Esempio n. 1
 public static Composite SelectClosestTarget()
     // Just use the leader's target if it's in range.
     return(new Decorator(ret => (PossibleTargets.Count > 0),
                          new TreeSharp.Action(delegate { SetTarget(PossibleTargets.OrderBy(tar => tar.DistanceSqr).FirstOrDefault(), TargetMode.SingleTarget); })
Esempio n. 2
 public static Composite SelectFocusTarget()
     return(new Decorator(ret => PossibleTargets.Any(TargetManager.IsFocusTarget),
                          new TreeSharp.Action(delegate
         //target any focus mobs, attack the one with the least amount of health.
         SetTarget(PossibleTargets.OrderBy(unit => unit.CurrentHealth).First(IsFocusTarget), TargetMode.FocusTarget);