}         // end Worker_FetchFiles

        // Worker routine
        private void Worker_AGOL_KMZ(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            String     latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax;
            String     filename;
            PortalItem item;
            String     uploadMIME   = "application/octet-stream";
            String     downloadMIME = "application/vnd.google-earth.kmz";

            String baseUri   = "https://wvs.earthdata.nasa.gov/api/v1/snapshot?REQUEST=GetSnapshot";
            String timeUri   = "&TIME=";
            String bboxUri   = "&BBOX=";
            String crsUri    = "&CRS=EPSG:4326";
            String formatUri = "&FORMAT=" + downloadMIME;
            String widthUri  = "&WIDTH=";
            String heightUri = "&HEIGHT=";
            String layerUri  = "&LAYERS=";

            foreach (WMTS.DownloadLayerInfo info in mainWin.wmts.downloadInfo)
                // Create URI used to fetch the imagery
                info.uriStr = baseUri + layerUri + info.name
                              + bboxUri + info.bbox[0] + "," + info.bbox[1] + ","
                              + info.bbox[2] + "," + info.bbox[3]
                              + crsUri + timeUri + info.date + formatUri
                              + widthUri + info.pixelWidth.ToString() + heightUri
                              + info.pixelHeight.ToString();
                Uri uri = new Uri(info.uriStr);

                // Get the data using web calls
                WebRequest  request    = WebRequest.Create(uri);
                WebResponse response   = request.GetResponse();
                Stream      dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                if (dataStream != null)
                    #region GetFileName
                    // Get the filename and add it to the list of downloaded files
                    if (info.bbox[0] < 0)
                        latMin = info.bbox[0].ToString("F2") + "S";
                        latMin = info.bbox[0].ToString("F2") + "N";
                    if (info.bbox[2] < 0)
                        latMax = info.bbox[2].ToString("F2") + "S";
                        latMax = info.bbox[2].ToString("F2") + "N";

                    if (info.bbox[1] < 0)
                        lonMin = info.bbox[1].ToString("F2") + "W";
                        lonMin = info.bbox[1].ToString("F2") + "E";
                    if (info.bbox[3] < 0)
                        lonMax = info.bbox[3].ToString("F2") + "W";
                        lonMax = info.bbox[3].ToString("F2") + "E";

                    filename = info.name + "_"
                               + info.date + "_" + info.latency
                               + "_Zoom-" + info.zoomLvl + "_"
                               + latMin + "_" + lonMin + "_x_"
                               + latMax + "_" + lonMax + ".kmz";


                    // Generate portal item and content to upload
                        Debug.WriteLine("Starting agol upload");
                        if (agolUser.portal == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("null portal\n + file: " + filename);
                            item = new PortalItem(agolUser.portal, PortalItemType.KML, filename)
                                // Add a brief summary for the item
                                Snippet = "NASA Snapshot image created by Q Basket",

                                // Add a description of the item in more detail
                                Description = "NASA snapshot KMZ file uploaded to ArcGIS Online user account by Q Basket"

                            if (item != null)
                                // provide relevant tags to the item
                                item.Tags.Add("Q Basket");
                                item.Tags.Add("Quartic Solutions");
                                item.AccessInformation    = "NASA GIBS SNAPSHOT SERVER";
                                item.SpatialReferenceName = "WGS-84";
                                item.Name = filename;
                                item.Type = PortalItemType.KML;

                                // add the new item (without content) to the portal
                                MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(uploadMIME);

                                PortalItemContentParameters itemContent =
                                    new PortalItemContentParameters(dataStream, filename, mediaType);

                                // Launch the upload on a separate thread
                                var t = Task.Run(() => agolUser.portal.User.AddPortalItemAsync(item, itemContent));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.ToString(), "Create portal item error");

                    // Close these up otherwise bad things will happen
                }   // end if data stream

                Debug.WriteLine("File written: " + downloadedFiles[downloadedFiles.Count - 1]);
            } // end foreach download item
        }     // end Worker_AGOL
Esempio n. 2
        }         // end Worker_FetchFiles

        // Worker routine
        private void Worker_AGOL_KMZ(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            String     latMin, latMax, lonMin, lonMax;
            String     filename;
            PortalItem item;
            String     uploadMIME   = "application/octet-stream";
            String     downloadMIME = "application/vnd.google-earth.kmz";

            String baseUri   = "https://wvs.earthdata.nasa.gov/api/v1/snapshot?REQUEST=GetSnapshot";
            String timeUri   = "&TIME=";
            String bboxUri   = "&BBOX=";
            String crsUri    = "&CRS=EPSG:4326";
            String formatUri = "&FORMAT=" + downloadMIME;
            String widthUri  = "&WIDTH=";
            String heightUri = "&HEIGHT=";
            String layerUri  = "&LAYERS=";

            foreach (WMTS.DownloadLayerInfo info in mainWin.wmts.downloadInfo)
                // Create URI used to fetch the imagery
                info.uriStr = baseUri + layerUri + info.name
                              + bboxUri + info.bbox[0] + "," + info.bbox[1] + ","
                              + info.bbox[2] + "," + info.bbox[3]
                              + crsUri + timeUri + info.date + formatUri
                              + widthUri + info.pixelWidth.ToString() + heightUri
                              + info.pixelHeight.ToString();
                Debug.WriteLine("Snapshot URI:" + info.uriStr);
                Uri uri = new Uri(info.uriStr);

                // Get the data using web calls
                WebRequest  request    = WebRequest.Create(uri);
                WebResponse response   = request.GetResponse();
                Stream      dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

                if (dataStream != null)
                    #region GetFileName
                    // Create the filename for this image
                    if (info.bbox[0] < 0)
                        latMin = info.bbox[0].ToString("F2") + "S";
                        latMin = info.bbox[0].ToString("F2") + "N";
                    if (info.bbox[2] < 0)
                        latMax = info.bbox[2].ToString("F2") + "S";
                        latMax = info.bbox[2].ToString("F2") + "N";

                    if (info.bbox[1] < 0)
                        lonMin = info.bbox[1].ToString("F2") + "W";
                        lonMin = info.bbox[1].ToString("F2") + "E";
                    if (info.bbox[3] < 0)
                        lonMax = info.bbox[3].ToString("F2") + "W";
                        lonMax = info.bbox[3].ToString("F2") + "E";

                    filename = info.name + "_"
                               + info.date + "_" + info.latency
                               + "_Zoom-" + info.zoomLvl + "_"
                               + latMin + "_" + lonMin + "_x_"
                               + latMax + "_" + lonMax + ".kmz";
                    Debug.WriteLine("Uploading " + filename);

                    // Check for duplicate item filenames
                    string  msg          = String.Empty;
                    Boolean noDuplicates = true;

                    // Check for a duplicate files in the files just uploaded
                    foreach (String fileDownloaded in downloadedFiles)
                        if (String.Equals(fileDownloaded, filename))
                            noDuplicates = false;
                            msg          = "\n The file\n" + filename + "\nalready exists in download list";
                            msg         += "\n Item will not be created\n";
                            MessageBox.Show(msg, "DUPLICATE DOWNLOADED FILE");

                    foreach (PortalItem pItem in agolUser.userContent.Items)
                        if ((String.Equals(filename, pItem.Name)) ||
                            (String.Equals(filename, pItem.Title)))
                            noDuplicates = false;
                            msg          = "\n" + filename;
                            msg         += "\n This item already exists in User AGOL Content\n";
                            msg         += "\n";
                            msg         += "\n Portal Item Details";
                            msg         += "\n Name:  " + pItem.Name;
                            msg         += "\n Title: " + pItem.Title;
                            msg         += "\n Item ID: " + pItem.ItemId;
                            msg         += "\n";
                            MessageBox.Show(msg, "DUPLICATE PORTAL ITEM NAME");

                    // Generate portal item and content to upload
                    if (noDuplicates)
                        Debug.WriteLine(filename + " is not a duplicate portal item");
                            if (agolUser.portal == null)
                                MessageBox.Show("Null ArcGIS User portal\n + Writing file: " + filename);
                                item = new PortalItem(agolUser.portal, PortalItemType.KML, filename)
                                    // Add a brief summary for the item
                                    Snippet = "NASA Snapshot image created by Q Basket",

                                    // Add a description of the item in more detail
                                    Description = "NASA snapshot KMZ file uploaded to ArcGIS Online user account by Q Basket"

                                if (item != null)
                                    // provide relevant tags to the item
                                    item.Tags.Add("Q Basket");
                                    item.Tags.Add("Quartic Solutions");
                                    item.AccessInformation    = "NASA GIBS SNAPSHOT SERVER";
                                    item.SpatialReferenceName = "WGS-84";
                                    item.Name = filename;
                                    item.Type = PortalItemType.KML;

                                    // add the new item (without content) to the portal
                                    MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(uploadMIME);

                                    PortalItemContentParameters itemContent =
                                        new PortalItemContentParameters(dataStream, filename, mediaType);

                                    // Launch the upload on a separate thread
                                    var t = Task.Run(() => agolUser.portal.User.AddPortalItemAsync(item, itemContent));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + ex.ToString(), "CREATE PORTAL ITEM ERROR");
                    }   // end if noDuplicates
                    // Close these up otherwise bad things will happen
                } // end if data stream
            }     // end foreach download item
        }         // end Worker_AGOL