Esempio n. 1
        public static void ReleasePower(FogDevice nearestFogDevice, Models.Tuple tuple)
            lock (Lock)
                nearestFogDevice.BusyPower      = nearestFogDevice.BusyPower - (GetRequiredPowerPercentage(tuple, nearestFogDevice));
                nearestFogDevice.AvailablePower = 100 - nearestFogDevice.BusyPower;
                /// PowerUtility.CalcPowerValues

                //var obj = new PowerConsumption()
                //    PowerValue = nearestFogDevice.BusyPower < 86 ? GetPowerConsumption(86) : GetPowerConsumption(int.Parse(nearestFogDevice.BusyPower.ToString())),
                //    Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt")
                Debug.WriteLine("ReleasePower-" + nearestFogDevice.BusyPower);

                var obj = new PowerConsumption()
                    PowerValue = (nearestFogDevice.BusyPower < 1) ? CalcPowerValues("1") : (nearestFogDevice.BusyPower > 100) ? CalcPowerValues("100") : CalcPowerValues(nearestFogDevice.BusyPower.ToString()),
                    Time       = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt")


                //GetRequiredPowerPercentage(tuple, nearestFogDevice)
Esempio n. 2
        private static void PowerConsumptionTest(Camera camera, PowerSupplyDevice powerSupply)
            msg = "Input acceptable range in Watts separated by comma ex. min,max: ";
            var range = Console.ReadLine();

            if (range == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(range, "Range cannot be null");

            var lstRange = range.Split(',');

            if (lstRange.Length != 2)
                _consoleLogger.LogError("Invalid Range");
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid acceptable power consumption range");

            IPowerConsumption powerConsumption = new PowerConsumption(new ConsoleLogger());

//            IPowerConsumption powerConsumption = new PowerConsumption(new FileLogger("C:\\Users\\chimm\\Desktop\\log.txt"));

            camera.PowerConsumption = powerConsumption.PowerConsumptionInWatts(powerSupply);

            var passed = powerConsumption.IsPowerConsumptionWithinRange(Convert.ToDouble(lstRange[0]),
                                                                        Convert.ToDouble(lstRange[1]), camera);

            msg = passed ? "Test Passed!" : "Test Failed";

Esempio n. 3
 public string PersonalToString()
     return("Power consumption: " + PowerConsumption.ToString() + " \n" +
            "Cores: " + CoresCount.ToString() + " \n" +
            "Frequency: " + Frequency.ToString() + " \n" +
            "Chipset: " + Chipset + " \n" +
            "RAM: " + RamAge + ", " + RamFrequency.ToString() + ", " + RamStrings.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
 public string PersonalToString()
     return("Power consumption: " + PowerConsumption.ToString() + " \n" +
            "GRAMCount: " + GRAMCount.ToString() + " \n" +
            "GRAMAge: " + GRAMAge.ToString() + " \n" +
            "GPU: " + GPU + " \n" +
            "Interfaces: " + Interfaces + " \n" +
            "PowerType: " + PowerType + " \n");
Esempio n. 5
        public DateTime?ApplianceLastUsed()
            foreach (var(value, index) in PowerConsumption.Reverse().Select((v, i) => (v, i)))
                if (value != null && value > 1)
                    return(DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(Timestamps[Timestamps.Count - index - 1]).DateTime);

Esempio n. 6
        //public static List<double> testlist = new List<double>();

        public static void ConsumePower(FogDevice nearestFogDevice, Models.Tuple tuple)
            lock (Lock)
                Debug.WriteLine("RequiredPowerByTuple-" + GetRequiredPowerPercentage(tuple, nearestFogDevice));
                Debug.WriteLine("ConsumePower-" + nearestFogDevice.BusyPower);

                nearestFogDevice.BusyPower      = nearestFogDevice.BusyPower + (GetRequiredPowerPercentage(tuple, nearestFogDevice));
                nearestFogDevice.AvailablePower = 100 - nearestFogDevice.BusyPower;
                var obj = new PowerConsumption()
                    PowerValue = (nearestFogDevice.BusyPower > 100) ?
                                 CalcPowerValues("100") : (nearestFogDevice.BusyPower < 1) ? CalcPowerValues("1") : CalcPowerValues(nearestFogDevice.BusyPower.ToString()),
                    Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss.fff tt")
                nearestFogDevice.PowerConsumption.Add(obj); //log busy percentage of fog device

                //GetRequiredPowerPercentage(tuple, nearestFogDevice)
        public void RigConfigBuilderToJSON()
            ConcurrentObservableDictionary <(MinerSWE minerSWE, string version, Coin[] coins), MinerSWAbstract> minerSWs = new ConcurrentObservableDictionary <(MinerSWE minerSWE, string version, Coin[] coins), MinerSWAbstract>();
            ConcurrentObservableDictionary <int, MinerGPU> minerGPUs = new ConcurrentObservableDictionary <int, MinerGPU>();
            PowerConsumption pc = new PowerConsumption(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), new Power(1, UnitsNet.Units.PowerUnit.Watt));
            TempAndFan       tf = new TempAndFan()
                Temp = new Temperature(50, UnitsNet.Units.TemperatureUnit.DegreeFahrenheit), FanPct = new Ratio(95.5, UnitsNet.Units.RatioUnit.Percent)

            RigConfig rc = RigConfigBuilder.CreateNew()
            var str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rc);

Esempio n. 8
 public async Task ReportConsumptionAsync(PowerConsumption consumption)
     await _hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("ReportConsumption", consumption);
Esempio n. 9
 public double CalculateTotalAverage()
     return(PowerConsumption.Average(a => a ?? 0));
Esempio n. 10
 public void SetUp()
     _powerConsumption = new PowerConsumption(new ConsoleLogger());
 public PowerConsumptionTestData(PowerConsumption PowerConsumption, string serializedPowerConsumption)
     PowerConsumption           = PowerConsumption ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(PowerConsumption));
     SerializedPowerConsumption = serializedPowerConsumption ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serializedPowerConsumption));