void Start()
        BanditCampBuilder b = new BanditCampBuilder(new BanditCamp(new Vec2i(0,0), new Vec2i(4,4)));
        b.Generate(new GenerationRandom(0));

        List<ChunkData> chunks = b.ToChunkData();
        Chunks = new ChunkData[20, 20];
        foreach (ChunkData c in chunks)
            Chunks[c.X, c.Z] = c;

        foreach (ChunkData cd in Chunks)
            if (cd == null)
            PreLoadedChunk plc = GeneratePreLoadedChunk(cd);


        Player player = new Player();

Esempio n. 2
    private void Start()
        int Size = 8;
        int seed = System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond;

        GenerationRandom genRan = new GenerationRandom(seed);

        TestBuildingBuilder tbb = new TestBuildingBuilder(new Vec2i(0, 0), new Vec2i(Size, Size));

        for (int x = 0; x < Size / 2; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < Size / 2; z++)
                //  if (x != 0 || z != 0)
                //    continue;
                int xP = x * World.ChunkSize * 2;
                int zP = z * World.ChunkSize * 2;

 *      Building b = BuildingGenerator.CreateBuilding(genRan, out BuildingVoxels vox, Building.HOUSE);
 *      Building b1 = BuildingGenerator.CreateBuilding(genRan, out BuildingVoxels vox1, Building.BLACKSMITH);
 *      Building b2 = BuildingGenerator.CreateBuilding(genRan, out BuildingVoxels vox2, Building.HOUSE);
 *      Building b3 = BuildingGenerator.CreateBuilding(genRan, out BuildingVoxels vox3, Building.HOUSE);
 *      Building b4 = BuildingGenerator.CreateBuilding(genRan, out BuildingVoxels vox4, Building.HOUSE);
 *      //tbb.AddBuilding(b, vox, new Vec2i(10, 10));
 *      tbb.AddBuilding(b1, vox1, new Vec2i(40, 40));
 *      tbb.AddBuilding(b2, vox2, new Vec2i(60, 60));
 *      tbb.AddBuilding(b3, vox3, new Vec2i(60, 40));
 *      tbb.AddBuilding(b4, vox4, new Vec2i(40, 60));
        List <ChunkData> chunks = tbb.ToChunkData();

        Chunks = new ChunkData[Size, Size];

        foreach (ChunkData cd in chunks)
            Chunks[cd.X, cd.Z] = cd;

        foreach (ChunkData cd in Chunks)
            PreLoadedChunk plc = GeneratePreLoadedChunk(cd);

            CreateChunk(plc, cd);

        for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++)
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a 'preloadedchunk' and forms a loaded chunk
    /// This must be called from the main thread.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pChunk"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private LoadedChunk2 CreateChunk(PreLoadedChunk pChunk, ChunkData cd)
        GameObject cObj = Instantiate(ChunkPrefab);

        cObj.transform.parent   = ChunkHolder.transform;
        cObj.transform.position = pChunk.Position.AsVector3() * World.ChunkSize;

        cObj.name = "chunk_" + pChunk.Position;
        LoadedChunk2 loaded = cObj.GetComponent <LoadedChunk2>();

        MeshFilter mf = loaded.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        //Create the terrain mesh
        mf.mesh = PreLoadedChunk.CreateMesh(pChunk.TerrainMesh);
        MeshCollider mc = loaded.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

        mc.sharedMesh = mf.mesh;
        //Iterate all voxels
        foreach (Voxel v in MiscUtils.GetValues <Voxel>())
            if (v == Voxel.none)
            if (pChunk.VoxelMesh.TryGetValue(v, out PreMesh pmesh))
                GameObject voxelObj = Instantiate(ChunkVoxelPrefab);
                MeshFilter voxelMf  = voxelObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                voxelMf.mesh = PreLoadedChunk.CreateMesh(pmesh);
                Material voxMat = ResourceManager.GetVoxelMaterial(v);
                //Debug.Log(voxMat + " vox mat");
                voxelObj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = voxMat;
                MeshCollider voxelMc = voxelObj.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
                voxelMc.sharedMesh               = voxelMf.mesh;
                voxelObj.transform.parent        = cObj.transform;
                voxelObj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

        if (cd.WorldObjects != null)
            foreach (WorldObjectData objDat in cd.WorldObjects)
                WorldObject obj = WorldObject.CreateWorldObject(objDat, cObj.transform, 0.7f);
                //    obj.AdjustHeight();
                //obj.transform.position = objDat.Position;
                //obj.transform.localPosition = objDat.Position.Mod(World.ChunkSize);

    private LoadedChunk2 CreateChunk(PreLoadedChunk pChunk)
        GameObject cObj = Instantiate(ChunkPrefab);
        cObj.transform.parent = transform;

        cObj.name = "chunk_" + pChunk.Position;
        LoadedChunk2 loaded = cObj.GetComponent<LoadedChunk2>();

        MeshFilter mf = loaded.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        //Create the terrain mesh
        mf.mesh = PreLoadedChunk.CreateMesh(pChunk.TerrainMesh);
        MeshCollider mc = loaded.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
        mc.sharedMesh = mf.mesh;
        //Iterate all voxels
        foreach (Voxel v in MiscUtils.GetValues<Voxel>())
            if (v == Voxel.none)
            if (pChunk.VoxelMesh.TryGetValue(v, out PreMesh pmesh))
                GameObject voxelObj = Instantiate(ChunkVoxelPrefab);
                MeshFilter voxelMf = voxelObj.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
                MeshRenderer voxelMr = voxelObj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
                voxelMr.material = ResourceManager.GetVoxelMaterial(v);
                voxelMf.mesh = PreLoadedChunk.CreateMesh(pmesh);
                MeshCollider voxelMc = voxelObj.GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
                voxelMc.sharedMesh = voxelMf.mesh;
                voxelObj.transform.parent = cObj.transform;
                voxelObj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.up * (pChunk.ChunkData.BaseHeight + 0.7f);


        cObj.transform.position = pChunk.Position.AsVector3() * World.ChunkSize;

        if (pChunk.ChunkData.WorldObjects != null)
            foreach (WorldObjectData objData in pChunk.ChunkData.WorldObjects)
                Vec2i localPos = Vec2i.FromVector3(objData.Position.Mod(World.ChunkSize));
                float off = loaded.Chunk.GetHeight(localPos);
                WorldObject obj = WorldObject.CreateWorldObject(objData, loaded.transform, off + 0.7f);


        return loaded;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        for (int i = 0; i < 0; i++)
            Debug.Log("TETSTETSTHSIBFM<DB NVGA>");

        int             seed = 0;
        SubworldBuilder setB = new CaveDungeonBuilder(new Vec2i(2, 2), new Vec2i(8, 8));

        setB.Generate(new GenerationRandom(seed));

        List <ChunkData> chunks = setB.ToChunkData();

        Chunks = new ChunkData[20, 20];
        foreach (ChunkData c in chunks)
            Chunks[c.X, c.Z] = c;
        foreach (ChunkData cd in Chunks)
            if (cd == null)
            PreLoadedChunk plc = GeneratePreLoadedChunk(cd);

            CreateChunk(plc, cd);

        Player player = new Player();


        HeadLight.transform.parent = player.GetLoadedEntity().transform;
Esempio n. 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a pre loaded chunk from chunk data.
    /// This entire function is run in a thread
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cData"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private PreLoadedChunk GeneratePreLoadedChunk(ChunkData chunk, int lod = 1)
        //We create a thread safe mesh for the terrain
        // PreMesh terrainMesh = GenerateMarchingCubesTerrain(chunk);

        PreMesh terrainMesh = GenerateSmoothTerrain(chunk);

        Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Terrain mesh for " + chunk + " created - " + CurrentVerticies.Count + " verticies", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
        //Create the base pre-loaded chunk
        PreLoadedChunk preChunk = new PreLoadedChunk(new Vec2i(chunk.X, chunk.Z), terrainMesh, chunk);

        //if we have no voxel data, return just the terrain map
        if (chunk.VoxelData == null)

        foreach (Voxel v in MiscUtils.GetValues <Voxel>())
            if (v == Voxel.none)
            //If the chunk has this type of voxel in it
            if (chunk.VoxelData.VoxelTypeBounds.TryGetValue(v, out VoxelBounds vb))
                //Clear all lists to prepair
                //Generate the voxel mesh
                //MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.Voxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize+1, World.ChunkHeight+1, World.ChunkSize+1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);
                //MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.Voxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize + 1, chunk.VoxelData.TotalHeight(), World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);

                MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.AllVoxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize + 1, chunk.VoxelData.TotalHeight(), World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);
                PreMesh voxelMesh = new PreMesh();
                voxelMesh.Verticies = CurrentVerticies.ToArray();
                voxelMesh.Triangles = CurrentTriangles.ToArray();
                voxelMesh.UV        = CreateUV(voxelMesh);
                //Add it the the pre loaded chunk
                preChunk.VoxelMesh.Add(v, voxelMesh);
        if (chunk.WorldObjects != null)
            /*lock (ObjectsToLoadLock)
             * {
             *  Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Chunk " + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z + " has " + chunk.WorldObjects.Count + " objects to load", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
             *  ObjectsToLoad.AddRange(chunk.WorldObjects);
             * }*/

    private PreLoadedChunk GeneratePreLoadedChunk(ChunkData chunk)
        //Null till we integrate fully
        //ChunkData2[] neighbors = null;

        ChunkData[] neighbors = GetNeighbors(new Vec2i(chunk.X, chunk.Z));

        float[] cube = new float[(World.ChunkSize + 1) * (World.ChunkSize + 1) * (World.ChunkHeight + 1)];
        Color[,] colourMap = new Color[World.ChunkSize + 1, World.ChunkSize + 1];

        //We iterate through the whole chunk, and create a cub map and colour map based on the
        //height map and tile map
        for (int x = 0; x < World.ChunkSize + 1; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < World.ChunkSize + 1; z++)
                float height = chunk.BaseHeight;
                if (x == World.ChunkSize && z == World.ChunkSize)
                    if (neighbors != null && neighbors[1] != null)
                        height = neighbors[1].BaseHeight;
                        if (neighbors[1].Heights != null)
                            height = neighbors[1].Heights[0, 0];
                        colourMap[x, z] = neighbors[1].GetTile(0, 0).GetColor();

                        height          = chunk.Heights != null ? chunk.Heights[x - 1, z - 1] : height;
                        colourMap[x, z] = chunk.GetTile(x - 1, z - 1).GetColor();
                else if (x == World.ChunkSize)
                    if (neighbors != null && neighbors[2] != null)
                        height = neighbors[2].BaseHeight;
                        if (neighbors[2].Heights != null)
                            height = neighbors[2].Heights[0, z];

                        colourMap[x, z] = neighbors[2].GetTile(0, z).GetColor();
                        height          = chunk.Heights != null ? chunk.Heights[x - 1, z] : height;
                        colourMap[x, z] = chunk.GetTile(x - 1, z).GetColor();
                else if (z == World.ChunkSize)
                    if (neighbors != null && neighbors[0] != null)
                        height = neighbors[0].BaseHeight;
                        if (neighbors[0].Heights != null)
                            height = neighbors[0].Heights[x, 0];

                        colourMap[x, z] = neighbors[0].GetTile(x, 0).GetColor();
                        height          = chunk.Heights != null ? chunk.Heights[x, z - 1] : height;
                        colourMap[x, z] = chunk.GetTile(x, z - 1).GetColor();
                    if (chunk.Heights != null)
                        height = chunk.Heights[x, z];
                    colourMap[x, z] = chunk.GetTile(x, z).GetColor();
                for (int y = 0; y < height + 1; y++)
                    int idx = x + y * (World.ChunkSize + 1) + z * (World.ChunkHeight + 1) * (World.ChunkSize + 1);

                    cube[idx] = -2;

        //March the terrain map
        MarchingCubes.Generate(cube, World.ChunkSize + 1, World.ChunkHeight + 1, World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);

        /*for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTriangles.Count; i += 3)
         * {
         *  int tri1 = CurrentTriangles[i];
         *  int tri2 = CurrentTriangles[i + 1];
         *  int tri3 = CurrentTriangles[i + 2];
         *  //We find the average/mid point of this triangle
         *  Vector3 mid = (CurrentVerticies[tri1] + CurrentVerticies[tri2] + CurrentVerticies[tri3]) / 3;
         *  Vec2i tMid = Vec2i.FromVector3(mid);
         *  Color c = colourMap[tMid.x, tMid.z];
         *  CurrentColours.Add(c);
         *  CurrentColours.Add(c);
         *  CurrentColours.Add(c);
         * }*/

        for (int i = 0; i < CurrentVerticies.Count; i++)
            int x = (int)CurrentVerticies[i].x;
            int z = (int)CurrentVerticies[i].z;
            CurrentColours.Add(colourMap[x, z]);

        //We create a thread safe mesh for the terrain
        PreMesh terrainMesh = new PreMesh();

        terrainMesh.Verticies = CurrentVerticies.ToArray();
        terrainMesh.Triangles = CurrentTriangles.ToArray();
        terrainMesh.Colours   = CurrentColours.ToArray();
        terrainMesh.UV        = CreateUV(terrainMesh);
        //Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Terrain mesh for " + chunk + " created - " + CurrentVerticies.Count + " verticies");
        //Create the base pre-loaded chunk
        PreLoadedChunk preChunk = new PreLoadedChunk(new Vec2i(chunk.X, chunk.Z), terrainMesh, chunk);

        Debug.Log("Pre loaded chunk started, now for voxels");

        //if we have no voxel data, return just the terrain map
        if (chunk.VoxelData == null)
            Debug.Log("Chunk has no voxels");

        foreach (Voxel v in MiscUtils.GetValues <Voxel>())
            if (v == Voxel.none)

            if (!chunk.VoxelData.HasVoxel(v))
                // Debug.Log("Chunk " + chunk + " does not have the voxel " + v);

            // Debug.Log("starting march");

            //Generate the voxel mesh
            MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.Voxels, null, v, World.ChunkSize + 1, World.ChunkHeight + 1, World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);
            PreMesh voxelMesh = new PreMesh();
            voxelMesh.Verticies = CurrentVerticies.ToArray();
            voxelMesh.Triangles = CurrentTriangles.ToArray();
            voxelMesh.UV        = CreateUV(voxelMesh);
            //Add it the the pre loaded chunk
            preChunk.VoxelMesh.Add(v, voxelMesh);

             * //If the chunk has this type of voxel in it
             * if (chunk.VoxelData.VoxelTypeBounds.TryGetValue(v, out VoxelBounds vb))
             * {
             *  //Clear all lists to prepair
             *  CurrentVerticies.Clear();
             *  CurrentTriangles.Clear();
             *  CurrentColours.Clear();
             *  CurrentUVs.Clear();
             *  Debug.Log("starting march");
             *  //Generate the voxel mesh
             *  MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.Voxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize+1, World.ChunkHeight+1, World.ChunkSize+1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);
             *  PreMesh voxelMesh = new PreMesh();
             *  voxelMesh.Verticies = CurrentVerticies.ToArray();
             *  voxelMesh.Triangles = CurrentTriangles.ToArray();
             *  voxelMesh.UV = CreateUV(voxelMesh);
             *  //Add it the the pre loaded chunk
             *  preChunk.VoxelMesh.Add(v, voxelMesh);
             * }*/

Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a pre loaded chunk from chunk data.
    /// This entire function is run in a thread
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cData"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private PreLoadedChunk GeneratePreLoadedChunk(ChunkData chunk, int lod = 1)
        //We create a thread safe mesh for the terrain
        // PreMesh terrainMesh = GenerateMarchingCubesTerrain(chunk);
        ChunkData[] neighbors = ChunkRegionManager.GetNeighbors(new Vec2i(chunk.X, chunk.Z));

        PreMesh terrainMesh = GenerateSmoothTerrain(chunk, neighbors, lod);

        Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Terrain mesh for " + chunk + " created - " + CurrentVerticies.Count + " verticies", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
        //Create the base pre-loaded chunk
        PreLoadedChunk preChunk = new PreLoadedChunk(new Vec2i(chunk.X, chunk.Z), terrainMesh, chunk);

        //if we have no voxel data, return just the terrain map
        if (chunk.VoxelData == null)

        int maxHeight = 0;

        if (neighbors != null)
            foreach (ChunkData cd in neighbors)
                if (cd != null && cd.VoxelData != null)
                    if (maxHeight < cd.VoxelData.TotalHeight())
                        maxHeight = cd.VoxelData.TotalHeight();

        //If the chunk hasn't had its boundry points defined, we do it now
        if (!chunk.VoxelData.HasBoundryVoxels)
            for (int y = 0; y < maxHeight; y++)
                for (int i = 0; i < World.ChunkSize; i++)
                    if (neighbors[0] != null && neighbors[0].VoxelData != null)
                        VoxelNode node = neighbors[0].VoxelData.GetVoxelNode(i, y, 0);
                        if (node.IsNode)
                            chunk.VoxelData.SetVoxelNode(i, y, World.ChunkSize, node);
                    if (neighbors[2] != null && neighbors[2].VoxelData != null)
                        VoxelNode node = neighbors[2].VoxelData.GetVoxelNode(0, y, i);
                        if (node.IsNode)
                            chunk.VoxelData.SetVoxelNode(World.ChunkSize, y, i, node);
                if (neighbors[1] != null && neighbors[1].VoxelData != null)
                    VoxelNode node = neighbors[1].VoxelData.GetVoxelNode(0, y, 0);
                    if (node.IsNode)
                        chunk.VoxelData.SetVoxelNode(World.ChunkSize, y, World.ChunkSize, node);
            chunk.VoxelData.HasBoundryVoxels = true;

        //Next we generate all relevent voxel meshes
        foreach (Voxel v in MiscUtils.GetValues <Voxel>())
            if (v == Voxel.none)
            //If the chunk has this type of voxel in it
            if (chunk.VoxelData.VoxelTypeBounds.TryGetValue(v, out VoxelBounds vb))
                //Clear all lists to prepair
                //Generate the voxel mesh
                //MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.Voxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize+1, World.ChunkHeight+1, World.ChunkSize+1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);
                //MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.Voxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize + 1, chunk.VoxelData.TotalHeight(), World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);
                //MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.AllVoxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize + 1, chunk.VoxelData.TotalHeight(), World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);

                MarchingCubes.Generate(chunk.VoxelData.AllVoxels, vb, v, World.ChunkSize + 1, chunk.VoxelData.TotalHeight(), World.ChunkSize + 1, CurrentVerticies, CurrentTriangles);

                PreMesh voxelMesh = new PreMesh();
                voxelMesh.Verticies = CurrentVerticies.ToArray();
                voxelMesh.Triangles = CurrentTriangles.ToArray();
                voxelMesh.UV        = CreateUV(voxelMesh);
                //Add it the the pre loaded chunk
                preChunk.VoxelMesh.Add(v, voxelMesh);

         * if(chunk.WorldObjects != null)
         * {
         *  lock (ObjectsToLoadLock)
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Chunk " + chunk.X + "," + chunk.Z + " has " + chunk.WorldObjects.Count + " objects to load", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         *      ObjectsToLoad.AddRange(chunk.WorldObjects);
         *  }
         * }*/

Esempio n. 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Called to get the main thread to start generating chunks.
    /// </summary>
    private void InternalThreadLoop()
        bool         shouldLive = true;
        LoadedChunk2 toLoad;
        Vec2i        position;

        //Form loop that lasts while we generate all chunks
        while (shouldLive)
            //thread safety
            lock (ChunkToLoadLock)
                //If the count is 0, then the thread has finished for now.

                //Debug.Log("Chunks To Load: " + ChunksToLoad2.Count);
                if (ChunksToLoad2.Count == 0)
                toLoad = ChunksToLoad2.Dequeue();

                position = toLoad.Position;
            Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Chunk Loader starting to generate chunk " + toLoad.Position, Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);

            //Create pre-generated chunk
            PreLoadedChunk preLoaded = GeneratePreLoadedChunk(toLoad.Chunk, toLoad.LOD);


            Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Finished creating PreChunk: " + toLoad.Position, Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);

            //Thread safe add the preloaded chunk
            lock (PreLoadedChunkLock)


            //If we have requested a force load, we exit the thread.
            if (ForceLoad)
                Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Force load is starting, need to finish loading chunk " + toLoad.Position, Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);

         * bool shouldLive = true;
         * ChunkData toLoad;
         * Vec2i position;
         * //Form loop that lasts while we generate all chunks
         * while (shouldLive)
         * {
         *  UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("chunk_pre_load");
         *  Debug.BeginDeepProfile("chunk_pre_load");
         *  //thread safety
         *  lock (ChunkToLoadLock)
         *  {
         *      //If the count is 0, then the thread has finished for now.
         *      if (ChunksToLoad.Count == 0)
         *          return;
         *      //otherwise, we set the object
         *      toLoad = ChunksToLoad[0];
         *      ChunksToLoad.RemoveAt(0);
         *      //We get the lowest priority chunk
         *      position = new Vec2i(toLoad.X, toLoad.Z);
         *  }
         *  Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Chunk Loader starting to generate chunk " + toLoad, Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         *  //Create pre-generated chunk
         *  PreLoadedChunk preLoaded = GeneratePreLoadedChunk(toLoad);
         *  Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Finished creating PreChunk: " + toLoad, Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         *  //Thread safe add the preloaded chunk
         *  lock (PreLoadedChunkLock)
         *  {
         *      PreLoadedChunks.Add(preLoaded);
         *  }
         *  Debug.EndDeepProfile("chunk_pre_load");
         *  UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.EndSample();
         *  //If we have requested a force load, we exit the thread.
         *  if (ForceLoad)
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Force load is starting, need to finish loading chunk " + new Vec2i(toLoad.X, toLoad.Z), Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         *      return;
         *  }
         * }  */
Esempio n. 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a 'preloadedchunk' and forms a loaded chunk
    /// This must be called from the main thread.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pChunk"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private LoadedChunk2 CreateChunk(PreLoadedChunk pChunk)
        GameObject cObj = pChunk.LoadedChunk.gameObject;

        cObj.transform.parent = transform;

        cObj.name = "chunk_" + pChunk.Position;
        LoadedChunk2 loaded = pChunk.LoadedChunk;

        MeshFilter mf = loaded.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        //Create the terrain mesh
        mf.mesh = PreLoadedChunk.CreateMesh(pChunk.TerrainMesh);

         * {
         *  mf.mesh.RecalculateNormals();
         * }catch(System.Exception e)
         * {
         *  Debug.Log(e);
         * }*/

        if (pChunk.LoadedChunk.LOD == 1)
            MeshCollider mc = loaded.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
            mc.sharedMesh = mf.mesh;
            mc.enabled    = true;
            MeshCollider mc = loaded.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
            mc.sharedMesh = null;
            mc.enabled    = false;

        if (loaded.PreLoaded.VoxelMesh != null)

        if (loaded.LOD < 4 && loaded.HasGeneratedVoxels)
            //Iterate all voxels
            foreach (Voxel v in MiscUtils.GetValues <Voxel>())
                if (v == Voxel.none)
                if (pChunk.VoxelMesh.TryGetValue(v, out PreMesh pmesh))
                    GameObject   voxelObj = Instantiate(ChunkVoxelPrefab);
                    MeshFilter   voxelMf  = voxelObj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    MeshRenderer voxelMr  = voxelObj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    voxelMr.material = ResourceManager.GetVoxelMaterial(v);
                    voxelMf.mesh     = PreLoadedChunk.CreateMesh(pmesh);
                    MeshCollider voxelMc = voxelObj.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
                    voxelMc.sharedMesh               = voxelMf.mesh;
                    voxelObj.transform.parent        = cObj.transform;
                    voxelObj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                    // voxelMf.mesh.RecalculateNormals();
        cObj.transform.position = pChunk.Position.AsVector3() * World.ChunkSize;

        if (loaded.LOD < 3 && !loaded.HasLoadedWorldObjects)
            lock (ObjectsToLoadLock)
                if (pChunk.ChunkData.WorldObjects != null)

Esempio n. 11
    /// <summary>
    /// Main update loop.
    /// We check if any pre-loaded chunks are ready.
    /// if so, we create a new loaded mesh as required.
    /// </summary>
    void Update()
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHUNK_LOADS_PER_FRAME; i++)
            PreLoadedChunk toCreate = null;
            //Attempt to get a pre-loaded chunk so we can add it to the world.
            lock (PreLoadedChunkLock)
                if (PreLoadedChunks.Count != 0)
                    toCreate = PreLoadedChunks[0];

            if (toCreate != null)
                //ChunkRegionManager.LoadedChunks.Add(lc.Position, lc);
                //After this chunk has finished loading, we remove its position from the list of currently being generated chunks
                lock (ChunkToLoadLock)

        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOAD_PER_FRAME; i++)
            if (ObjectsToLoad.Count > 0)
                //Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] " + ObjectsToLoad.Count + " objects to load in");

         * PreLoadedChunk toCreate=null;
         * //Attempt to get a pre-loaded chunk so we can add it to the world.
         * lock (PreLoadedChunkLock)
         * {
         *  if(PreLoadedChunks.Count != 0)
         *  {
         *      toCreate = PreLoadedChunks[0];
         *      PreLoadedChunks.RemoveAt(0);
         *  }
         * }
         * if(toCreate != null)
         * {
         *  LoadedChunk2 lc = CreateChunk(toCreate);
         *  ChunkRegionManager.LoadedChunks.Add(lc.Position, lc);
         *  //After this chunk has finished loading, we remove its position from the list of currently being generated chunks
         *  lock (ChunkToLoadLock)
         *  {
         *      ChunksToLoadPositions.Remove(lc.Position);
         *  }
         * }
         * for(int i=0; i< MAX_LOAD_PER_FRAME; i++)
         * {
         *  if (ObjectsToLoad.Count > 0)
         *  {
         *      //Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] " + ObjectsToLoad.Count + " objects to load in");
         *      LoadSingleObject();
         *  }
         * }
Esempio n. 12
    /// <summary>
    /// Calling this function forces the chunk loader to load all chunks currently in its list.
    /// This must be called from the main thread.
    /// </summary>
    public void ForceLoadAll()
        ForceLoad = true;
        //Wait for the thread to finish

        //All threads have stopped now, so we are not required to be thread safe.
        //TODO - add some thread generation here to improve performance?
        Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Force load starting - " + ChunksToLoad.Count + " chunks to load", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <LoadedChunk2, float> kvp in ChunksToLoad2.GetAllElements())
            PreLoadedChunk plc = GeneratePreLoadedChunk(kvp.Key.Chunk, kvp.Key.LOD);

        Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Force load - " + PreLoadedChunks.Count + " chunks to create", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);

        foreach (PreLoadedChunk plc in PreLoadedChunks)
            //If for some reason this has already been generated, don't bother
            if (ChunkRegionManager.LoadedChunks.ContainsKey(plc.Position))
                Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Loaded chunk at position " + plc.Position + " has already generated", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
            //ChunkRegionManager.LoadedChunks.Add(lc.Position, lc);
        ForceLoad = false;

         * //We set the force load variable to true.
         * //this forces the chunk loader thread to stop when it can
         * ForceLoad = true;
         * //Wait for the thread to finish
         * MainThread?.Join();
         * Debug.BeginDeepProfile("force_chunk_load");
         * //All threads have stopped now, so we are not required to be thread safe.
         * //TODO - add some thread generation here to improve performance?
         * Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Force load starting - " + ChunksToLoad.Count + " chunks to load", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         * foreach(ChunkData cd in ChunksToLoad)
         * {
         *  PreLoadedChunks.Add(GeneratePreLoadedChunk(cd));
         * }
         * ChunksToLoad.Clear();
         * Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Force load - " + PreLoadedChunks.Count + " chunks to create", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         * foreach (PreLoadedChunk plc in PreLoadedChunks)
         * {
         *  //If for some reason this has already been generated, don't bother
         *  if (ChunkRegionManager.LoadedChunks.ContainsKey(plc.Position))
         *  {
         *      Debug.Log("[ChunkLoader] Loaded chunk at position " + plc.Position + " has already generated", Debug.CHUNK_LOADING);
         *      continue;
         *  }
         *  LoadedChunk2 lc = CreateChunk(plc);
         *  ChunkRegionManager.LoadedChunks.Add(lc.Position, lc);
         * }
         * PreLoadedChunks.Clear();
         * ChunksToLoadPositions.Clear();
         * ForceLoad = false;
         * Debug.EndDeepProfile("force_chunk_load");
         * AstarPath.active.Scan();
Esempio n. 13
 public void SetPreLoadedChunk(PreLoadedChunk prc)
     PreLoaded = prc;