Esempio n. 1
        public NetworkResponse PostBytes( string uri, byte[] postBytes, string contentType, string verb, Dictionary<string, string> headers )
            PostNetworkResponse = new NetworkResponse();
            RequestParameters requestParameters = new RequestParameters()
                PostBytes = postBytes,
                Uri = uri,
                Headers = headers,
                ContentType = contentType,
                Verb = verb
            DateTime dtMetric = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // set callback and error handler
            OnComplete += new PostRequestEventHandler( PostRequest_OnComplete );
            OnError += new PostRequestErrorHandler( PostRequest_OnError );

            System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem( parameters =>
                    RequestAsynch( parameters );
                //catch ( Exception e )
                //    // You could react or save the exception to an 'outside' variable 
                //    // threadExc = e;    
                    autoEvent.Set(); // if you're firing and not forgetting ;)    
            }, requestParameters );

            // WaitOne returns true if autoEvent were signaled (i.e. process completed before timeout expired)
            // WaitOne returns false it the timeout expired before the process completed.
            if ( !autoEvent.WaitOne( DefaultTimeout ) )
                //throw TimeoutException( "Waited ages for a thread to come in." );
                string message = "PosterAsynch call to RequestAsynch timed out. uri " + requestParameters.Uri;
                MXDevice.Log.Error( message );

                MXDevice.Log.Debug( string.Format( "PosterAsynch timed out: Uri: {0} Time: {1} milliseconds ", uri, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract( dtMetric ).TotalMilliseconds ) );

                NetworkResponse networkResponse = new NetworkResponse()
                    Message = message,
                    URI = requestParameters.Uri,
                    StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout,
                    ResponseString = string.Empty,
                    Expiration = DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime(),

                MXDevice.PostNetworkResponse( networkResponse );
                return networkResponse;

            //if ( threadExc != null )
            //    throw threadExc;
            MXDevice.Log.Debug( string.Format( "PosterAsynch Completed: Uri: {0} Time: {1} milliseconds  Size: {2} ", uri, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract( dtMetric ).TotalMilliseconds, ( PostNetworkResponse.ResponseBytes != null ? PostNetworkResponse.ResponseBytes.Length : -1 ) ) );

            return PostNetworkResponse;
Esempio n. 2
        public NetworkResponse PostBytes(string uri, byte[] postBytes, string contentType, string verb, Dictionary <string, string> headers)
            PostNetworkResponse = new NetworkResponse();
            RequestParameters requestParameters = new RequestParameters()
                PostBytes   = postBytes,
                Uri         = uri,
                Headers     = headers,
                ContentType = contentType,
                Verb        = verb
            DateTime dtMetric = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // set callback and error handler
            OnComplete += new PostRequestEventHandler(PostRequest_OnComplete);
            OnError    += new PostRequestErrorHandler(PostRequest_OnError);

            System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(parameters =>
                //catch ( Exception e )
                //    // You could react or save the exception to an 'outside' variable
                //    // threadExc = e;
                    autoEvent.Set(); // if you're firing and not forgetting ;)
            }, requestParameters);

            // WaitOne returns true if autoEvent were signaled (i.e. process completed before timeout expired)
            // WaitOne returns false it the timeout expired before the process completed.
            if (!autoEvent.WaitOne(DefaultTimeout))
                //throw TimeoutException( "Waited ages for a thread to come in." );
                string message = "PosterAsynch call to RequestAsynch timed out. uri " + requestParameters.Uri;

                MXDevice.Log.Debug(string.Format("PosterAsynch timed out: Uri: {0} Time: {1} milliseconds ", uri, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dtMetric).TotalMilliseconds));

                NetworkResponse networkResponse = new NetworkResponse()
                    Message        = message,
                    URI            = requestParameters.Uri,
                    StatusCode     = HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout,
                    ResponseString = string.Empty,
                    Expiration     = DateTime.MinValue.ToUniversalTime(),


            //if ( threadExc != null )
            //    throw threadExc;
            MXDevice.Log.Debug(string.Format("PosterAsynch Completed: Uri: {0} Time: {1} milliseconds  Size: {2} ", uri, DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(dtMetric).TotalMilliseconds, (PostNetworkResponse.ResponseBytes != null ? PostNetworkResponse.ResponseBytes.Length : -1)));
