public void FinalizeFile_stores_correct_code_size_for_larger_program()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            // Create a couple file alignments' worth of methods
            // Entry point is at file offset 1024 (0x400)
            for (var i = 0; i < 70; i++)
                writer.StartNewMethod(i, "");


            var peSpan            = stream.GetBuffer().AsSpan();
            var entryPointAddress = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(168, 4));

            Assert.That(entryPointAddress, Is.EqualTo(0x1000));

            // 69 methods * 16 bytes/method + 1 unpadded method = 1105 bytes
            var codeSize            = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(156, 4));
            var textSectionFileSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(408, 4));

            Assert.That(codeSize, Is.EqualTo(1105));
            Assert.That(textSectionFileSize, Is.EqualTo(1105));

            // Total: 1024 (header) + 1536 (.text) + 512 (.idata) bytes
            Assert.That(stream.Length, Is.EqualTo(3072));
        public void Ctor_reserves_space_for_header()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            Assert.That(stream.Position, Is.EqualTo(1024));
        public void FinalizeFile_throws_if_entry_point_is_not_set()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            Assert.That(() => writer.FinalizeFile(), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
        public void StartNewMethod_writes_disassembly_header()
            var stream      = new MemoryStream();
            var disassembly = new StringWriter();
            var peWriter    = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, disassembly);

            peWriter.StartNewMethod(0, "Namespace::Method");
            Assert.That(disassembly.ToString(), Does.Contain("; Namespace::Method"));
        public void MarkEntryPoint_may_not_be_called_twice()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "");

            Assert.That(() => writer.MarkEntryPoint(), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
        public void StartNewMethod_pads_to_16_byte_boundary()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            Assert.That(stream.Position, Is.EqualTo(1024));
            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "");
            Assert.That(stream.Position, Is.EqualTo(1024));
            writer.StartNewMethod(1, "");
            Assert.That(stream.Position, Is.EqualTo(1040));

            // The padding should consist of int 3's
            Assert.That(stream.GetBuffer()[1025], Is.EqualTo(0xCC));
        public void TryGetMethodOffset_returns_offset_if_found()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "Main");

            writer.StartNewMethod(1, "Other");

            Assert.That(writer.TryGetMethodOffset(0, out var first), Is.True);
            Assert.That(first, Is.GreaterThan(0));
            Assert.That(writer.TryGetMethodOffset(1, out var second), Is.True);
            Assert.That(second, Is.GreaterThan(first));
            Assert.That(writer.TryGetMethodOffset(2, out _), Is.False);
        public void FinalizeFile_updates_import_section_header()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            // Create 300 methods, each consuming 16 bytes.
            // This makes the .text section consume two memory pages, pushing .idata to 2*0x1000 relative to image base
            for (var i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                writer.StartNewMethod(i, "");

            writer.AddImport(300, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("method"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("library"));
            writer.AddImport(301, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("something"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("other"));
            writer.AddImport(302, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("whatever"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("library"));

            const int SectionSizeOnDisk = 3 * 20         // Import directory table, two entries plus one empty
                                          + 5 * 8        // Import lookup table, contains two null entries indicating end of list for some library
                                          + 5 * 8        // The same, but for import addresses
                                          + 10 + 12 + 12 // Hint/name table entries for the methods: 2 bytes + ASCII string + null + padding to even
                                          + 8 + 6;       // Null-terminated ASCII strings for the library names


            // The file should be 1024 (header) + 5120 (.text) + 512 (.idata) bytes long
            Assert.That(stream.Length, Is.EqualTo(6656));

            // The RVA table entry for the import table should have 0x2000 + base of code (0x1000) for the offset
            Assert.That(ReadIntAt(0x110), Is.EqualTo(0x3000));
            Assert.That(ReadIntAt(0x114), Is.EqualTo(SectionSizeOnDisk));

            // The .idata section header starts at file offset 0x1B0.
            Assert.That(ReadIntAt(0x1B8), Is.EqualTo(0x1000));            // Virtual size
            Assert.That(ReadIntAt(0x1BC), Is.EqualTo(0x3000));            // Virtual address relative to image base
            Assert.That(ReadIntAt(0x1C0), Is.EqualTo(SectionSizeOnDisk)); // Raw size
            Assert.That(ReadIntAt(0x1C4), Is.EqualTo(1024 + 5120));       // File pointer to raw data

            int ReadIntAt(int offset)
                return(BitConverter.ToInt32(stream.GetBuffer().AsSpan().Slice(offset, 4)));
        public void FinalizeFile_stores_correct_entry_point()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            // Entry point is at file offset 1040 (0x410)
            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "");

            writer.StartNewMethod(1, "");


            // Address of the entry point should be stored relative to image base,
            // that is: base of code (fixed 0x1000) + file offset (0x410) - header size (0x400).
            // The information is stored at PE file offset 0xA8.
            var peSpan            = stream.GetBuffer().AsSpan();
            var entryPointAddress = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(168, 4));

            Assert.That(entryPointAddress, Is.EqualTo(0x1010));

            // The ".text" section should be 16 bytes in size
            // The total code size is stored at PE offset 0x9C.
            var codeSize            = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(156, 4));
            var textSectionFileSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(408, 4));

            Assert.That(codeSize, Is.EqualTo(0x10));
            Assert.That(textSectionFileSize, Is.EqualTo(0x10));

            // When stored in memory, the header and two sections should take 4 KB each
            var inMemorySize = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(208, 4));

            Assert.That(inMemorySize, Is.EqualTo(3 * 4096));
            var textSectionInMemorySize = BitConverter.ToInt32(peSpan.Slice(400, 4));

            Assert.That(textSectionInMemorySize, Is.EqualTo(4096));

            // The total file size should, therefore, be 1024 (header) + 512 (.text) + 512 (.idata) bytes
            Assert.That(stream.Length, Is.EqualTo(2048));
Esempio n. 10
        public void FinalizeFile_applies_call_fixup()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            // Create two methods and a call between them
            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "Main");
            writer.Emitter.EmitCallWithFixup(1, "Callee", out var fixup);
            writer.StartNewMethod(1, "Callee");


            // The first method starts at offset 0x400 and the second at 0x410
            // Therefore, the instruction at 0x400 is "call rip+0xB"
            var peSpan          = stream.GetBuffer().AsSpan();
            var callInstruction = peSpan.Slice(0x400, 5).ToArray();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0xE8, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, callInstruction);
Esempio n. 11
        public void FinalizeFile_coalesces_import_libraries_with_different_casing()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "");

            // Add two imports to the same method
            writer.AddImport(1, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("method"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("library"));
            writer.AddImport(2, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("method2"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("LIBRARY"));

            // Check that the import section contains two entries, based on the size given in the RVA table
            const int SectionSizeOnDisk = 2 * 20    // Import directory table: one library plus null entry
                                          + 3 * 8   // Import lookup table: two entries plus one null entry
                                          + 3 * 8   // The same, but for import addresses
                                          + 10 + 10 // Hint/name table entries for the methods: 2 bytes + ASCII string + null + padding to even
                                          + 8;      // Null-terminated ASCII strings for the library name

            Assert.That(BitConverter.ToInt32(stream.GetBuffer().AsSpan().Slice(0x114, 4)), Is.EqualTo(SectionSizeOnDisk));
Esempio n. 12
        public void FinalizeFile_applies_import_fixup()
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = new PortableExecutableWriter(stream, null);

            // Add a call to an imported method
            writer.StartNewMethod(0, "Main");
            writer.Emitter.EmitCallIndirectWithFixup(1, "Callee", out var fixup);
            writer.AddImport(1, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("method"), Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("library"));


            // The import table starts at offset 0x1000 relative to base of code.
            // There are 40 bytes for the import directory table, followed by 16 bytes of import lookup table.
            // The import address table is immediately after the import lookup table, before the name table.
            // Thus the desired import address will be at 0x1038.
            // The instruction at 0x400 is "call rip+0x1032".
            var peSpan          = stream.GetBuffer().AsSpan();
            var callInstruction = peSpan.Slice(0x400, 6).ToArray();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0x15, 0x32, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00 }, callInstruction);