//Deserialze packet and return our packet struct.
    public async Task <PosPacket> Recieve()
        var result = await Client.ReceiveAsync();

        PosPacket temp = SerializationHandler.Deserialize <PosPacket>(result.Buffer);

        temp.Sender = result.RemoteEndPoint;
 //Reply by serializing the packet info and sending to everyone excpet the sender of the packet
 public void Reply(PosPacket packet, Dictionary <IPEndPoint, Guid> clients)
     //Dont send back position values to the client who sent us the values
     foreach (KeyValuePair <IPEndPoint, Guid> client in clients)
         if (client.Value != packet.userID)
             var datagram = SerializationHandler.Serialize <PosPacket>(packet);
             Client.Send(datagram, datagram.Length, client.Key);
    public void Update()
        //Send our info to the server!
        PosPacket pac = new PosPacket()
            Sender   = new IPEndPoint(1, 1),
            userID   = userGUID,
            Position = new SerializableVector3(this.transform.position),
            Rotation = new SerializableVector3(this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles)


        //Call the update players method.
    //Serialze and send off our packet
    public void Send(PosPacket packet)
        var datagram = SerializationHandler.Serialize <PosPacket>(packet);

        Client.Send(datagram, datagram.Length);