Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <ulong> DoBulkImport <T>(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <T> copyHelper, IEnumerable <T> entities) where T : class
            using IDbConnection cn = await OpenAsAsync();

            // Returns count of rows written
            return(await copyHelper.SaveAllAsync((NpgsqlConnection)cn, entities, CancellationToken.None));
        public void Test_UpperCase_BulkInsert()
            // Use Upper Case Schema Name:
            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<TestEntity>("SAMPLE", "UNIT_TEST")
                .MapSmallInt("col_smallint", x => x.SmallInt);

            // Try to work with the Bulk Inserter:
            var entity0 = new TestEntity()
                SmallInt = Int16.MinValue

            var entity1 = new TestEntity()
                SmallInt = Int16.MaxValue

            subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0, entity1 });

            var result = connection.GetAll("sample", "unit_test");

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);


            Assert.AreEqual(Int16.MinValue, (Int16)result[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(Int16.MaxValue, (Int16)result[1][0]);
        public void Test_Interval()

            var begin = new LocalDateTime(2020, 1, 23, 0, 12);
            var end   = new LocalDateTime(2020, 12, 8, 12, 44);

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <AllNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapInterval("col_noda", x => x.Period);

            var entity = new AllNodaTypesEntity
                Period = Period.Between(begin, end)

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (Period)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.Period, actual);
        public void Test_LocalDate()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <AllNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapDate("col_noda", x => x.LocalDate);

            var entity = new AllNodaTypesEntity
                LocalDate = new LocalDate(2011, 1, 2)

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (LocalDate)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.LocalDate, actual);
        public void Test_OffsetDateTime()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <AllNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeStampTz("col_noda", x => x.OffsetDateTime);

            var entity = new AllNodaTypesEntity
                OffsetDateTime = new OffsetDateTime(new LocalDateTime(2001, 11, 21, 0, 32), Offset.FromHours(2))

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (Instant)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.OffsetDateTime.ToInstant(), actual);
        public void Test_ZonedDateTime()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <AllNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeStampTz("col_noda", x => x.ZonedDateTime);

            var timezone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull("Africa/Kigali");
            var instant  = Instant.FromUtc(2011, 1, 5, 22, 50, 0) + Duration.FromMilliseconds(193);

            var entity = new AllNodaTypesEntity
                ZonedDateTime = new ZonedDateTime(instant, timezone)

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            // TODO: How does Postgres <-> NodaTime convert Timezones? There is a good test here, but
            // I couldn't see through it yet:
            var actual = (Instant)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(instant, actual);
        public void Test_Instant()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <AllNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeStamp("col_noda", x => x.Instant);

            var entity = new AllNodaTypesEntity
                Instant = Instant.FromUtc(2011, 1, 2, 0, 0)

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (Instant)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.Instant, actual);
        public void Test_LocalDateTime()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <AllNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeStamp("col_noda", x => x.LocalDateTime);

            var entity = new AllNodaTypesEntity
                LocalDateTime = new LocalDateTime(2011, 1, 2, 21, 0, 0)

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (Instant)rows[0][0];

            var localTime = entity.LocalDateTime;
            var zonedTime = localTime.InZoneStrictly(DateTimeZone.Utc);
            var expected  = zonedTime.ToInstant();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Esempio n. 9
        private static void loadMovies()
            List <Movie> values = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Vanya\Desktop\2 семестр\Data retrieval\IR-2019-master\data\IMDB Movie Titles.csv")
                                  .Select(v => Movie.FromCsv(v))

            var copyHelper = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <Movie>("public", "movies")
                             .MapInteger("id", x => x.Id)
                             .MapInteger("year", x => x.Year)
                             .MapText("name", x => x.Name)

            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
                    copyHelper.SaveAll(connection, values);
                    int lineCount = values.Count();
                    Console.Write(lineCount + " Records Inserted!");
                catch (Exception er)
        private void BatchInsert(IEnumerable <Account> accounts)
            var helperAccounts = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <Account>("public", "accounts")
                                 .MapBigInt("id", x => x.Id)
                                 .MapText("sname", x => x.SName)
                                 .MapText("fname", x => x.FName)
                                 .MapText("country", x => x.Country)
                                 .MapText("city", x => x.City)
                                 .MapText("phone", x => x.Phone)
                                 .MapText("email", x => x.EMail)
                                 .MapInteger("sex", x => (int?)x.Sex)
                                 .MapTimeStamp("birth", x => x.Birth)
                                 .MapTimeStamp("joined", x => x.Joined)
                                 .MapText("status", x => x.Status)
                                 .MapNullable("premium_start", x => x.PremiumStart, NpgsqlDbType.Bigint)
                                 .MapNullable("premium_finish", x => x.PremiumFinish, NpgsqlDbType.Bigint)
                                 .MapArray("interests", x => x.Interests)
                                 .MapArray("like_ids", x => x.LikeIds)
                                 .MapArray("like_tss", x => x.LikeTSs);

            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")))
                helperAccounts.SaveAll(connection, accounts);
Esempio n. 11
        public void Test_MixedCaseEntity_BulkInsert()
            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <MixedCaseEntity>("sample", "\"MixedCaseEntity\"")
                      .MapInteger("\"Property_One\"", x => x.Property_One)
                      .MapText("\"Property_Two\"", x => x.Property_Two);

            // Try to work with the Bulk Inserter:
            var entity0 = new MixedCaseEntity
                Property_One = 44,
                Property_Two = "hello everyone"

            var entity1 = new MixedCaseEntity
                Property_One = 89,
                Property_Two = "Isn't it nice to write in Camel Case!"

            subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0, entity1 });

            var result = connection.GetAll("sample", "\"MixedCaseEntity\"");

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);


            Assert.AreEqual(entity0.Property_One, (Int32)result[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(entity0.Property_Two, (string)result[0][1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(entity1.Property_One, (Int32)result[1][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(entity1.Property_Two, (string)result[1][1]);
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task InsertAllAsync(IEnumerable <Case> cases)
            var copyHelper = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <Case>("covidtracker", "cases")
                             .MapVarchar("caseno", q => q.CaseNo)
                             .MapInteger("age", q => q.Age)
                             .MapVarchar("agegroup", q => q.AgeGroup)
                             .MapVarchar("sex", q => q.Sex)
                             .MapTimeStamp("dateconfirmed", q => q.DateConfirmed)
                             .MapTimeStamp("daterecovered", q => q.DateRecovered)
                             .MapTimeStamp("datedied", q => q.DateDied)
                             .MapVarchar("removaltype", q => q.RemovalType)
                             .MapTimeStamp("dateremoved", q => q.DateRemoved)
                             .MapBoolean("admitted", q => q.Admitted)
                             .MapVarchar("healthstatus", q => q.HealthStatus)
                             .MapVarchar("region", q => q.Region)
                             .MapVarchar("province", q => q.Province)
                             .MapVarchar("city", q => q.City)
                             .MapTimeStamp("insertedat", q => q.InsertedAt)
                             .MapTimeStamp("updatedat", q => q.UpdatedAt);

            using (var con = _connectionFactory())
                await con.OpenAsync();

                await copyHelper.SaveAllAsync(con, cases);
        public void Test_MixedCaseEntity_BulkInsert()
            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper<MixedCaseEntity>("sample", "\"MixedCaseEntity\"")
                     .MapInteger("\"Property_One\"", x => x.Property_One)
                     .MapText("\"Property_Two\"", x => x.Property_Two);

            // Try to work with the Bulk Inserter:
            var entity0 = new MixedCaseEntity
                Property_One = 44,
                Property_Two = "hello everyone"

            var entity1 = new MixedCaseEntity
                Property_One = 89,
                Property_Two = "Isn't it nice to write in Camel Case!"

            subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0, entity1 });

            var result = connection.GetAll("sample", "\"MixedCaseEntity\"");

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);


            Assert.AreEqual(entity0.Property_One, (Int32)result[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(entity0.Property_Two, (string)result[0][1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(entity1.Property_One, (Int32)result[1][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(entity1.Property_Two, (string)result[1][1]);
        public void Test_OffsetTime()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <NullableNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeTz("col_noda", x => x.OffsetTime);

            var entity = new NullableNodaTypesEntity
                OffsetTime = null

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (OffsetTime)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.OffsetTime, actual);
        public void Test_DoubleArray()
            CreateTable("double precision");

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <DoubleArrayEntity>("sample", "unit_test")
                          .MapArray("col_array", x => x.Array);

            var entity0 = new DoubleArrayEntity()
                Array = new Double[] { 1.32, 2.124 }

            subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0 });

            var result = GetAll();

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);

            // Check if the Result is not null:

            // And now check the values:
            var resultArray = (Double[])result[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(1.32, resultArray[0], 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.124, resultArray[1], 1e-5);
        public void Test_LocalDateTime()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <NullableNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeStamp("col_noda", x => x.LocalDateTime);

            var entity = new NullableNodaTypesEntity
                LocalDateTime = null

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            var actual = (Instant)rows[0][0];

            var expected = entity.LocalDateTime;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void Test_UpperCase_BulkInsert()
            // Use Upper Case Schema Name:
            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <TestEntity>("SAMPLE", "UNIT_TEST")
                      .MapSmallInt("col_smallint", x => x.SmallInt);

            // Try to work with the Bulk Inserter:
            var entity0 = new TestEntity()
                SmallInt = Int16.MinValue

            var entity1 = new TestEntity()
                SmallInt = Int16.MaxValue

            subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0, entity1 });

            var result = GetAll();

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);


            Assert.AreEqual(Int16.MinValue, (Int16)result[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(Int16.MaxValue, (Int16)result[1][0]);
Esempio n. 18
        public async Task <ulong> BulkImport(IList <Cfda> models)
            var copyHelper = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <Cfda>("import", "cfdas")
                             .MapText("audityear", x => x.Audityear)
                             .MapText("dbkey", x => x.Dbkey)
                             .MapText("ein", x => x.Ein)
                             .MapText("cfda", x => x.CFDAValue)
                             .MapText("awardidentification", x => x.AwardIdentification)
                             .MapText("rd", x => x.Rd)
                             .MapText("federalprogramname", x => x.FederalProgramName)
                             .MapText("amount", x => x.Amount)
                             .MapText("clustername", x => x.Clustername)
                             .MapText("stateclustername", x => x.StateClustername)
                             .MapText("programtotal", x => x.ProgramTotal)
                             .MapText("clustertotal", x => x.Clustername)
                             .MapText("direct", x => x.Direct)
                             .MapText("passthroughaward", x => x.PassthroughAward)
                             .MapText("passthroughamount", x => x.PassthroughAmount)
                             .MapText("majorprogram", x => x.MajorProgram)
                             .MapText("typereport_mp", x => x.TypeReportMP)
                             .MapText("typerequirement", x => x.TypeRequirement)
                             .MapText("qcosts2", x => x.QCosts2)
                             .MapText("findings", x => x.Findings)
                             .MapText("findingrefnums", x => x.FindingRefNums)
                             .MapText("arra", x => x.ARRA)
                             .MapText("loans", x => x.Loans)
                             .MapText("loanbalance", x => x.LoanBalance)
                             .MapText("findingscount", x => x.FindingsCount)
                             .MapText("elecauditsid", x => x.ElecauditsId)
                             .MapText("otherclustername", x => x.OtherClustername)
                             .MapText("cfdaprogramname", x => x.CFDAProgramname);

            return(await DatabaseManager.DoBulkImport(copyHelper, models));
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task StoreGuildUsers(IGuild guild, IReadOnlyCollection <IGuildUser> guildUsers)
            var userIds = guildUsers.Select(s => s.Id).ToList();

            await using var db = new FMBotDbContext(ConfigData.Data.Database.ConnectionString);
            var existingGuild = await db.Guilds
                                .Include(i => i.GuildUsers)
                                .FirstAsync(f => f.DiscordGuildId == guild.Id);

            var users = await db.Users
                        .Include(i => i.Artists)
                        .Where(w => userIds.Contains(w.DiscordUserId))
                        .Select(s => new GuildUser
                GuildId = existingGuild.GuildId,
                UserId  = s.UserId

            var connString = db.Database.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString;
            var copyHelper = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <GuildUser>("public", "guild_users")
                             .MapInteger("guild_id", x => x.GuildId)
                             .MapInteger("user_id", x => x.UserId);

            await using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connString);

            await using var deleteCurrentArtists = new NpgsqlCommand($"DELETE FROM public.guild_users WHERE guild_id = {existingGuild.GuildId};", connection);
            await deleteCurrentArtists.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            await copyHelper.SaveAllAsync(connection, users).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.Information("Stored guild users for guild with id {guildId}", existingGuild.GuildId);
        public async Task Test_CanceledBulkInsertDoesNotThrowWhenCancelledAfterCompletion()
            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <User>("sample", "TestUsers")
                      .MapInteger("Id", x => x.Id)
                      .MapText("Name", x => x.Name);

            var users = new List <User>();

            await foreach (var user in FetchUserData(0))

            using var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(100);
            var recordsSaved = await subject.SaveAllAsync(connection, FetchUserData(1), cancellationTokenSource.Token);

            var result = connection.GetAll("sample", "TestUsers");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, recordsSaved);


            Assert.AreEqual(users[0].Id, (int)result[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(users[0].Name, (string)result[0][1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(users[1].Id, (int)result[1][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(users[1].Name, (string)result[1][1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, recordsSaved);
        protected override void OnSetupInTransaction()

            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <TestEntity>("sample", "unit_test")
                      .MapSmallInt("col_smallint", x => x.SmallInt)
                      .MapInteger("col_integer", x => x.Integer)
                      .MapMoney("col_money", x => x.Money)
                      .MapBigInt("col_bigint", x => x.BigInt)
                      .MapTimeStamp("col_timestamp", x => x.Timestamp)
                      .MapReal("col_real", x => x.Real)
                      .MapDouble("col_double", x => x.DoublePrecision)
                      .MapByteArray("col_bytea", x => x.ByteArray)
                      .MapUUID("col_uuid", x => x.UUID)
                      .MapInetAddress("col_inet", x => x.IpAddress)
                      .MapMacAddress("col_macaddr", x => x.MacAddress)
                      .MapDate("col_date", x => x.Date)
                      .MapInterval("col_interval", x => x.TimeSpan)
                      .MapNumeric("col_numeric", x => x.Numeric)
                      .MapJson("col_json", x => x.Json)
                      .MapJsonb("col_jsonb", x => x.Jsonb)
                      .MapTimeStampTz("col_timestamptz_date_time_offset", x => x.DateTimeOffset_TimestampTz)
                      .MapTimeStampTz("col_timestamptz_date_time", x => x.DateTime_TimestampTz)
                      .MapTimeTz("col_timetz_time_span", x => x.TimeSpan_TimeTz)
                      .MapTimeTz("col_timetz_date_time", x => x.DateTime_TimeTz)
                      .MapTimeTz("col_timetz_date_time_offset", x => x.DateTimeOffset_TimeTz);
        public void Test_StringArray()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <StringArrayEntity>("sample", "unit_test")
                          .MapArray("col_array", x => x.Array);

            var entity0 = new StringArrayEntity()
                Array = new[] { "A", "B" }

            var recordsSaved = subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0 });

            var result = GetAll();

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, recordsSaved);

            // Check if the Result is not null:

            // And now check the values:
            var resultArray = (String[])result[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual("A", resultArray[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("B", resultArray[1]);
        public void Test_ByteArrayArray()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <ByteArrayArrayEntity>("sample", "unit_test")
                          .MapArray("col_array", x => x.Array);

            var entity0 = new ByteArrayArrayEntity()
                Array = new byte[][] { new byte[] { 1, 2 } }

            subject.SaveAll(connection, new[] { entity0 });

            var result = GetAll();

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);

            // Check if the Result is not null:

            // And now check the values:
            var resultArray = (byte[][])result[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(1, resultArray[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, resultArray[0][1]);
        public void Test_ZonedDateTime()

            var subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <NullableNodaTypesEntity>("sample", "noda_time_test")
                          .MapTimeStampTz("col_noda", x => x.ZonedDateTime);

            var entity = new NullableNodaTypesEntity
                ZonedDateTime = null

            var entities = new[]

            subject.SaveAll(connection, entities);

            // Check what's written to DB:
            var rows = GetAll();

            // TODO: How does Postgres <-> NodaTime convert Timezones? There is a good test here, but
            // I couldn't see through it yet:
            var actual = (Instant)rows[0][0];

            Assert.AreEqual(entity.ZonedDateTime, actual);
        public async Task Test_AsyncEnumerable_BulkInsert()
            subject = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <User>("sample", "TestUsers")
                      .MapInteger("Id", x => x.Id)
                      .MapText("Name", x => x.Name);

            var recordsSaved = new List <User>();

            await foreach (var user in FetchUserData())

            // Try to work with the Bulk Inserter:
            await subject.SaveAllAsync(connection, FetchUserData());

            var result = connection.GetAll("sample", "TestUsers");

            // Check if we have the amount of rows:
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, recordsSaved.Count);


            Assert.AreEqual(recordsSaved[0].Id, (int)result[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(recordsSaved[0].Name, (string)result[0][1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(recordsSaved[1].Id, (int)result[1][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(recordsSaved[1].Name, (string)result[1][1]);
Esempio n. 26
 public ulong StoreExternalIds(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <exid_in_db> copyHelper, IEnumerable <exid_in_db> entities)
     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
         return(copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities));
Esempio n. 27
 public ulong StoreCityNUTS(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <city_nuts_in_db> copyHelper, IEnumerable <city_nuts_in_db> entities)
     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
         return(copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities));
Esempio n. 28
        private static PostgreSQLCopyHelper <GameData> MapToSteamGamesListTableSchema()
            PostgreSQLCopyHelper <GameData> gameDataBulkCopyHelper = new PostgreSQLCopyHelper <GameData>("demo", "game_list")
                                                                     .MapText("app_id", gameData => gameData.AppId)
                                                                     .MapText("name", gameData => gameData.Name);

Esempio n. 29
 public ulong StoreIPAddresses(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <ip_address_in_db> copyHelper, IEnumerable <ip_address_in_db> entities)
     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
         return(copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities));
Esempio n. 30
 public ulong StoreRelationships(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <relationship_in_db> copyHelper, IEnumerable <relationship_in_db> entities)
     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
         return(copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities));
 public ulong StorePMIDLinks(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <PMIDLink> copyHelper, IEnumerable <PMIDLink> entities)
     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
         return(copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities));
Esempio n. 32
 public ulong StoreStudyIds(PostgreSQLCopyHelper <StudyId> copyHelper, IEnumerable <StudyId> entities)
     // stores the study id data in a temporary table
     using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connString))
         return(copyHelper.SaveAll(conn, entities));