTextArea.xMin += 5f;
            if (Text.Anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleLeft)
                priceTextArea.xMax += 300f;
            if (Text.Anchor == TextAnchor.MiddleRight)
                priceTextArea.xMin -= 300f;
            Widgets.Label(priceTextArea, label);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

Esempio n. 13
        public Product(string productName, int productcode, string description, decimal price, PriceType priceType, ProductCategory[] categories, int internalID)
            this.productName = productName;
            this.productCode = productcode;
            this.description = description;
            this.price = price;
            this.priceType = priceType;
            this.categories = categories;

            this.internalID = internalID;
Esempio n. 14
 private MarketQuotes(
     Uid uid,
     ContractQuotesMap contractQuotes,
     PriceType priceType,
     QuantityType quantityType)
     _uid = uid;
     _contractQuotes = contractQuotes;
     _priceType = priceType;
     _quantityType = quantityType;
 public static float PriceMultiplier(this PriceType pType)
     return(pType switch
         PriceType.VeryCheap => 0.4f,
         PriceType.Cheap => 0.7f,
         PriceType.Normal => 1f,
         PriceType.Expensive => 2f,
         PriceType.Exorbitant => 5f,
         _ => - 1f,
        public double GetWithoutVAT(double value, PriceType priceType = PriceType.Sale)
            if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.VATIncluded)
                double vatValue = Currency.Round((value * VatRate) / (100 + VatRate), priceType);

                value -= vatValue;

Esempio n. 17
        public OrderItem(int n, Item item, PriceType priceType, Order order)
            this.n = n;

            name       = item.Name;
            price      = item.GetPrice(priceType);
            productId  = item.ProductId;
            receiptId  = item.ReceiptId;
            itemId     = item.Id;
            this.order = order;
Esempio n. 18
        public Product(string productName, int productcode, string description, decimal price, PriceType priceType, ProductCategory[] categories, int internalID)
            this.productName = productName;
            this.productCode = productcode;
            this.description = description;
            this.price       = price;
            this.priceType   = priceType;
            this.categories  = categories;

            this.internalID = internalID;
Esempio n. 19
        public DataHistoryInfo GetHistoryBars(string symbol, DateTime time, int barsNumber, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod period, int timeoutInMilliseconds)

            var info = Native.FeedServer.GetHistoryBars(this.handle, symbol, time, barsNumber, priceType, period.ToString(), (uint)timeoutInMilliseconds);
            foreach (var bar in info.Bars)
                bar.To = bar.From + period;
            return info;
        private double CalculateVAT(double price, PriceType type)
            if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.RoundedPrices && !BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.VATIncluded)
                price = Currency.Round(price, type);

            return(BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.VATIncluded ?
                   (price * VatRate) / (100d + VatRate) :
                   (price * VatRate) / 100d);
Esempio n. 21
 public virtual decimal GetPrice(PriceType type)
     if (type == PriceType.Price1)
     if (type == PriceType.Price2)
Esempio n. 22
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            var item = obj as Price;

            if (item == null)

            return(PriceType.Equals(item.PriceType) &&
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BarSpecification"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">The specification period.</param>
        /// <param name="barStructure">The specification resolution.</param>
        /// <param name="priceType">The specification quote type.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">If the period is not positive (> 0).</exception>
        public BarSpecification(
            int period,
            BarStructure barStructure,
            PriceType priceType)
            Debug.PositiveInt32(period, nameof(period));

            this.Period       = period;
            this.BarStructure = barStructure;
            this.PriceType    = priceType;
            this.Duration     = CalculateDuration(period, barStructure);
Esempio n. 24
        public double GetMovingAverage(string assetCode, int days, PriceType priceType)
            days *= -1;
            var prices = new List <double>();

            for (var i = -1; i >= days; --i)
                prices.Add(GetPrice(assetCode, priceType, i));

Esempio n. 25
        public static void AddPriceSpot(PlotLine2D line_plot_2d, PriceSet price_set, PriceType price_type, Color color)
            IReadOnlyList <Price>  prices = price_set.Prices;
            IReadOnlyList <double> time   = price_set.Ticks;

            double[] signal = new double[prices.Count];
            Parallel.For(0, prices.Count, index =>
                signal[index] = prices[index].GetPrice(price_type);
            AddSignal(line_plot_2d, time, signal, color);
Esempio n. 26
        public async Task InsertOrMergeAsync(IEnumerable <IFeedCandle> candles, PriceType priceType, TimeInterval interval)
            // Group by row
            var groups = candles
                         .GroupBy(candle => new { pKey = candle.PartitionKey(priceType), rowKey = candle.RowKey(interval) });

            // Update rows
            foreach (var group in groups)
                await InsertOrMergeAsync(group, group.Key.pKey, group.Key.rowKey, interval);
        public QuotePolicyDetail(Instrument instrument, DataRow quotePolicy)
   = (Guid)quotePolicy["QuotePolicyID"];
            this.priceType = (PriceType)(byte)quotePolicy["PriceType"];
            this.autoAdjustPoints = (int)quotePolicy["AutoAdjustPoints"];
            this.spreadPoints = (int)quotePolicy["SpreadPoints"];
            this.isOriginHiLo = (bool)quotePolicy["IsOriginHiLo"];
            this.overrideHigh = null;
            this.overrideLow = null;

        public QuotePolicyDetail(Instrument instrument, XmlNode quotePolicy)
   = XmlConvert.ToGuid(quotePolicy.Attributes["QuotePolicyID"].Value);
            this.priceType = (PriceType)XmlConvert.ToByte(quotePolicy.Attributes["PriceType"].Value);
            this.autoAdjustPoints = XmlConvert.ToInt32(quotePolicy.Attributes["AutoAdjustPoints"].Value);
            this.spreadPoints = XmlConvert.ToInt32(quotePolicy.Attributes["SpreadPoints"].Value);
            this.isOriginHiLo = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(quotePolicy.Attributes["IsOriginHiLo"].Value);
            this.overrideHigh = null;
            this.overrideLow = null;

Esempio n. 29
        private bool Form_LoadData(object sender, object data)
            if (data == null)

            if (!(data is List <CancelRedoItem>))

            //Get the price type
            PriceType        spotBuyPrice    = PriceTypeHelper.GetPriceType(this.cbSpotBuyPrice);
            PriceType        spotSellPrice   = PriceTypeHelper.GetPriceType(this.cbSpotSellPrice);
            PriceType        futureBuyPrice  = PriceTypeHelper.GetPriceType(this.cbFuturesBuyPrice);
            PriceType        futureSellPrice = PriceTypeHelper.GetPriceType(this.cbFuturesSellPrice);
            EntrustPriceType shPriceType     = EntrustPriceTypeHelper.GetPriceType(this.cbSHExchangePrice);
            EntrustPriceType szPriceType     = EntrustPriceTypeHelper.GetPriceType(this.cbSZExchangePrice);

            var cancelSecuItems = data as List <CancelRedoItem>;

            foreach (var cancelRedoItem in cancelSecuItems)
                if (cancelRedoItem.SecuType == SecurityType.Stock && cancelRedoItem.EDirection == EntrustDirection.BuySpot)
                    cancelRedoItem.EPriceSetting = spotBuyPrice;
                else if (cancelRedoItem.SecuType == SecurityType.Stock && cancelRedoItem.EDirection == EntrustDirection.BuySpot)
                    cancelRedoItem.EPriceSetting = spotSellPrice;
                else if (cancelRedoItem.SecuType == SecurityType.Futures && cancelRedoItem.EDirection == EntrustDirection.SellOpen)
                    cancelRedoItem.EPriceSetting = futureSellPrice;
                else if (cancelRedoItem.SecuType == SecurityType.Futures && cancelRedoItem.EDirection == EntrustDirection.BuyClose)
                    cancelRedoItem.EPriceSetting = futureBuyPrice;

                SetEntrustPriceType(cancelRedoItem, shPriceType, szPriceType);


            //update the quote

Esempio n. 30
        public double TimeFrameGetPrice(IntervalPeriod periodInterval, PriceType priceType, int index = 0)
            bardata = TimeFrameRequest <BarData>(periodInterval);

            var price = 0D;

            if (bardata != null && bardata.Count > 0)
                price = bardata.GetValue(priceType, index);

Esempio n. 31
 public ItemDto(Item item, PriceType priceType)
     Id         = item.Id;
     Name       = item.Name;
     Price      = item.GetPrice(priceType);
     Rest       = item.Rest;
     Manufacter = item.Manufacter;
     Pack       = item.Pack;
     Category   = item.Category.Name;
     Date       = item.Date;
     ReceiptId  = item.ReceiptId;
     ProductId  = item.ProductId;
Esempio n. 32
        public static string GetPriceTypeKey(PriceType type)
            switch (type)
            case PriceType.None: return("none");

            case PriceType.Real: return("real");

            case PriceType.Ads: return("ads");

            default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type");
 public static string ToString(this PriceType type)
     if (type == PriceType.Buy)
     else if (type == PriceType.Sell)
     Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized PriceType");
Esempio n. 34
 internal TeamBunk(string code, decimal discountOrParValue, PriceType mode, string ei, string description)
     : base(code, ei)
     if (mode == PriceType.Price)
         _fare = Utility.Calculator.Round(discountOrParValue, 1);
         _discount = discountOrParValue;
     _description = description ?? string.Empty;
Esempio n. 35
        internal static DS.PriceType ToDsPriceType(PriceType type)
            switch (type)
            case PriceType.Mean: return(DS.PriceType.Unspecified);

            case PriceType.Bid: return(DS.PriceType.Bid);

            case PriceType.Ask: return(DS.PriceType.Ask);

            default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Can't convert {type} to data server price type");
 public void Update(product product, PriceItem item, PriceType processingPriceType)
     _stockProcessor.UpdateStockValue(item, product);
     UpdateMetaInfo(item, product);
     if (processingPriceType == PriceType.Stock)
         UpdateProductPriceAndActivity(item, product);
     if (processingPriceType == PriceType.Discount)
         UpdateDiscountInfo(item, product);
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// The method synchronizes bars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol"></param>
        /// <param name="priceType"></param>
        /// <param name="period"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endTime"></param>
        public void Synchronize(string symbol, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod period, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            if (this.source == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't synchronize in offline mode.");

            var manager     = this.GetOrCreateHistoryManager(symbol);
            var periodicity = StorageConvert.ToPeriodicity(period);
            var fxPriceType = StorageConvert.ToFxPriceType(priceType);

            manager.SynchronizeBars(this.source, symbol, periodicity, fxPriceType, startTime, endTime, false, NullCallback);
Esempio n. 38
        public void UpdateAdjustOutMaterial(DataTable dtAdjustOutMaterial, PriceType enWHPriceType)
            foreach (DataRow drAdjustOutMaterial in dtAdjustOutMaterial.Rows)
                if (drAdjustOutMaterial.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                    string    sSql       = @"SELECT WH_InStoreMaterialDetail.*,Material.MaterialName,MaterialUOM.MaterialUomID,QuantityReject From WH_InStoreMaterialDetail LEFT JOIN 
								Material on Material.ItemCode = WH_InStoreMaterialDetail.ItemCode LEFT JOIN  MaterialUOM 
								on WH_InStoreMaterialDetail.UOMID =  MaterialUOM.UOMID  AND  MaterialUOM.ItemCode = WH_InStoreMaterialDetail.ItemCode AND MaterialUOM.IsBaseUOM = 1
								LEFT JOIN WH_AdjustOutMaterial ON WH_AdjustOutMaterial.InStockMaterialID = WH_InStoreMaterialDetail.InStockMaterialID 
								WHERE WH_InStoreMaterialDetail.InStockMaterialID = '"                                 + drAdjustOutMaterial["InStockMaterialID"].ToString() + "'";
                    DataTable dtTempInfo = BaseDataAccess.GetDataTable(sSql);
                    if (dtTempInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["POID"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["POID"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["WH_AdjustOutMaterial__POID"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["POID"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["QuantityInBin"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["QuantityInBin"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["BINID"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["BINID"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["WH_AdjustOutMaterial__BINID"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["BINID"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["PartNO"]   = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["PartNO"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["ItemCode"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["ItemCode"];
                        //					drAdjustOutMaterial["QuantityReject"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["QuantityReject"] ;
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["MaterialUomID"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["MaterialUomID"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["WH_AdjustOutMaterial__MaterialUomID"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["UomID"];
                        if (enWHPriceType == PriceType.TYPE_PO)
                            drAdjustOutMaterial["UnitPriceNatural"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["UnitPricePONatural"];
                            drAdjustOutMaterial["UnitPriceStandard"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["UnitPricePOStandard"];
                        else if (enWHPriceType == PriceType.TYPE_Average)
                            drAdjustOutMaterial["UnitPriceNatural"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["AveragePriceNatural"];
                            drAdjustOutMaterial["UnitPriceStandard"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["AveragePriceStandard"];
                        drAdjustOutMaterial["MaterialName"] = dtTempInfo.Rows[0]["MaterialName"];
Esempio n. 39
        public static PriceType GetPriceType(string priceTypeId)
            PriceType priceType = PriceType.Market;

            if (priceTypeId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceTypeId))
                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(PriceType), priceTypeId))
                    priceType = (PriceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PriceType), priceTypeId);

Esempio n. 40
        public static ProductPrice GetLatestPrice(int productID, PriceType priceType)
            using (var db = OnlineStoreDbContext.Entity)
                var query = from item in db.ProductPrices
                            item.ProductID == productID &&
                            item.PriceType == priceType
                            orderby item.LastUpdate descending
                            select item;

 public SplitPaymentArticleComparable(Guid oid, string designation, decimal priceFinal, decimal price, decimal vat, Guid vatExemptionReason, Guid placeOid, Guid tableOid, PriceType priceType)
     this.oid         = oid;
     this.designation = designation;
     // Used Split Values with FinalTotal
     this.priceFinal = priceFinal;
     // Used to send to ArticleBag
     this.price = price;
     this.vat   = vat;
     this.vatExemptionReason = vatExemptionReason;
     this.placeOid           = placeOid;
     this.tableOid           = tableOid;
     this.priceType          = priceType;
Esempio n. 42
        private static Price CalculateAutoClosePrice(Order order, PriceType priceType)
            SpecialTradePolicyDetail policy = order.Owner.SpecialTradePolicyDetail();

            Settings.Instrument instrument = order.Owner.SettingInstrument();

            OrderLevelRiskBase autoCloseBase      = priceType == PriceType.Limit ? policy.AutoLimitBase : policy.AutoStopBase;
            decimal            autoCloseThreshold = priceType == PriceType.Limit ? policy.AutoLimitThreshold : policy.AutoStopThreshold;

            if (autoCloseBase == OrderLevelRiskBase.None)
            else if (autoCloseBase == OrderLevelRiskBase.Necessary)
                return(CalculateForOrderLevelRiskNecessay(order, autoCloseThreshold, instrument, priceType));
                Price basePrice = order.ExecutePrice;
                if (autoCloseBase == OrderLevelRiskBase.SettlementPrice)
                    TradeDay tradeDay = Settings.Setting.Default.GetTradeDay();
                    if (order.Owner.ExecuteTime > tradeDay.BeginTime)
                        basePrice = (order.IsBuy ? instrument.DayQuotation.Buy : instrument.DayQuotation.Sell);
                int autoClosePips = (int)autoCloseThreshold;
                if (order.SetPriceMaxMovePips > 0 && order.SetPriceMaxMovePips < autoClosePips)
                    autoClosePips = order.SetPriceMaxMovePips;

                if (order.IsBuy == (priceType == PriceType.Limit))
                    return(Price.Add(basePrice, autoClosePips, !instrument.IsNormal));
                    return(Price.Subtract(basePrice, autoClosePips, !instrument.IsNormal));
Esempio n. 43
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (valiate())
                PriceType priceType             = PriceType.Price;
                decimal   subordinateCommission = 0;
                decimal   professionCommission  = 0;
                decimal   internalCommission    = 0;
                decimal   price = 0;
                if (radPrice.Checked)
                    priceType = PriceType.Price;
                    price     = decimal.Parse(this.txtPrice.Text);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtSubordinateCommission.Text))
                        subordinateCommission = decimal.Parse(this.txtSubordinateCommission.Text);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtProfessionCommission.Text))
                        professionCommission = decimal.Parse(this.txtProfessionCommission.Text);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtInternalCommission.Text))
                        internalCommission = decimal.Parse(this.txtInternalCommission.Text);
                if (radLapse.Checked)
                    priceType = PriceType.Subtracting;
                    price     = decimal.Parse(this.txtLapse.Text) / 100;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtSubordinateCommission.Text))
                        subordinateCommission = decimal.Parse(this.txtSubordinateCommission.Text) / 100;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtProfessionCommission.Text))
                        professionCommission = decimal.Parse(this.txtProfessionCommission.Text) / 100;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.txtInternalCommission.Text))
                        internalCommission = decimal.Parse(this.txtInternalCommission.Text) / 100;

                PolicyManageService.UpdateSpecialPolicyPrice(Guid.Parse(hidIds.Value), priceType, price, subordinateCommission, internalCommission, professionCommission, this.CurrentUser.UserName);
Esempio n. 44
        internal override void Initialize(Manager manager, IStrategyLog log, string symbol, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod periodicity)
            if (manager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");

            if (log == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("log");

            this.manager = manager;
            this.log = log;
            this.symbol = symbol;
            this.priceType = priceType;
            this.periodicity = periodicity;
            this.manager.Updated += this.OnUpdated;
Esempio n. 45
        public async Task InsertOrMergeAsync(IFeedCandle candle, PriceType priceType, TimeInterval interval)
            // Get candle table entity
            var partitionKey = CandleTableEntity.GeneratePartitionKey(priceType);
            var rowKey       = CandleTableEntity.GenerateRowKey(candle.DateTime, interval);

            var entity = await _tableStorage.GetDataAsync(partitionKey, rowKey) ??
                         new CandleTableEntity(partitionKey, rowKey);

            // Merge candle
            entity.MergeCandle(candle, interval);

            // Update
            await _tableStorage.InsertOrMergeAsync(entity);
Esempio n. 46
        private static bool GetCachedMovingAverage(string stockName, PriceType priceType, int days, out double[] movingAverage)
            var key = GetSmaKey(stockName, priceType, days);

            if (cachedMovingAverages.ContainsKey(key))
                movingAverage = cachedMovingAverages[key];
                movingAverage = null;
Esempio n. 47
 // trailing stop constructor
 public TradingStrategy(ulong init_price, ulong stoppx, double price_offset_percentage, ulong order_size_as_maker = 0)
     _priceType    = PriceType.TRAILING_STOP;
     _strategySide = OrderSide.SELL;
     _trailing_stop_entry_price = init_price;
     _stop_price = stoppx;
     _stoppx_offset_percentage = price_offset_percentage;
     Debug.Assert(price_offset_percentage > 0 && price_offset_percentage < 100);
     _trailing_stop_high_price = (ulong)(Math.Round(stoppx / 1e8 / (1 - price_offset_percentage / 100), 3) * 1e8);
     _trailing_stop_cap_price  = (ulong)(Math.Round(init_price / 1e8 * (1 + price_offset_percentage / 100), 3) * 1e8);
     _maxOrderSize             = order_size_as_maker > 0 ? order_size_as_maker : _minOrderSize * 100;
     _buyTargetPrice           = 0;
     _sellTargetPrice          = 0;
     _startTime = Util.ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now);
		public static async Task<decimal> FetchPriceAsync(int typeId, int region = -1, int system = -1, PriceType type = PriceType.sell, PriceMeasure measure = PriceMeasure.min)
				var webClient = new WebClient();
				var uri = GetUriForRequest(typeId, region, system);
				var xml = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(uri);
				var xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
				return Decimal.Parse(xdoc.Descendants(type.ToString()).Single().Descendants(measure.ToString()).Single().Value);
			catch (Exception e)
				return -1;
Esempio n. 49
 private ContractQuotes(
     Uid uid,
     IEnumerable<Quote> bids,
     IEnumerable<Quote> offers,
     IEnumerable<Execution> executions,
     Execution? lastExecution,
     PriceType priceType,
     QuantityType quantityType)
     _uid = uid;
     _bids = GetQuoteDict(bids, Price.BidOrder);
     _offers = GetQuoteDict(offers, Price.OfferOrder);
     _executions = new List<Execution>(executions);
     _lastExecution = lastExecution;
     _priceType = priceType;
     _quantityType = quantityType;
        public override LoadUpdatesResult LoadUpdates(PriceType type, bool forceUpdate)
            var priceFormat = GetPriceFormat(_priceFormatFile);
            var csvPriceLoader = new CsvPriceLoader(_priceEncoding, priceFormat);
            var newPriceLoader = new SingleFilePriceLoader(csvPriceLoader);

            var newPriceLoadResult = newPriceLoader.Load<string>(PriceUrl);
            PriceLoadResult oldPriceLoadResult = null;

            if (!forceUpdate)
                var oldPriceLoader = new NewestFileSystemPriceLoader(csvPriceLoader);
                oldPriceLoadResult = oldPriceLoader.Load<string>(ArchiveDirectory);

            return new LoadUpdatesResult(newPriceLoadResult, oldPriceLoadResult, newPriceLoadResult.Success);
 public ExchangeQuotation(Manager.Common.Settings.QuotePolicyDetail detail, Manager.Common.Settings.Instrument instrument)
     this.QuotationPolicyId = detail.QuotePolicyId;
     this.InstruemtnId = detail.InstrumentId;
     this.InstrumentCode = instrument.Code;
     this.OriginInstrumentCode = instrument.OriginCode;
     this.PriceType = detail.PriceType;
     this.AutoAdjustPoints1 = detail.AutoAdjustPoints;
     this.AutoAdjustPoints2 = int.Parse(detail.AutoAdjustPoints2);
     this.AutoAdjustPoints3 = int.Parse(detail.AutoAdjustPoints3);
     this.AutoAdjustPoints4 = int.Parse(detail.AutoAdjustPoints4);
     this.SpreadPoints1 = detail.SpreadPoints;
     this.SpreadPoints2 = int.Parse(detail.SpreadPoints2);
     this.SpreadPoints3 = int.Parse(detail.SpreadPoints3);
     this.SpreadPoints4 = int.Parse(detail.SpreadPoints4);
     this.MaxAuotAdjustPoints = detail.MaxAutoAdjustPoints;
     this.MaxSpreadPoints = detail.MaxSpreadPoints;
     this.IsOriginHiLo = detail.IsOriginHiLo;
     this.IsAutoFill = instrument.IsAutoFill;
     this.IsPriceEnabled = instrument.IsPriceEnabled;
     this.IsAutoEnablePrice = instrument.IsAutoEnablePrice;
     this.OrderTypeMask = instrument.OrderTypeMask;
     this.AcceptLmtVariation = instrument.AcceptLmtVariation;
     this.AutoDQMaxLot = instrument.AutoDQMaxLot;
     this.AlertVariation = instrument.AlertVariation;
     this.DqQuoteMinLot = instrument.DqQuoteMinLot;
     this.MaxDQLot = instrument.MaxDQLot;
     this.NormalWaitTime = instrument.NormalWaitTime;
     this.AlertWaitTime = instrument.AlertWaitTime;
     this.MaxOtherLot = instrument.MaxOtherLot;
     this.CancelLmtVariation = instrument.CancelLmtVariation;
     this.MaxMinAdjust = instrument.MaxMinAdjust;
     this.PenetrationPoint = instrument.PenetrationPoint;
     this.PriceValidTime = instrument.PriceValidTime;
     this.AutoCancelMaxLot = instrument.AutoCancelMaxLot;
     this.AutoAcceptMaxLot = instrument.AutoAcceptMaxLot;
Esempio n. 52
 private void setComboBoxItemOHLC(ComboBox combo, PriceType priceType)
     combo.Text = priceType.ToString();
Esempio n. 53
 static HistoryInfo GetBarsInfo(string symbol, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod period)
     return FdkHelper.Wrapper.ConnectLogic.Storage.Online.GetBarsInfo(symbol, priceType, period);
Esempio n. 54
 static Bar[] CalculateBarsForSymbolArrayRangeTime(
     string symbol, PriceType priceType, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, BarPeriod barPeriod)
     return FdkHelper.Wrapper.ConnectLogic.Storage.Online.GetBars(symbol, priceType, barPeriod, startTime, endTime).ToArray();
Esempio n. 55
        public static DataTable GetProductsByType(TypeFlag type, int count, PriceType priceType)
            var priceField = priceType.ToString();

            string sqlCmd = "select Top(@count) Product.ProductId, Product.ArtNo, Name, BriefDescription, " +
                            "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type order by main desc, PhotoSortOrder) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type order by main desc, PhotoSortOrder) END)  AS Photo, " +
                            "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc, " +
                            "Discount, Ratio, RatioID, AllowPreOrder, Recomended, New, BestSeller, OnSale, UrlPath, " +
                            "ShoppingCartItemID, " +
                            ? string.Format("(CASE WHEN ProductPrice IS NULL THEN {0} ELSE ProductPrice END) as Price, ", priceField)
                            : string.Format("{0} as Price, ", priceField)
                            ) +
                            "(Select Max(Offer.Amount) from catalog.Offer Where ProductId=[Product].[ProductID]) as Amount," +
                            " Offer.OfferID, Offer.ColorID, MinAmount, " +
                            (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter ?
                            "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors":
                            "null as Colors") +
                            " from Catalog.Product " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] and Offer.main=1 " +
                            "LEFT JOIN Catalog.Photo on Product.ProductID=Photo.ObjId and Type=@Type and Photo.main=1 " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = @ShoppingCartType AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId " +
                            "Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId=Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [Customers].[LastPrice] ON [LastPrice].[ProductId] = [Product].[ProductId] AND [LastPrice].[CustomerId] = @CustomerId " +
                            "where {0} and Enabled=1 and CategoryEnabled=1 and [Settings].[CountCategoriesByProduct](Product.ProductID) > 0 order by {1}";
            switch (type)
                case TypeFlag.Bestseller:
                    sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "Bestseller=1", "SortBestseller");
                case TypeFlag.New:
                    sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "New=1", "SortNew");
                case TypeFlag.Discount:
                    sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd, "Discount>0", "SortDiscount");
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
            return SQLDataAccess.ExecuteTable(sqlCmd, CommandType.Text,
                                              new SqlParameter {ParameterName = "@count", Value = count},
                                              new SqlParameter("@CustomerId", CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString()),
                                              new SqlParameter("@Type", PhotoType.Product.ToString()),
                                              new SqlParameter("@ShoppingCartType", ShoppingCartType.Compare));
      internal void SetValue(Source source_, PriceType priceType_, double? value_)
        switch (source_)
          case Source.DS:
              switch (priceType_)
                case PriceType.Price: DSPrice = value_; break;
                case PriceType.Yield: DSYield = value_; break;
                case PriceType.MMS: DSMMS = value_; break;
                case PriceType.Spread: DSSpread = value_; break;
                case PriceType.TrueSpread: DSTrueSpread = value_; break;
          case Source.MLP:
              switch (priceType_)
                case PriceType.Price: MLPPrice = value_; break;
                case PriceType.Yield: MLPYield = value_; break;
                case PriceType.MMS: MLPMMS = value_; break;
                case PriceType.Spread: MLPSpread = value_; break;
                case PriceType.TrueSpread: MLPTrueSpread = value_; break;

Esempio n. 57
 /// <summary>
 /// Starts execution of MqlAdapter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">Server address.</param>
 /// <param name="username">User name.</param>
 /// <param name="password">Password.</param>
 /// <param name="location">Storage and logs location.</param>
 /// <param name="symbol">Symbol.</param>
 /// <param name="priceType">Price type.</param>
 /// <param name="periodicity">Periodicity.</param>
 /// <param name="adapter">Mql adapter.</param>
 public MqlLauncher(string address, string username, string password, string location, string symbol, PriceType priceType, string periodicity, MqlAdapter adapter)
     : base(address, username, password, location, symbol, priceType, periodicity, adapter)
Esempio n. 58
 /// <summary>
 /// 获得某个类型的票价
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override decimal GetPrice(PriceType type)
     var tp = GetTicketPrice(type);
     if (tp == null) return 0;
     return tp.Price;
Esempio n. 59
 public ProgramItemCommand(string name, int plu, TaxGr taxGr, int dep, int group, decimal price, decimal quantity = 9999, PriceType priceType = PriceType.FixedPrice)
     Command = 107;
     Data = (new object[] { "P", plu, taxGr, dep, group, (int)priceType, price, "", quantity, "", "", "", "", name }).StringJoin("\t");
Esempio n. 60
File: Manager.cs Progetto: ifzz/FDK
 /// <summary>
 /// The method takes the full snapshot of the manager state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Snapshot TakeSnapshot(string symbol, PriceType priceType, BarPeriod periodicity)
     lock (this.synchronizer)
         var result = new Snapshot(this.Snapshot,, symbol, periodicity, priceType);
         return result;