//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void MoreForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(SelectedMovie.Poster, UriKind.Absolute)) { Poster.Load(SelectedMovie.Poster); } var mr = new MovieResponse(); try { DBConnect.GetResponse("i", SelectedMovie.imdbID, ref mr); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } Movie movie = mr as Movie; labelTitle.Text = movie.Title; MyLabel LabelMore = new MyLabel(); tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(LabelMore); LabelMore.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; LabelMore.Text = movie.ToString(); buttonOK.Focus(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { shortMList.Clear(); var mr = new MovieResponse(); try { DBConnect.GetResponse("s", Title.Text.Trim(), ref mr); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); MoreButton.Enabled = false; } SearchMovie ms = mr as SearchMovie; foreach (var item in ms.Search) { shortMList.Add(item); } MovieListBox.DataSource = null; MovieListBox.DataSource = shortMList; MoreButton.Enabled = true; MovieListBox.Focus(); MovieListBox.SelectedIndex = 0; if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(shortMList[0].Poster, UriKind.Absolute)) { Poster.Load(shortMList[0].Poster); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void MovieListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (shortMList.Count > 0) { if (MovieListBox.SelectedIndex != -1) { var PosterUri = shortMList[MovieListBox.SelectedIndex].Poster; if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(PosterUri, UriKind.Absolute)) { Poster.Load(PosterUri); } else { Poster.Image = null; } } } }
private void GetB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string filmType; string FilmId; string VoiceId; Match regex = Regex.Match(UrlTB.Text, "(.*)\\/(.*)\\/(.*)\\/play\\?stream=(.*)"); if (regex.Success) { filmType = regex.Groups[2].Value; FilmId = regex.Groups[3].Value; VoiceId = regex.Groups[4].Value; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error!" + Environment.NewLine + "Enter a valid URL", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } using (HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest() { UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0", Cookies = Globals.Cookie }) { try { #region MainInfo var filmFullInfo = request.Get($"{Globals.SiteURL}/api/mobile/v1/{filmType}s/{FilmId}.json"); dynamic film = JObject.Parse(filmFullInfo.ToString()); Poster.Load(Globals.SiteURL + film[filmType]["poster"]["medium"]); FilmType.Text = filmType; var filmVideo = request.Get($"{Globals.SiteURL}/api/mobile/v1/streaming/{filmType}s/{FilmId}/{Regex.Replace(VoiceId, "&season", "?season")}"); film = JObject.Parse(filmVideo.ToString()); FilmName.Text = film["title"]; #endregion if (MP4rb.Checked) { if (film["media_files"]["mp4"] != null) { if (((string)film["media_files"]["mp4"]).StartsWith("http")) { ResultTB.Text = film["media_files"]["mp4"]; } else { ResultTB.Text = "https:" + film["media_files"]["mp4"]; } FilmMp4URL = ResultTB.Text; #region Create FilmFormats JObject filmFormats = JObject.Parse(request.Get(FilmMp4URL).ToString()); FormatMp4 = new FilmFormats() { FullHD = (string)filmFormats["1080"], HD = (string)filmFormats["720"], Normal = (string)filmFormats["480"], Zepa = (string)filmFormats["360"] }; if (FormatMp4.FullHD != null) { Qu1080.Visible = true; } if (FormatMp4.HD != null) { Qu720.Visible = true; } if (FormatMp4.Normal != null) { Qu480.Visible = true; } if (FormatMp4.Zepa != null) { Qu360.Visible = true; } #endregion ParsePanel.Visible = true; } else { ResultTB.Text = "Nothing"; } } else { if (film["media_files"]["hls"] != null) { if (((string)film["media_files"]["hls"]).StartsWith("http")) { ResultTB.Text = film["media_files"]["hls"]; } else { ResultTB.Text = "https:" + film["media_files"]["hls"]; } } else { ResultTB.Text = "Nothing"; } ParsePanel.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Woops! Something went wrong, contact the developer and send a screenshot of this window." + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "ERROR!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }