Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Handles creating a previewform for the UserTrace image and its big big subroutine</summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void PreviewPictureBox_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Right && e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)

            fromPreviewPane = true;

            //If the usertrace is empty, just show it anyways.
            if (MyTrace.AllUsers.Count == 0 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                UsersContextMenu.Show(PreviewPictureBox, e.Location); fromPreviewPane = false; return;

            //Let's find the top right corner of the image.
            Size ImageSize     = PreviewPictureBox.Image.Size;
            Size BoxSize       = PreviewPictureBox.Size;
            Size RealImageSize = PreviewPictureBox.Size;

            int    PictureX = 0;
            int    PictureY = 0;
            double scale    = 1;

            //Get the aspect ratio of the picturebox and image.
            double BoxWidthToHeight   = (BoxSize.Width + 0.0) / (BoxSize.Height + 0.0);
            double ImageWidthToHeight = (ImageSize.Width + 0.0) / (ImageSize.Height + 0.0);

            if (ImageSize.Equals(BoxSize))
                //do nothing the thing is set.
            else if (ImageWidthToHeight > BoxWidthToHeight)
                //Find the correct Y
                //It's wider than it's tall

                //determine the scale
                scale = (ImageSize.Width + 0.0) / (BoxSize.Width + 0.0);

                //Determine the size of the image on screen
                RealImageSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(ImageSize.Width / scale), Convert.ToInt32(ImageSize.Height / scale));

                //Now determine the correct Y
                PictureY = (BoxSize.Height - RealImageSize.Height) / 2;
                //It's taller than it's wide
                //find the correct X

                //Determine the scale
                scale = (ImageSize.Height + 0.0) / (BoxSize.Height + 0.0);

                //Determine the size of the image on screen
                RealImageSize = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(ImageSize.Width / scale), Convert.ToInt32(ImageSize.Height / scale));

                //Now determine the correct X
                PictureX = (BoxSize.Width - RealImageSize.Width) / 2;

            //OK now that we know where the picture is and its size.
            //Now we have to translate the point that we clicked on to a point on the image.
            //first lets determine if we're in or out of the rectangle that contains the image.
            Rectangle ImageRectangle = new Rectangle(PictureX, PictureY, RealImageSize.Width, RealImageSize.Height);

            //If it isn't then oh my god we've literally done everything
            if (!ImageRectangle.Contains(e.Location))
                fromPreviewPane = false; return;

            //subtract PictureX and Picture Y from the click position.
            int ClickPointX = e.X - PictureX;
            int ClickPointY = e.Y - PictureY;

            //now scale it.
            ClickPointX = Convert.ToInt32(ClickPointX * scale);
            ClickPointY = Convert.ToInt32(ClickPointY * scale);

            User ColideUser = null;

            foreach (User U in MyTrace.AllUsers)
                //Create a rectangle that's going to represent this user.
                if (new Rectangle(U.DrawnX, U.DrawnY, U.Width(), U.Height()).Contains(ClickPointX, ClickPointY))
                    ColideUser = U;

            if (!(ColideUser is null))
                //lets draw algo:
                using (Pen T = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 10))
                    using (Graphics GRD = Graphics.FromImage(PreviewPictureBox.Image)) { GRD.DrawRectangle(T, ColideUser.DrawnX, ColideUser.DrawnY, ColideUser.Width(), ColideUser.Height()); }
                using (Pen T = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 10))
                    using (Graphics GRD = Graphics.FromImage(PreviewPictureBox.Image)) { GRD.DrawRectangle(T, ColideUser.DrawnX, ColideUser.DrawnY, ColideUser.Width(), ColideUser.Height()); }

                UserListView.Items[MyTrace.AllUsers.IndexOf(ColideUser)].Selected = true;
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                    EditButton_Click(PreviewPictureBox, new EventArgs());
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                    UsersContextMenu.Show(PreviewPictureBox, e.Location);
Esempio n. 2
 private void PageTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)