private void FlushHistory() { var emptyNodeAlways = Xml.GetEmptyNodeAlways(_preferences.XmlDoc.DocumentElement, "History"); foreach (var str in _history) { Xml.SetNewValue(emptyNodeAlways, "Item", str); } _preferences.SaveSettings(); }
private bool ExecutePlay(int contextHandle, int startMillisecond, int endMillisecond, bool logAudio) { ExecutionContext context; if (!_registeredContexts.TryGetValue(contextHandle, out context)) { return(false); } if (!(((context.SynchronousEngineInstance != null) && (context.Object != null)) && context.Object.CanBePlayed)) { return(false); } if (context.SynchronousEngineInstance.IsRunning) { return(false); } if (!context.SynchronousEngineInstance.IsPaused) { try { context.SynchronousEngineInstance.Initialize(context.Object); } catch (Exception exception) { LogError("ExecutePlay", exception); return(false); } } var str = context.SynchronousEngineInstance.CurrentObject.Key.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Host.Communication["KeyInterceptor_" + str] = context.KeyInterceptor; Host.Communication["ExecutionContext_" + str] = context; var flag = context.SynchronousEngineInstance.Play(startMillisecond, endMillisecond, logAudio); var saveSettings = false; foreach (var form in context.OutputPlugInForms) { form.BringToFront(); if (_preferences.CreateIfMissing("SavePlugInDialogPositions", form.Name + ".x", 0) | _preferences.CreateIfMissing("SavePlugInDialogPositions", form.Name + ".y", 0)) { saveSettings = true; } form.Location = new Point(_preferences.GetInteger(form.Name + ".x"), _preferences.GetInteger(form.Name + ".y")); } if (saveSettings) { _preferences.SaveSettings(); } return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// If we get a good version back, show the user their options<br/> /// 1) There's a new version<br/> /// 2) They're up to date<br/> /// 3) Communication or file error<br/> /// 4) Nothing if we're the version is ignored or if they are up to date and in startup /// </summary> private void CheckForUpdate() { Log("Check for update start"); _newVersion = GetAvailableVersion(); var thisVersion = Utils.GetVersion(GetType()); Log("This version " + thisVersion); if (_newVersion != ErrorIndicatorVersion) { _preferences.SetString(LastChecked, DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("s")); _preferences.SaveSettings(); if (_newVersion == _preferences.GetString(SkippedVersion)) { Log("Version skipped: " + _newVersion); DialogResult = DialogResult.No; return; } if (new Version(_newVersion) > new Version(thisVersion)) { Log(string.Format("current: {1}, new: {0}", _newVersion, thisVersion)); SetupDialogShowHide(true); pbDownload.Visible = false; Text = "New update available"; lblPrompt.Text = string.Format( "Version {0} of {1} is available would you like to download and install this version?\n\nYou are running version {2}", _newVersion, Vendor.ProductName, thisVersion); } else if (!_isInStartup) { Log("Up to date NOT in startup"); SetupDialogForOkay(); Text = "You're up to date"; lblPrompt.Text = string.Format("You have version {0}, which is the latest version of {1} ", thisVersion, Vendor.ProductName); } else { Log("Up to date in startup"); DialogResult = DialogResult.No; } } else { Log("Communication/firewall error"); SetupDialogForOkay(); Text = "OOPS!"; lblPrompt.Text = string.Format("Could not reach the {0} web site, check your internet connection or firewall.", Vendor.ProductName); } }
private void buttonSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _preferences.SetInteger("SoundDevice", comboBoxDevice.SelectedIndex, 0); _preferences.SaveSettings(); buttonSet.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show(Resources.RestartForChange, Vendor.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); }
private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WritePreferences(tabControl.SelectedIndex); _preferences.SaveSettings(); }