Esempio n. 1
        private static void FillCollectionToFull(ParamsCalculateKpi paramsCalculateKpi, List <PreciseDelivery> _all, PreciseDelivery result)
            DateTime _startDate = new DateTime(paramsCalculateKpi.RangeDate.Start.Year,
                                               paramsCalculateKpi.RangeDate.Start.Month, 1);
            DateTime _endDate = new DateTime(paramsCalculateKpi.RangeDate.End.Year,
                                             paramsCalculateKpi.RangeDate.End.Month, 1);

            for (DateTime startDate = _startDate;
                 startDate <= _endDate;
                 startDate = startDate.AddMonths(1))
                if (_all.FindAll(e => e.Month != -1).Any(e => e.Month == startDate.Month && e.Year == startDate.Year))
                    var date = startDate;
                    result?.Detail?.Add(_all.Find(e => e.Month == date.Month && e.Year == date.Year));
                    PreciseDelivery delivery = new PreciseDelivery();
                    if (result != null)
                        delivery.Description = result.Description;
                        delivery.Deviation   = 0;
                        delivery.Fact        = 0;
                        delivery.Target      = 0;
                        delivery.Trend       = 0;
                        delivery.CountOrder  = 0;
                        delivery.Year        = startDate.Year;
                        delivery.Month       = startDate.Month;
Esempio n. 2
        private int countMonthInKpi(List <PreciseDelivery> _kpis)
            PreciseDelivery kpiWithMaxMonth = _kpis.First(e => e.Detail.Count == _kpis.Max(p => p.Detail.Count));

Esempio n. 3
 private static void CorrectResultForSpeedReclaim(ParamsCalculateKpi paramsCalculateKpi, PreciseDelivery result)
     if (result.Description.Equals(KpiConst.SPEEDCLAIM))
         result.Fact      = Math.Round(result.Fact);
         result.Deviation = Math.Round(result.Deviation);
         result.Detail.ForEach(d =>
             d.Fact       = Math.Round(d.Fact);
             d.CountOrder = 0;
             d.Target     = 0;
             d.Deviation  = Math.Round(d.Deviation);
             d.Trend      = 0;
Esempio n. 4
        private PreciseDelivery GetKPIByName(ParamsCalculateKpi paramsCalculateKpi, string nameKpi)
            string _selectCustomer =
                Utils.CreateInSectionForAllCustomer(paramsCalculateKpi.Customer, paramsCalculateKpi.TypeCustomer);
            PreciseDelivery result = null;
            String          query  = string.Format($"select description,month,year,target,fact,deviation,countorder from (" +
                                                   " select max(s.kpi_description) as description, MONTH(s.Date_Calc) as month, YEAR(s.Date_Calc) as year," +
                                                   " AVG(t.Kpi_target) as target, avg(s.KPI_Fact) as fact," +
                                                   "  (avg(s.KPI_Fact)  - max(t.Kpi_target)) as deviation,sum(s.KPI_Qty) as countorder  " +
                                                   " from gtk_group_report.dbo.gtk_site_cust_kpi s  " +
                                                   " join (select * from dbo.gtk_cust_kpi_lns where " +
                                                   " kpi_description = '{3}') as t on t.cust_num = s.cust_num " +
                                                   " where s.cust_num  {0} and s.Date_Calc between '{1}' and '{2}' and = '{4}' " +
                                                   " and s.KPI_description = t.KPI_description  " +
                                                   " group by MONTH(s.Date_Calc) , YEAR(s.Date_Calc)  " +
                                                   " union all " +
                                                   " select max(s.kpi_description) as description, -1 as month, MAX(YEAR(s.Date_Calc)) as year, AVG(t.Kpi_target) as target," +
                                                   " avg(s.KPI_Fact) as fact,(avg(s.KPI_Fact)  - max(t.Kpi_target)) as deviation,sum(s.KPI_Qty) as countorder " +
                                                   " from gtk_group_report.dbo.gtk_site_cust_kpi s join (select * from dbo.gtk_cust_kpi_lns " +
                                                   " where kpi_description = '{3}') as t on t.cust_num = s.cust_num" +
                                                   " where s.cust_num  {0} and s.Date_Calc between '{1}' and '{2}'   and = '{4}'" +
                                                   "  and s.KPI_description = t.KPI_description  " +
                                                   " ) as t" +
                                                   " order by month", _selectCustomer,
                                                   paramsCalculateKpi.RangeDate.End.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), nameKpi,

            using (var connection =
                       new SqlConnection(DataConnection.GetConnectionString(paramsCalculateKpi.Enterprise)))
                List <PreciseDelivery> _all = connection.Query <PreciseDelivery>(query).AsList();
                result = _all?.Find(item => item.Month == -1);
                if (result != null)
                    result.Description = nameKpi;

                FillCollectionToFull(paramsCalculateKpi, _all, result);
                CorrectResultForSpeedReclaim(paramsCalculateKpi, result);

                // result?.Detail?.AddRange(_all.FindAll(e => e.Month != -1));

                if (result?.Detail?.Count > 0 && !result.Description.Equals(KpiConst.SPEEDCLAIM))
                    Tuple <double, double> trend = CalculateTrend(result?.Detail);

                    result.Detail.Sort((e1, e2) => e1.Year - e2.Year);
                    int i = 1;
                    result.Detail.ForEach(e =>
                        e.Trend = trend.Item2 + i * trend.Item1;

            result.Description = nameKpi;
Esempio n. 5
        /*select MONTH(s.DateWHSFact), avg(KPI_whse),count(*) from gtk_group_report.dbo. gtk_kpi_ship s where cust_num = 'K009154' and DateWHSFact is not null
         * group by MONTH(DateWHSFact)*/

        private PreciseDelivery GetPreciseEnterToWhseByEnterprise(ParamsCalculateKpi paramsCalculateKpi, string nameKpi)
            string _selectCustomer =
                Utils.CreateInSectionForAllCustomer(paramsCalculateKpi.Customer, paramsCalculateKpi.TypeCustomer);
            string _selectSeqCustomer = Utils.CreateInSectionForCust_Seq(paramsCalculateKpi);
            string excludeSelfTake    = Utils.ExcludeSelfTakeWhere(paramsCalculateKpi); //Убирать ли самовывоз?

            PreciseDelivery result = null;

            String query = string.Format($"select description,month,year,target,fact,deviation,countorder from (" +
                                         " select max(kpi_description) as description, MONTH(s.DateWHSFact) as month,YEAR(s.DateWHSFact) as year," +
                                         " AVG(t.Kpi_target) as target, avg(s.KPI_whse) as fact," +
                                         " (avg(s.KPI_whse)  - max(t.Kpi_target)) as deviation,count(*) as countorder " +
                                         " from gtk_group_report.dbo.gtk_kpi_ship s " +
                                         " join (select * from dbo.gtk_cust_kpi_lns where " +
                                         " kpi_description = '{4}') as t on t.cust_num = s.cust_num " +
                                         " where s.cust_num  {0} and s.DateWHSFact between '{1}' and '{2}'  and = '{5}'  " +
                                         /*" and s.cust_seq = {3} " +*/
                                         " {3}  {6}" +
                                         " group by MONTH(s.DateWHSFact),YEAR(s.DateWHSFact) " +
                                         " union all " +
                                         " select max(kpi_description) as description,'-1' as month,MAX(YEAR(s.DateWHSFact)) as year, AVG(t.Kpi_target) as target," +
                                         " avg(s.KPI_whse) as fact,(avg(s.KPI_whse)  - max(t.Kpi_target)) as deviation, count(*) as countorder" +
                                         " from gtk_group_report.dbo.gtk_kpi_ship s join (select * from dbo.gtk_cust_kpi_lns " +
                                         " where kpi_description = '{4}') as t on t.cust_num = s.cust_num" +
                                         " where s.cust_num  {0} and s.DateWHSFact between '{1}' and '{2}' and = '{5}'  " +
                                         /*" and s.cust_seq = {3}) as t" +*/
                                         " {3} {6}) as t" +
                                         " order by month", _selectCustomer,
                                         paramsCalculateKpi.RangeDate.End.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), _selectSeqCustomer, nameKpi,
                                         DataConnection.GetNameDbInGotekGroup(paramsCalculateKpi.Enterprise), excludeSelfTake

            using (var connection =
                       new SqlConnection(DataConnection.GetConnectionString(paramsCalculateKpi.Enterprise)))
                List <PreciseDelivery> _all = connection.Query <PreciseDelivery>(query).AsList();
                result = _all?.Find(item => item.Month == -1);
                if (result != null)
                    result.Description = nameKpi;
                //result?.Detail?.AddRange(_all.FindAll(e => e.Month != -1));
                FillCollectionToFull(paramsCalculateKpi, _all, result);

                if (result?.Detail?.Count > 0)
                    Tuple <double, double> trend = CalculateTrend(result?.Detail);

                    result.Detail.Sort((e1, e2) => e1.Year - e2.Year);
                    int i = 1;
                    result.Detail.ForEach(e =>
                        e.Trend = trend.Item2 + i * trend.Item1;

            result.Description = nameKpi;