Esempio n. 1
        internal void UploadFile(string fileName, Stream stream)
            IPortableDeviceValues portableDeviceValues = new PortableDeviceValues() as IPortableDeviceValues;

            portableDeviceValues.SetStringValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_PARENT_ID, this.Id);
            portableDeviceValues.SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_SIZE, (ulong)stream.Length);
            portableDeviceValues.SetStringValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME, fileName);
            portableDeviceValues.SetStringValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_NAME, fileName);
            // test
            using (PropVariantFacade now = PropVariantFacade.DateTimeToPropVariant(DateTime.Now))
                portableDeviceValues.SetValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_DATE_CREATED, ref now.Value);
                portableDeviceValues.SetValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_DATE_MODIFIED, ref now.Value);

                uint   num  = 0u;
                string text = null;
                this.device.deviceContent.CreateObjectWithPropertiesAndData(portableDeviceValues, out IStream wpdStream, ref num, ref text);

                using (StreamWrapper destinationStream = new StreamWrapper(wpdStream))
Esempio n. 2
        private IPortableDeviceValues GetRequiredPropertiesForContentTypeFromStream(MemoryStream inputStream, string fileName, string parentObjectId)
            var values            = new PortableDeviceValues() as IPortableDeviceValues;
            var wpdObjectParentId = new _tagpropertykey
                fmtid = CreateFmtidGuid(),
                pid   = 3

            values.SetStringValue(ref wpdObjectParentId, parentObjectId);
            var wpdObjectSize = new _tagpropertykey
                fmtid = CreateFmtidGuid(),
                pid   = 11

            values.SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(wpdObjectSize, (ulong)inputStream.Length);
            var wpdObjectOriginalFileName = new _tagpropertykey
                fmtid = CreateFmtidGuid(),
                pid   = 12

            values.SetStringValue(wpdObjectOriginalFileName, fileName);
            var wpdObjectName = new _tagpropertykey
                fmtid = CreateFmtidGuid(),
                pid   = 4

            values.SetStringValue(wpdObjectName, fileName);
Esempio n. 3
        private static IPortableDeviceValues GetRequiredPropertiesForContentType(
            string fileName,
            string parentFolderId,
            ulong contentLength)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(fileName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentFolderId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentFolderId));
            IPortableDeviceValues values = new PortableDeviceValues() as IPortableDeviceValues;

            values.SetStringValue(ref PortableDevicePKeys.WPD_OBJECT_PARENT_ID, parentFolderId);

            values.SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(ref PortableDevicePKeys.WPD_OBJECT_SIZE, contentLength);

            values.SetStringValue(ref PortableDevicePKeys.WPD_OBJECT_ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME, fileName);

            values.SetStringValue(ref PortableDevicePKeys.WPD_OBJECT_NAME, fileName);

Esempio n. 4
        internal void UploadFile(string fileName, Stream stream)
            IPortableDeviceValues portableDeviceValues = new PortableDeviceValues() as IPortableDeviceValues;

            portableDeviceValues.SetStringValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_PARENT_ID, this.Id);
            portableDeviceValues.SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_SIZE, (ulong)stream.Length);
            portableDeviceValues.SetStringValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME, fileName);
            portableDeviceValues.SetStringValue(ref WPD.OBJECT_NAME, fileName);

            uint   num  = 0u;
            string text = null;

            this.device.deviceContent.CreateObjectWithPropertiesAndData(portableDeviceValues, out PortableDeviceApiLib.IStream wpdStream, ref num, ref text);

            using (StreamWrapper destinationStream = new StreamWrapper(wpdStream))
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the values of multiple properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The keys and values of properties to set.</param>
        /// <returns>The new values of the properties. Actual values may not match requested values.</returns>
        public IDictionary <PropertyKey, object> SetProperties(DataFieldInfo[] data)
            if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data", "Data field array must not be null or empty.");

            IPortableDeviceValues pdv = new PortableDeviceValues();

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                PropertyKey propKey = data[i].Key;
                object      value   = data[i].Value;
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("data", String.Format("Data contains a null value at index {0}", i));

                if (value is string)
                    pdv.SetStringValue(ref propKey, (string)value);
                else if (value is uint)
                    pdv.SetUnsignedIntegerValue(ref propKey, (uint)value);
                else if (value is int)
                    pdv.SetSignedIntegerValue(ref propKey, (int)value);
                else if (value is ulong)
                    pdv.SetUnsignedLargeIntegerValue(ref propKey, (ulong)value);
                else if (value is long)
                    pdv.SetSignedLargeIntegerValue(ref propKey, (long)value);
                else if (value is float || value is double)
                    pdv.SetFloatValue(ref propKey, (float)value);
                else if (value is bool)
                    pdv.SetBoolValue(ref propKey, ((bool)value) ? 1 : 0);
                else if (value is Guid)
                    Guid guid = (Guid)value;
                    pdv.SetGuidValue(ref propKey, ref guid);
                else if (value is byte[])
                    byte[] buffer = (byte[])value;
                    pdv.SetBufferValue(ref propKey, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length);
                    pdv.SetIUnknownValue(ref propKey, value);

            IPortableDeviceValues pdv2 = null;

            _iSensor.SetProperties(pdv, out pdv2);

            Dictionary <PropertyKey, object> results = new Dictionary <PropertyKey, object>();

            if (pdv2 == null)

            uint count = 0;

            pdv2.GetCount(ref count);

            for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++)
                PropertyKey propKey = new PropertyKey();
                PROPVARIANT propVal = new PROPVARIANT();
                    pdv2.GetAt(i, ref propKey, out propVal);
                    results.Add(propKey, propVal.Value);
