Esempio n. 1
        protected override void OnRender()
            Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.LightGray, 1.0f, 0);

            Device.SetTransform(TransformState.View, Freelook.View);

            foreach (RigidBody body in PhysicsContext.World.CollisionObjectArray)
                Device.SetTransform(TransformState.World, body.WorldTransform);

                if (Physics.HasDistanceResult)
                    Device.Material = ActiveMaterial;
                    Device.SetTransform(TransformState.World, Matrix.Identity);
                    PositionColored[] vertices = new PositionColored[2];
                    vertices[0] = new PositionColored(Physics.distanceFrom, -1);
                    vertices[1] = new PositionColored(Physics.distanceTo, -1);
                    Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, 1, vertices);


            Fps.Text = string.Format(
                "Move using mouse and WASD+shift\n" +
                "F3 - Toggle debug\n" +
                "F11 - Toggle fullscreen\n" +
                "Distance: {0}", Physics.distance.ToString("0.00"));

Esempio n. 2
        public static void DrawLine(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, System.Drawing.Color color)
            var vertices = new PositionColored[2];
            vertices[0] = new PositionColored(Vector3.Zero, color.ToArgb());
            from = from.SwitchYZ();
            to = to.SwitchYZ();
            vertices[1] = new PositionColored(to - from, color.ToArgb());


            Drawing.Direct3DDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, vertices.Length / 2, vertices);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void DrawLine(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, System.Drawing.Color color)
            var vertices = new PositionColored[2];

            vertices[0] = new PositionColored(Vector3.Zero, color.ToArgb());
            from        = from.LSSwitchYZ();
            to          = to.LSSwitchYZ();
            vertices[1] = new PositionColored(to - from, color.ToArgb());


            Drawing.Direct3DDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, vertices.Length / 2, vertices);
Esempio n. 4
        public void RenderSoftBody(SoftBody softBody)
            Cull cullMode = device.GetRenderState <Cull>(RenderState.CullMode);

            device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None);

            AlignedFaceArray faces = softBody.Faces;
            int faceCount          = faces.Count;

            if (faceCount > 0)
                PositionedNormal[] vectors = new PositionedNormal[faceCount * 6];
                int v = 0;

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
                    NodePtrArray nodes = faces[i].N;
                    Node         n0    = nodes[0];
                    Node         n1    = nodes[1];
                    Node         n2    = nodes[2];
                    n0.GetX(out vectors[v].Position);
                    n0.GetNormal(out vectors[v].Normal);
                    n1.GetX(out vectors[v + 1].Position);
                    n1.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 1].Normal);
                    n2.GetX(out vectors[v + 2].Position);
                    n2.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 2].Normal);
                    v += 3;

                device.VertexFormat = VertexFormat.PositionNormal;
                device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, faces.Count, vectors);
                AlignedTetraArray tetras = softBody.Tetras;
                int tetraCount           = tetras.Count;

                if (tetraCount > 0)
                    PositionedNormal[] vectors = new PositionedNormal[tetraCount * 12];
                    int v = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < tetraCount; i++)
                        NodePtrArray        nodes = tetras[i].Nodes;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v0    = nodes[0].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v1    = nodes[1].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v2    = nodes[2].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v3    = nodes[3].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v10   = v1 - v0;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v02   = v0 - v2;

                        BulletSharp.Vector3 normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v10, v02);
                        vectors[v].Position     = v0;
                        vectors[v].Normal       = normal;
                        vectors[v + 1].Position = v1;
                        vectors[v + 1].Normal   = normal;
                        vectors[v + 2].Position = v2;
                        vectors[v + 2].Normal   = normal;

                        normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v10, v3 - v0);
                        vectors[v + 3].Position = v0;
                        vectors[v + 3].Normal   = normal;
                        vectors[v + 4].Position = v1;
                        vectors[v + 4].Normal   = normal;
                        vectors[v + 5].Position = v3;
                        vectors[v + 5].Normal   = normal;

                        normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1);
                        vectors[v + 6].Position = v1;
                        vectors[v + 6].Normal   = normal;
                        vectors[v + 7].Position = v2;
                        vectors[v + 7].Normal   = normal;
                        vectors[v + 8].Position = v3;
                        vectors[v + 8].Normal   = normal;

                        normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v02, v3 - v2);
                        vectors[v + 9].Position  = v2;
                        vectors[v + 9].Normal    = normal;
                        vectors[v + 10].Position = v0;
                        vectors[v + 10].Normal   = normal;
                        vectors[v + 11].Position = v3;
                        vectors[v + 11].Normal   = normal;
                        v += 12;
                    device.VertexFormat = VertexFormat.PositionNormal;
                    device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, tetraCount * 4, vectors);
                else if (softBody.Links.Count > 0)
                    AlignedLinkArray links = softBody.Links;
                    int linkCount          = links.Count;
                    int linkColor          = System.Drawing.Color.Black.ToArgb();

                    device.VertexFormat = VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Diffuse;

                    PositionColored[] linkArray = new PositionColored[linkCount * 2];

                    for (int i = 0; i < linkCount; i++)
                        Link link = links[i];
                        linkArray[i * 2].Position     = link.Nodes[0].X;
                        linkArray[i * 2].Color        = linkColor;
                        linkArray[i * 2 + 1].Position = link.Nodes[1].X;
                        linkArray[i * 2 + 1].Color    = linkColor;
                    device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, links.Count, linkArray);

            device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, cullMode);
Esempio n. 5
        void InitLineBuffer(RenderContext renderContext)
            if ( != null)
                if (lineBuffers.Count == 0)
                    int count = linePoints.Count;

                    PositionColoredVertexBuffer lineBuffer = null;

                    PositionColored[] linePointList = null;
                    localCenter = new Vector3d();
                    if (DepthBuffered)
                        // compute the local center..
                        foreach (Vector3d point in linePoints)
                        localCenter.X /= count;
                        localCenter.Y /= count;
                        localCenter.Z /= count;

                    int      countLeft = count;
                    int      index     = 0;
                    int      counter   = 0;
                    Vector3d temp;

                    foreach (Vector3d point in linePoints)
                        if (counter >= 100000 || linePointList == null)
                            if (lineBuffer != null)
                            int thisCount = Math.Min(100000, countLeft);

                            countLeft -= thisCount;
                            lineBuffer = new PositionColoredVertexBuffer(thisCount);

                            linePointList = lineBuffer.Lock(); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

                            counter = 0;

                        if (UseLocalCenters)
                            temp = Vector3d.SubtractVectors(point, localCenter);
                            linePointList[counter] = new PositionColored(temp, lineColors[index]);
                            linePointList[counter] = new PositionColored(point, lineColors[index]);

                    if (lineBuffer != null)
Esempio n. 6
        public void RenderSoftBody(SoftBody softBody)
            Cull cullMode = device.GetRenderState<Cull>(RenderState.CullMode);
            device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None);

            AlignedFaceArray faces = softBody.Faces;
            int faceCount = faces.Count;

            if (faceCount > 0)
                PositionedNormal[] vectors = new PositionedNormal[faceCount * 6];
                int v = 0;

                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
                    NodePtrArray nodes = faces[i].N;
                    Node n0 = nodes[0];
                    Node n1 = nodes[1];
                    Node n2 = nodes[2];
                    n0.GetX(out vectors[v].Position);
                    n0.GetNormal(out vectors[v].Normal);
                    n1.GetX(out vectors[v + 1].Position);
                    n1.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 1].Normal);
                    n2.GetX(out vectors[v + 2].Position);
                    n2.GetNormal(out vectors[v + 2].Normal);
                    v += 3;

                device.VertexFormat = VertexFormat.PositionNormal;
                device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, faces.Count, vectors);
                AlignedTetraArray tetras = softBody.Tetras;
                int tetraCount = tetras.Count;

                if (tetraCount > 0)
                    PositionedNormal[] vectors = new PositionedNormal[tetraCount * 12];
                    int v = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < tetraCount; i++)
                        NodePtrArray nodes = tetras[i].Nodes;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v0 = nodes[0].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v1 = nodes[1].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v2 = nodes[2].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v3 = nodes[3].X;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v10 = v1 - v0;
                        BulletSharp.Vector3 v02 = v0 - v2;

                        BulletSharp.Vector3 normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v10, v02);
                        vectors[v].Position = v0;
                        vectors[v].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 1].Position = v1;
                        vectors[v + 1].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 2].Position = v2;
                        vectors[v + 2].Normal = normal;

                        normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v10, v3 - v0);
                        vectors[v + 3].Position = v0;
                        vectors[v + 3].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 4].Position = v1;
                        vectors[v + 4].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 5].Position = v3;
                        vectors[v + 5].Normal = normal;

                        normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1);
                        vectors[v + 6].Position = v1;
                        vectors[v + 6].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 7].Position = v2;
                        vectors[v + 7].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 8].Position = v3;
                        vectors[v + 8].Normal = normal;

                        normal = BulletSharp.Vector3.Cross(v02, v3 - v2);
                        vectors[v + 9].Position = v2;
                        vectors[v + 9].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 10].Position = v0;
                        vectors[v + 10].Normal = normal;
                        vectors[v + 11].Position = v3;
                        vectors[v + 11].Normal = normal;
                        v += 12;
                    device.VertexFormat = VertexFormat.PositionNormal;
                    device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, tetraCount * 4, vectors);
                else if (softBody.Links.Count > 0)
                    AlignedLinkArray links = softBody.Links;
                    int linkCount = links.Count;
                    int linkColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black.ToArgb();

                    device.VertexFormat = VertexFormat.Position | VertexFormat.Diffuse;

                    PositionColored[] linkArray = new PositionColored[linkCount * 2];

                    for (int i = 0; i < linkCount; i++)
                        Link link = links[i];
                        linkArray[i * 2].Position = link.Nodes[0].X;
                        linkArray[i * 2].Color = linkColor;
                        linkArray[i * 2 + 1].Position = link.Nodes[1].X;
                        linkArray[i * 2 + 1].Color = linkColor;
                    device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, links.Count, linkArray);

            device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, cullMode);