private void ConnectToEventstore()

            latestPosition = Position.Start;
            var subs = connection.SubscribeToAllFrom(latestPosition,true, HandleEvent);

            //subscribe to the stream of fraud alert
            connection.SubscribeToStreamFrom("PossiblyStolenCardClients", 0, true,

               (sub, e) =>
                   var jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(e.Event.Data);

                   JObject o = JObject.Parse(jsonString);
                   var clientID = (string)o["ClientID"];

                   Bus.Publish(new ClientPossiblyStolen() { ClientID = clientID});

                   var ci = indexer.Get<ClientInformation>(clientID);

                   if (ci == null)
                       ci = new ClientInformation() { ID = clientID };

                   ci.PossiblyStolen = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Indexing service started");
Esempio n. 2
 private void ConnectToEventstore()
     _latestPosition = Position.Start;
     _connection = EventStoreConnectionWrapper.Connect();
     _connection.Connected +=
         (sender, args) => _connection.SubscribeToAllFrom(_latestPosition, false, HandleEvent);
     Console.WriteLine("Indexing service started");
Esempio n. 3
 protected Token(Symbol Parent, Position? position, bool isTerminal)
     if ((Parent.Type != SymbolType.Nonterminal) ^ isTerminal)
         throw new ParserException("Unexpected SymbolType");
     m_Parent = Parent;
     m_Position = position;
Esempio n. 4
        public void Start()
            HasLoaded = false;
            _connection = EventStore.ClientAPI.EventStoreConnection.Create(_endpoint);
            var ct = _connection.ConnectAsync();
            _checkPoint = Position.Start;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_streamName))
                _subscription = _connection.SubscribeToAllFrom(_checkPoint, false, EventAppeared, Live, SubscriptionDropped, _credentials);
                _subscription = _connection.SubscribeToStreamFrom(_streamName, _lastEventNumber, true, EventAppeared, Live, SubscriptionDropped, _credentials);

Esempio n. 5
        public override void Tick(RealmTime time)
            if (pos == null)
                pos = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y };
            if (!init)
                init = true;

            if (!stat && HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Bleeding))
                if (bleeding > 1)
                    HP -= (int)bleeding;
                    bleeding -= (int)bleeding;
                bleeding += 28 * (time.thisTickTimes / 1000f);
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Run()
            Table table = new Table(4, 5);

            table.AddEntries(new []
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 0), new FigureName(table, "")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 0), new FigureName(table, "Jan")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(2, 0), new FigureName(table, "Feb")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(3, 0), new FigureName(table, "March")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 1), new FigureName(table, "Bob")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 1), new FigureEntry(table, 4)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(2, 1), new FigureEntry(table, 6)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(3, 1), new FigureEntry(table, 4)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 2), new FigureName(table, "Pete")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 2), new FigureEntry(table, 6)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(2, 2), new FigureEntry(table, 3)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(3, 2), new FigureEntry(table, 5)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 3), new FigureName(table, "Jill")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 3), new FigureEntry(table, 8)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(2, 3), new FigureEntry(table, 4)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(3, 3), new FigureEntry(table, 5)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 4), new FigureName(table, "Jack")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 4), new FigureEntry(table, 10)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(2, 4), new FigureEntry(table, 8)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(3, 4), new FigureEntry(table, 5))
            Console.WriteLine("3) Code the following menu options:\n" +
                              "    a. Output the array\n" +
                              "           i. Use a nested For Loop output the entire contents of the array to be formatted as above.\n" +
                              "    b. Month to Output\n" +
                              "           i. Let the user enter a month number and it will only output all of that particular months details. I.e.\n" +
                              "           e.g. User enters 2\n" +
                              "                   Feb\n" +
                              "           Bob     6\n" +
                              "           Pete    3\n" +
                              "           Jill    4\n" +
                              "           Jack    8\n" +
                              "    c. Search for name\n" +
                              "        i. Output that persons sales for the quarter if the user types in name\n" +
                              "    d. Work out the total sales for each person for the quarter\n" +
                              "    e. Work out the total sales for each month\n" +
                              "    \n" +
                              "    q. quit");

            char selection = Utils.AskUserChar("Selection");

            if (selection == 'a')
            else if (selection == 'b')
                int selectedMonth = Utils.AskUserInteger("Month Number to output");

                if (Enumerable.Range(1, 3).Contains(selectedMonth))
                    Console.WriteLine(table.GetRows(new[] { 0, selectedMonth }));
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Month");
            else if (selection == 'c')
                Position?position = table.SearchPositionRow(Utils.AskUserString("Search Name"), 0);

                if (position.HasValue)
                    Console.WriteLine(table.GetColumns(new[] { 0, position.Value.Y }));
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not find entry");
            else if (selection == 'd')
                for (int y = 1; y < table.Height; y++)
                    double total = 0;

                    foreach (TableEntry tableEntry in table.GetEntriesInColumn(y))
                        if (tableEntry.GetType() == typeof(FigureEntry))
                            total += ((FigureEntry)tableEntry).Score;

                    table.TableEntries.TryGetValue(new Position(0, y), out TableEntry entry);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1:0}", entry.GetDisplay(), total);
            else if (selection == 'e')
                for (int x = 1; x < table.Width; x++)
                    double total = 0;

                    foreach (TableEntry tableEntry in table.GetEntriesInRow(x))
                        if (tableEntry.GetType() == typeof(FigureEntry))
                            total += ((FigureEntry)tableEntry).Score;

                    table.TableEntries.TryGetValue(new Position(x, 0), out TableEntry entry);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1:0}", entry.GetDisplay(), total);

            if (selection != 'q')
 public override void Tick(RealmTime time)
     if (spawn == null) spawn = new Position(X, Y);
Esempio n. 8
 internal ResolvedEvent(ClientMessage.ResolvedIndexedEvent evnt)
     Event            = evnt.Event == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Event);
     Link             = evnt.Link == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Link);
     OriginalPosition = null;
 public abstract bool TryMapToProjectedDocumentOrNextCSharpPosition(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, int absoluteIndex, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Position?projectedPosition, out int projectedIndex);
            public AllSubscriptionFiltered(IPublisher bus,
                                           bool resolveLinks,
                                           IEventFilter eventFilter,
                                           ClaimsPrincipal user,
                                           bool requiresLeader,
                                           IReadIndex readIndex,
                                           uint checkpointIntervalMultiplier,
                                           Func <Position, Task> checkpointReached,
                                           CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (bus == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bus));

                if (eventFilter == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(eventFilter));

                if (readIndex == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(readIndex));

                if (checkpointReached == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(checkpointReached));

                if (checkpointIntervalMultiplier == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(checkpointIntervalMultiplier));

                _subscriptionId      = Guid.NewGuid();
                _bus                 = bus;
                _resolveLinks        = resolveLinks;
                _eventFilter         = eventFilter;
                _user                = user;
                _requiresLeader      = requiresLeader;
                _maxSearchWindow     = maxSearchWindow ?? ReadBatchSize;
                _checkpointReached   = checkpointReached;
                _cancellationToken   = cancellationToken;
                _subscriptionStarted = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
                _channel             = Channel.CreateBounded <(ResolvedEvent?, Position?)>(BoundedChannelOptions);
                _checkpointInterval  = checkpointIntervalMultiplier * _maxSearchWindow;
                _semaphore           = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
                _lastCheckpoint      = Position.Start;

                SubscriptionId = _subscriptionId.ToString();

                var lastIndexedPosition    = readIndex.LastIndexedPosition;
                var startPositionExclusive = startPosition == Position.End
                                        ? Position.FromInt64(lastIndexedPosition, lastIndexedPosition)
                                        : startPosition ?? Position.Start;

                _startPositionExclusive = new TFPos((long)startPositionExclusive.CommitPosition,

                Subscribe(startPositionExclusive, startPosition != Position.End);
Esempio n. 11
        private Task <ICollection <Post> > GetPostsAsync(string?tags, int?limit, int?page, Position?position)
            Guard.Argument(limit, nameof(limit)).InRange(1, PostsMaximumLimit);

            Page.Validate(page, nameof(page), PostsMaximumPage, position);

            var splitTags = TagHelper.ParseSearchString(tags);

            if (splitTags.Length > PostsMaximumTagSearchCount)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Only {PostsMaximumTagSearchCount} tags can be searched for at once. You provided {splitTags.Length} tags.");

            return(RequestAsync("/posts.json", request =>
                tags = splitTags.Length == 0 ? null : string.Join(' ', splitTags)
                                .SetPagination(page, position)
                                .GetJsonAsync(token => token["posts"].ToObject <ICollection <Post> >())));
Esempio n. 12
 public Projectile(Position size, Position directionAndSpeed, Action actionToUseOnHit, EntityLiving caster, List <EventType> usedEventTypes, Position?renderSize = null, string spriteId = null, string name = null, bool passable = true, List <TagType> tagsToIgnore = null) : base(size, renderSize, spriteId, name, renderPriority: WorldRenderer.RenderPriority.PROJECTILE, tag: passable ? TagType.PROJECTILE_PASSABLE : TagType.PROJECTILE_SOLID, tagsToIgnore: tagsToIgnore, isTrigger: true)
     direction             = directionAndSpeed;
     this.actionToUseOnHit = actionToUseOnHit;
     this.caster           = caster;
     this.usedEventTypes   = usedEventTypes;
Esempio n. 13
 public LexingException(string message, Exception innerException, Position?position)
     : base(message, innerException)
     this.Position = position;
 public EventStoreAllFilteredCatchUpSubscription FilteredSubscribeToAllFrom(Position?lastCheckpoint, Filter filter,
                                                                            CatchUpSubscriptionFilteredSettings settings, Func <EventStoreCatchUpSubscription, ResolvedEvent, Task> eventAppeared, Action <EventStoreCatchUpSubscription> liveProcessingStarted = null,
                                                                            Action <EventStoreCatchUpSubscription, SubscriptionDropReason, Exception> subscriptionDropped = null, UserCredentials userCredentials = null)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public bool Equals(Position?other) =>
 other is not null &&
Esempio n. 16
        public static async Task AssertCompletion(Server s, TextDocumentIdentifier document, IEnumerable <string> contains, IEnumerable <string> excludes, Position?position = null, CompletionContext?context = null, Func <CompletionItem, string> cmpKey = null, string expr = null)
            var res = await s.Completion(new CompletionParams {
                textDocument = document,
                position     = position ?? new Position(),
                context      = context,
                _expr        = expr


            cmpKey = cmpKey ?? (c => c.insertText);
Esempio n. 17
        public void GetFittingPosition_ReturnsCorrectResult(Position current, Position previous, Position?expectedResult)
            Position?result = PositionUtilities.GetFittingPosition(current, previous);

Esempio n. 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a suitable Diagnostic from the given CompilerDiagnostic returned by the Q# compiler.
 /// The message range contained in the given CompilerDiagnostic is first converted to a Position object,
 /// and then added to the given positionOffset if the latter is not null.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The contained range contains zero or negative entries, or its Start is bigger than its End.</exception>
 internal static Diagnostic Generate(string filename, QsCompilerDiagnostic msg, Position?positionOffset = null) =>
 new Diagnostic
     Severity = Severity(msg),
     Code     = Code(msg),
     Source   = filename,
     Message  = msg.Message,
     Range    = ((positionOffset ?? Position.Zero) + msg.Range).ToLsp()
Esempio n. 19
 internal ResolvedEvent(ClientMessage.ResolvedEvent evnt)
     Event = evnt.Event == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Event);
     Link = evnt.Link == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Link);
     OriginalPosition = new Position(evnt.CommitPosition, evnt.PreparePosition);
Esempio n. 20
 public UpdateEmployee(Guid id, Position?position, string avatar)
     Id       = id;
     Position = position;
     Avatar   = avatar;
Esempio n. 21
        void EventAppeared(EventStoreCatchUpSubscription sub, ResolvedEvent evnt)
            if (evnt.OriginalStreamId.StartsWith("$"))
            dynamic ev = _adapter.TryGetDomainEvent(evnt);
            if (ev == null)

                lock (this)
                    _checkPoint = evnt.OriginalPosition.GetValueOrDefault();
                    _lastEventNumber = evnt.OriginalEventNumber;
                    if(ev.Timestamp > LastUpdate)
                        LastUpdate = ev.Timestamp;
            catch (Exception)
Esempio n. 22
        private async void EditDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool hasError = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_firstName.Text))
                _firstName.Error = "Въведете Вашето име";
                hasError         = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_lastName.Text))
                _lastName.Error = "Въведете Вашата фамилия";
                hasError        = true;

            Role     role             = (Role)Enum.Parse(typeof(Role), _account.Properties["roles"]);
            int      selectedPosition = _positionsSpinner.SelectedItemPosition + 1;
            Position?position         =
                string.Compare(role.ToString(), Role.Player.ToString(), true) == 0 ?
                (Position)selectedPosition :

            double.TryParse(_weight.Text, out double weightValue);
            double.TryParse(_height.Text, out double heightValue);

            if (weightValue == 0 && role == Role.Player)
                _weight.Error = "Това поле е задължително за играчи";
                hasError      = true;

            if (heightValue == 0 && role == Role.Player)
                _height.Error = "Това поле е задължително за играчи";
                hasError      = true;

            if (hasError)

            var editMemberDetails = new EditMemberDetails
                Email            = _account.Username,
                FirstName        = _firstName.Text,
                LastName         = _lastName.Text,
                PreferedPosition = position,
                Weight           = position.HasValue ? weightValue : default(double?),
                Height           = position.HasValue ? heightValue : default(double?),
                File             = _imageStream,
                DateOfBirth      = _dateOfBirth.DateTime

            AndHUD.Shared.Show(this, "Промяна…");
            HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await RestManager.EditMemberDetails(editMemberDetails);

            string response = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(UserProfileActivity));
                Toast.MakeText(this, response, ToastLength.Long).Show();
Esempio n. 23
        public override void Run()
            Table table = new Table(2, 12);

            table.AddEntries(new []
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 0), new FigureName(table, "Partridge in a pear tree")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 1), new FigureName(table, "Turtle Dove")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 2), new FigureName(table, "French Hen")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 3), new FigureName(table, "Calling Bird")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 4), new FigureName(table, "Gold Ring")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 5), new FigureName(table, "Geese-a-laying")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 6), new FigureName(table, "Swan-a-swimming")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 7), new FigureName(table, "Maid-a-walking")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 8), new FigureName(table, "Lady dancing")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 9), new FigureName(table, "Lord-a-leeping")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 10), new FigureName(table, "Piper Piping")),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(0, 11), new FigureName(table, "Drummer Drumming")),

                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 0), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 25)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 1), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 25)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 2), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 12)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 3), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 18)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 4), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 60)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 5), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 48)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 6), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 480)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 7), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 120)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 8), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 202)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 9), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 292 * 0.9)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 10), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 97.75 * 0.89)),
                new KeyValuePair <Position, TableEntry>(new Position(1, 11), new CurrencyFigureEntry(table, 205 * 0.88))

            Console.WriteLine("1) Output total cost of all gifts");
            Console.WriteLine("2) Output a day you received a gift from your true love");
            Console.WriteLine("3) Search how many of a gift have been brought");
            Console.WriteLine("4) Quit");

            int selection = Utils.AskUserInteger("Selection");

            if (selection == 1)
                double total = 0;

                foreach (TableEntry tableEntry in table.GetEntriesInRow(1))
                    if (tableEntry.GetType() == typeof(CurrencyFigureEntry))
                        total += ((CurrencyFigureEntry)tableEntry).Score;

                Console.WriteLine("Total: {0:C}", total);
            else if (selection == 2)
                int day = Utils.AskUserInteger("Day");

                if (Enumerable.Range(1, table.Height).Contains(day))
                    Table editedTable = table;
                    editedTable.Height = day;
                    for (; day <= table.Height; day++)
                        editedTable.TableEntries.Remove(new Position(0, day));
                        editedTable.TableEntries.Remove(new Position(1, day));

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid day");
            else if (selection == 3)
                Position?position = table.SearchPositionRow(Utils.AskUserString("Search"), 0);
                if (position.HasValue)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} have been sold.", position.Value.Y + 1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Could not find that value");
            if (selection != 4)
                Console.WriteLine("Merry Christmas");
 public void ParserShouldParsePosition(string input, Position?result)
     Assert.That(parser.TryParse(input), Is.EqualTo(result));
Esempio n. 25
 public LexingException(string message, Position?position)
     : base(message)
     this.Position = position;
Esempio n. 26
    public static IEnumerable <Position> EnumeratePositions <T>(this IIndexAccessor2D <T> source, int start0, int length0,
                                                                int start1, int length1, Func <T, bool>?predicate = null, Position?after = null, Position?before = null,
                                                                bool screenMode = false)
        if (screenMode)
            Position a = after ?? (start0, start0 - 1);
            Position b = before ?? (length0 + start0 - 1, length1 + start1);

            for (int y = a.Y; y <= b.Y; y++)
                for (int x = y == a.Y ? a.X + 1 : start0; x < (y == b.Y ? b.X : length0 + start0); x++)
                    if (predicate?.Invoke(source[x, y]) ?? true)
                        yield return(x, y);
            Position a = after ?? (start0, start0 - 1);
            Position b = before ?? (length0 + start0 - 1, length1 + start1);

            for (int x = a.X; x <= b.X; x++)
                for (int y = x == a.X ? a.Y + 1 : start1; y < (x == b.X ? b.Y : length1 + start1); y++)
                    if (predicate?.Invoke(source[x, y]) ?? true)
                        yield return(x, y);
 public EventStoreAllCatchUpSubscription SubscribeToAllFrom(Position?lastCheckpoint, bool resolveLinkTos, Action <EventStoreCatchUpSubscription, ResolvedEvent> eventAppeared,
                                                            Action <EventStoreCatchUpSubscription> liveProcessingStarted = null, Action <EventStoreCatchUpSubscription, SubscriptionDropReason, Exception> subscriptionDropped = null, UserCredentials userCredentials = null,
                                                            int readBatchSize = 500)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public void SelectPosition(Position position)
     this.Fields[position.X, position.Y].SetBorderColor(BorderColor.Select);
     this.selectedPosition = position;
Esempio n. 29
 internal ResolvedEvent(ClientMessage.ResolvedEvent evnt)
     Event            = evnt.Event == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Event);
     Link             = evnt.Link == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Link);
     OriginalPosition = new Position(evnt.CommitPosition, evnt.PreparePosition);
Esempio n. 30
 public TeleportDescriptionBuilder SetLandingSpot(Position landingSpot)
     _landingSpot = landingSpot;
 public abstract bool TryMapFromProjectedDocumentPosition(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, int csharpAbsoluteIndex, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Position?originalPosition, out int originalIndex);
Esempio n. 32
        private Task <ICollection <Tag> > GetTagsByNamesAsync(IEnumerable <string> names, int?page, Position?position, int?limit, TagCategory?category, TagOrder?order, bool?hideEmpty, bool?hasWiki)
            var filteredNames = names
                                .Select(name => name.Trim())
                                .Where(name => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name));

            string namesQuery = string.Join(',', filteredNames);

            return(GetTagsWithParameterAsync(("search[name]", namesQuery), page, position, limit, category, order, hideEmpty, hasWiki));
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a light box for a change originating at the supplied position. Some logic is used to limit the size of the light box where possible.
        /// Update is performed by blanking out all of the existing light in an inner box area, resetting all light emitting sources in the inner box and then
        /// looping through an outer box that is one larger on each side so that light can be pulled back in from the edges where applicable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Further logic could be added for more cases where the size of the light box could be decreased, however this is not a big bottleck now (chunk rebuild time is far more worthwhile to optimize).</remarks>
        /// <param name="position">Position the light change is centered at (the block that is changing).</param>
        /// <param name="positionCuboid">Null when only a single block is changing. End of the cuboid when the change is a cuboid.</param>
        /// <param name="isBlockChange">Is this change for a block add or remove. Any other changes, such as item lights, have no need for full vertical updates.</param>
        /// <param name="isRemove">Is this update for a block removal.</param>
        /// <returns>Queue of affected chunks with the chunk where the change originated queued first if this is a single block change.</returns>
        internal static Queue <Chunk> UpdateLightBox(ref Position position, Position?positionCuboid, bool isBlockChange, bool isRemove)
            var       stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            //use a queue to ensure the chunk where the change originates gets queued first for a single block change
            var chunksAffected = new Queue <Chunk>();

            //inner box depends on if this is a single block or cuboid
            int x1Inner;
            int y1Inner;
            int z1Inner;
            int x2Inner;
            int y2Inner;
            int z2Inner;

            if (!positionCuboid.HasValue)             //single block change
                var chunkContainingChange = WorldData.Chunks[position];

                //determine if a full vertical update is required;
                //-not required if the block directly under the change is NOT transparent (this is because sunlight couldnt travel down)
                //-not required if this change is below the heightmap because sunlight stops at the heightmap (sunlight is the only light that can travel > than the max spread distance)
                //-not required if this is NOT a block change, item lights etc. cannot affect sunlight
                //(cuts the light rebuild time by approx 60% in these cases)
                bool fullVerticalRequired = isBlockChange && position.Y > 0 && WorldData.GetBlock(position.X, position.Y - 1, position.Z).IsTransparent&& position.Y >= chunkContainingChange.HeightMap[position.X % Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, position.Z % Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];

                x1Inner = Math.Max(position.X - MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, 0);
                y1Inner = fullVerticalRequired ? 0 : Math.Max(position.Y - MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, 0);
                z1Inner = Math.Max(position.Z - MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, 0);
                x2Inner = Math.Min(position.X + MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, WorldData.SizeInBlocksX - 1);
                y2Inner = fullVerticalRequired ? Chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1 : Math.Min(position.Y + MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, Chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1);
                z2Inner = Math.Min(position.Z + MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, WorldData.SizeInBlocksZ - 1);

                //figure out the chunk at each bottom corner of the light box (this will be at most 4, and will usually be the full 4 unless change is near a world edge or very close to the center of a chunk)
                //-this works because the chunk size is 32 therefore we know no more than 4 chunks can be affected when the max light spread distance is 15
                var chunkBackLeft   = WorldData.Chunks[x1Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, z1Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];
                var chunkFrontLeft  = WorldData.Chunks[x1Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, z2Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];
                var chunkFrontRight = WorldData.Chunks[x2Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, z2Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];
                var chunkBackRight  = WorldData.Chunks[x2Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, z1Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];

                chunksAffected.Enqueue(chunkContainingChange);                 //queue the chunk containing the changing block first, this makes the change seem more responsive to the user
                if (!chunksAffected.Contains(chunkBackLeft))
                if (!chunksAffected.Contains(chunkFrontLeft))
                if (!chunksAffected.Contains(chunkFrontRight))
                if (!chunksAffected.Contains(chunkBackRight))

                //adjacent chunks need to be queued first for block removes on a chunk border, otherwise we would briefly see a blank face on the adjacent block
                if (isRemove && position.IsOnChunkBorder)
                    chunksAffected.Enqueue(chunksAffected.Dequeue());                                                       //dequeue the first chunk and requeue it last
            else             //cuboid change
                //determine 2 diagonal corners of the cuboid on the bottom plane
                int x1 = Math.Min(position.X, positionCuboid.Value.X);
                int z1 = Math.Min(position.Z, positionCuboid.Value.Z);
                int x2 = Math.Max(position.X, positionCuboid.Value.X);
                int z2 = Math.Max(position.Z, positionCuboid.Value.Z);

                x1Inner = Math.Max(x1 - MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, 0);
                y1Inner = 0;
                z1Inner = Math.Max(z1 - MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, 0);
                x2Inner = Math.Min(x2 + MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, WorldData.SizeInBlocksX - 1);
                y2Inner = Chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1;
                z2Inner = Math.Min(z2 + MAX_LIGHT_SPREAD_DISTANCE, WorldData.SizeInBlocksZ - 1);

                var chunk1 = WorldData.Chunks[x1Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, z1Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];
                var chunk2 = WorldData.Chunks[x2Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, z2Inner / Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE];
                //loop through and add every chunk contained in the inner light box to the queue of affected chunks
                for (int x = chunk1.Coords.X; x <= chunk2.Coords.X; x++)
                    for (int z = chunk1.Coords.Z; z <= chunk2.Coords.Z; z++)
                        chunksAffected.Enqueue(WorldData.Chunks[x, z]);

            //outer box is the same for single block or cuboid
            int x1Outer = Math.Max(x1Inner - 1, 0);
            int y1Outer = Math.Max(y1Inner - 1, 0);
            int z1Outer = Math.Max(z1Inner - 1, 0);
            int x2Outer = Math.Min(x2Inner + 1, WorldData.SizeInBlocksX - 1);
            int y2Outer = Math.Min(y2Inner + 1, Chunk.CHUNK_HEIGHT - 1);
            int z2Outer = Math.Min(z2Inner + 1, WorldData.SizeInBlocksZ - 1);

            ResetLightBoxSources(x1Inner, x2Inner, y1Inner, y2Inner, z1Inner, z2Inner, null, WorldData.SkyLightMap, WorldData.ItemLightMap);

            //loop through the outer light box to re-propagate, this pulls back in surrounding light as needed because the outer box is one larger
            for (int x = x1Outer; x < x2Outer; x++)
                for (int y = y1Outer; y < y2Outer; y++)
                    for (int z = z1Outer; z < z2Outer; z++)
                        //propagate sky light
                        byte skyLightStrength = WorldData.SkyLightMap[x, y, z];
                        if (skyLightStrength > 1)
                            PropagateLightDynamic(x, y, z, skyLightStrength, WorldData.SkyLightMap);                                               //if strength > 1, check 6 adjacent neighbors and propagate recursively as needed
                        //propagate item light
                        byte itemLightStrength = WorldData.ItemLightMap[x, y, z];
                        if (itemLightStrength > 1)
                            PropagateLightDynamic(x, y, z, itemLightStrength, WorldData.ItemLightMap);                                                //if strength > 1, check 6 adjacent neighbors and propagate recursively as needed

            Debug.WriteLine("UpdateLightBox took {0}ms for {1} (Y range {2}) Queueing {3} chunks", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds, position, y2Inner - y1Inner + 1, chunksAffected.Count);

Esempio n. 34
 private Task <ICollection <Tag> > GetTagsByNames(string query, int?id, Position?position, int?limit, TagCategory?category, TagOrder?order, bool?hideEmpty, bool?hasWiki)
     return(GetTagsWithParameterAsync(("search[name_matches]", query), id, position, limit, category, order, hideEmpty, hasWiki));
Esempio n. 35
 public void MovePacManTo(Position position)
     if (!IsValidMove(position))
         throw new InvalidMoveException();
     _pacManPosition = position;
 private static string GetChampionURL(int championId, Position?pos = null)
 => $"{Riot.GetChampion(championId).Key}/"
 + (pos != null ? PositionToName[pos.Value] : "");
Esempio n. 37
 private void HandleEvent(EventStoreCatchUpSubscription arg1, ResolvedEvent arg2)
     var @event = EventSerialization.DeserializeEvent(arg2.OriginalEvent);
     if (@event != null)
         var eventType = @event.GetType();
         if (_eventHandlerMapping.ContainsKey(eventType))
     _latestPosition = arg2.OriginalPosition;
Esempio n. 38
 public Attribute(Position Position)
     this.Position = Position;
Esempio n. 39
        public override void Tick(RealmTime time)
            if (pos == null)
                pos = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y };

            if (!stat && HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Bleeding))
                if (bleeding > 1)
                    HP -= (int)bleeding;
                    bleeding -= (int)bleeding;
                bleeding += 28 * (time.thisTickTimes / 1000f);
Esempio n. 40
 public bool Equals(Position?other)
     return(other != null && this.X == other.X && this.Y == other.Y);
Esempio n. 41
 internal ResolvedEvent(ClientMessage.ResolvedIndexedEvent evnt)
     Event = evnt.Event == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Event);
     Link = evnt.Link == null ? null : new RecordedEvent(evnt.Link);
     OriginalPosition = null;
        public override RubyTag?Decode(AtTag tag)
            if (!tag.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("ruby"))

            var      values        = tag.Value.Split(',');
            var      parent        = values[0];
            var      ruby          = values[1];
            Position?startPosition = null;
            Position?endPosition   = null;

            // Filter duplicated if ruby == parent's text
            if (_filterDuplicated && ruby == parent)

            // TODO : have a better way to deal time tag in ruby.
            ruby = string.Join("", TimeTagExtension.SeparateKaraokeLine(ruby).Select(x => x.Word));

            // Has start time and end time
            if (values.Length >= 3)
                startPosition = FindPositionByTimeTag(values[2]);
            if (values.Length > 3)
                endPosition = FindPositionByTimeTag(values[3]);

            return(new RubyTag
                Parent = parent,
                Ruby = ruby,
                StartPosition = startPosition,
                EndPosition = endPosition

            Position?FindPositionByTimeTag(string timeTagText)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeTagText))

                var milliSecond = TimeTagExtension.TimeTagToMillionSecond(timeTagText);

                for (var i = 0; i < _lyric.Lines.Length; i++)
                    var line = _lyric.Lines[i];
                    for (var j = 0; j < line.TimeTags.Length; j++)
                        var timeTag = line.TimeTags[j];
                        if (timeTag.Time == milliSecond)
                            return(new Position
                                Line = i,
                                Index = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)(j - 1) / 2)
