public void UpdatePost(Guid oldPostId, Post @new, PostProperties propertiesToChange)
     ValidatePost(@new, propertiesToChange);
     using (var ctx = new DB.CodingIdeasEntities())
         var p = ctx.Posts.Where(x => x.Id == oldPostId).FirstOrDefault();
         if (p == null)
             throw new PostNotFoundException();
         if (propertiesToChange.HasFlag(PostProperties.Content))
             p.Content = @new.Content;
         if (propertiesToChange.HasFlag(PostProperties.Title))
             p.Title = @new.Title;
 private void ValidatePost(Post post, PostProperties props)
     if (post.Content == null || props.HasFlag(PostProperties.Content) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(post.Content))
         throw new InvalidContentException();
     if (post.Title == null || props.HasFlag(PostProperties.Title) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(post.Title))
         throw new InvalidTitleException();
     if (props.HasFlag(PostProperties.PublishDate) && post.PublishDate > DateTime.Now)
         throw new InvalidPublishDateException("The publish date cannot be in the future.");
     using (var ctx = new DB.CodingIdeasEntities())
         if (props.HasFlag(PostProperties.AuthorId) && post.AuthorId != null && ctx.Users.Where(x => x.Id == post.AuthorId).FirstOrDefault() == null)
             throw new UserNotFoundException();