public void Given_I_Have_String_a_and_position_27_I_get_back_b()
            //given i have the string "a"
            char message = 'a';
            //And i have a position of 27
            int position = 27;
            //when i pass in the string and the position to the positionEncryptor
            IPositionEncryptor positionEncryptor = new PositionEncryptor();
            string             result            = positionEncryptor.Encrypt(message, position);

            //then i get back "b"
            Assert.AreEqual("b", result);
        public void Given_I_Have_String_z_and_position_3_I_get_back_c()
            //given i have the string "z"
            char message = 'z';
            //And i have a position of 3
            int position = 3;
            //when i pass in the string and the position to the positionEncryptor
            IPositionEncryptor positionEncryptor = new PositionEncryptor();
            string             result            = positionEncryptor.Encrypt(message, position);

            //then i get back "c"
            Assert.AreEqual("c", result);