void FirstRoom()
        int         chosenRoom    = Random.Range(0, roomBases.Length);
        GameObject  newRoom       = Instantiate(roomBases[chosenRoom].roomPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, levelRoomHolder);
        PremadeRoom newRoomScript = newRoom.GetComponent <PremadeRoom>();

        tileGridCellSize = newRoomScript.grid.cellSize.x;
        thisFloorTilemap = newRoomScript.floorTileMap;
        thisWallTileMap  = newRoomScript.wallTileMap;
        if (amntOfRooms > 1)
 // Get the doors from a room script based on a side.
 Transform[] GetDoorsOnSide(PremadeRoom roomScript, int side)
     if (side == 0)
     else if (side == 1)
     else if (side == 2)
    // Assign an exit door that is not the same as the entrance door.
    void AssignExitDoor(PremadeRoom roomScript)
        // Pick one of the potential doors at random and turn it into a door.
        // The randomness could be influenced if for example the dungeon needs to grow in a certain direction.
        int doorSide = 0;

        if (lastEntranceDoorSide < 999)
            // int numberOfLoops = 0;
                // numberOfLoops++;
                doorSide = Random.Range(0, roomScript.potentialDoors.Length);
            } while (doorSide == lastEntranceDoorSide);
            doorSide = Random.Range(0, roomScript.potentialDoors.Length);
        //print("Door number: " + doorNumber);
        // Randomly select a door thats on the correct side. (0=up, 1=right, ...)
        Transform[] doorsOnSide = GetDoorsOnSide(roomScript, doorSide);
        int         openDoor    = Random.Range(0, doorsOnSide.Length);

        // Get the world position and the cell position (on the tile grid) for the open door.
        lastExitDoorWorldPos = doorsOnSide[openDoor].position;
        lastExitDoorCellPos  = roomScript.wallTileMap.WorldToCell(lastExitDoorWorldPos);
        //Store the last door side for the next room.
        lastExitDoorSide = doorSide;
        // Take off the wall tile and add a floor tile.
        thisWallTileMap.SetTile(lastExitDoorCellPos, null);
        thisFloorTilemap.SetTile(lastExitDoorCellPos, roomScript.floorTile);
        // Possibly skip compress bounds since Unity says it is slow and just make sure its done in the prefab. (Tilemap -> Cog -> Compress)
        lastRoomTileGridMinX = Mathf.RoundToInt(thisWallTileMap.cellBounds.min.x);
        lastRoomTileGridMaxX = Mathf.RoundToInt(thisWallTileMap.cellBounds.max.x);
        lastRoomTileGridMinY = Mathf.RoundToInt(thisWallTileMap.cellBounds.min.y);
        lastRoomTileGridMaxY = Mathf.RoundToInt(thisWallTileMap.cellBounds.max.y);
    // Chose the next room, connect it to the last one based on door positions, adjust its entrance tile. If its not the last room, create an exit door.
    void NextRoom(int roomNumber)
        // Randomly pick a room for the array of available rooms.
        int chosenRoom = Random.Range(0, roomBases.Length);
        // Grab the prefab room's posittion (should be: 0, 0, 0).
        Vector3 roomPos = roomBases[chosenRoom].roomPrefab.transform.position;
        // Instantiate the new room and grab its script component.
        GameObject  newRoom       = Instantiate(roomBases[chosenRoom].roomPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, levelRoomHolder);
        PremadeRoom newRoomScript = newRoom.GetComponent <PremadeRoom>();
        // Chose a connecting entrance door that is on the opposite side of the last one.
        int entranceDoorSide = OppositeDoorSide(lastExitDoorSide);

        Transform[] doorsOnSide  = GetDoorsOnSide(newRoomScript, entranceDoorSide);
        int         entranceDoor = Random.Range(0, doorsOnSide.Length);

        // This is gonna be useless as the door objects will already be turned off.
        // Move the room to the correct world position based on the diffence between the entrance door's position while its pivot is at 0, 0, 0 and where the entrance door should be.
        Vector3 entranceDoorWorldPos          = newRoomScript.potentialDoors[entranceDoorSide].position;
        Vector3 entranceDoorConnectedWorldPos = lastExitDoorWorldPos + NewDoorOffset(lastExitDoorSide);

        newRoom.transform.position += (entranceDoorConnectedWorldPos - entranceDoorWorldPos);
        // Get the new entrance door's cell position, remove the wall tile and add a floor tile.
        Vector3Int entranceDoorCellPos = newRoomScript.wallTileMap.WorldToCell(entranceDoorConnectedWorldPos);

        thisFloorTilemap = newRoomScript.floorTileMap;
        thisWallTileMap  = newRoomScript.wallTileMap;
        thisFloorTilemap.SetTile(entranceDoorCellPos, newRoomScript.floorTile);
        thisWallTileMap.SetTile(entranceDoorCellPos, null);
        // Check to see if I need to create and exit door or if this is the last room.
        if (roomNumber < amntOfRooms - 1)
            lastEntranceDoorSide = entranceDoorSide;