public void PlugInWire() { RaycastHit h; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out h)) { if (h.transform.CompareTag("Wire Port")) { wp = h.transform.GetComponent <WirePort>(); pos = h.transform.position; pos.y += .1f; transform.position = pos; isOnWirePort = true; wp.isOpen = false; PowerSupply wpps = wp.GetComponent <PowerSupply>(); if (wpps != null) { wpps.hasBeenPluggedIn = true; } } } }
//validate the pc configuration private string ValidatePCConfiguration(Motherboard motherboard, CPU cpu, PowerSupply powerSupply, IEnumerable <MemorySelectViewModel> memories) { if (memories.Sum(item => item.Count) == 0) { return("You have to select at least one memory type."); } if (cpu.CPUSocketId != motherboard.CPUSocketId) { return("The CPU must has the same socket as the motherboard."); } if (memories.Sum(item => item.Count) > motherboard.MemorySlots) { return("Motherboard contains memory slots less than the number of memories you have selected"); } //compute total power consumption var totalPowerCons = cpu.PowerConsumption + motherboard.PowerConsumption + memories.Sum(item => item.PowerConsumption * item.Count); //the max output power of the power supply should exceed the total consumprion power by 10% if (powerSupply.MaxPowerOutput < (totalPowerCons + (.1 * totalPowerCons))) { var message = "The power output of the power supply you have selected is not enough for this PC"; //get lowest power supply enough for this configuation var suggestedPowerSupply = _powerSupplyService.All.OrderBy(item => item.MaxPowerOutput).FirstOrDefault(item => item.MaxPowerOutput >= (totalPowerCons + (.1 * totalPowerCons))); if (suggestedPowerSupply != null) { message += Environment.NewLine + "\nSuggested power supply is \"" + suggestedPowerSupply.Name + "\""; } return(message); } return(string.Empty); }
private void Start() { cam = Camera.main; cc = GetComponentInParent <ComputerComponent>(); if (isSelected) { RaycastHit h; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -Vector3.up, out h)) { if (h.transform.CompareTag("Wire Port")) { wp = h.transform.GetComponent <WirePort>(); pos = h.transform.position; pos.y += .1f; transform.position = pos; isOnWirePort = true; wp.isOpen = false; PowerSupply wpps = wp.GetComponent <PowerSupply>(); if (wpps != null) { wpps.hasBeenPluggedIn = true; } } } isSelected = false; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(PowerSupply powerSupplyModel) { try { if (powerSupplyModel.ImageFile != null) { powerSupplyModel.ImageTitle = powerSupplyModel.ImageFile.FileName; powerSupplyModel.ImageData = ImageManager.GetByteArrayFromImage(powerSupplyModel.ImageFile); } using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { var content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(powerSupplyModel), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); using (HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.PostAsync(string.Format("{0}/{1}", this.apiBaseUrl, this.apiController), content)) { string apiResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //receivedReservation = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Reservation>(apiResponse); } } return(this.RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch { return(this.View()); } }
private IOperation BuildShellOperation() { var aboutInfo = new AboutNotificationInfo(text); var aboutController = new AboutNotificationController(context.AppConfig, uiFactory); var audio = new Audio(context.Settings.Audio, ModuleLogger(nameof(Audio))); var keyboard = new Keyboard(ModuleLogger(nameof(Keyboard))); var logInfo = new LogNotificationInfo(text); var logController = new LogNotificationController(logger, uiFactory); var powerSupply = new PowerSupply(ModuleLogger(nameof(PowerSupply))); var wirelessAdapter = new WirelessAdapter(ModuleLogger(nameof(WirelessAdapter))); var operation = new ShellOperation( actionCenter, audio, aboutInfo, aboutController, context, keyboard, logger, logInfo, logController, powerSupply, systemInfo, taskbar, taskview, text, uiFactory, wirelessAdapter); context.Activators.Add(new ActionCenterKeyboardActivator(ModuleLogger(nameof(ActionCenterKeyboardActivator)), nativeMethods)); context.Activators.Add(new ActionCenterTouchActivator(ModuleLogger(nameof(ActionCenterTouchActivator)), nativeMethods)); context.Activators.Add(new TaskviewKeyboardActivator(ModuleLogger(nameof(TaskviewKeyboardActivator)), nativeMethods)); context.Activators.Add(new TerminationActivator(ModuleLogger(nameof(TerminationActivator)), nativeMethods)); return(operation); }
public void EquipmentTest_Basic() { Equipment e = new Equipment("0"); e.Execute(new Command("PowerOn")); Port b = new Port("0"); b.Execute( new Command( "Send", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Bytes", "00 01 02" } } ) ); PowerSupply ps = new PowerSupply("0"); ps.Execute(new Command("PowerOn")); ps.PPort = new Port("0"); ps.Execute(new Command("PowerOn")); ps.Execute(new Command("PowerOff")); HardwareSrv hardware = HardwareSrv.GetInstance(); hardware.Add(e); }
public string AddComponent(int computerId, int id, string componentType, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price, double overallPerformance, int generation) { CheckIfComputerExist(computerId); if (this.components.Any(x => x.Id == id)) { throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.ExistingComponentId); } IComponent component = null; switch (componentType) { case "CentralProcessingUnit": component = new CentralProcessingUnit(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); break; case "Motherboard": component = new Motherboard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); break; case "PowerSupply": component = new PowerSupply(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); break; case "RandomAccessMemory": component = new RandomAccessMemory(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); break; case "SolidStateDrive": component = new SolidStateDrive(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); break; case "VideoCard": component = new VideoCard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.InvalidComponentType); } IComputer computer = this.computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == computerId); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); return(string.Format(SuccessMessages.AddedComponent, component.GetType().Name, component.Id, computerId)); }
public ActionResult Addpowersupply(PowerSupply powersupply) { Session["powersupply"] = powersupply; Session["powersupplyname"] = powersupply.Name; return(RedirectToAction("List", "Home")); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Объединение данных /// </summary> /// <param name="engineering_infrastructure">Инженерная инфраструктура</param> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Union(CEngineeringInfrastructure engineering_infrastructure) { WaterSupply.Union(engineering_infrastructure.WaterSupply); PowerSupply.Union(engineering_infrastructure.PowerSupply); GasSupply.Union(engineering_infrastructure.GasSupply); HeatSupply.Union(engineering_infrastructure.HeatSupply); }
public ActionResult ChangePowerSupply(PowerSupply p, HttpPostedFileBase NewImage, bool IsDeletePreviousImageFromServer = false, int page = 1, int pageSize = 20) { = page; ViewBag.pageSize = pageSize; if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (NewImage != null) { if (NewImage.ContentLength <= 200000) { AddOrAddRemoveImageForCatalog(NewImage, IsDeletePreviousImageFromServer, p); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("NewImage", "Изображение должно быть меньше 200 Кб"); return(View(pcComponentsUnit.PowerSupplies.GetElement(p.ID))); } } p.FullName = string.Format($"{p.Category} {p.Power}W {p.Model} ({p.ID})"); pcComponentsUnit.PowerSupplies.Update(p); pcComponentsUnit.Save(); return(RedirectToActionPermanent("ComponentsCatalog", "Catalog", new { category = p.Category, page, pageSize })); } return(View(pcComponentsUnit.PowerSupplies.GetElement(p.ID))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,Name,Manufacturer,Power,Width,Height,Thickness,Price")] PowerSupply powerSupply) { if (id != powerSupply.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(powerSupply); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!PowerSupplyExists(powerSupply.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(powerSupply)); }
public ActionResult Save() { Build build = new Build(); Case Case = (Case)Session["cases"]; CPU cpu = (CPU)Session["Cpu"]; VideoCard videoCard = (VideoCard)Session["videocard"]; Motherboard motherBoard = (Motherboard)Session["motherboard"]; PowerSupply powerSupply = (PowerSupply)Session["powersupply"]; Memory memory = (Memory)Session["memory"]; Storage storage = (Storage)Session["storage"]; build.CaseId = Case.Id; build.MemoryId = memory.Id; build.VideoCardId = videoCard.Id; build.MotherboardId = motherBoard.Id; build.PowerSupplyId = powerSupply.Id; build.CPUId = cpu.Id; build.StorageId = storage.Id; _context.Builds.Add(build); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AllBuilds")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Guid id, PowerSupply powerSupplyModel) { try { if (powerSupplyModel == null) { return(this.NotFound()); } if (powerSupplyModel.ImageFile != null) { powerSupplyModel.ImageTitle = powerSupplyModel.ImageFile.FileName; powerSupplyModel.ImageData = ImageManager.GetByteArrayFromImage(powerSupplyModel.ImageFile); } powerSupplyModel.PowerSupplyId = id; string accessToken = await this.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token"); await ApiRequests.PutAsync(accessToken, string.Format("{0}/{1}", this.apiBaseUrl, this.apiController), powerSupplyModel); return(this.RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch { return(this.View()); } }
private IComponent CreateComponent(string componentType, int id, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price, double overallPerformance, int generation) { IComponent component = null; if (componentType == "CentralProcessingUnit") { component = new CentralProcessingUnit(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "Motherboard") { component = new Motherboard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "PowerSupply") { component = new PowerSupply(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "RandomAccessMemory") { component = new RandomAccessMemory(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "SolidStateDrive") { component = new SolidStateDrive(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "VideoCard") { component = new VideoCard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } return(component); }
public void PowerSuppliesController_ShouldReturnViewResultWithPowerSupplyBindingModel() { var dbPowerSupply = new PowerSupply() { Connector = "36 pin", Effectiveness = 99, Manufacturer = "ConnectorsInc", ModelName = "con", NumberOfCoolingVents = 2, Pfc = "pcf", Power = 1000, Price = 1500 }; dbContext.PowerSupplies.Add(dbPowerSupply); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var id = dbContext.PowerSupplies.First().Id; var result = this.controller.Edit(id); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult)); var resultViewModel = (result as ViewResult).Model; Assert.IsInstanceOfType(resultViewModel, typeof(PowerSupplyBindingModel)); }
public string AddComponent(int computerId, int id, string componentType, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price, double overallPerformance, int generation) { var computer = this.computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == computerId); if (computer == null) { throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.NotExistingComputerId); } IComponent component = null; if (this.components.Any(x => x.Id == id)) { throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.ExistingComponentId); } if (componentType == "CentralProcessingUnit") { component = new CentralProcessingUnit(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); } else if (componentType == "Motherboard") { component = new Motherboard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); } else if (componentType == "PowerSupply") { component = new PowerSupply(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); } else if (componentType == "RandomAccessMemory") { component = new RandomAccessMemory(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); } else if (componentType == "SolidStateDrive") { component = new SolidStateDrive(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); } else if (componentType == "VideoCard") { component = new VideoCard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); computer.AddComponent(component); this.components.Add(component); } else { throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.InvalidComponentType); } return(string.Format(SuccessMessages.AddedComponent, componentType, component.Id, computer.Id)); }
public void ConstructorShouldOpenPort() { var serialPort = new MockSerialPort(); var powerSupply = new PowerSupply(serialPort); Assert.That(serialPort.IsOpen); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var powerSupply = new PowerSupply(tbName.Text, int.Parse(tbPrice.Text), tbCompany.Text, int.Parse(tbAmount.Text), int.Parse(tbEfficiency.Text), int.Parse(tbPower.Text)); IStorage storage = ListItemStorage.GetInstance(); storage.AddItem(powerSupply); this.Close(); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { PowerSupply powerSupply = db.PowerSupplies.Find(id); db.PowerSupplies.Remove(powerSupply); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public OperationDetails CreatePowerSupply(PowerSupply powerSupply) { Database.PowerSupplies.Create(powerSupply); SetPowerSupplyCPUInterfaces(powerSupply, (List <PowerSupplyPowerSupplyCPUInterface>)powerSupply.PowerSupplyPowerSupplyCPUInterfaces); Database.Save(); return(new OperationDetails(true, "Ok", "")); }
public Computer() { devices[0] = new Motherboard(); devices[1] = new Cpu(); devices[2] = new Ram(); devices[3] = new HardDrive(); devices[4] = new PowerSupply(); }
internal SEBContext(AppSettings settings) { appSettings = settings; logger = new Logger(); hashAlgorithm = new HashAlgorithm(); InitializeLogging(); InitializeText(); _dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; uiFactory = new UserInterfaceFactory(text); messageBox = new MessageBoxFactory(text); taskbar = uiFactory.CreateTaskbar(logger); taskbar.QuitButtonClicked += Shell_QuitButtonClicked; taskbar.Show(); workingAreaHandler = new WorkingAreaHandler(new ModuleLogger(logger, nameof(WorkingAreaHandler))); workingAreaHandler.InitializeWorkingArea(taskbar.GetAbsoluteHeight()); taskview = uiFactory.CreateTaskview(); var audioSettings = new AudioSettings(); var audio = new Audio(audioSettings, new ModuleLogger(logger, nameof(Audio))); audio.Initialize(); taskbar.AddSystemControl(uiFactory.CreateAudioControl(audio, Location.Taskbar)); var keyboard = new Keyboard(new ModuleLogger(logger, nameof(Keyboard))); keyboard.Initialize(); taskbar.AddSystemControl(uiFactory.CreateKeyboardLayoutControl(keyboard, Location.Taskbar)); var powerSupply = new PowerSupply(new ModuleLogger(logger, nameof(PowerSupply))); powerSupply.Initialize(); taskbar.AddSystemControl(uiFactory.CreatePowerSupplyControl(powerSupply, Location.Taskbar)); var wirelessAdapter = new WirelessAdapter(new ModuleLogger(logger, nameof(WirelessAdapter))); wirelessAdapter.Initialize(); taskbar.AddSystemControl(uiFactory.CreateWirelessNetworkControl(wirelessAdapter, Location.Taskbar)); browser = new BrowserApplication(appSettings, messageBox, true, new ModuleLogger(logger, nameof(BrowserApplication)), text); taskbar.AddApplicationControl(uiFactory.CreateApplicationControl(browser, Location.Taskbar), true); browser.TerminationRequested += () => { Browser_TerminationRequested(); }; taskview.Add(browser); InitializeCef(); foreach (string startUrl in appSettings.StartUrls) { browser.CreateNewInstance(startUrl); } }
public void WritesVoltageValueCorrectToSerialPort() { var serialPort = new MockSerialPort(); var powerSupply = new PowerSupply(serialPort); powerSupply.SetVoltage(13.7); Assert.That(serialPort.LastWrittenLine, Is.EqualTo("SV137")); }
public string AddComponent(int computerId, int id, string componentType, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price, double overallPerformance, int generation) { if (!IsComputerExist(computerId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Computer with this id does not exist."); } if (components.Any(x => x.Id == id)) { throw new ArgumentException("Component with this id already exists."); } IComponent component = null; if (componentType == "CentralProcessingUnit") { component = new CentralProcessingUnit(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "Motherboard") { component = new Motherboard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "PowerSupply") { component = new PowerSupply(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "RandomAccessMemory") { component = new RandomAccessMemory(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "SolidStateDrive") { component = new SolidStateDrive(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else if (componentType == "VideoCard") { component = new VideoCard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Component type is invalid."); } var computer = computers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == computerId); computer.AddComponent(component); components.Add(component); return($"Component {component.GetType().Name} with id {component.Id} added successfully in computer with id {computer.Id}."); }
public Circuit() { elements = new List <Element>(); power = new PowerSupply(); Voltage_sum = 0; Current_sum = 0; Resistance_sum = 0; }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "IDPowerSupply,Name,Power,Standard,Certificate,Description,Price")] PowerSupply powerSupply) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(powerSupply).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(powerSupply)); }
// GET: PowerSupplies/Edit/5 public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(Guid id) { string accessToken = await this.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token"); string response = await ApiRequests.GetAsync(accessToken, string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", this.apiBaseUrl, this.apiController, id)); PowerSupply powerSupply = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PowerSupply>(response); return(this.View(powerSupply)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets all PowerSupplies from the database /// </summary> /// <returns>A PowerSupply[] of all PowerSupplies in the database</returns> public static PowerSupply[] GetAll() { string[] result = Queries.Query("SELECT * FROM `powersupply`"); PowerSupply[] arr = new PowerSupply[result.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { arr[i] = GetFromQuery(result[i]); } return(arr); }
public OperationDetails UpdatePowerSupply(PowerSupply powerSupply) { Database.PowerSupplies.Update(powerSupply); //SetPowerSupplyCPUInterfaces(powerSupply, (List<PowerSupplyPowerSupplyCPUInterface>)powerSupply.PowerSupplyPowerSupplyCPUInterfaces); Database.Save(); powerSupply = GetPowerSupply(powerSupply.Id); _computerAssemblyService.OnPowerSupplyChange(powerSupply); Database.Save(); return(new OperationDetails(true, "Ok", "")); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "IDPowerSupply,Name,Power,Standard,Certificate,Description,Price")] PowerSupply powerSupply) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.PowerSupplies.Add(powerSupply); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(powerSupply)); }
//void renderInfoPane(float left, float top, float width, float height Motherboard fabricateDebugRig() { Motherboard returnMobo = new Motherboard(); = "Mother of All Boards"; CPU debugCPU = new CPU ("Hammond DebugHammer 750XL", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 30, 0, 1, 6, 32); GPU debugGPU = new GPU ("Zhu Industries Mothra 8800", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 20, 0, 3, 1); HDD debugHDD = new HDD ("DataPlatter Stack 5", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 2, 0, 10, 8); RAM debugRAM = new RAM ("RYAM Interceptor 1 MB", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 1, 0, 1, 10, 1); PowerSupply debugPower = new PowerSupply ("ArEmEs 200W Power Supply", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 200); CompInput debugInput = new CompInput ("Cobra Katana", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 50, 60, false); CompOutput debugOutput = new CompOutput ("AudiVisual AV2350", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 320, 30, 5); CompNetwork debugNet = new CompNetwork ("Digiline Dial-up Package", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, NetworkType.DIALUP, 40, 4); Chassis debugChassis = new Chassis ("CompuTech Tower of Power", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, DEBUG_INTERFACE, 0, 0, 10); GPU badGPU = new GPU ("Bad GPU", Company.COMPUTECH, 125.0f, "Pudding Cup Interface", 20, 0, 3, 1); returnMobo.CPUInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.GPUInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.HDDInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.RAMInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.powerInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.compInputInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.compOutputInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.networkInterface = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.formFactor = DEBUG_INTERFACE; returnMobo.plugIn(debugCPU); returnMobo.plugIn(debugGPU); returnMobo.plugIn(debugHDD); returnMobo.plugIn(debugRAM); returnMobo.plugIn(debugInput); returnMobo.plugIn(debugOutput); returnMobo.plugIn(debugNet); returnMobo.plugIn(debugPower); returnMobo.plugIn(debugChassis); return returnMobo; }
public bool plugIn(Part part) { bool returnValue = false; if (part.GetType() == typeof(CPU)) { if (part.partInterface == CPUInterface) { this.cpu = (CPU) part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(GPU)) { if (part.partInterface == GPUInterface) { this.gpu = (GPU)part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(HDD)) { if (part.partInterface == HDDInterface) { this.hdd = (HDD)part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(RAM)) { if (part.partInterface == RAMInterface) { this.ram = (RAM)part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(CompInput)) { if (part.partInterface == compInputInterface) { this.input = (CompInput)part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(CompOutput)) { if (part.partInterface == compOutputInterface) { this.output = (CompOutput)part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(CompNetwork)) { if (part.partInterface == networkInterface) { = (CompNetwork) part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(PowerSupply)) { if (part.partInterface == powerInterface) { this.pSupply = (PowerSupply)part; returnValue = true; } } if (part.GetType() == typeof(Chassis)) { if (part.partInterface == formFactor) { this.chassis = (Chassis)part; returnValue = true; } } return returnValue; }
public Motherboard(string name, float price, float defectiveChance, string CPUI, string GPUI, string HDDI, string RAMI, string powerI, string compInputI, string compOutputI, string networkI, string formFactor, CPU cpu, GPU gpu, HDD hdd, RAM ram, CompInput input, CompOutput output, CompNetwork network, PowerSupply pSupply, Chassis chassis) { = name; this.price = price; this.defectiveChance = defectiveChance; this.CPUInterface = CPUI; this.GPUInterface = GPUI; this.HDDInterface = HDDI; this.RAMInterface = RAMI; this.powerInterface = powerI; this.compInputInterface = compInputI; this.compOutputInterface = compOutputI; this.networkInterface = networkI; this.formFactor = formFactor; this.cpu = cpu; this.gpu = gpu; this.hdd = hdd; this.ram = ram; this.input = input; this.output = output; = network; this.pSupply = pSupply; this.chassis = chassis; }
public object generatePart(Type partType, Company company) { object returnPart = null; if (partType == typeof(CPU)) { /* CPU = new CPU( generatePartName(partType, company), companyToString(company), 499.0f, "Generic Interface", 100, 1 ) * */ returnPart = new CPU(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)CPU[company] * (float)CPU[company], "Debug", 100 * (int)((float)CPU[company] * 100.0f) / 100, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.cpu_CoresRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.cpu_CoresRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.cpu_ClockRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.cpu_ClockRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.cpu_BitsRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.cpu_BitsRange.getRight() + 1) ); //returnPart = new CPU(generatePartName(partType, company), // company, // 500.0f * (float)CPU[company] * (float)CPU[company], // "Debug", // 100 * (int)((float)CPU[company] * 100.0f) / 100, // 1.0f, // rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.cpu_CoresRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.cpu_CoresRange.getRight() + 1), 1, 1); } else if (partType == typeof(GPU)) { returnPart = new GPU(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)GPU[company] * (float)GPU[company], "Debug", 200 * (int)((float)GPU[company] * 100.0f) / 100, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.gpu_MegaflopsRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.gpu_MegaflopsRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.gpu_MemoryRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.gpu_MemoryRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(HDD)) { returnPart = new HDD(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)HDD[company] * (float)HDD[company], "Debug", 5 * (int)((float)HDD[company] * 100.0f) / 100, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.hdd_SizeRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.hdd_SizeRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.hdd_SpeedRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.hdd_SpeedRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(RAM)) { returnPart = new RAM(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)RAM[company] * (float)RAM[company], "Debug", 5 * (int)((float)RAM[company] * 100.0f) / 100, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.ram_SizeRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.ram_SizeRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.ram_SpeedRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.ram_SpeedRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.ram_ChannelsRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.ram_ChannelsRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(CompInput)) { returnPart = new CompInput(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)INPUT[company] * (float)INPUT[company], "Debug", 5 * (int)((float)INPUT[company] * 100.0f) / 100, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.input_DPIRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.input_DPIRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.input_PollingRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.input_PollingRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(10) <= 7 ? false : true ); } else if (partType == typeof(CompOutput)) { returnPart = new CompOutput(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)OUTPUT[company] * (float)OUTPUT[company], "Debug", 50 * (int)((float)OUTPUT[company] * 100.0f) / 100, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.output_ResolutionRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.output_ResolutionRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.output_RefreshRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.output_RefreshRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.output_SQRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.output_SQRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(CompNetwork)) { returnPart = new CompNetwork(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)NETWORK[company] * (float)NETWORK[company], "Debug", 0, 1.0f, rand.Next(2) == 0 ? ranges.PE1980.network_TypeRange.getLeft() : ranges.PE1980.network_TypeRange.getRight(), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.network_PingRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.network_PingRange.getRight() + 1), rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.network_BandwidthRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.network_BandwidthRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(PowerSupply)) { returnPart = new PowerSupply(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)PSU[company] * (float)PSU[company], "Debug", 0, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.pSupply_WattageRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.pSupply_WattageRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(Chassis)) { returnPart = new Chassis(generatePartName(partType, company), company, 500.0f * (float)CHASSIS[company] * (float)CHASSIS[company], "Debug", 0, 1.0f, rand.Next(ranges.PE1980.chassis_CoolRange.getLeft(), ranges.PE1980.chassis_CoolRange.getRight() + 1) ); } else if (partType == typeof(Motherboard)) { returnPart = new Motherboard(generatePartName(partType, company), 500.0f * (float)MOBO[company] * (float)MOBO[company], 1.0f, "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", "Debug", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ); } return returnPart; }